Is God Punishing Haiti?

Not defending Robertson, because I think he is a nut, but what did he actually say? I can't find a you tube clip of him stating the earthquake was god's wrath on Haiti.

Here ya go kitty.......


As far as conservatives supporting him? I decided to check out what kind of bullshit the moron was spewing outta that sewer he calls the 700 club, and saw something interesting.........

It was an interview by Michelle Bachman who was openly speaking of her faith in God as well as how much she respects and admires Robertson.

Oh yeah..........the show then shifted over to how he feels under attack by MSM and news organizations like MSNBC.

By the way, isn't Bachman the stupid tea party Repugnican bitch who was on the steps of the Congress, standing underneath a 40 ft banner showing bodies of Jews from the Holocaust in a mass grave, who was advocating stuff very close to treason?

Yeah.......tell me again how loving and compassionate conservatives are. All they love is their wallets, and the only thing they are compassionate about is their own self serving interests.

Know what would be really funny? Watching God Himself fry Pat Robertson with a lightning bolt, sending in a bunch of wild animals to chew on his sorry ass, or better yet?

Let the fucker get caught in an earthquake. Or sinkhole..........something right under his house and office would be nice.

If I could wish for things? That would be my fondest wish for today. And no, I don't want him dead.

Just in the hospital.

However..........did learn something that the 700 club is useful for this morning. Whenever I feel a need to yell at someone? I'm gonna tune into the 700 club.

Why? There's plenty of stupidity there to shout at, and hey............maybe one day the technology will exist that everyone who thinks Pat Robertson is a fucking moronic imbecile who couldn't find his own ass with both hands and a GPS, can stand in front of their television and tell the fucker what they really think.

I hope his show tanks in the next 6 months and he ends up selling candybars for spare change.
And who really gives a fuck how Robertson believes, what he says, or how he sees others?

I do.

As a Christian, I really hate it when someone high profile like Pat Robertson says something that makes me ashamed. Ashamed that anyone who chooses to do so could reasonably put me in a group (Christians) with such a man, and could then assume that because we are both 'Christians' we must both hold the same views.

Notice how so many people leap on what Pat Robertson says because they want to infer a point about Christianity (or the "religious right"), but so very few post anything about Christians fundraising or working for free with the relief organizations to try and bring some help to Haitians.

I think the real Christians will do what they can to help, and the others, literally, to Hell with them. And isn't Haiti a Christian/Catholic country? I think the rest is more about retained religious practices from Africa, which is their choice to make, and what we "hear" is "hype" for the tourist or a novel about zombies!

I always think that I could not possibly hold Robertson in greater contempt, and then he comes along and proves me wrong.

You might find this article interesting as one point of view on the history of Haiti.
Pat Robertson: Haiti's Earthquake a Result of Deal with the Devil

This is from The Root

The author failed to mention that on August 14, 1791, a group of houngans (voodoo priests), led by a former slave houngan named Boukman, made a pact with the Devil at a place called Bois-Caiman. All present vowed to exterminate all of the white Frenchmen on the island. They sacrificed a black pig in a voodoo ritual at which hundreds of slaves drank the pig's blood. In this ritual, Boukman asked Satan for his help in liberating Haiti from the French.

AD: Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil - Tom Barrett - Mar 11, 04
(CNN) -- Pat Robertson, the evangelical Christian who once suggested God was punishing Americans with Hurricane Katrina, says a "pact to the devil" brought on the devastating earthquake in Haiti.

Officials fear more than 100,000 people have died as a result of Tuesday's 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti.

Robertson, the host of the "700 Club," blamed the tragedy on something that "happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it."

The Haitians "were under the heel of the French. You know, Napoleon III and whatever," Robertson said on his broadcast Wednesday. "And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you will get us free from the French.' True story. And so, the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal.' "

Native Haitians defeated French colonists in 1804 and declared independence.

"You know, the Haitians revolted and got themselves free. But ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after the other." Robertson has previously linked natural disasters and terrorist attacks to legalized abortion in the United States. Soon after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast, killing more than 1,800 and wreaking unprecedented devastation on New Orleans, Louisiana, Robertson weighed in with his own theory.

Wow....the Christian right sure is full of compassion these days.
Not defending Robertson, because I think he is a nut, but what did he actually say? I can't find a you tube clip of him stating the earthquake was god's wrath on Haiti.

Here ya go kitty.......


...Please forgive the edit...

I hope his show tanks in the next 6 months and he ends up selling candybars for spare change.

Fruit on a freeway off-ramp.
(CNN) -- Pat Robertson, the evangelical Christian who once suggested God was punishing Americans with Hurricane Katrina, says a "pact to the devil" brought on the devastating earthquake in Haiti.

Officials fear more than 100,000 people have died as a result of Tuesday's 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti.

Robertson, the host of the "700 Club," blamed the tragedy on something that "happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it."

The Haitians "were under the heel of the French. You know, Napoleon III and whatever," Robertson said on his broadcast Wednesday. "And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you will get us free from the French.' True story. And so, the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal.' "

Native Haitians defeated French colonists in 1804 and declared independence.

"You know, the Haitians revolted and got themselves free. But ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after the other." Robertson has previously linked natural disasters and terrorist attacks to legalized abortion in the United States. Soon after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast, killing more than 1,800 and wreaking unprecedented devastation on New Orleans, Louisiana, Robertson weighed in with his own theory.

Wow....the Christian right sure is full of compassion these days.

I take exception to that. Please don't associate me with P.R.

And yet another winger associating the words of an individual to being that of the whole 'christian right'


Wowza! A new standard is expected from the right?

Guilt by association offends....can we say Bill Ayers, Pastor Jeremiah Wright, or how about Saul Alinsky?

Whatever will those silly kids over on the right think of next? Being Fair and Balanced and trying to patent the term?
Punshing them? No i doubt that. Warning all of us? More likely. Trying to get use to get out of our comfort zone and lift one another. Most definitely.

Killing lots of people is a warning? Did not God punish people in the biblical stories?

You know, as long as you continue to see this life as the end of things, you will never understand. But when you understand death is just a natural part of this life and that God has already provided a way for us to overcome death, you can understand things much better than you currently do.

When we have become Eternal beings, trillions of years in the future, how is it going to matter when we died during this life? Especially when we have the promise that we will rise again.

Physical death is no the worst thing in the world. Nor is suffering. At least not in our mortal probation. When you understand that there is an Eternity ahead of you, momentary suffering or discomfort means nothing.

Not defending Robertson, because I think he is a nut, but what did he actually say? I can't find a you tube clip of him stating the earthquake was god's wrath on Haiti.

Here ya go kitty.......


...Please forgive the edit...

I hope his show tanks in the next 6 months and he ends up selling candybars for spare change.

Fruit on a freeway off-ramp.

Sorry I can find his statement that the earthquake was God's punishment. I did hear him make a statement about Haiti being cursed, but then isn't that also supported by the Haitians own belief system and practice of Voodoo?

Even if Robertson said what I'm not hearing he further goes on to ask people to give support. I don't really follow Robertson much and know he has said things I don't agree with, but I think the fact that he is reaching out to people he feels are committing sin is exactly what we are call by Jesus to do. He is showing love to those who he feels have made a pact with the Devil. I would say that is a slap in the face to Satan.
Robertson said his fairie tale about the Devil goin' down to Haiti is a "true story"!

Where are the minutes of this meeting between Mr. Scratch and the leadership of Haiti? What does Beelzebub look like? Did he have a retinue?

How can Robertson drop in "true story" without being called at least on that?
Actually, that is a slap in the face to all the people of Haiti.

How can you be that blind?

I don't see it as a slap in the face of Haiti, I see it as just a beginning of things to come, and if it goes as God said it will, there's not a stone on the planet that will be safe to hide under.

And I don't think God gets any pleasure out of all this, I think it's more He gave us the earth to have dominion over and has allowed us to choose right or wrong after telling us which was which. We all failed at choosing "right" at all times, so He sent His Son/Self to get us out of the mess we created ourselves.

Just like an ark. And we can board the ark or not, even in this and for today, we still have that choice.

It amazes me how so many want to shake their fist at the One who comes to save us.
Robertson said his fairie tale about the Devil goin' down to Haiti is a "true story"!

Where are the minutes of this meeting between Mr. Scratch and the leadership of Haiti? What does Beelzebub look like? Did he have a retinue?

How can Robertson drop in "true story" without being called at least on that?

Xsited gave a link to it a ways back, it included:

"The leaders of Haiti make no attempt to hide their allegiance to Satan. "

I didn't know that.
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Robertson said his fairie tale about the Devil goin' down to Haiti is a "true story"!

Where are the minutes of this meeting between Mr. Scratch and the leadership of Haiti? What does Beelzebub look like? Did he have a retinue?

How can Robertson drop in "true story" without being called at least on that?

Xsited gave a link to it a ways back, it included:

"The leaders of Haiti make no attempt to hide their allegiance to Satan. "

I didn't know that.

AD: Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil - Tom Barrett - Mar 11, 04
OOOooo! scary!:cuckoo:

Haiti was founded by freed slaves. Gee! I wonder why folks would be so quick, and so stupid, to believe there was ACTUALLY A PACT WITH SATAN?

Mythology drives emotion. Emotion supplants logic.

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