Is God Punishing Haiti?

Forgive me but who appointed Pat Robertson the judge of what Gods punishment is and is not. I rather doubt a 1 month old child mashed flat by a building and now laying on the side of a road somewhere had little understand of how their actions may have offended God to the point where God would have done such a thing. In short rather than have compassion for others as a CHRISTIAN should he would spend this tragic moment looking for ways to try and justify the reason why it happened as if they were deseving of it. I submit that Pat Robertson knows little of what it means to be a christian or he would have not made such a statement. I tend to think more and more Barry Goldwater was right when he talked about Falwell and perhaps we should consider doing the same here.

“I think every good Christian ought to kick Falwell right in the ass.”
Barry Goldwater
Forgive me but who appointed Pat Robertson the judge of what Gods punishment is and is not. I rather doubt a 1 month old child mashed flat by a building and now laying on the side of a road somewhere had little understand of how their actions may have offended God to the point where God would have done such a thing. In short rather than have compassion for others as a CHRISTIAN should he would spend this tragic moment looking for ways to try and justify the reason why it happened as if they were deseving of it. I submit that Pat Robertson knows little of what it means to be a christian or he would have not made such a statement. I tend to think more and more Barry Goldwater was right when he talked about Falwell and perhaps we should consider doing the same here.

“I think every good Christian ought to kick Falwell right in the ass.”
Barry Goldwater
Barry. An interesting name. Barry Obama, Barry Goldwater. hmmm, nice ring to it.

Goldwater was a conservative with principle. I don't know that I would ever have voted for him, but I do know I respected the heck out of that man.
Forgive me but who appointed Pat Robertson the judge of what Gods punishment is and is not. I rather doubt a 1 month old child mashed flat by a building and now laying on the side of a road somewhere had little understand of how their actions may have offended God to the point where God would have done such a thing. In short rather than have compassion for others as a CHRISTIAN should he would spend this tragic moment looking for ways to try and justify the reason why it happened as if they were deseving of it. I submit that Pat Robertson knows little of what it means to be a christian or he would have not made such a statement. I tend to think more and more Barry Goldwater was right when he talked about Falwell and perhaps we should consider doing the same here.

“I think every good Christian ought to kick Falwell right in the ass.”
Barry Goldwater
Barry. An interesting name. Barry Obama, Barry Goldwater. hmmm, nice ring to it.

Goldwater was a conservative with principle. I don't know that I would ever have voted for him, but I do know I respected the heck out of that man.
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!" An endorsement of McCarthyism.
Forgive me but who appointed Pat Robertson the judge of what Gods punishment is and is not. I rather doubt a 1 month old child mashed flat by a building and now laying on the side of a road somewhere had little understand of how their actions may have offended God to the point where God would have done such a thing. In short rather than have compassion for others as a CHRISTIAN should he would spend this tragic moment looking for ways to try and justify the reason why it happened as if they were deseving of it. I submit that Pat Robertson knows little of what it means to be a christian or he would have not made such a statement. I tend to think more and more Barry Goldwater was right when he talked about Falwell and perhaps we should consider doing the same here.

“I think every good Christian ought to kick Falwell right in the ass.”
Barry Goldwater
Barry. An interesting name. Barry Obama, Barry Goldwater. hmmm, nice ring to it.

Goldwater was a conservative with principle. I don't know that I would ever have voted for him, but I do know I respected the heck out of that man.

Still well loved by a lot of people Dev. and yes he was a conservative that liked to stand his ground. I got a laugh out of one of his quotes the other day, when I was reading, He said something about the american people can elect anyone they just didnt want me LOL .
Forgive me but who appointed Pat Robertson the judge of what Gods punishment is and is not. I rather doubt a 1 month old child mashed flat by a building and now laying on the side of a road somewhere had little understand of how their actions may have offended God to the point where God would have done such a thing. In short rather than have compassion for others as a CHRISTIAN should he would spend this tragic moment looking for ways to try and justify the reason why it happened as if they were deseving of it. I submit that Pat Robertson knows little of what it means to be a christian or he would have not made such a statement. I tend to think more and more Barry Goldwater was right when he talked about Falwell and perhaps we should consider doing the same here.

“I think every good Christian ought to kick Falwell right in the ass.”
Barry Goldwater

So Pat doesn't have the right to speak now because you can't handle his interpretation of what God said?

Is Pat allowed to think his own thoughts or would you object to that too?

I take it you're an Obama fan.

Meanwhile Pat has been working and asking people to support those in Haiti, have you?

btw, that child that you spoke of...that's not the end of him or her, just the beginning. We don't lose our lives, we lose the bodies. Children, I believe, arrive safely in heaven, that's what King David wrote.
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It is false doctrine JenT, what Pat proclaims is not Christian....

Christ specifically stated that bad things happening to people in manmade disasters or natural disasters is NOT punishment for their sins.

Yes, it is a time for all of us to repent...come to terms with ourselves, because life on earth is short, but NO ONE is being punished for the sins of the father.

Christ died for our sins, once and for ALL....there is no punishment from God put down upon us here on earth that He purposefully caused and is taking vengeance least NOT according to Christ.

Luke 13

1Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.

2Jesus answered, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way?

3I tell you, no!

But unless you repent, you too will all perish. (in your next life)

4Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem?

5I tell you, no!

But unless you repent, you too will all perish."

So NO, Pat Robertson can not represent Christians, and take this stance, without us calling it out as being FALSE, and AGAINST what Christ has taught us about it...imo.

I do.

As a Christian, I really hate it when someone high profile like Pat Robertson says something that makes me ashamed. Ashamed that anyone who chooses to do so could reasonably put me in a group (Christians) with such a man, and could then assume that because we are both 'Christians' we must both hold the same views.

Notice how so many people leap on what Pat Robertson says because they want to infer a point about Christianity (or the "religious right"), but so very few post anything about Christians fundraising or working for free with the relief organizations to try and bring some help to Haitians.

I think the real Christians will do what they can to help, and the others, literally, to Hell with them. And isn't Haiti a Christian/Catholic country? I think the rest is more about retained religious practices from Africa, which is their choice to make, and what we "hear" is "hype" for the tourist or a novel about zombies!

I always think that I could not possibly hold Robertson in greater contempt, and then he comes along and proves me wrong.

You might find this article interesting as one point of view on the history of Haiti.
Pat Robertson: Haiti's Earthquake a Result of Deal with the Devil

This is from The Root

The author failed to mention that on August 14, 1791, a group of houngans (voodoo priests), led by a former slave houngan named Boukman, made a pact with the Devil at a place called Bois-Caiman. All present vowed to exterminate all of the white Frenchmen on the island. They sacrificed a black pig in a voodoo ritual at which hundreds of slaves drank the pig's blood. In this ritual, Boukman asked Satan for his help in liberating Haiti from the French.

AD: Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil - Tom Barrett - Mar 11, 04

The Voo Doo gods are not the same as the Christian Devil, you know.
Forgive me but who appointed Pat Robertson the judge of what Gods punishment is and is not. I rather doubt a 1 month old child mashed flat by a building and now laying on the side of a road somewhere had little understand of how their actions may have offended God to the point where God would have done such a thing. In short rather than have compassion for others as a CHRISTIAN should he would spend this tragic moment looking for ways to try and justify the reason why it happened as if they were deseving of it. I submit that Pat Robertson knows little of what it means to be a christian or he would have not made such a statement. I tend to think more and more Barry Goldwater was right when he talked about Falwell and perhaps we should consider doing the same here.

“I think every good Christian ought to kick Falwell right in the ass.”
Barry Goldwater

So Pat doesn't have the right to speak now because you can't handle his interpretation of what God said?

Is Pat allowed to think his own thoughts or would you object to that too?

I take it you're an Obama fan.

Meanwhile Pat has been working and asking people to support those in Haiti, have you?

btw, that child that you spoke of...that's not the end of him or her, just the beginning. We don't lose our lives, we lose the bodies. Children, I believe, arrive safely in heaven, that's what King David wrote.

I don't know how you made that leap there, but will answer your questions for you. First, he has every right to say whatever he wants, that does not mean I don't have a right to call him into question for saying it. As a matter of fact I have for years supported Doctors without borders and continue to do so now and have for years when I first retired used my aviation experience to help fly for them, and supported them prior to this event. Further I support the Red Cross and have given a donation yesterday for this specific effort Jen.

As for being an Obama supporter, if your asking me do I support the President in this effort I do, as I supported President Bush in his effort to help the Tsunami victims in S.E. Asia. If your asking am I an overall supporter of the Presidents domestic agenda and international agenda I am not, if that answers your question. That also does not mean I do not respect the office in which he holds and something I tend to think gets lost on people.

If you are using your last statement as a justification for the loss of the childs life then that is of course your right to do so. However Jen, I would like to think that the death of a child is not deserving of punishment from God for past sins regardless of who said it. I've seen a lot of things in my life Jen and can tell you this, not one single time have I ever seen a child or a person killed innocently who deserved it nor will I ever believe that God did so as punishment.
Forgive me but who appointed Pat Robertson the judge of what Gods punishment is and is not. I rather doubt a 1 month old child mashed flat by a building and now laying on the side of a road somewhere had little understand of how their actions may have offended God to the point where God would have done such a thing. In short rather than have compassion for others as a CHRISTIAN should he would spend this tragic moment looking for ways to try and justify the reason why it happened as if they were deseving of it. I submit that Pat Robertson knows little of what it means to be a christian or he would have not made such a statement. I tend to think more and more Barry Goldwater was right when he talked about Falwell and perhaps we should consider doing the same here.

“I think every good Christian ought to kick Falwell right in the ass.”
Barry Goldwater

So Pat doesn't have the right to speak now because you can't handle his interpretation of what God said?

Is Pat allowed to think his own thoughts or would you object to that too?

I take it you're an Obama fan.

Meanwhile Pat has been working and asking people to support those in Haiti, have you?

btw, that child that you spoke of...that's not the end of him or her, just the beginning. We don't lose our lives, we lose the bodies. Children, I believe, arrive safely in heaven, that's what King David wrote.
Who is shutting Robertson up? Why am I not surprised to see you take up for him?
Robertson said his fairie tale about the Devil goin' down to Haiti is a "true story"!

Where are the minutes of this meeting between Mr. Scratch and the leadership of Haiti? What does Beelzebub look like? Did he have a retinue?

How can Robertson drop in "true story" without being called at least on that?

Xsited gave a link to it a ways back, it included:

"The leaders of Haiti make no attempt to hide their allegiance to Satan. "

I didn't know that.

AD: Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil - Tom Barrett - Mar 11, 04
OOOooo! scary!:cuckoo:

Haiti was founded by freed slaves. Gee! I wonder why folks would be so quick, and so stupid, to believe there was ACTUALLY A PACT WITH SATAN?

Mythology drives emotion. Emotion supplants logic.

When did you last visit Haiti?
I WAS on topic. De Nile. Yours. :lol:

What exactly have I denied? And please be specific.

Ah, I can see you were playing a game with us all this time. Please, carry on.

What? No , you said I'm in denial I want to know what the fuck you think I'm denying. Don't get all chicken shit on me know you little fuck! Show me where I have denied anything!

I despise fucking cowards that hurl accusations with absolutely nothing to back it up when called on their stupidity!

I await your evidence and when you fail to find any, I await your apology!
I think the real Christians will do what they can to help, and the others, literally, to Hell with them. And isn't Haiti a Christian/Catholic country? I think the rest is more about retained religious practices from Africa, which is their choice to make, and what we "hear" is "hype" for the tourist or a novel about zombies!

I always think that I could not possibly hold Robertson in greater contempt, and then he comes along and proves me wrong.

You might find this article interesting as one point of view on the history of Haiti.
Pat Robertson: Haiti's Earthquake a Result of Deal with the Devil

This is from The Root

The author failed to mention that on August 14, 1791, a group of houngans (voodoo priests), led by a former slave houngan named Boukman, made a pact with the Devil at a place called Bois-Caiman. All present vowed to exterminate all of the white Frenchmen on the island. They sacrificed a black pig in a voodoo ritual at which hundreds of slaves drank the pig's blood. In this ritual, Boukman asked Satan for his help in liberating Haiti from the French.

AD: Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil - Tom Barrett - Mar 11, 04

The Voo Doo gods are not the same as the Christian Devil, you know.

I never said they were. Dumbass!!
Xsited gave a link to it a ways back, it included:

"The leaders of Haiti make no attempt to hide their allegiance to Satan. "

I didn't know that.

AD: Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil - Tom Barrett - Mar 11, 04
OOOooo! scary!:cuckoo:

Haiti was founded by freed slaves. Gee! I wonder why folks would be so quick, and so stupid, to believe there was ACTUALLY A PACT WITH SATAN?

Mythology drives emotion. Emotion supplants logic.

When did you last visit Haiti?
I have never been to Haiti. I am wondering how this question of yours was designed to play out though.
The author failed to mention that on August 14, 1791, a group of houngans (voodoo priests), led by a former slave houngan named Boukman, made a pact with the Devil at a place called Bois-Caiman. All present vowed to exterminate all of the white Frenchmen on the island. They sacrificed a black pig in a voodoo ritual at which hundreds of slaves drank the pig's blood. In this ritual, Boukman asked Satan for his help in liberating Haiti from the French.

AD: Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil - Tom Barrett - Mar 11, 04

The Voo Doo gods are not the same as the Christian Devil, you know.

I never said they were. Dumbass!!

so who was hati's ''DEAL WITH THE DEVIL'' that you posted on?


Loa: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article
Would you be so kind as to highlight the hateful part.

Get off your lazy fuckin' ass and read, oh, ooops, I forgot, you are one of those SPECIAL AMERICANS that needs an ILLEGAL for the work you won't do for yourself, LOL.....

Since you are one of those fundy-nuts that lets the preacher think for you, I am wondering, does he go to the booth and vote for you, or just tell you who to vote for? Does he sub in when your woman wants another kid, too? Does he have to hold your dick for you when you piss, too?

As for my help, I would certainly sign for you to join the Army and go to the M.E. as the smart boys could stand you up as a decoy to tell where the bad guys are shootin' from....

That's interesting, you couldn't find anything hateful to highlight so you have to resort to the same old lame liberal tactics and that is to hurl insults. Your concession is duly noted.

I am not liberal enough that I would ever trust enough to let you near one of my kids or grands, take salt with you, or deal with you in any way without a weapon in hand.

As for the rest, Christianity is a religion that ritualizes eating the "god's" flesh, drinking its blood. The "god" screwed its own mother with an alternate personality, and/or the god sent in a proxy-self to impregnate the mother of itself, or it screwed an innocent of 13/14 years old, basically taking her by force, or all of the above, according to myth/dogma.

Where I might think some of the basic rules of decency as regards five of the "big ten" are great, the mythology of the religion is nothing less than bizarre, full of some real freaks. I also don't think much of the sort of men that toss out daughters or girlfriends to be raped and murdered so they can avoid same happening to themselves or their buddies.

As for the "rules," a lot of that was plagiarised from Hammurabi, or long in place, and the god/jesus myth was plagiarised from prior myths.

Ritual Human Sacrifice
Rape in the Bible
Murder in the Bible
Slavery in the Bible
Evil Bible Quotes
Retard of the Month
Jesus Lied
God is Impossible
Top Ten List
Biblical Contradictions

Essays From The Church of Theists Suck:
Evils of the Torah
End Times
Do Not Ignore O.T.
Biblical Intolerance
A Day Is A Day
Absurd Torah Science
Christians Are Hypocrites
Common Lies Christians Tell
Jesus is a False Messiah
Hitler was a Christian
Contradictions of the Gospel
Sexism in the Torah
God's Not Pro-Life
Ten Commandments
Why I am Not a Christian
What Would Jesus Do?
Is the Bible Fit for Worship

I acknowledge that there are some really decent humans out there that live good lives and try to do what is right/ethical. I do think they have been deluded into following a system that was instituted by ignorant fearful people in ancient times trying to explain the unexplainable.

I think that it is time humans grew up and learn to deal with reality.

The "bible" tells some interesting tales, but that is all they are.

Humans ought to learn to do what is right/ethical/decent/compassionate just because that is what is the right thing to do, not because of a threat of hellfire and brimstone!

Time to grow up!

As for Robertson, he is a nutjob, but a very cunning conniving one whose religion is that the only real sin is being poor and/or not sending him money. Those that fall for it, not too bright.

A little on the Liberia thing:

More on Katrina:

Robertson's Katrina Cash

As for Haiti, I agree with the premise that Haiti has been punished politically for not falling in line with white colonialist rules, for many years now, and that what has been done is unconscionable. Now is a time when we as a country can try to rectify a few things.

They are fellow humans, just on that basis they deserve help, and Robertson needs to shut the fuck up.
I doubt it but honestly who knows? God has changed tactics with man many times. Anything is possible. Some things just seem highly unlikely.
And yet another winger associating the words of an individual to being that of the whole 'christian right'


I've see it done here all the time.

*Liberal does something stupid*
"Typical leftist tactics"
"Wow you lefties really don't know how to debate"

It's not as evil as associating Christians with a slime ball who would point to the victims of a natural disaster and say 'you had it coming', but it's the same basic principle.

On a related note, why the fuck does ABC still keep that show? Bring back Who's Line is it Anyway, that way we'll have something to laugh at besides unholy stupidity and you won't be associated with him.

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