Is God Punishing Haiti?

So I hate all those who I classify as enemy?
I do not hate you.

You have failed to provide direct quotes from Pat that you deem is spewing hatred. Then you go on to say that you hate Pat Roberts as he is your enemy and I can only surmise that you also hate all those that support Pat. Tell me where does your hatred of Pat stem from?

Isn't it ironic that you claim Pat is a spewer of hate while your the only one that admits to hating someone else. Has Pat ever said he hated the Haitians or gays? If so then please provide those quotes.

Claiming gays are respoonsible for 911 and Katrina is not expressing hatred?
Saying they will burn in hell for all eternity is not expressing hatred?

Where's the quotes? I'd like to know exactly what Pat said in regards to 911 and Katrina. I don't think stating someone will burn in hell is hateful if it's true. But still I like to see the quote where made that comment. Now I've asked several times for direct quotes, but you seem to ignore my request.
You have failed to provide direct quotes from Pat that you deem is spewing hatred. Then you go on to say that you hate Pat Roberts as he is your enemy and I can only surmise that you also hate all those that support Pat. Tell me where does your hatred of Pat stem from?

Isn't it ironic that you claim Pat is a spewer of hate while your the only one that admits to hating someone else. Has Pat ever said he hated the Haitians or gays? If so then please provide those quotes.

Claiming gays are respoonsible for 911 and Katrina is not expressing hatred?
Saying they will burn in hell for all eternity is not expressing hatred?

Where's the quotes? I'd like to know exactly what Pat said in regards to 911 and Katrina. I don't think stating someone will burn in hell is hateful if it's true. But still I like to see the quote where made that comment. Now I've asked several times for direct quotes, but you seem to ignore my request.

Someone else posted info in this or the other Robberson threads.
I have not the patience to try and educate the uneducatable.
Blaming 911 and Katrina on Gays and such?

Just watch the guy a bit you will learn.
Good to watch him at a party and every time he says liberals have a shot.
A pretty fast drunk.

Can you be more specific? Exactly what did he say about 911 and Katrina that in your opinion was hateful. You're making the claim now show some direct quotes. I never watch the guy but you seem to, why would you watch someone that you believe spews hatred? That says a lot about you, don't it.


He and Falwell got together on this one, on the 9/11/2001 attack,

Pat Robertson's Comments Preceding the Falwell Interview:

PAT ROBERTSON: And we have thought that we're invulnerable. And we have been so concerned about money. We have been so concerned about material things. The interests of people are on their health and their finances, and on their pleasures and on their sexuality, and while this is going on while we're self-absorbed and the churches as well as in the population, we have allowed rampant pornography on the internet. We have allowed rampant secularism and occult, etc. to be broadcast on television. We have permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 to 40 million unborn babies to be slaughtered in our society. We have a court that has essentially stuck its finger in God's eye and said we're going to legislate you out of the schools. We're going to take your commandments from off the courthouse steps in various states. We're not going to let little children read the commandments of God. We're not going to let the Bible be read, no prayer in our schools. We have insulted God at the highest levels of our government. And, then we say 'why does this happen?'


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]A group of fundamentalist leaders issued a joint statement about the Sept 11 attacks:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]"Our choices have consequences. Our rebellion has results. In many ways, the results of the recent days are a reflection of the crumbling foundation of America. [It is] now easier in many schools to bring a weapon than a Bible. Commandments are out and condoms are in....Our rebellion is bringing us destruction and allowing our enemies to triumph over us. We need to pray that God will restore the walls of his protection around our nation." [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Signers include: [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Pat Robertson (Christian Coalition); [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]D. James Kennedy (Coral Ridge Ministries); [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Charles W. Colson (Prison Fellowship);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]James Dobson (Focus on the Family);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]James Merritt (Southern Baptist Convention);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Lloyd Ogilvie (U.S. Senate chaplain)[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]And on Katrina[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, some religious conservatives have speculated that the storm was sent by God as an omen or as a punishment for America's alleged sins. Media Matters for America has documented such statements from three religious conservative media figures: Pat Robertson, Hal Lindsey, and Charles Colson. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Pat Robertson: Katrina linked to legalized abortion[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]On the September 12 broadcast of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club, host Rev. Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former Republican presidential candidate, linked Hurricane Katrina and terrorist attacks to legalized abortion:
ROBERTSON: You know, it's just amazing, though, that people say the litmus test for [Supreme Court nominee John G.] Roberts [Jr.] is whether or not he supports the wholesale slaughter of unborn children. We have killed over 40 million unborn babies in America. I was reading, yesterday, a book that was very interesting about what God has to say in the Old Testament about those who shed innocent blood. And he used the term that those who do this, "the land will vomit you out." That -- you look at your -- you look at the book of Leviticus and see what it says there. And this author of this said, "well 'vomit out' means you are not able to defend yourself." But have we found we are unable somehow to defend ourselves against some of the attacks that are coming against us, either by terrorists or now by natural disaster? Could they be connected in some way? And he goes down the list of the things that God says will cause a nation to lose its possession, and to be vomited out. And the amazing thing is, a judge has now got to say, "I will support the wholesale slaughter of innocent children" in order to get confirmed to the bench. And I am sure Judge Roberts is not going to say any such thing. But nevertheless, that's the litmus test that's being put on, the very thing that could endanger our nation. And it's very interesting. Read the bible, read Leviticus, see what it says there.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]On the September 1 broadcast of The 700 Club, Robertson also claimed that, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Roberts can "be thankful that a tragedy has brought him some good," inasmuch as Democratic senators may be less likely to question him aggressively.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Religious conservatives claim Katrina was God's omen, punishment for the United States | Media Matters for America[/FONT]

Would you be so kind as to highlight the hateful part.
Claiming gays are respoonsible for 911 and Katrina is not expressing hatred?
Saying they will burn in hell for all eternity is not expressing hatred?

Where's the quotes? I'd like to know exactly what Pat said in regards to 911 and Katrina. I don't think stating someone will burn in hell is hateful if it's true. But still I like to see the quote where made that comment. Now I've asked several times for direct quotes, but you seem to ignore my request.

Someone else posted info in this or the other Robberson threads.
I have not the patience to try and educate the uneducatable.

In other words, you have nothing.
Can you be more specific? Exactly what did he say about 911 and Katrina that in your opinion was hateful. You're making the claim now show some direct quotes. I never watch the guy but you seem to, why would you watch someone that you believe spews hatred? That says a lot about you, don't it.


He and Falwell got together on this one, on the 9/11/2001 attack,

Pat Robertson's Comments Preceding the Falwell Interview:

PAT ROBERTSON: And we have thought that we're invulnerable. And we have been so concerned about money. We have been so concerned about material things. The interests of people are on their health and their finances, and on their pleasures and on their sexuality, and while this is going on while we're self-absorbed and the churches as well as in the population, we have allowed rampant pornography on the internet. We have allowed rampant secularism and occult, etc. to be broadcast on television. We have permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 to 40 million unborn babies to be slaughtered in our society. We have a court that has essentially stuck its finger in God's eye and said we're going to legislate you out of the schools. We're going to take your commandments from off the courthouse steps in various states. We're not going to let little children read the commandments of God. We're not going to let the Bible be read, no prayer in our schools. We have insulted God at the highest levels of our government. And, then we say 'why does this happen?'


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]A group of fundamentalist leaders issued a joint statement about the Sept 11 attacks:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]"Our choices have consequences. Our rebellion has results. In many ways, the results of the recent days are a reflection of the crumbling foundation of America. [It is] now easier in many schools to bring a weapon than a Bible. Commandments are out and condoms are in....Our rebellion is bringing us destruction and allowing our enemies to triumph over us. We need to pray that God will restore the walls of his protection around our nation." [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Signers include: [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Pat Robertson (Christian Coalition); [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]D. James Kennedy (Coral Ridge Ministries); [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Charles W. Colson (Prison Fellowship);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]James Dobson (Focus on the Family);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]James Merritt (Southern Baptist Convention);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Lloyd Ogilvie (U.S. Senate chaplain)[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]And on Katrina[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, some religious conservatives have speculated that the storm was sent by God as an omen or as a punishment for America's alleged sins. Media Matters for America has documented such statements from three religious conservative media figures: Pat Robertson, Hal Lindsey, and Charles Colson. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Pat Robertson: Katrina linked to legalized abortion[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]On the September 12 broadcast of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club, host Rev. Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former Republican presidential candidate, linked Hurricane Katrina and terrorist attacks to legalized abortion:
ROBERTSON: You know, it's just amazing, though, that people say the litmus test for [Supreme Court nominee John G.] Roberts [Jr.] is whether or not he supports the wholesale slaughter of unborn children. We have killed over 40 million unborn babies in America. I was reading, yesterday, a book that was very interesting about what God has to say in the Old Testament about those who shed innocent blood. And he used the term that those who do this, "the land will vomit you out." That -- you look at your -- you look at the book of Leviticus and see what it says there. And this author of this said, "well 'vomit out' means you are not able to defend yourself." But have we found we are unable somehow to defend ourselves against some of the attacks that are coming against us, either by terrorists or now by natural disaster? Could they be connected in some way? And he goes down the list of the things that God says will cause a nation to lose its possession, and to be vomited out. And the amazing thing is, a judge has now got to say, "I will support the wholesale slaughter of innocent children" in order to get confirmed to the bench. And I am sure Judge Roberts is not going to say any such thing. But nevertheless, that's the litmus test that's being put on, the very thing that could endanger our nation. And it's very interesting. Read the bible, read Leviticus, see what it says there.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]On the September 1 broadcast of The 700 Club, Robertson also claimed that, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Roberts can "be thankful that a tragedy has brought him some good," inasmuch as Democratic senators may be less likely to question him aggressively.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Religious conservatives claim Katrina was God's omen, punishment for the United States | Media Matters for America[/FONT]

Would you be so kind as to highlight the hateful part.

As I said in my last post I have not the patience to educate those who choose not to learn.

Of course we all condemn those we love to burn in eternal hellfire?
Last edited:

He and Falwell got together on this one, on the 9/11/2001 attack,

Pat Robertson's Comments Preceding the Falwell Interview:

PAT ROBERTSON: And we have thought that we're invulnerable. And we have been so concerned about money. We have been so concerned about material things. The interests of people are on their health and their finances, and on their pleasures and on their sexuality, and while this is going on while we're self-absorbed and the churches as well as in the population, we have allowed rampant pornography on the internet. We have allowed rampant secularism and occult, etc. to be broadcast on television. We have permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 to 40 million unborn babies to be slaughtered in our society. We have a court that has essentially stuck its finger in God's eye and said we're going to legislate you out of the schools. We're going to take your commandments from off the courthouse steps in various states. We're not going to let little children read the commandments of God. We're not going to let the Bible be read, no prayer in our schools. We have insulted God at the highest levels of our government. And, then we say 'why does this happen?'


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]A group of fundamentalist leaders issued a joint statement about the Sept 11 attacks:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]"Our choices have consequences. Our rebellion has results. In many ways, the results of the recent days are a reflection of the crumbling foundation of America. [It is] now easier in many schools to bring a weapon than a Bible. Commandments are out and condoms are in....Our rebellion is bringing us destruction and allowing our enemies to triumph over us. We need to pray that God will restore the walls of his protection around our nation." [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Signers include: [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Pat Robertson (Christian Coalition); [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]D. James Kennedy (Coral Ridge Ministries); [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Charles W. Colson (Prison Fellowship);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]James Dobson (Focus on the Family);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]James Merritt (Southern Baptist Convention);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Lloyd Ogilvie (U.S. Senate chaplain)[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]And on Katrina[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, some religious conservatives have speculated that the storm was sent by God as an omen or as a punishment for America's alleged sins. Media Matters for America has documented such statements from three religious conservative media figures: Pat Robertson, Hal Lindsey, and Charles Colson. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Pat Robertson: Katrina linked to legalized abortion[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]On the September 12 broadcast of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club, host Rev. Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former Republican presidential candidate, linked Hurricane Katrina and terrorist attacks to legalized abortion:
ROBERTSON: You know, it's just amazing, though, that people say the litmus test for [Supreme Court nominee John G.] Roberts [Jr.] is whether or not he supports the wholesale slaughter of unborn children. We have killed over 40 million unborn babies in America. I was reading, yesterday, a book that was very interesting about what God has to say in the Old Testament about those who shed innocent blood. And he used the term that those who do this, "the land will vomit you out." That -- you look at your -- you look at the book of Leviticus and see what it says there. And this author of this said, "well 'vomit out' means you are not able to defend yourself." But have we found we are unable somehow to defend ourselves against some of the attacks that are coming against us, either by terrorists or now by natural disaster? Could they be connected in some way? And he goes down the list of the things that God says will cause a nation to lose its possession, and to be vomited out. And the amazing thing is, a judge has now got to say, "I will support the wholesale slaughter of innocent children" in order to get confirmed to the bench. And I am sure Judge Roberts is not going to say any such thing. But nevertheless, that's the litmus test that's being put on, the very thing that could endanger our nation. And it's very interesting. Read the bible, read Leviticus, see what it says there.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]On the September 1 broadcast of The 700 Club, Robertson also claimed that, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Roberts can "be thankful that a tragedy has brought him some good," inasmuch as Democratic senators may be less likely to question him aggressively.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Religious conservatives claim Katrina was God's omen, punishment for the United States | Media Matters for America[/FONT]

Would you be so kind as to highlight the hateful part.

As I said in my last post I have not the patience to educate those who choose not to learn.

Of course we all condemn those we love to burn in eternal hellfire?

You haven't provided anything to support your argument. Not one thing! You made a claim that Pat spews hatred, now it's up to to support that claim or retract it. I can promise you if you lived to be a hundred you could never educate me or anyone else for that matter because you first need to educate yourself and I don't think that is possible.
Would you be so kind as to highlight the hateful part.

As I said in my last post I have not the patience to educate those who choose not to learn.

Of course we all condemn those we love to burn in eternal hellfire?

You haven't provided anything to support your argument. Not one thing! You made a claim that Pat spews hatred, now it's up to to support that claim or retract it. I can promise you if you lived to be a hundred you could never educate me or anyone else for that matter because you first need to educate yourself and I don't think that is possible.

Hey? How's the fishing out there in that papyrus boat? Watch out for the Crocodiles...I heard they can be really nasty there in Egypt.
as per Jesus Christ, this is not God's wrath:

Luke 13

1Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.

2Jesus answered, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way?

3I tell you, no!

But unless you repent, you too will all perish. (here he is speaking spiritually perishing, not being killed on earth by a disaster.)

4Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem?

5I tell you, no!

But unless you repent, you too will all perish." (Again, Jesus is speaking about perishing in the'next life', not about what happens to them on Earth...)

The comments of Jesus here, is telling us that these bad things do not happen to people as the wrath of God upon least in my opinion....and yes, Pat Robertson is clearly wrong if this is what he implied.

As I said in my last post I have not the patience to educate those who choose not to learn.

Of course we all condemn those we love to burn in eternal hellfire?

You haven't provided anything to support your argument. Not one thing! You made a claim that Pat spews hatred, now it's up to to support that claim or retract it. I can promise you if you lived to be a hundred you could never educate me or anyone else for that matter because you first need to educate yourself and I don't think that is possible.

Hey? How's the fishing out there in that papyrus boat? Watch out for the Crocodiles...I heard they can be really nasty there in Egypt.

What? Please stay on topic or shut the fuck up!

The usual GOP handjobs are trying to distance themselves from Robertson - LOL... this is going to get good!
Can you be more specific? Exactly what did he say about 911 and Katrina that in your opinion was hateful. You're making the claim now show some direct quotes. I never watch the guy but you seem to, why would you watch someone that you believe spews hatred? That says a lot about you, don't it.


He and Falwell got together on this one, on the 9/11/2001 attack,

Pat Robertson's Comments Preceding the Falwell Interview:

PAT ROBERTSON: And we have thought that we're invulnerable. And we have been so concerned about money. We have been so concerned about material things. The interests of people are on their health and their finances, and on their pleasures and on their sexuality, and while this is going on while we're self-absorbed and the churches as well as in the population, we have allowed rampant pornography on the internet. We have allowed rampant secularism and occult, etc. to be broadcast on television. We have permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 to 40 million unborn babies to be slaughtered in our society. We have a court that has essentially stuck its finger in God's eye and said we're going to legislate you out of the schools. We're going to take your commandments from off the courthouse steps in various states. We're not going to let little children read the commandments of God. We're not going to let the Bible be read, no prayer in our schools. We have insulted God at the highest levels of our government. And, then we say 'why does this happen?'


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]A group of fundamentalist leaders issued a joint statement about the Sept 11 attacks:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]"Our choices have consequences. Our rebellion has results. In many ways, the results of the recent days are a reflection of the crumbling foundation of America. [It is] now easier in many schools to bring a weapon than a Bible. Commandments are out and condoms are in....Our rebellion is bringing us destruction and allowing our enemies to triumph over us. We need to pray that God will restore the walls of his protection around our nation." [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Signers include: [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Pat Robertson (Christian Coalition); [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]D. James Kennedy (Coral Ridge Ministries); [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Charles W. Colson (Prison Fellowship);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]James Dobson (Focus on the Family);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]James Merritt (Southern Baptist Convention);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Lloyd Ogilvie (U.S. Senate chaplain)[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]And on Katrina[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, some religious conservatives have speculated that the storm was sent by God as an omen or as a punishment for America's alleged sins. Media Matters for America has documented such statements from three religious conservative media figures: Pat Robertson, Hal Lindsey, and Charles Colson. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Pat Robertson: Katrina linked to legalized abortion[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]On the September 12 broadcast of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club, host Rev. Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former Republican presidential candidate, linked Hurricane Katrina and terrorist attacks to legalized abortion:
ROBERTSON: You know, it's just amazing, though, that people say the litmus test for [Supreme Court nominee John G.] Roberts [Jr.] is whether or not he supports the wholesale slaughter of unborn children. We have killed over 40 million unborn babies in America. I was reading, yesterday, a book that was very interesting about what God has to say in the Old Testament about those who shed innocent blood. And he used the term that those who do this, "the land will vomit you out." That -- you look at your -- you look at the book of Leviticus and see what it says there. And this author of this said, "well 'vomit out' means you are not able to defend yourself." But have we found we are unable somehow to defend ourselves against some of the attacks that are coming against us, either by terrorists or now by natural disaster? Could they be connected in some way? And he goes down the list of the things that God says will cause a nation to lose its possession, and to be vomited out. And the amazing thing is, a judge has now got to say, "I will support the wholesale slaughter of innocent children" in order to get confirmed to the bench. And I am sure Judge Roberts is not going to say any such thing. But nevertheless, that's the litmus test that's being put on, the very thing that could endanger our nation. And it's very interesting. Read the bible, read Leviticus, see what it says there.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]On the September 1 broadcast of The 700 Club, Robertson also claimed that, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Roberts can "be thankful that a tragedy has brought him some good," inasmuch as Democratic senators may be less likely to question him aggressively.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Religious conservatives claim Katrina was God's omen, punishment for the United States | Media Matters for America[/FONT]

Would you be so kind as to highlight the hateful part.

Get off your lazy fuckin' ass and read, oh, ooops, I forgot, you are one of those SPECIAL AMERICANS that needs an ILLEGAL for the work you won't do for yourself, LOL.....

Since you are one of those fundy-nuts that lets the preacher think for you, I am wondering, does he go to the booth and vote for you, or just tell you who to vote for? Does he sub in when your woman wants another kid, too? Does he have to hold your dick for you when you piss, too?

As for my help, I would certainly sign for you to join the Army and go to the M.E. as the smart boys could stand you up as a decoy to tell where the bad guys are shootin' from....
And who really gives a fuck how Robertson believes, what he says, or how he sees others?

I do.

As a Christian, I really hate it when someone high profile like Pat Robertson says something that makes me ashamed. Ashamed that anyone who chooses to do so could reasonably put me in a group (Christians) with such a man, and could then assume that because we are both 'Christians' we must both hold the same views.

Notice how so many people leap on what Pat Robertson says because they want to infer a point about Christianity (or the "religious right"), but so very few post anything about Christians fundraising or working for free with the relief organizations to try and bring some help to Haitians.
You haven't provided anything to support your argument. Not one thing! You made a claim that Pat spews hatred, now it's up to to support that claim or retract it. I can promise you if you lived to be a hundred you could never educate me or anyone else for that matter because you first need to educate yourself and I don't think that is possible.

Hey? How's the fishing out there in that papyrus boat? Watch out for the Crocodiles...I heard they can be really nasty there in Egypt.

What? Please stay on topic or shut the fuck up!

I WAS on topic. De Nile. Yours. :lol:
And who really gives a fuck how Robertson believes, what he says, or how he sees others?

I do.

As a Christian, I really hate it when someone high profile like Pat Robertson says something that makes me ashamed. Ashamed that anyone who chooses to do so could reasonably put me in a group (Christians) with such a man, and could then assume that because we are both 'Christians' we must both hold the same views.

Notice how so many people leap on what Pat Robertson says because they want to infer a point about Christianity (or the "religious right"), but so very few post anything about Christians fundraising or working for free with the relief organizations to try and bring some help to Haitians.

You are absolutely right. It really, really sucks when people hold all of a religion to the comments of some far right idiot(s) of that religion.
Not defending Robertson, because I think he is a nut, but what did he actually say? I can't find a you tube clip of him stating the earthquake was god's wrath on Haiti.
And who really gives a fuck how Robertson believes, what he says, or how he sees others?

I do.

As a Christian, I really hate it when someone high profile like Pat Robertson says something that makes me ashamed. Ashamed that anyone who chooses to do so could reasonably put me in a group (Christians) with such a man, and could then assume that because we are both 'Christians' we must both hold the same views.

Notice how so many people leap on what Pat Robertson says because they want to infer a point about Christianity (or the "religious right"), but so very few post anything about Christians fundraising or working for free with the relief organizations to try and bring some help to Haitians.

You are absolutely right. It really, really sucks when people hold all of a religion to the comments of some far right idiot(s) of that religion.

I am actually agreeing with you twice in 2 days... and I actually can't pos rep you again yet...

The only thing on your statement I would change is the 'far right' part.. and just make it winger or extremist... because there are ones from both sides in religion

He and Falwell got together on this one, on the 9/11/2001 attack,

Pat Robertson's Comments Preceding the Falwell Interview:

PAT ROBERTSON: And we have thought that we're invulnerable. And we have been so concerned about money. We have been so concerned about material things. The interests of people are on their health and their finances, and on their pleasures and on their sexuality, and while this is going on while we're self-absorbed and the churches as well as in the population, we have allowed rampant pornography on the internet. We have allowed rampant secularism and occult, etc. to be broadcast on television. We have permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 to 40 million unborn babies to be slaughtered in our society. We have a court that has essentially stuck its finger in God's eye and said we're going to legislate you out of the schools. We're going to take your commandments from off the courthouse steps in various states. We're not going to let little children read the commandments of God. We're not going to let the Bible be read, no prayer in our schools. We have insulted God at the highest levels of our government. And, then we say 'why does this happen?'


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]A group of fundamentalist leaders issued a joint statement about the Sept 11 attacks:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]"Our choices have consequences. Our rebellion has results. In many ways, the results of the recent days are a reflection of the crumbling foundation of America. [It is] now easier in many schools to bring a weapon than a Bible. Commandments are out and condoms are in....Our rebellion is bringing us destruction and allowing our enemies to triumph over us. We need to pray that God will restore the walls of his protection around our nation." [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Signers include: [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Pat Robertson (Christian Coalition); [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]D. James Kennedy (Coral Ridge Ministries); [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Charles W. Colson (Prison Fellowship);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]James Dobson (Focus on the Family);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]James Merritt (Southern Baptist Convention);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Lloyd Ogilvie (U.S. Senate chaplain)[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]And on Katrina[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, some religious conservatives have speculated that the storm was sent by God as an omen or as a punishment for America's alleged sins. Media Matters for America has documented such statements from three religious conservative media figures: Pat Robertson, Hal Lindsey, and Charles Colson. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Pat Robertson: Katrina linked to legalized abortion[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]On the September 12 broadcast of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club, host Rev. Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former Republican presidential candidate, linked Hurricane Katrina and terrorist attacks to legalized abortion:
ROBERTSON: You know, it's just amazing, though, that people say the litmus test for [Supreme Court nominee John G.] Roberts [Jr.] is whether or not he supports the wholesale slaughter of unborn children. We have killed over 40 million unborn babies in America. I was reading, yesterday, a book that was very interesting about what God has to say in the Old Testament about those who shed innocent blood. And he used the term that those who do this, "the land will vomit you out." That -- you look at your -- you look at the book of Leviticus and see what it says there. And this author of this said, "well 'vomit out' means you are not able to defend yourself." But have we found we are unable somehow to defend ourselves against some of the attacks that are coming against us, either by terrorists or now by natural disaster? Could they be connected in some way? And he goes down the list of the things that God says will cause a nation to lose its possession, and to be vomited out. And the amazing thing is, a judge has now got to say, "I will support the wholesale slaughter of innocent children" in order to get confirmed to the bench. And I am sure Judge Roberts is not going to say any such thing. But nevertheless, that's the litmus test that's being put on, the very thing that could endanger our nation. And it's very interesting. Read the bible, read Leviticus, see what it says there.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]On the September 1 broadcast of The 700 Club, Robertson also claimed that, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Roberts can "be thankful that a tragedy has brought him some good," inasmuch as Democratic senators may be less likely to question him aggressively.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Religious conservatives claim Katrina was God's omen, punishment for the United States | Media Matters for America[/FONT]

Would you be so kind as to highlight the hateful part.

Get off your lazy fuckin' ass and read, oh, ooops, I forgot, you are one of those SPECIAL AMERICANS that needs an ILLEGAL for the work you won't do for yourself, LOL.....

Since you are one of those fundy-nuts that lets the preacher think for you, I am wondering, does he go to the booth and vote for you, or just tell you who to vote for? Does he sub in when your woman wants another kid, too? Does he have to hold your dick for you when you piss, too?

As for my help, I would certainly sign for you to join the Army and go to the M.E. as the smart boys could stand you up as a decoy to tell where the bad guys are shootin' from....

That's interesting, you couldn't find anything hateful to highlight so you have to resort to the same old lame liberal tactics and that is to hurl insults. Your concession is duly noted.
And who really gives a fuck how Robertson believes, what he says, or how he sees others?

I do.

As a Christian, I really hate it when someone high profile like Pat Robertson says something that makes me ashamed. Ashamed that anyone who chooses to do so could reasonably put me in a group (Christians) with such a man, and could then assume that because we are both 'Christians' we must both hold the same views.

Notice how so many people leap on what Pat Robertson says because they want to infer a point about Christianity (or the "religious right"), but so very few post anything about Christians fundraising or working for free with the relief organizations to try and bring some help to Haitians.

I think the real Christians will do what they can to help, and the others, literally, to Hell with them. And isn't Haiti a Christian/Catholic country? I think the rest is more about retained religious practices from Africa, which is their choice to make, and what we "hear" is "hype" for the tourist or a novel about zombies!

I always think that I could not possibly hold Robertson in greater contempt, and then he comes along and proves me wrong.

You might find this article interesting as one point of view on the history of Haiti.
Pat Robertson: Haiti's Earthquake a Result of Deal with the Devil

This is from The Root

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