Is God unjust for tithing everyone 10%?

Is God unjust for asking both rich and poor to pay the same rate of 10%?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I see alot of people argue that a flat tax that treats both the wealthy and the poor the same by taxing them at the same rate is unjust. God asks for a tithe, 10%, from everyone. Is He unjust for doing this?
What has God done for me lately?

Provided air for you to breath.
Provided food for you to eat
Given you you a mind to use if you choose to
Given you two hands to work and labor
Given you a family
Created your body and spirit
suffered and atoned for your sins.
Ensured that despite the fact that you will die, you will one day live again
Provided a job for you.
Given you ideas
Given you an ability to make your own choices

Im sure I could go on if i had desire to. That really doesnt answer the question God is unjust for asking both the rich and poor to pay the same rate in tithing.
sorry, that was Horus and Isis that did all that before the Hebrew God got around to it.
Was what I wrote really that difficult to understand?
Answer the question please.

Why on earth should I answer your questions when you have refused to answer mine?

And how are nonsensical questions that have nothing to do with anything I've said relevant to the topic or poll I've started?
Doesn't seem nonsensical to me. Since your god does not control the US government nor is he or she a citizen of this country, then I don't see how his or her opinion is relevant.
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I see alot of people argue that a flat tax that treats both the wealthy and the poor the same by taxing them at the same rate is unjust. God asks for a tithe, 10%, from everyone. Is He unjust for doing this?

How can a being who doesn't even exist ask for anything?
I see alot of people argue that a flat tax that treats both the wealthy and the poor the same by taxing them at the same rate is unjust. God asks for a tithe, 10%, from everyone. Is He unjust for doing this?
and what other tithing did He require? HINT- not just the one 10% tithing was required of the well to do....
I see alot of people argue that a flat tax that treats both the wealthy and the poor the same by taxing them at the same rate is unjust. God asks for a tithe, 10%, from everyone. Is He unjust for doing this?

God is unjust for asking for any money at all from me. A) Big Religion doesn't work. This has been proven time and time again. B) its MY money and C) its MY money

do as Paul outlines in 2 Corinthians 9:7:

“You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. ‘For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”

so the very poor person is not required to give 10% or they were going to hell type thing....

and honestly....comparing tithing requirements of the old testament, the old covenant with gvt taxes seems wrong.... (and also... there is a NEW Covenant with God)

are we to give 10% to the gvt that we (if we were extremely poor) don't if we are praising and thanking the government for their Blessings that they give us???? are on the wrong track with this presumption of yours....comparing and justifying a flat tax with God's tithing is just downright shameful sweetheart!

do as Paul outlines in 2 Corinthians 9:7:

“You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. ‘For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”

so the very poor person is not required to give 10% or they were going to hell type thing....

and honestly....comparing tithing requirements of the old testament, the old covenant with gvt taxes seems wrong.... (and also... there is a NEW Covenant with God)

are we to give 10% to the gvt that we (if we were extremely poor) don't if we are praising and thanking the government for their Blessings that they give us???? are on the wrong track with this presumption of yours....comparing and justifying a flat tax with God's tithing is just downright shameful sweetheart!

So God works on a sliding scale.

do as Paul outlines in 2 Corinthians 9:7:

“You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. ‘For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”

so the very poor person is not required to give 10% or they were going to hell type thing....

and honestly....comparing tithing requirements of the old testament, the old covenant with gvt taxes seems wrong.... (and also... there is a NEW Covenant with God)

are we to give 10% to the gvt that we (if we were extremely poor) don't if we are praising and thanking the government for their Blessings that they give us???? are on the wrong track with this presumption of yours....comparing and justifying a flat tax with God's tithing is just downright shameful sweetheart!

So God works on a sliding scale.
honestly oohpoo, God, tithing and gvt taxes should not even be used as a comparison for justifying a flat tax or justifying taxing the poor at the same rate as the wealthiest....imho, Avatar was off base to even bring it up.
I see alot of people argue that a flat tax that treats both the wealthy and the poor the same by taxing them at the same rate is unjust. God asks for a tithe, 10%, from everyone. Is He unjust for doing this?

When the Jews started the whole idea it was to get into the properties of others. I venture to say that when 10% of the harvest was required it would fall into the gross category. My wife and I tithed our gross till I was over sixty. Now I wouldn't give them enough warm piss to take a pill.
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