Is Growing Inequality Caused By Liberal Public Policies?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
A thought provoking story. The following sentence gets to the crux of the problem;

In order to do well in the world, young children—no matter how bright, no matter how capable—must learn essential skills. There are three places to learn them: at home, in school and on the job

A lot of youths are no longer able to get summer jobs where they learn needed skills. Schools fail to prepare students for the real world. And, single parent homes leave children with lack of guidance urging them to improve their lives.

But we hear the mantra of Economic Equality and demands to “do something about it.” So, just what are we expected to do? Continue the very policies that got us to this point?

Read the piece @ Is Growing Inequality Caused By Liberal Public Policies - Forbes
Yes, liberalism is the cause. Liberalism has failed every place it has been tried. It has destroyed our major cities and those who live in them, it has destroyed much of our manufacturing base, it has driven jobs out of this country, it has given us a mediocre educational system, it has given us 20 trillion in debt.

and yes, there are liberals in both parties, but the dem party is made up of 100% libtardians.
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.
Talking about right now, not back in the 60s and and 70s when the really wealthy guys started making their fortunes. We still had opportunity then because of liberal policy but now there will be no more billionaires who start from nothing, they have made sure of it.
There will not be any summer jobs for youth if that youth must be paid $15.00 an hour.
There will not be any summer jobs for youth if that youth must be paid $15.00 an hour.
There are no more jobs for youth because those jobs are permanently occupied by single moms and young adults who have found that a degree is not the automatic path to the middle class it used to be.
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.
A thought provoking story. The following sentence gets to the crux of the problem;

In order to do well in the world, young children—no matter how bright, no matter how capable—must learn essential skills. There are three places to learn them: at home, in school and on the job

A lot of youths are no longer able to get summer jobs where they learn needed skills. Schools fail to prepare students for the real world. And, single parent homes leave children with lack of guidance urging them to improve their lives.

But we hear the mantra of Economic Equality and demands to “do something about it.” So, just what are we expected to do? Continue the very policies that got us to this point?

Read the piece @ Is Growing Inequality Caused By Liberal Public Policies - Forbes
FYI - It has absolutely nothing to do with being a Liberal, but everything to do with policy in general.


Of course we admit it exists. And, it's clearly the fault of the very policies you and others of your kind try to force upon us.
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Success is much easier when you start on the finish line.


The gap between rich and poor has grown under obama, the number in poverty has grown under obama. Liberal policies have created the problem that you fools bitch about.
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

A janitor is willing to work hard, but they will never get rich. Willing to work will not make it in the US. Having opportunity to move up does.

That's why evil liberal policies like education credits (or free education) and universal healthcare give people the opportunity to be successful. They don't have to worry about crippling debt that holds people back from being successful. Liberal policies actually give a shit about people's success.
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Success is much easier when you start on the finish line.

Carson grew up in abject poverty with no father. Cain made it on his own, Gates invented something that the entire world wanted, so did Jobs, the entertainers and athletes did it by skill, talent, and hard work.

The ones who inherited wealth, increased their wealth by working. They created jobs and tax paying american workers.

The point is that american remains the best place to come from nothing and become something.
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

A janitor is willing to work hard, but they will never get rich. Willing to work will not make it in the US. Having opportunity to move up does.

That's why evil liberal policies like education credits (or free education) and universal healthcare give people the opportunity to be successful. They don't have to worry about crippling debt that holds people back from being successful. Liberal policies actually give a shit about people's success.

A janitor can become a supervisor, then an owner of a janitorial service.

A person willing to work can make it without liberal policies that tell him/her that he/she is too dumb to make it without govt help.


The gap between rich and poor has grown under obama, the number in poverty has grown under obama. Liberal policies have created the problem that you fools bitch about.
You are looking at the aftermath of a conservative social policy that started under Saint Reagan.
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Success is much easier when you start on the finish line.

Carson grew up in abject poverty with no father. Cain made it on his own, Gates invented something that the entire world wanted, so did Jobs, the entertainers and athletes did it by skill, talent, and hard work.

The ones who inherited wealth, increased their wealth by working. They created jobs and tax paying american workers.

The point is that american remains the best place to come from nothing and become something.
Not anymore. Student loan debt is the biggest obstacle at this moment to moving into the middle class. Only liberals want to fix that but the bankers and their republican partners have no interest.


The gap between rich and poor has grown under obama, the number in poverty has grown under obama. Liberal policies have created the problem that you fools bitch about.
You are looking at the aftermath of a conservative social policy that started under Saint Reagan.

Just remember the last 5 out of 5 Presidents have been liberals!!!

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