Is Humanity Poisoning the Earth


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
It is no lie to say we may be living in the most unique historical period of not just mankind but the history of life on this Earth. There is evidence to indicate that the rate of cancer among individuals increased do to some technologies and industry. Also you factor in nuclear disasters which have a tragic impact on many as the technology becomes more pervasive and more accidents happen. Apparently there is this thing called global dimming where air pollution combines with clouds thus making them much more reflective and diverts more of the sun's heat back out into space. Because of pollution and other bi-products of the technologies we've employed globally we could possibly be making this world toxic for complex organic life. It may not be a single environmental threat but could be numerous threats confronting man. Will our species still exist in ten thousand years, will it be in in a thousands? Governments seemed adept at dealing with threats when they are other human beings, but what if all humanity is faced by a threat and it is some of the technologies we've created. We don't own the Earth, it has just been entrusted to us for a time and we must eventually hand it to future generations. Party now, pay later. We might not be the ones who have to pay the tab for this proverbial party. :eek:

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