Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer?

No censorship. No censors. TY.

There is already censorship. What we are discussing is the levels of harm we will allow the porn industry to do to our children and young adults before we decide to care enough to act.

No censorship. No censors. TY.

I agree for the most part. I was not kept from much as a kid, but of course outright porno wasn't permitted. The main problem I have with all this is that so many people seem to think that parents cannot control their children, whereas I see it more as a question of won't control their children. Many parents these days are little more than selfish children themselves.

Correct and that is why I recommend that we help them be better parents with helping them censor what their children can access.

We are animals.

Try not to forget that and with that, go ahead and get laid.

We are animals for sure but if you view porn at all, you will recognize that we have taken the term dumb animal to a higher level than the so called dumb animals.

They know what orifices to use where men don't seem to have a clue.

We are animals.

Try not to forget that and with that, go ahead and get laid.

We are animals for sure but if you view porn at all, you will recognize that we have taken the term dumb animal to a higher level than the so called dumb animals.

They know what orifices to use where men don't seem to have a clue.

For anyone to suggest that its some sort of conspiracy to taint us or dumb us down is completely fucking ridiculous.

Hardcore sex has been around since rhe caveman days and it will be around still past the uptight conservative "oh noes, tacky!" Days.

This is overblown hysteria.
We are animals.

Try not to forget that and with that, go ahead and get laid.

We are animals for sure but if you view porn at all, you will recognize that we have taken the term dumb animal to a higher level than the so called dumb animals.

They know what orifices to use where men don't seem to have a clue.

Sounds like you've watched a lot of porn. Congratulations.

Porn is an industry that abuses and exploits women and children. It should be illegal to make it. WRITING about it is one thing. But it should be absolutely 100 percent illegal to make pornographic video or sell time to watch porn live via any medium EXCEPT the printed word and perhaps artistic renditions, and strip joints where they are allowed.
We are animals.

Try not to forget that and with that, go ahead and get laid.

We are animals for sure but if you view porn at all, you will recognize that we have taken the term dumb animal to a higher level than the so called dumb animals.

They know what orifices to use where men don't seem to have a clue.

Sounds like you've watched a lot of porn. Congratulations.

Porn is an industry that abuses and exploits women and children. It should be illegal to make it. WRITING about it is one thing. But it should be absolutely 100 percent illegal to make pornographic video or sell time to watch porn live via any medium EXCEPT the printed word and perhaps artistic renditions, and strip joints where they are allowed.

I watched my share of porn, I'm no angel, but not much of the internet porn.

But thanks for the personal denigration.

I agree with your view on women and children but think you would go too far. Children are one issue, Adults another.

I have a hard enough time getting some support for children and would get 0 for your view.

I don't have to listen to anything.

Censorship is never the answer.
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Censorship isn't the answer and porn is not ruining out next generation. Parents can block access to computer and these sites fairly easily. We don't need censors, we need parents to act responsibility when it comes to computers.
Shutting down exploitive industries that profit off the misery, addiction and abuse of others isn't "censorship".

Let the porn meisters write whatever they like.

They don't have the right to exploit men and women fucking for profit, any more than PP has the right to exploit women and girls for profit, in order to get the $$$$ from the result. Porn markets and sells women, and PP markets and sells dead babies.
Shutting down exploitive industries that profit off the misery, addiction and abuse of others isn't "censorship".

Let the porn meisters write whatever they like.

They don't have the right to exploit men and women fucking for profit, any more than PP has the right to exploit women and girls for profit, in order to get the $$$$ from the result. Porn markets and sells women, and PP markets and sells dead babies.
Your total lack of support for capitalism is noted. Visa card Jesus will be very disappointed.
Shutting down exploitive industries that profit off the misery, addiction and abuse of others isn't "censorship".

Let the porn meisters write whatever they like.

They don't have the right to exploit men and women fucking for profit, any more than PP has the right to exploit women and girls for profit, in order to get the $$$$ from the result. Porn markets and sells women, and PP markets and sells dead babies.
Your total lack of support for capitalism is noted. Visa card Jesus will be very disappointed.
It isn't capitalists who engage in human trafficking. It's progressives..and their friends the muslims.
If people want to do porn and other people want to jack off to it...Well, that is what is called freedom. I thought you were for little tiny government Koshergrl?
If people want to do porn and other people want to jack off to it...Well, that is what is called freedom. I thought you were for little tiny government Koshergrl?
I'm for freedom, and porn is tied directly to human trafficking, slavery, and child abuse. So yes, I believe government is allowed to step in and stop human rights offenses. Which are rampant in the porn industry.
"Is internet porn ruining our next generation?"


"Is censorship the answer?"


Violating the Constitution is not the 'answer.'

Of course, private persons and organizations are at liberty to censor, but it's still not the 'answer.'
If people want to do porn and other people want to jack off to it...Well, that is what is called freedom. I thought you were for little tiny government Koshergrl?
I'm for freedom, and porn is tied directly to human trafficking, slavery, and child abuse. So yes, I believe government is allowed to step in and stop human rights offenses. Which are rampant in the porn industry.
Porn has nothing at all to do with human trafficking. That's prostitution and completely unrelated.
If people want to do porn and other people want to jack off to it...Well, that is what is called freedom. I thought you were for little tiny government Koshergrl?
I'm for freedom, and porn is tied directly to human trafficking, slavery, and child abuse. So yes, I believe government is allowed to step in and stop human rights offenses. Which are rampant in the porn industry.
Not all porn companies human traffic like not all gun owners murder.

Dont be daft. Human trafficing is already illegal.
If people want to do porn and other people want to jack off to it...Well, that is what is called freedom. I thought you were for little tiny government Koshergrl?
typical progressive.

"If people agree to be abused and exploited, and people want to do it, who are you to tell them no?"

What useless pieces of shit.

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