Is Israel doomed?

Good points but Palestine is the only country where the natives got the boot.

Nope they still live in Palestine, it was the Jews given the boot in 1949 from land they owned.
Even the Palestinians still in Israel got booted off their land.

Do they now, fist I have heard of it
Of course not. Israeli propaganda (your only source of information) will not tell you.

How can you say that to someone else, when Palestinian propaganda is your only source of information?

Then why didn't you know that?
Nope they still live in Palestine, it was the Jews given the boot in 1949 from land they owned.
Even the Palestinians still in Israel got booted off their land.

Do they now, fist I have heard of it
Of course not. Israeli propaganda (your only source of information) will not tell you.

How can you say that to someone else, when Palestinian propaganda is your only source of information?

Then why didn't you know that?

You misunderstood, again. I am simply showing you that you are a hypocrite.
Even the Palestinians still in Israel got booted off their land.

Do they now, fist I have heard of it
Of course not. Israeli propaganda (your only source of information) will not tell you.

How can you say that to someone else, when Palestinian propaganda is your only source of information?

Then why didn't you know that?

You misunderstood, again. I am simply showing you that you are a hypocrite.

What part of "why didn't you know that" confuses you?
You are the one who cannot accept the truth.

The Lebanese gained independence in Lebanon. The Syrians gained independence in Syria. The Jordanians gained independence in Jordan. And on and on.

The foreign Zionists declared independence in Palestine. Acquiring land is not an issue anywhere else because they gained independence inside their own defined territory as stated in international law. (A state should have a defined territory ~ Montevideo Conference)

Isr.ael is the only one with a problem because it is the only one declaring independence in another defined territory.

No, Tinmore, YOU cannot accept the truth. You make up you own rules and laws for Israel, knowing that they do not apply to the real world.

You still didn't answer my question. Again, where does it say that land needed to be transferred to them in order to declare independence ?

Also, 'Palestine' did not have defined territory when Israel declared independence. Defined territory is something a sovereign state has.
Where was Israel's defined territory when it declared independence?

Where is Israel's defined territory now?

Again, you are avoiding my question.

Defined territory is something a sovereign state has. Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory. Where is it ? Look at a map .

"In international law, a sovereign state is a nonphysical juridical entity that is represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographic area. International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"

Now answer my question.
International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"​

Until you can define Israel's territory, your post is gibberish.

You need to learn how to read Tinmore.
"International law defines sovereign states"

Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory. You are playing your little game again called "If you don't answer my question that I made up, you are wrong and I am right"

BTW, you STILL haven't answered my question. Duck duck duck duck and made up crap is all you have.
I am not ducking anything. You say:

Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory.​

I am merely asking where that is. Prove your point.
Man, you are such a liar. You MADE UP the acquiring land pre requisite. You have NEVER proved that it needed to be involved for declaring independence.
So when you don't get the response that you want, you claim that you somehow have the upper hand in the debate.

Do you really have that much of a hard time accepting the truth?
You are the one who cannot accept the truth.

The Lebanese gained independence in Lebanon. The Syrians gained independence in Syria. The Jordanians gained independence in Jordan. And on and on.

The foreign Zionists declared independence in Palestine. Acquiring land is not an issue anywhere else because they gained independence inside their own defined territory as stated in international law. (A state should have a defined territory ~ Montevideo Conference)

Isr.ael is the only one with a problem because it is the only one declaring independence in another defined territory.

No, Tinmore, YOU cannot accept the truth. You make up you own rules and laws for Israel, knowing that they do not apply to the real world.

You still didn't answer my question. Again, where does it say that land needed to be transferred to them in order to declare independence ?

Also, 'Palestine' did not have defined territory when Israel declared independence. Defined territory is something a sovereign state has.
Where was Israel's defined territory when it declared independence?

Where is Israel's defined territory now?

Again, you are avoiding my question.

Defined territory is something a sovereign state has. Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory. Where is it ? Look at a map .

"In international law, a sovereign state is a nonphysical juridical entity that is represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographic area. International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"

Now answer my question.
International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"​

Until you can define Israel's territory, your post is gibberish.

Here you go

Delineating the final geographical area of Palestine designated for the Jewish National Home on September 16, 1922, as described by the Mandatory:




Palestine lies on the western edge of the continent of Asia between Latitude 30º N. and 33º N., Longitude 34º 30’ E. and 35º 30’ E.

On the North it is bounded by the French Mandated Territories of Syria and Lebanon, on the East by Syria and Trans-Jordan, on the South-west by the Egyptian province of Sinai, on the South-east by the Gulf of Aqaba and on the West by the Mediterranean. The frontier with Syria was laid down by the Anglo-French Convention of the 23rd December, 1920, and its delimitation was ratified in 1923. Briefly stated, the boundaries are as follows: -

North. – From Ras en Naqura on the Mediterranean eastwards to a point west of Qadas, thence in a northerly direction to Metulla, thence east to a point west of Banias.

East. – From Banias in a southerly direction east of Lake Hula to Jisr Banat Ya’pub, thence along a line east of the Jordan and the Lake of Tiberias and on to El Hamme station on the Samakh-Deraa railway line, thence along the centre of the river Yarmuq to its confluence with the Jordan, thence along the centres of the Jordan, the Dead Sea and the Wadi Araba to a point on the Gulf of Aqaba two miles west of the town of Aqaba, thence along the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba to Ras Jaba.

South. – From Ras Jaba in a generally north-westerly direction to the junction of the Neki-Aqaba and Gaza-Aqaba Roads, thence to a point west-north-west of Ain Maghara and thence to a point on the Mediterranean coast north-west of Rafa.

West. – The Mediterranean Sea.

Will this do ?
Man, you are such a liar. You MADE UP the acquiring land pre requisite. You have NEVER proved that it needed to be involved for declaring independence.
So when you don't get the response that you want, you claim that you somehow have the upper hand in the debate.

Do you really have that much of a hard time accepting the truth?
You are the one who cannot accept the truth.

The Lebanese gained independence in Lebanon. The Syrians gained independence in Syria. The Jordanians gained independence in Jordan. And on and on.

The foreign Zionists declared independence in Palestine. Acquiring land is not an issue anywhere else because they gained independence inside their own defined territory as stated in international law. (A state should have a defined territory ~ Montevideo Conference)

Israel is the only one with a problem because it is the only one declaring independence in another defined territory.

No, Tinmore, YOU cannot accept the truth. You make up you own rules and laws for Israel, knowing that they do not apply to the real world.

You still didn't answer my question. Again, where does it say that land needed to be transferred to them in order to declare independence ?

Also, 'Palestine' did not have defined territory when Israel declared independence. Defined territory is something a sovereign state has.
Where was Israel's defined territory when it declared independence?

Where is Israel's defined territory now?

See LoN mandate for Palestine for your answers
I have. It does not say what you imply.

Delineating the final geographical area of Palestine designated for the Jewish National Home on September 16, 1922, as described by the Mandatory:




Palestine lies on the western edge of the continent of Asia between Latitude 30º N. and 33º N., Longitude 34º 30’ E. and 35º 30’ E.

On the North it is bounded by the French Mandated Territories of Syria and Lebanon, on the East by Syria and Trans-Jordan, on the South-west by the Egyptian province of Sinai, on the South-east by the Gulf of Aqaba and on the West by the Mediterranean. The frontier with Syria was laid down by the Anglo-French Convention of the 23rd December, 1920, and its delimitation was ratified in 1923. Briefly stated, the boundaries are as follows: -

North. – From Ras en Naqura on the Mediterranean eastwards to a point west of Qadas, thence in a northerly direction to Metulla, thence east to a point west of Banias.

East. – From Banias in a southerly direction east of Lake Hula to Jisr Banat Ya’pub, thence along a line east of the Jordan and the Lake of Tiberias and on to El Hamme station on the Samakh-Deraa railway line, thence along the centre of the river Yarmuq to its confluence with the Jordan, thence along the centres of the Jordan, the Dead Sea and the Wadi Araba to a point on the Gulf of Aqaba two miles west of the town of Aqaba, thence along the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba to Ras Jaba.

South. – From Ras Jaba in a generally north-westerly direction to the junction of the Neki-Aqaba and Gaza-Aqaba Roads, thence to a point west-north-west of Ain Maghara and thence to a point on the Mediterranean coast north-west of Rafa.

West. – The Mediterranean Sea.
No, Tinmore, YOU cannot accept the truth. You make up you own rules and laws for Israel, knowing that they do not apply to the real world.

You still didn't answer my question. Again, where does it say that land needed to be transferred to them in order to declare independence ?

Also, 'Palestine' did not have defined territory when Israel declared independence. Defined territory is something a sovereign state has.
Where was Israel's defined territory when it declared independence?

Where is Israel's defined territory now?

Again, you are avoiding my question.

Defined territory is something a sovereign state has. Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory. Where is it ? Look at a map .

"In international law, a sovereign state is a nonphysical juridical entity that is represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographic area. International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"

Now answer my question.
International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"​

Until you can define Israel's territory, your post is gibberish.

You need to learn how to read Tinmore.
"International law defines sovereign states"

Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory. You are playing your little game again called "If you don't answer my question that I made up, you are wrong and I am right"

BTW, you STILL haven't answered my question. Duck duck duck duck and made up crap is all you have.
I am not ducking anything. You say:

Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory.​

I am merely asking where that is. Prove your point.

Delineating the final geographical area of Palestine designated for the Jewish National Home on September 16, 1922, as described by the Mandatory:11




Palestine lies on the western edge of the continent of Asia between Latitude 30º N. and 33º N., Longitude 34º 30’ E. and 35º 30’ E.

On the North it is bounded by the French Mandated Territories of Syria and Lebanon, on the East by Syria and Trans-Jordan, on the South-west by the Egyptian province of Sinai, on the South-east by the Gulf of Aqaba and on the West by the Mediterranean. The frontier with Syria was laid down by the Anglo-French Convention of the 23rd December, 1920, and its delimitation was ratified in 1923. Briefly stated, the boundaries are as follows: -

North. – From Ras en Naqura on the Mediterranean eastwards to a point west of Qadas, thence in a northerly direction to Metulla, thence east to a point west of Banias.

East. – From Banias in a southerly direction east of Lake Hula to Jisr Banat Ya’pub, thence along a line east of the Jordan and the Lake of Tiberias and on to El Hamme station on the Samakh-Deraa railway line, thence along the centre of the river Yarmuq to its confluence with the Jordan, thence along the centres of the Jordan, the Dead Sea and the Wadi Araba to a point on the Gulf of Aqaba two miles west of the town of Aqaba, thence along the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba to Ras Jaba.

South. – From Ras Jaba in a generally north-westerly direction to the junction of the Neki-Aqaba and Gaza-Aqaba Roads, thence to a point west-north-west of Ain Maghara and thence to a point on the Mediterranean coast north-west of Rafa.

West. – The Mediterranean Sea.
No, Tinmore, YOU cannot accept the truth. You make up you own rules and laws for Israel, knowing that they do not apply to the real world.

You still didn't answer my question. Again, where does it say that land needed to be transferred to them in order to declare independence ?

Also, 'Palestine' did not have defined territory when Israel declared independence. Defined territory is something a sovereign state has.
Where was Israel's defined territory when it declared independence?

Where is Israel's defined territory now?

Again, you are avoiding my question.

Defined territory is something a sovereign state has. Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory. Where is it ? Look at a map .

"In international law, a sovereign state is a nonphysical juridical entity that is represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographic area. International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"

Now answer my question.
International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"​

Until you can define Israel's territory, your post is gibberish.

You need to learn how to read Tinmore.
"International law defines sovereign states"

Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory. You are playing your little game again called "If you don't answer my question that I made up, you are wrong and I am right"

BTW, you STILL haven't answered my question. Duck duck duck duck and made up crap is all you have.
I am not ducking anything. You say:

Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory.​

I am merely asking where that is. Prove your point.

You are ducking. Read my post, you still haven't answered my question.

What do you want me to prove? Where the land is? Do you seriously not realize how stupid of a question that is?


Phoney is posting links regarding the boundaries of Palestine and claims they are the boundaries of Israel. Toast is posting boundaries that appear to be borders after Zionist conquest without the delineation of the Jewish settlements. Let's be honest Israel rules all of Palestine. There is not and there will never be a Palestinian state.
Phoney is posting links regarding the boundaries of Palestine and claims they are the boundaries of Israel. Toast is posting boundaries that appear to be borders after Zionist conquest without the delineation of the Jewish settlements. Let's be honest Israel rules all of Palestine. There is not and there will never be a Palestinian state.

I post the words in the mandate for Palestine which became international law in 1923, so I claim nothing.

If there is no state of Palestine then what is every nation on the planet recognising.

You really are an imbecile sometimes freddy boy when you come out with such idiotic statements
You are the one who cannot accept the truth.

The Lebanese gained independence in Lebanon. The Syrians gained independence in Syria. The Jordanians gained independence in Jordan. And on and on.

The foreign Zionists declared independence in Palestine. Acquiring land is not an issue anywhere else because they gained independence inside their own defined territory as stated in international law. (A state should have a defined territory ~ Montevideo Conference)

Isr.ael is the only one with a problem because it is the only one declaring independence in another defined territory.

No, Tinmore, YOU cannot accept the truth. You make up you own rules and laws for Israel, knowing that they do not apply to the real world.

You still didn't answer my question. Again, where does it say that land needed to be transferred to them in order to declare independence ?

Also, 'Palestine' did not have defined territory when Israel declared independence. Defined territory is something a sovereign state has.
Where was Israel's defined territory when it declared independence?

Where is Israel's defined territory now?

Again, you are avoiding my question.

Defined territory is something a sovereign state has. Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory. Where is it ? Look at a map .

"In international law, a sovereign state is a nonphysical juridical entity that is represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographic area. International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"

Now answer my question.
International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"​

Until you can define Israel's territory, your post is gibberish.

Here you go

Delineating the final geographical area of Palestine designated for the Jewish National Home on September 16, 1922, as described by the Mandatory:




Palestine lies on the western edge of the continent of Asia between Latitude 30º N. and 33º N., Longitude 34º 30’ E. and 35º 30’ E.

On the North it is bounded by the French Mandated Territories of Syria and Lebanon, on the East by Syria and Trans-Jordan, on the South-west by the Egyptian province of Sinai, on the South-east by the Gulf of Aqaba and on the West by the Mediterranean. The frontier with Syria was laid down by the Anglo-French Convention of the 23rd December, 1920, and its delimitation was ratified in 1923. Briefly stated, the boundaries are as follows: -

North. – From Ras en Naqura on the Mediterranean eastwards to a point west of Qadas, thence in a northerly direction to Metulla, thence east to a point west of Banias.

East. – From Banias in a southerly direction east of Lake Hula to Jisr Banat Ya’pub, thence along a line east of the Jordan and the Lake of Tiberias and on to El Hamme station on the Samakh-Deraa railway line, thence along the centre of the river Yarmuq to its confluence with the Jordan, thence along the centres of the Jordan, the Dead Sea and the Wadi Araba to a point on the Gulf of Aqaba two miles west of the town of Aqaba, thence along the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba to Ras Jaba.

South. – From Ras Jaba in a generally north-westerly direction to the junction of the Neki-Aqaba and Gaza-Aqaba Roads, thence to a point west-north-west of Ain Maghara and thence to a point on the Mediterranean coast north-west of Rafa.

West. – The Mediterranean Sea.

Will this do ?
Indeed, those are Palestine's international borders. You are just confused as to the meaning of Jewish National Home.
No, Tinmore, YOU cannot accept the truth. You make up you own rules and laws for Israel, knowing that they do not apply to the real world.

You still didn't answer my question. Again, where does it say that land needed to be transferred to them in order to declare independence ?

Also, 'Palestine' did not have defined territory when Israel declared independence. Defined territory is something a sovereign state has.
Where was Israel's defined territory when it declared independence?

Where is Israel's defined territory now?

Again, you are avoiding my question.

Defined territory is something a sovereign state has. Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory. Where is it ? Look at a map .

"In international law, a sovereign state is a nonphysical juridical entity that is represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographic area. International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"

Now answer my question.
International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"​

Until you can define Israel's territory, your post is gibberish.

Here you go

Delineating the final geographical area of Palestine designated for the Jewish National Home on September 16, 1922, as described by the Mandatory:




Palestine lies on the western edge of the continent of Asia between Latitude 30º N. and 33º N., Longitude 34º 30’ E. and 35º 30’ E.

On the North it is bounded by the French Mandated Territories of Syria and Lebanon, on the East by Syria and Trans-Jordan, on the South-west by the Egyptian province of Sinai, on the South-east by the Gulf of Aqaba and on the West by the Mediterranean. The frontier with Syria was laid down by the Anglo-French Convention of the 23rd December, 1920, and its delimitation was ratified in 1923. Briefly stated, the boundaries are as follows: -

North. – From Ras en Naqura on the Mediterranean eastwards to a point west of Qadas, thence in a northerly direction to Metulla, thence east to a point west of Banias.

East. – From Banias in a southerly direction east of Lake Hula to Jisr Banat Ya’pub, thence along a line east of the Jordan and the Lake of Tiberias and on to El Hamme station on the Samakh-Deraa railway line, thence along the centre of the river Yarmuq to its confluence with the Jordan, thence along the centres of the Jordan, the Dead Sea and the Wadi Araba to a point on the Gulf of Aqaba two miles west of the town of Aqaba, thence along the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba to Ras Jaba.

South. – From Ras Jaba in a generally north-westerly direction to the junction of the Neki-Aqaba and Gaza-Aqaba Roads, thence to a point west-north-west of Ain Maghara and thence to a point on the Mediterranean coast north-west of Rafa.

West. – The Mediterranean Sea.

Will this do ?
Indeed, those are Palestine's international borders. You are just confused as to the meaning of Jewish National Home.

Palestine did not have any international borders, and you have not even proven they did or do.
No, Tinmore, YOU cannot accept the truth. You make up you own rules and laws for Israel, knowing that they do not apply to the real world.

You still didn't answer my question. Again, where does it say that land needed to be transferred to them in order to declare independence ?

Also, 'Palestine' did not have defined territory when Israel declared independence. Defined territory is something a sovereign state has.
Where was Israel's defined territory when it declared independence?

Where is Israel's defined territory now?

Again, you are avoiding my question.

Defined territory is something a sovereign state has. Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory. Where is it ? Look at a map .

"In international law, a sovereign state is a nonphysical juridical entity that is represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographic area. International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"

Now answer my question.
International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"​

Until you can define Israel's territory, your post is gibberish.

Here you go

Delineating the final geographical area of Palestine designated for the Jewish National Home on September 16, 1922, as described by the Mandatory:




Palestine lies on the western edge of the continent of Asia between Latitude 30º N. and 33º N., Longitude 34º 30’ E. and 35º 30’ E.

On the North it is bounded by the French Mandated Territories of Syria and Lebanon, on the East by Syria and Trans-Jordan, on the South-west by the Egyptian province of Sinai, on the South-east by the Gulf of Aqaba and on the West by the Mediterranean. The frontier with Syria was laid down by the Anglo-French Convention of the 23rd December, 1920, and its delimitation was ratified in 1923. Briefly stated, the boundaries are as follows: -

North. – From Ras en Naqura on the Mediterranean eastwards to a point west of Qadas, thence in a northerly direction to Metulla, thence east to a point west of Banias.

East. – From Banias in a southerly direction east of Lake Hula to Jisr Banat Ya’pub, thence along a line east of the Jordan and the Lake of Tiberias and on to El Hamme station on the Samakh-Deraa railway line, thence along the centre of the river Yarmuq to its confluence with the Jordan, thence along the centres of the Jordan, the Dead Sea and the Wadi Araba to a point on the Gulf of Aqaba two miles west of the town of Aqaba, thence along the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba to Ras Jaba.

South. – From Ras Jaba in a generally north-westerly direction to the junction of the Neki-Aqaba and Gaza-Aqaba Roads, thence to a point west-north-west of Ain Maghara and thence to a point on the Mediterranean coast north-west of Rafa.

West. – The Mediterranean Sea.

Will this do ?
Indeed, those are Palestine's international borders. You are just confused as to the meaning of Jewish National Home.

Get it right as the link shows they are the borders of Jewish National Home inside Palestine. The whole of Palestine includes trans Jordan and trans Jordan is not mentioned is it. You confuse the term Jewish Palestine with nation of Palestine. The facts are that the LoN had to do something when it was pointed out that Palestine could not be wholly arab muslim or wholly Jewish, so they partitioned Palestine into separate arab muslim and Jewish parts. The mandaye delineates the borders or trans Jordan as well if you bother to look, and that was supposed to be the nation of Palestine. .
Where was Israel's defined territory when it declared independence?

Where is Israel's defined territory now?

Again, you are avoiding my question.

Defined territory is something a sovereign state has. Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory. Where is it ? Look at a map .

"In international law, a sovereign state is a nonphysical juridical entity that is represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographic area. International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"

Now answer my question.
International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"​

Until you can define Israel's territory, your post is gibberish.

Here you go

Delineating the final geographical area of Palestine designated for the Jewish National Home on September 16, 1922, as described by the Mandatory:




Palestine lies on the western edge of the continent of Asia between Latitude 30º N. and 33º N., Longitude 34º 30’ E. and 35º 30’ E.

On the North it is bounded by the French Mandated Territories of Syria and Lebanon, on the East by Syria and Trans-Jordan, on the South-west by the Egyptian province of Sinai, on the South-east by the Gulf of Aqaba and on the West by the Mediterranean. The frontier with Syria was laid down by the Anglo-French Convention of the 23rd December, 1920, and its delimitation was ratified in 1923. Briefly stated, the boundaries are as follows: -

North. – From Ras en Naqura on the Mediterranean eastwards to a point west of Qadas, thence in a northerly direction to Metulla, thence east to a point west of Banias.

East. – From Banias in a southerly direction east of Lake Hula to Jisr Banat Ya’pub, thence along a line east of the Jordan and the Lake of Tiberias and on to El Hamme station on the Samakh-Deraa railway line, thence along the centre of the river Yarmuq to its confluence with the Jordan, thence along the centres of the Jordan, the Dead Sea and the Wadi Araba to a point on the Gulf of Aqaba two miles west of the town of Aqaba, thence along the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba to Ras Jaba.

South. – From Ras Jaba in a generally north-westerly direction to the junction of the Neki-Aqaba and Gaza-Aqaba Roads, thence to a point west-north-west of Ain Maghara and thence to a point on the Mediterranean coast north-west of Rafa.

West. – The Mediterranean Sea.

Will this do ?
Indeed, those are Palestine's international borders. You are just confused as to the meaning of Jewish National Home.

Get it right as the link shows they are the borders of Jewish National Home inside Palestine. The whole of Palestine includes trans Jordan and trans Jordan is not mentioned is it. You confuse the term Jewish Palestine with nation of Palestine. The facts are that the LoN had to do something when it was pointed out that Palestine could not be wholly arab muslim or wholly Jewish, so they partitioned Palestine into separate arab muslim and Jewish parts. The mandaye delineates the borders or trans Jordan as well if you bother to look, and that was supposed to be the nation of Palestine. .

"77. As far as the mandatory Power is concerned, the statement65/ of British policy in Palestine which was issued in June 1922 by Mr. Winston Churchill, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, has remained the authoritative interpretation.66/ The following excerpts express the substance of the statement:

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become as Jewish as England is English. His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab delegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded in Palestine."

A 364 of 3 September 1947
Notice Monte always changes the subject of every thread so that he can post one of his four mutilated documents for the millionth time. Ha ha ha. This guy is nucking futs.

Maybe it's because he posted an article in this thread about Jews marrying their cousins, while being totally ignorant of the fact that it's most prevalent in Muslim shitholes and among the Palestinans.

Another epic fail by Jew hater Monte, the mental midget spam donkey extraordinaire.
Again, you are avoiding my question.

Defined territory is something a sovereign state has. Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory. Where is it ? Look at a map .

"In international law, a sovereign state is a nonphysical juridical entity that is represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographic area. International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"

Now answer my question.
International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"​

Until you can define Israel's territory, your post is gibberish.

Here you go

Delineating the final geographical area of Palestine designated for the Jewish National Home on September 16, 1922, as described by the Mandatory:




Palestine lies on the western edge of the continent of Asia between Latitude 30º N. and 33º N., Longitude 34º 30’ E. and 35º 30’ E.

On the North it is bounded by the French Mandated Territories of Syria and Lebanon, on the East by Syria and Trans-Jordan, on the South-west by the Egyptian province of Sinai, on the South-east by the Gulf of Aqaba and on the West by the Mediterranean. The frontier with Syria was laid down by the Anglo-French Convention of the 23rd December, 1920, and its delimitation was ratified in 1923. Briefly stated, the boundaries are as follows: -

North. – From Ras en Naqura on the Mediterranean eastwards to a point west of Qadas, thence in a northerly direction to Metulla, thence east to a point west of Banias.

East. – From Banias in a southerly direction east of Lake Hula to Jisr Banat Ya’pub, thence along a line east of the Jordan and the Lake of Tiberias and on to El Hamme station on the Samakh-Deraa railway line, thence along the centre of the river Yarmuq to its confluence with the Jordan, thence along the centres of the Jordan, the Dead Sea and the Wadi Araba to a point on the Gulf of Aqaba two miles west of the town of Aqaba, thence along the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba to Ras Jaba.

South. – From Ras Jaba in a generally north-westerly direction to the junction of the Neki-Aqaba and Gaza-Aqaba Roads, thence to a point west-north-west of Ain Maghara and thence to a point on the Mediterranean coast north-west of Rafa.

West. – The Mediterranean Sea.

Will this do ?
Indeed, those are Palestine's international borders. You are just confused as to the meaning of Jewish National Home.

Get it right as the link shows they are the borders of Jewish National Home inside Palestine. The whole of Palestine includes trans Jordan and trans Jordan is not mentioned is it. You confuse the term Jewish Palestine with nation of Palestine. The facts are that the LoN had to do something when it was pointed out that Palestine could not be wholly arab muslim or wholly Jewish, so they partitioned Palestine into separate arab muslim and Jewish parts. The mandaye delineates the borders or trans Jordan as well if you bother to look, and that was supposed to be the nation of Palestine. .

"77. As far as the mandatory Power is concerned, the statement65/ of British policy in Palestine which was issued in June 1922 by Mr. Winston Churchill, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, has remained the authoritative interpretation.66/ The following excerpts express the substance of the statement:

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become as Jewish as England is English. His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab delegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded in Palestine."

A 364 of 3 September 1947

And as your link on another thread states the land of Palestine was partitioned into two parts and 78% became trans Jordan, a wholly Islamic state with the remainder becoming the national home of the Jews.

Do you understand yet that your own links are saying that you are a LIAR
Just facts from a UN resolution.

Which UN resolution would that be then freddy boy ?

But from your link we find

78. Commenting on the above passage and its context, the Royal Commission concluded as follows:"This definition of the National Home has sometimes been taken to preclude the establishment of a Jewish State. But, though the phraseology was clearly intended to conciliate, as far as might be, Arab antagonism to the National Home, there is nothing in it to prohibit the ultimate establishment of a Jewish State, and Mr. Churchill himself has told us in evidence that no such prohibition was intended."67/

79. While there have been grounds for controversy regarding the precise implication of the term "National Home," a perhaps more stubborn difficulty has emerged from the undertakings of the Mandate towards the Jewish and Arab inhabitants of Palestine respectively: the so-called "dual obligation." The general terms in which the Mandate is phrased have invited attempts to discover in them some primacy of purpose. In 1930, the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League, of Nations satisfied itself "that the obligation laid down by the Mandate in regard to the two sections of the population are of equal weight."68/ Approaching the question from a strict examination of the terms of the Mandate, the Royal Commission found that "unquestionably, however, the primary purpose of the Mandate, as expressed in its preamble and its articles, is to promote the establishment of the Jewish National Home."69/ (Italics as in text). From a different context we have the opinion of Mr. Churchill, while addressing the House of Commons on 23 May 1939, that the intention of the 1922 White Paper was "to make it clear that the establishment of self-governing institutions in Palestine was to be subordinated to the paramount pledge and obligation of establishing a Jewish National Home in Palestine."70/

Development of the National Home8O. In 1937, the members of the Palestine Royal Commission summed up their impressions thus: "Twelve years ago the National Home was an experiment, today it is a going concern."71/ Within the decade since their report was issued, the Jewish population of Palestine has increased from 400,000 to some 625,000.72/ In place of the 203 agricultural settlements containing some 97,000, there are now more than 300 such settlements and small towns with a population of some 140,000. The larger towns and cities of the Yishuv (Jewish community in Palestine) have likewise greatly expanded both in size and amenities. In particular Tel Aviv, with its present population of over 180,000, its highly developed civic organization, its cultural activities and other indications of a diversified community life, cannot fail to impress. Remembering the deserted sandiness from which Tel-Aviv has sprung, one can well understand the pride which the Jewish community takes in its creation.
International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"​

Until you can define Israel's territory, your post is gibberish.

Here you go

Delineating the final geographical area of Palestine designated for the Jewish National Home on September 16, 1922, as described by the Mandatory:




Palestine lies on the western edge of the continent of Asia between Latitude 30º N. and 33º N., Longitude 34º 30’ E. and 35º 30’ E.

On the North it is bounded by the French Mandated Territories of Syria and Lebanon, on the East by Syria and Trans-Jordan, on the South-west by the Egyptian province of Sinai, on the South-east by the Gulf of Aqaba and on the West by the Mediterranean. The frontier with Syria was laid down by the Anglo-French Convention of the 23rd December, 1920, and its delimitation was ratified in 1923. Briefly stated, the boundaries are as follows: -

North. – From Ras en Naqura on the Mediterranean eastwards to a point west of Qadas, thence in a northerly direction to Metulla, thence east to a point west of Banias.

East. – From Banias in a southerly direction east of Lake Hula to Jisr Banat Ya’pub, thence along a line east of the Jordan and the Lake of Tiberias and on to El Hamme station on the Samakh-Deraa railway line, thence along the centre of the river Yarmuq to its confluence with the Jordan, thence along the centres of the Jordan, the Dead Sea and the Wadi Araba to a point on the Gulf of Aqaba two miles west of the town of Aqaba, thence along the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba to Ras Jaba.

South. – From Ras Jaba in a generally north-westerly direction to the junction of the Neki-Aqaba and Gaza-Aqaba Roads, thence to a point west-north-west of Ain Maghara and thence to a point on the Mediterranean coast north-west of Rafa.

West. – The Mediterranean Sea.

Will this do ?
Indeed, those are Palestine's international borders. You are just confused as to the meaning of Jewish National Home.

Get it right as the link shows they are the borders of Jewish National Home inside Palestine. The whole of Palestine includes trans Jordan and trans Jordan is not mentioned is it. You confuse the term Jewish Palestine with nation of Palestine. The facts are that the LoN had to do something when it was pointed out that Palestine could not be wholly arab muslim or wholly Jewish, so they partitioned Palestine into separate arab muslim and Jewish parts. The mandaye delineates the borders or trans Jordan as well if you bother to look, and that was supposed to be the nation of Palestine. .

"77. As far as the mandatory Power is concerned, the statement65/ of British policy in Palestine which was issued in June 1922 by Mr. Winston Churchill, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, has remained the authoritative interpretation.66/ The following excerpts express the substance of the statement:

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become as Jewish as England is English. His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab delegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded in Palestine."

A 364 of 3 September 1947

And as your link on another thread states the land of Palestine was partitioned into two parts and 78% became trans Jordan, a wholly Islamic state with the remainder becoming the national home of the Jews.

Do you understand yet that your own links are saying that you are a LIAR

The link says no such thing. It is impossible to be a liar when one posts text from an official document.
No, Tinmore, YOU cannot accept the truth. You make up you own rules and laws for Israel, knowing that they do not apply to the real world.

You still didn't answer my question. Again, where does it say that land needed to be transferred to them in order to declare independence ?

Also, 'Palestine' did not have defined territory when Israel declared independence. Defined territory is something a sovereign state has.
Where was Israel's defined territory when it declared independence?

Where is Israel's defined territory now?

Again, you are avoiding my question.

Defined territory is something a sovereign state has. Israel is a sovereign state, therefore has defined territory. Where is it ? Look at a map .

"In international law, a sovereign state is a nonphysical juridical entity that is represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographic area. International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"

Now answer my question.
International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1"​

Until you can define Israel's territory, your post is gibberish.

Here you go

Delineating the final geographical area of Palestine designated for the Jewish National Home on September 16, 1922, as described by the Mandatory:




Palestine lies on the western edge of the continent of Asia between Latitude 30º N. and 33º N., Longitude 34º 30’ E. and 35º 30’ E.

On the North it is bounded by the French Mandated Territories of Syria and Lebanon, on the East by Syria and Trans-Jordan, on the South-west by the Egyptian province of Sinai, on the South-east by the Gulf of Aqaba and on the West by the Mediterranean. The frontier with Syria was laid down by the Anglo-French Convention of the 23rd December, 1920, and its delimitation was ratified in 1923. Briefly stated, the boundaries are as follows: -

North. – From Ras en Naqura on the Mediterranean eastwards to a point west of Qadas, thence in a northerly direction to Metulla, thence east to a point west of Banias.

East. – From Banias in a southerly direction east of Lake Hula to Jisr Banat Ya’pub, thence along a line east of the Jordan and the Lake of Tiberias and on to El Hamme station on the Samakh-Deraa railway line, thence along the centre of the river Yarmuq to its confluence with the Jordan, thence along the centres of the Jordan, the Dead Sea and the Wadi Araba to a point on the Gulf of Aqaba two miles west of the town of Aqaba, thence along the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba to Ras Jaba.

South. – From Ras Jaba in a generally north-westerly direction to the junction of the Neki-Aqaba and Gaza-Aqaba Roads, thence to a point west-north-west of Ain Maghara and thence to a point on the Mediterranean coast north-west of Rafa.

West. – The Mediterranean Sea.

Will this do ?
Indeed, those are Palestine's international borders. You are just confused as to the meaning of Jewish National Home.

Israel has internationally recognized borders with Egypt and Jordan, as spelled out by their peace treaties. Also, when Israel withdrew from Lebanon, the U.N. determined that Israel had complied by withdrawing its forces from the internationally recognized border.

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