Is It Always 'Racist' Or 'Antisemitic' To Disagree With Israel Sometimes?


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Truman made that decision 68 years ago. I do agree that we need to figure out a better solution, but don't ask me.
Withdraw all support from Israel and the middle east. Bring all the troops home now.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Not at all why?

It is however fascist to stab them in the front.....
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

Disagree is fine. Fuck 'em over in the U.N. in favor of terrorists who's mission statement is to "Drive the Jews into the sea...." quite another.

I am sure you understand the difference....right?
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

It is rather interesting question.

The same people who say that anyone who criticizes Israel is an anti-semite, tend to be the same people who bristle when they are called racists for criticizing black lives matter or President Obama.

The actual answer is more complicated.

Some people oppose everything Israel does because they are antisemites.
Some people oppose some of the things Israel does because they disagree with specific policies of Israel.
Some people oppose Black Lives Matter and President Obama because they are racists.
Some people oppose Black Lives Matter and President Obama because they disagree with actions and policies.

It is always just simpler to call everyone an anti-semite or racist.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Rabid Arab Rabble

If you think intelligent, courageous, and productive Jews are no better than backward thrill-killing Muslims, that's anti-semitic.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

It is rather interesting question.

The same people who say that anyone who criticizes Israel is an anti-semite, tend to be the same people who bristle when they are called racists for criticizing black lives matter or President Obama.

The actual answer is more complicated.

Some people oppose everything Israel does because they are antisemites.
Some people oppose some of the things Israel does because they disagree with specific policies of Israel.
Some people oppose Black Lives Matter and President Obama because they are racists.
Some people oppose Black Lives Matter and President Obama because they disagree with actions and policies.

It is always just simpler to call everyone an anti-semite or racist.
I think BLM and Obama are racists too....
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

Disagree is fine. Fuck 'em over in the U.N. in favor of terrorists who's mission statement is to "Drive the Jews into the sea...." quite another.

I am sure you understand the difference....right?

Not necessarily only referring to the recent UN vote. It seems to me, that anyone disagreeing with Israel on anything, immediately gets labeled a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' Most Americans have adopted that 'Mob-Rule' mentality when it comes to Israel.
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Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

I think only Israel can guaranty the presence of Christianity in the Holy Land. After Israel fail Muslims will destroy all churches and kill all Christians.Therefore we must support and defend Israel.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

It is rather interesting question.

The same people who say that anyone who criticizes Israel is an anti-semite, tend to be the same people who bristle when they are called racists for criticizing black lives matter or President Obama.

The actual answer is more complicated.

Some people oppose everything Israel does because they are antisemites.
Some people oppose some of the things Israel does because they disagree with specific policies of Israel.
Some people oppose Black Lives Matter and President Obama because they are racists.
Some people oppose Black Lives Matter and President Obama because they disagree with actions and policies.

It is always just simpler to call everyone an anti-semite or racist.

Yeah, a 'Mob-Rule' mentality is used to silence those who won't go along. I can't tell you how many times i've been accused of being a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite' for merely saying the US doesn't always have to do Israel's bidding. A country so tiny shouldn't have such a huge influence on our Government.
Last time I checked Israel wasn't a state of America. We have helped Israel out a lot! They have been great allies. However, when your friend does something illegal you cannot condone it.

This isn't the first time Israel has been warned about their illegal settlements. They've done in the past and the UN let them slide but now they had enough of Israel's shit. You can't keep on breaking international law and get away with it.

If it wasn't for our friendship, Israeli leaders would be sitting in a jail cell. No other country can get away with what Israel has done to Palestine and Palestinians.

We owe nothing to Israel. They actually owe us.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

Yet we're best-buddies with several evil terror nations like Saudi Arabia. We need to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East. I'm so sick of all the bloody quagmires there.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

Disagree is fine. Fuck 'em over in the U.N. in favor of terrorists who's mission statement is to "Drive the Jews into the sea...." quite another.

I am sure you understand the difference....right?

You do realize that the right in Israel doesn't want Palestine to exist, don't you?
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

Disagree is fine. Fuck 'em over in the U.N. in favor of terrorists who's mission statement is to "Drive the Jews into the sea...." quite another.

I am sure you understand the difference....right?

You do realize that the right in Israel doesn't want Palestine to exist, don't you?

Palestine doesn't exist.....that is a statement of fact. And since the Israeli's won the West Bank and Jerusalem in War's the asshole Arabs started, and paid for the land many times over with their blood....the hell with the terrorist Palestinians....

Also, the land was promised to the Jews by God according to the Torah and in the Christian Bible.....or should only Muslim religious beliefs be respected?
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

No, you can disagree with the policies of anyone. However the reasons you disagree are what matters in that discussion. If you are grasping at straws to try and justify your objection to the policies, then it has less to do with well reasoned and informed objections, and more to do with a bias.

For example, if you say that Israel is under no threat from Hamas or other radical jihadist groups, then either you are ignorant, or stupid. Ignorant means you don't know, stupid means you won't learn.

How Long Has Israel Been Without Rockets?

Hamas and the radical Jihadist groups regularly fire rockets and mortars into Isreal. They do so in the hopes of provoking a response, and then the press is given access to show what the Isrealis have done this time.

List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2016 - Wikipedia

Palestinians have had plenty of opportunities to live in peace, and they instead have dedicated themselves to eradication of the Jews. This conflict between the two has been a fact of life since the Isreali's declared statehood in compliance with UN Resolution 181 in 1948. The Islamic nations and peoples used that declaration as an excuse to do what they had been prepping for anyway. They launched attacks to destroy the Jews, and we helped the Arab nations. Don't pretend we didn't. We did everything we could to limit access to aircraft, weapons, munitions, medical supplies, food. The RAF flew reconnaissance missions over Israel. This wasn't to help the Jews, it was to provide intelligence to the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Jordanians, and the Palastinians.

Everyone assumed that Israel would lose, but they won, and won again, and defeated armies that outnumbered them by impossible factors. Personally I think Israel will win again and again in the future. The reason is simple. Sun Tzu calls it Death Ground. The Israeli's have no where to go. There is no where for them to retreat to. No where for them to seek sanctuary, and no one who will provide succor. For them, it's victory, or death. This reality tends to focus the mind, and turn good soldiers into great soldiers. Those soldiers fight as if they have nothing to lose.

The Japanese saw this first hand in World War II on Guadalcanal. The Americans saw it on many other islands. It was victory, or death for the defenders. The Palastinians know they can withdraw to Egypt or perhaps Jordan. They have a door open to escape. The Israeli have no door, no escape, no option except determined defense.

I believe that the Israeli people would be happy to live in peace. The rub there is that the other guys have to want to live in peace too. The Palastinians want piece, that is to say pieces of Jews scattered all over.

Watch the documentary called "Above and Beyond" to see what it was like trying to get an Air Force started for Isreal.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

Disagree is fine. Fuck 'em over in the U.N. in favor of terrorists who's mission statement is to "Drive the Jews into the sea...." quite another.

I am sure you understand the difference....right?

Not necessarily only referring to the recent UN vote. It seems to me, that anyone disagreeing with Israel on anything, immediately gets labeled a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' Most Americans have adopted that 'Mob-Rule' mentality when it comes to Israel.

But you have noted that some people ALWAYS disagree with Israel, or blame Israel, even when someone else is being a complete dick, right?

You have noticed that, right?
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

No, you can disagree with the policies of anyone. However the reasons you disagree are what matters in that discussion. If you are grasping at straws to try and justify your objection to the policies, then it has less to do with well reasoned and informed objections, and more to do with a bias.

For example, if you say that Israel is under no threat from Hamas or other radical jihadist groups, then either you are ignorant, or stupid. Ignorant means you don't know, stupid means you won't learn.

How Long Has Israel Been Without Rockets?

Hamas and the radical Jihadist groups regularly fire rockets and mortars into Isreal. They do so in the hopes of provoking a response, and then the press is given access to show what the Isrealis have done this time.

List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2016 - Wikipedia

Palestinians have had plenty of opportunities to live in peace, and they instead have dedicated themselves to eradication of the Jews. This conflict between the two has been a fact of life since the Isreali's declared statehood in compliance with UN Resolution 181 in 1948. The Islamic nations and peoples used that declaration as an excuse to do what they had been prepping for anyway. They launched attacks to destroy the Jews, and we helped the Arab nations. Don't pretend we didn't. We did everything we could to limit access to aircraft, weapons, munitions, medical supplies, food. The RAF flew reconnaissance missions over Israel. This wasn't to help the Jews, it was to provide intelligence to the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Jordanians, and the Palastinians.

Everyone assumed that Israel would lose, but they won, and won again, and defeated armies that outnumbered them by impossible factors. Personally I think Israel will win again and again in the future. The reason is simple. Sun Tzu calls it Death Ground. The Israeli's have no where to go. There is no where for them to retreat to. No where for them to seek sanctuary, and no one who will provide succor. For them, it's victory, or death. This reality tends to focus the mind, and turn good soldiers into great soldiers. Those soldiers fight as if they have nothing to lose.

The Japanese saw this first hand in World War II on Guadalcanal. The Americans saw it on many other islands. It was victory, or death for the defenders. The Palastinians know they can withdraw to Egypt or perhaps Jordan. They have a door open to escape. The Israeli have no door, no escape, no option except determined defense.

I believe that the Israeli people would be happy to live in peace. The rub there is that the other guys have to want to live in peace too. The Palastinians want piece, that is to say pieces of Jews scattered all over.

Watch the documentary called "Above and Beyond" to see what it was like trying to get an Air Force started for Isreal.

I'm fine with Israel being a close ally. But i think a line has been crossed. I, and many other Americans, deeply resent being shouted down and labeled 'Racists' and 'Anti-Semites' for merely voicing disagreement with Israel on issues. I'm an American first. I don't owe Israel anything.

Israel's best interests are not always my country's best interests. I don't feel i should be forced to defend and support everything it does. But that seems to be the current climate. We need to go our own way on some foreign policy decisions. Israel shouldn't be dictating all of our decisions. Like i said, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I won't be bullied into supporting everything a foreign nation does. I'll speak up when i have to.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

No they don't have to defend all the time

But what I see ....I see you have a hidden agenda in your to speak,,,nasty

My 2 cents :dunno:

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