Is It Always 'Racist' Or 'Antisemitic' To Disagree With Israel Sometimes?

Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Im noticing Americans do not agree or approve of Israel's recent actions and while we usually side with them the second we question them we are immediately called anti Semites.

It truly offends me and makes me anti Semite.
Kinda like disagreeing with obamas policies and being labeled as racists.

Yes, exactly like that. Democrats often use the 'Racist' accusation to try and silence dissent. It's a dirty tactic. One can disagree with some Israeli policies and not be a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' I'm an American first. I'm not an Israeli. I don't owe Israel anything. In fact, it more likely it owes me.
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Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Im noticing Americans do not agree or approve of Israel's recent actions and while we usually side with them the second we question them we are immediately called anti Semites.

It truly offends me and makes me anti Semite.

Yeah, many Americans deeply resent being shouted down and labeled 'Racist' and 'Anti-Semitic.' There is no law stating Americans can't disagree with Israel on issues. But so many Americans act is if such a law does exist.

I think we need to step back a bit. We can't allow a foreign nation to dictate our entire foreign policy in a region. Our relationship with Israel reminds me of what some of our Founding Fathers warned about. Entangling Alliances can prove to be very dangerous.
The Jews are so used to us having their backs. I'm glad Obama is making a statement before he leaves because Republicans do have Israel's back right or wrong. It will be harder for Trump to sell us into going along with a military conflict when Americans already believe the Jews aren't being completely fair.

There are Christian Americans who believe God told us to defend the Jews at all costs and that this is eventually going to bring on the end of days, armageddon, ww3, etc. This has been prophicized.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Im noticing Americans do not agree or approve of Israel's recent actions and while we usually side with them the second we question them we are immediately called anti Semites.

It truly offends me and makes me anti Semite.

Yeah, many Americans deeply resent being shouted down and labeled 'Racist' and 'Anti-Semitic.' There is no law stating Americans can't disagree with Israel on issues. But so many Americans act is if such a law does exist.

I think we need to step back a bit. We can't allow a foreign nation to dictate our entire foreign policy in a region. Our relationship with Israel reminds me of what some of our Founding Fathers warned about. Entangling Alliances can prove to be very dangerous.
The Jews are so used to us having their backs. I'm glad Obama is making a statement before he leaves because Republicans do have Israel's back right or wrong. It will be harder for Trump to sell us into going along with a military conflict when Americans already believe the Jews aren't being completely fair.

There are Christian Americans who believe God told us to defend the Jews at all costs and that this is eventually going to bring on the end of days, armageddon, ww3, etc. This has been prophicized.

I think the Muslims should give Jerusalem to the Jews and Christians. Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian 'Mecca & Medina.' However, i doubt Muslims would ever agree to that. They consider it one of their holiest sites as well. But regardless, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't have to go along with everything a foreign nation does.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Im noticing Americans do not agree or approve of Israel's recent actions and while we usually side with them the second we question them we are immediately called anti Semites.

It truly offends me and makes me anti Semite.

Yeah, many Americans deeply resent being shouted down and labeled 'Racist' and 'Anti-Semitic.' There is no law stating Americans can't disagree with Israel on issues. But so many Americans act is if such a law does exist.

I think we need to step back a bit. We can't allow a foreign nation to dictate our entire foreign policy in a region. Our relationship with Israel reminds me of what some of our Founding Fathers warned about. Entangling Alliances can prove to be very dangerous.
The Jews are so used to us having their backs. I'm glad Obama is making a statement before he leaves because Republicans do have Israel's back right or wrong. It will be harder for Trump to sell us into going along with a military conflict when Americans already believe the Jews aren't being completely fair.

There are Christian Americans who believe God told us to defend the Jews at all costs and that this is eventually going to bring on the end of days, armageddon, ww3, etc. This has been prophicized.

I think the Muslims should give Jerusalem to the Jews and Christians. Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian 'Mecca & Medina.' However, i doubt Muslims would ever agree to that. They consider it one of their holiest sites as well. But regardless, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't have to go along with everything a foreign nation does.

Perhaps the Jews are doing exactly what they need to be doing or should be doing. Just keep taking over territories and land. If the arabs refuse to recognize you then act like they aren't even there when you move into their territories.

Reminds me of the Native American Indians. What we did to them was terrible but guess what?

Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny noun
  1. the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
So Israel, you do you! Put those Palestinians on a reservation and in 100 years let them run your casinos.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Im noticing Americans do not agree or approve of Israel's recent actions and while we usually side with them the second we question them we are immediately called anti Semites.

It truly offends me and makes me anti Semite.

Yeah, many Americans deeply resent being shouted down and labeled 'Racist' and 'Anti-Semitic.' There is no law stating Americans can't disagree with Israel on issues. But so many Americans act is if such a law does exist.

I think we need to step back a bit. We can't allow a foreign nation to dictate our entire foreign policy in a region. Our relationship with Israel reminds me of what some of our Founding Fathers warned about. Entangling Alliances can prove to be very dangerous.
The Jews are so used to us having their backs. I'm glad Obama is making a statement before he leaves because Republicans do have Israel's back right or wrong. It will be harder for Trump to sell us into going along with a military conflict when Americans already believe the Jews aren't being completely fair.

There are Christian Americans who believe God told us to defend the Jews at all costs and that this is eventually going to bring on the end of days, armageddon, ww3, etc. This has been prophicized.

I think the Muslims should give Jerusalem to the Jews and Christians. Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian 'Mecca & Medina.' However, i doubt Muslims would ever agree to that. They consider it one of their holiest sites as well. But regardless, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't have to go along with everything a foreign nation does.

Perhaps the Jews are doing exactly what they need to be doing or should be doing. Just keep taking over territories and land. If the arabs refuse to recognize you then act like they aren't even there when you move into their territories.

Reminds me of the Native American Indians. What we did to them was terrible but guess what?

Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny noun
  1. the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
So Israel, you do you! Put those Palestinians on a reservation and in 100 years let them run your casinos.

I think Israel's preparing for the day the Palestinians get their own nation. Israelis know it's gonna happen at some point. There will be a Palestinian State. So they're now in the process of grabbing as much territory as they can before that day comes.

Keep in mind, Israel is a tiny nation. It's vastly outnumbered by Muslims. It's just trying to expand its lands a bit, before the two state deal is made. Israel understands once the Palestinian State is established, it won't be able to expand territory anymore.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Rabid Arab Rabble

If you think intelligent, courageous, and productive Jews are no better than backward thrill-killing Muslims, that's anti-semitic.

If you think that good Jews are better than good Muslims- you are a bigot.
If you think that good Muslims are better than good Jews- you are also a bigot.

If you think that good people- regardless of whether they are Jews, Christians or Muslims- are equal- then you are not a bigot.
Last time I checked Israel wasn't a state of America. We have helped Israel out a lot! They have been great allies. However, when your friend does something illegal you cannot condone it.

This isn't the first time Israel has been warned about their illegal settlements. They've done in the past and the UN let them slide but now they had enough of Israel's shit. You can't keep on breaking international law and get away with it.

If it wasn't for our friendship, Israeli leaders would be sitting in a jail cell. No other country can get away with what Israel has done to Palestine and Palestinians.

We owe nothing to Israel. They actually owe us.
In Your Face, Faisal

Just to spite the rabid Arab rabble, we should give Israel a blank check for doing anything they want to do to the Paleonasties. Islam is inspired every time we show weakness by paying any attention at all to their aggressive whining.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

As long as the United States feels the need to dictate to Israel how to defend their own nation, and what form of military action they "should" take, it would appear we have an obligation towards them. If we want to stay out of Israel's affairs, then we need to stop meddling in their decisions regarding how they should best defend themselves from the Palestinians and Iran. The umbilical cord goes both ways.

I could agree to that. It just seems like we've been ordered to defend and support Israel on everything, without question. And i just can't do that. If it wants our Tax Dollars, it has to accept that some Americans won't go along with everything it does. If it can't accept that, it should stop accepting the money and weapons.

We are a strong supporter of Great Britain as well, our financial support is not isolated to just one country, we just don't tell the Prime Minister of England how to defend their homeland. It's rather clear that President Obama just wants to leave the White House with a good impression on that region of the Middle East, by trying to tell Israel what it can and can not do. The United States can't have it both ways, and this administration has been playing Israel even through their financial support of Iran.
Last time I checked Israel wasn't a state of America. We have helped Israel out a lot! They have been great allies. However, when your friend does something illegal you cannot condone it.

This isn't the first time Israel has been warned about their illegal settlements. They've done in the past and the UN let them slide but now they had enough of Israel's shit. You can't keep on breaking international law and get away with it.

If it wasn't for our friendship, Israeli leaders would be sitting in a jail cell. No other country can get away with what Israel has done to Palestine and Palestinians.

We owe nothing to Israel. They actually owe us.

Actually Gaza and the West Bank was a part of Israel after the 6 day war in 1967, it been a territorial dispute for some time. The West Bank was once Samaria and Judea.
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Im noticing Americans do not agree or approve of Israel's recent actions and while we usually side with them the second we question them we are immediately called anti Semites.

It truly offends me and makes me anti Semite.

Yeah, many Americans deeply resent being shouted down and labeled 'Racist' and 'Anti-Semitic.' There is no law stating Americans can't disagree with Israel on issues. But so many Americans act is if such a law does exist.

I think we need to step back a bit. We can't allow a foreign nation to dictate our entire foreign policy in a region. Our relationship with Israel reminds me of what some of our Founding Fathers warned about. Entangling Alliances can prove to be very dangerous.
The Jews are so used to us having their backs. I'm glad Obama is making a statement before he leaves because Republicans do have Israel's back right or wrong. It will be harder for Trump to sell us into going along with a military conflict when Americans already believe the Jews aren't being completely fair.

There are Christian Americans who believe God told us to defend the Jews at all costs and that this is eventually going to bring on the end of days, armageddon, ww3, etc. This has been prophicized.

I think the Muslims should give Jerusalem to the Jews and Christians. Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian 'Mecca & Medina.' However, i doubt Muslims would ever agree to that. They consider it one of their holiest sites as well. But regardless, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't have to go along with everything a foreign nation does.

Perhaps the Jews are doing exactly what they need to be doing or should be doing. Just keep taking over territories and land. If the arabs refuse to recognize you then act like they aren't even there when you move into their territories.

Reminds me of the Native American Indians. What we did to them was terrible but guess what?

Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny noun
  1. the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
So Israel, you do you! Put those Palestinians on a reservation and in 100 years let them run your casinos.

I think Israel's preparing for the day the Palestinians get their own nation. Israelis know it's gonna happen at some point. There will be a Palestinian State. So they're now in the process of grabbing as much territory as they can before that day comes.

Keep in mind, Israel is a tiny nation. It's vastly outnumbered by Muslims. It's just trying to expand its lands a bit, before the two state deal is made. Israel understands once the Palestinian State is established, it won't be able to expand territory anymore.
Manifest Destiny Will Not Be Denied

There will never be a Palestinian State. The historical precedent for its failure is the Royal Proclamation of 1763, whereby King George III ordained that the coastal colonies would be White and everything west of the Appalachians would be reserved exclusively for the Indians. That was the real cause of the Revolutionary War and even of the Constitution giving those states extra electoral votes.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
what does the word allie mean?
Im noticing Americans do not agree or approve of Israel's recent actions and while we usually side with them the second we question them we are immediately called anti Semites.

It truly offends me and makes me anti Semite.

Yeah, many Americans deeply resent being shouted down and labeled 'Racist' and 'Anti-Semitic.' There is no law stating Americans can't disagree with Israel on issues. But so many Americans act is if such a law does exist.

I think we need to step back a bit. We can't allow a foreign nation to dictate our entire foreign policy in a region. Our relationship with Israel reminds me of what some of our Founding Fathers warned about. Entangling Alliances can prove to be very dangerous.
The Jews are so used to us having their backs. I'm glad Obama is making a statement before he leaves because Republicans do have Israel's back right or wrong. It will be harder for Trump to sell us into going along with a military conflict when Americans already believe the Jews aren't being completely fair.

There are Christian Americans who believe God told us to defend the Jews at all costs and that this is eventually going to bring on the end of days, armageddon, ww3, etc. This has been prophicized.

I think the Muslims should give Jerusalem to the Jews and Christians. Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian 'Mecca & Medina.' However, i doubt Muslims would ever agree to that. They consider it one of their holiest sites as well. But regardless, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't have to go along with everything a foreign nation does.

Perhaps the Jews are doing exactly what they need to be doing or should be doing. Just keep taking over territories and land. If the arabs refuse to recognize you then act like they aren't even there when you move into their territories.

Reminds me of the Native American Indians. What we did to them was terrible but guess what?

Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny noun
  1. the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
So Israel, you do you! Put those Palestinians on a reservation and in 100 years let them run your casinos.

I think Israel's preparing for the day the Palestinians get their own nation. Israelis know it's gonna happen at some point. There will be a Palestinian State. So they're now in the process of grabbing as much territory as they can before that day comes.

Keep in mind, Israel is a tiny nation. It's vastly outnumbered by Muslims. It's just trying to expand its lands a bit, before the two state deal is made. Israel understands once the Palestinian State is established, it won't be able to expand territory anymore.

I'm not sure that's true. Israel not only comes off the winner in the conflicts, but also ends up in possession of the territory of those who attacked it. Remember that it was Jimmy Carter who talked Israel into giving back the Sinai desert to Egypt after Egypt attacked. Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty - Wikipedia

Most of the nations have learned not to attack Israel because they end up losing a lot of troops, and a lot of territory that the Israeli feel has been won in battle and should be kept. See the Golan Heights for more proof of that.

I'm not sure I disagree with the Israeli position on that particular question. Let's say you and I sit down and play Poker. The game gets out of hand, and you put your car up as a stake on the last hand. I win, and pick up the title of the car and examine it with a smile. You tell me that I should give you the car back because that would lead to peace. I didn't tell you to play poker, I didn't tell you to bet your car. I might have warned you that the game was going to get out of hand soon. You risked, you gambled, you lost.

Syria risked, Syria gambled, and Syria lost. So I don't have a lot of sympathy to the idea that Syria want's their land back. No more than I'd have sympathy for you if you bet your car and lost.
Yeah, many Americans deeply resent being shouted down and labeled 'Racist' and 'Anti-Semitic.' There is no law stating Americans can't disagree with Israel on issues. But so many Americans act is if such a law does exist.

I think we need to step back a bit. We can't allow a foreign nation to dictate our entire foreign policy in a region. Our relationship with Israel reminds me of what some of our Founding Fathers warned about. Entangling Alliances can prove to be very dangerous.
The Jews are so used to us having their backs. I'm glad Obama is making a statement before he leaves because Republicans do have Israel's back right or wrong. It will be harder for Trump to sell us into going along with a military conflict when Americans already believe the Jews aren't being completely fair.

There are Christian Americans who believe God told us to defend the Jews at all costs and that this is eventually going to bring on the end of days, armageddon, ww3, etc. This has been prophicized.

I think the Muslims should give Jerusalem to the Jews and Christians. Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian 'Mecca & Medina.' However, i doubt Muslims would ever agree to that. They consider it one of their holiest sites as well. But regardless, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't have to go along with everything a foreign nation does.

Perhaps the Jews are doing exactly what they need to be doing or should be doing. Just keep taking over territories and land. If the arabs refuse to recognize you then act like they aren't even there when you move into their territories.

Reminds me of the Native American Indians. What we did to them was terrible but guess what?

Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny noun
  1. the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
So Israel, you do you! Put those Palestinians on a reservation and in 100 years let them run your casinos.

I think Israel's preparing for the day the Palestinians get their own nation. Israelis know it's gonna happen at some point. There will be a Palestinian State. So they're now in the process of grabbing as much territory as they can before that day comes.

Keep in mind, Israel is a tiny nation. It's vastly outnumbered by Muslims. It's just trying to expand its lands a bit, before the two state deal is made. Israel understands once the Palestinian State is established, it won't be able to expand territory anymore.
Manifest Destiny Will Not Be Denied

There will never be a Palestinian State. The historical precedent for its failure is the Royal Proclamation of 1763, whereby King George III ordained that the coastal colonies would be White and everything west of the Appalachians would be reserved exclusively for the Indians. That was the real cause of the Revolutionary War and even of the Constitution giving those states extra electoral votes.

There will be a Palestinian State at some point. Even Israel knows that. That's why it's trying to scoop up as much land as possible before it happens. Once the Palestinian State is established, Israeli expansion will end for good.
Im noticing Americans do not agree or approve of Israel's recent actions and while we usually side with them the second we question them we are immediately called anti Semites.

It truly offends me and makes me anti Semite.

Yeah, many Americans deeply resent being shouted down and labeled 'Racist' and 'Anti-Semitic.' There is no law stating Americans can't disagree with Israel on issues. But so many Americans act is if such a law does exist.

I think we need to step back a bit. We can't allow a foreign nation to dictate our entire foreign policy in a region. Our relationship with Israel reminds me of what some of our Founding Fathers warned about. Entangling Alliances can prove to be very dangerous.
The Jews are so used to us having their backs. I'm glad Obama is making a statement before he leaves because Republicans do have Israel's back right or wrong. It will be harder for Trump to sell us into going along with a military conflict when Americans already believe the Jews aren't being completely fair.

There are Christian Americans who believe God told us to defend the Jews at all costs and that this is eventually going to bring on the end of days, armageddon, ww3, etc. This has been prophicized.

I think the Muslims should give Jerusalem to the Jews and Christians. Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian 'Mecca & Medina.' However, i doubt Muslims would ever agree to that. They consider it one of their holiest sites as well. But regardless, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't have to go along with everything a foreign nation does.

Perhaps the Jews are doing exactly what they need to be doing or should be doing. Just keep taking over territories and land. If the arabs refuse to recognize you then act like they aren't even there when you move into their territories.

Reminds me of the Native American Indians. What we did to them was terrible but guess what?

Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny noun
  1. the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
So Israel, you do you! Put those Palestinians on a reservation and in 100 years let them run your casinos.

I think Israel's preparing for the day the Palestinians get their own nation. Israelis know it's gonna happen at some point. There will be a Palestinian State. So they're now in the process of grabbing as much territory as they can before that day comes.

Keep in mind, Israel is a tiny nation. It's vastly outnumbered by Muslims. It's just trying to expand its lands a bit, before the two state deal is made. Israel understands once the Palestinian State is established, it won't be able to expand territory anymore.

I don't believe a Palestinian State will occur as Israel has yet to be recognized as a legitimate nation by the arabs of that region, as well as the Israelis believe they are entitled to that land through their interpretive view of scripture. That part of the world has been under a religious battle for far too long to be so easily established by any third party, whether through the United States or by the United Nations.
Yeah, many Americans deeply resent being shouted down and labeled 'Racist' and 'Anti-Semitic.' There is no law stating Americans can't disagree with Israel on issues. But so many Americans act is if such a law does exist.

I think we need to step back a bit. We can't allow a foreign nation to dictate our entire foreign policy in a region. Our relationship with Israel reminds me of what some of our Founding Fathers warned about. Entangling Alliances can prove to be very dangerous.
The Jews are so used to us having their backs. I'm glad Obama is making a statement before he leaves because Republicans do have Israel's back right or wrong. It will be harder for Trump to sell us into going along with a military conflict when Americans already believe the Jews aren't being completely fair.

There are Christian Americans who believe God told us to defend the Jews at all costs and that this is eventually going to bring on the end of days, armageddon, ww3, etc. This has been prophicized.

I think the Muslims should give Jerusalem to the Jews and Christians. Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian 'Mecca & Medina.' However, i doubt Muslims would ever agree to that. They consider it one of their holiest sites as well. But regardless, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't have to go along with everything a foreign nation does.

Perhaps the Jews are doing exactly what they need to be doing or should be doing. Just keep taking over territories and land. If the arabs refuse to recognize you then act like they aren't even there when you move into their territories.

Reminds me of the Native American Indians. What we did to them was terrible but guess what?

Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny noun
  1. the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
So Israel, you do you! Put those Palestinians on a reservation and in 100 years let them run your casinos.

I think Israel's preparing for the day the Palestinians get their own nation. Israelis know it's gonna happen at some point. There will be a Palestinian State. So they're now in the process of grabbing as much territory as they can before that day comes.

Keep in mind, Israel is a tiny nation. It's vastly outnumbered by Muslims. It's just trying to expand its lands a bit, before the two state deal is made. Israel understands once the Palestinian State is established, it won't be able to expand territory anymore.

I don't believe a Palestinian State will occur as Israel has yet to be recognized as a legitimate nation by the arabs of that region, as well as the Israelis believe they are entitled to that land through their interpretive view of scripture. That part of the world has been under a religious battle for far too long to be so easily established by any third party, whether through the United States or by the United Nations.

Probably won't happen for awhile. But i think a Palestinian State will happen. Israel's gonna delay it from happening for as long as it can, but even it knows a two state solution is coming.
Most of those who support Israel disagree with their actions SOME of the time

This forum has quite the infestation of antisemites, however, who demonize Israel ALL of the time including their very right to exist as well as the justification for Arabs murdering Jews through terrorism.
Most of those who support Israel disagree with their actions SOME of the time

This forum has quite the infestation of antisemites, however, who demonize Israel ALL of the time including their very right to exist as well as the justification for Arabs murdering Jews through terrorism.

I hear ya, but not everyone who disagrees with Israel, 'hates Jews.' Personally, i feel Israel has been given way too much power & influence over our Government. To me, it seems like Israel is calling our Foreign Policy shots in the Middle East. And i can't accept that. No foreign nation should have that kind of influence over our Government.
Most of those who support Israel disagree with their actions SOME of the time

This forum has quite the infestation of antisemites, however, who demonize Israel ALL of the time including their very right to exist as well as the justification for Arabs murdering Jews through terrorism.

I hear ya, but not everyone who disagrees with Israel, 'hates Jews.' Personally, i feel Israel has been given way too much power & influence over our Government. To me, it seems like Israel is calling our Foreign Policy shots in the Middle East. And i can't accept that. No foreign nation should have that kind of influence over our Government.
Ah - the Jews have too much power theme.

Always a classic.

It's not like the Arabs who control so much oil and use the United Nations as their battering ram have any, you know.
Most of those who support Israel disagree with their actions SOME of the time

This forum has quite the infestation of antisemites, however, who demonize Israel ALL of the time including their very right to exist as well as the justification for Arabs murdering Jews through terrorism.

I hear ya, but not everyone who disagrees with Israel, 'hates Jews.' Personally, i feel Israel has been given way too much power & influence over our Government. To me, it seems like Israel is calling our Foreign Policy shots in the Middle East. And i can't accept that. No foreign nation should have that kind of influence over our Government.
Ah - the Jews have too much power theme.

Always a classic.

It's not like the Arabs who control so much oil and use the United Nations as their battering ram have any, you know.

I don't think any foreign nation should have too much power & influence over our Government. And that includes Saudi Arabia and others.

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