Is It Always 'Racist' Or 'Antisemitic' To Disagree With Israel Sometimes?

Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

Disagree is fine. Fuck 'em over in the U.N. in favor of terrorists who's mission statement is to "Drive the Jews into the sea...." quite another.

I am sure you understand the difference....right?

Not necessarily only referring to the recent UN vote. It seems to me, that anyone disagreeing with Israel on anything, immediately gets labeled a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' Most Americans have adopted that 'Mob-Rule' mentality when it comes to Israel.

But you have noted that some people ALWAYS disagree with Israel, or blame Israel, even when someone else is being a complete dick, right?

You have noticed that, right?

Yes i have noticed that. But i feel a line has been crossed at this point. Not everyone who disagrees with Israeli policies is a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' I and many other Americans deeply resent those constant accusations. It's a form of bullying.

Look, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't feel i should be forced to defend and support everything a foreign nation does. If i don't like something Israel does, i'm gonna speak up. I don't owe Israel anything. In fact, Israel actually owes me. We just need to be more objective and rational in regards to Israel. We can't just go along blindly and dutifully.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

No, you can disagree with the policies of anyone. However the reasons you disagree are what matters in that discussion. If you are grasping at straws to try and justify your objection to the policies, then it has less to do with well reasoned and informed objections, and more to do with a bias.

For example, if you say that Israel is under no threat from Hamas or other radical jihadist groups, then either you are ignorant, or stupid. Ignorant means you don't know, stupid means you won't learn.

How Long Has Israel Been Without Rockets?

Hamas and the radical Jihadist groups regularly fire rockets and mortars into Isreal. They do so in the hopes of provoking a response, and then the press is given access to show what the Isrealis have done this time.

List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2016 - Wikipedia

Palestinians have had plenty of opportunities to live in peace, and they instead have dedicated themselves to eradication of the Jews. This conflict between the two has been a fact of life since the Isreali's declared statehood in compliance with UN Resolution 181 in 1948. The Islamic nations and peoples used that declaration as an excuse to do what they had been prepping for anyway. They launched attacks to destroy the Jews, and we helped the Arab nations. Don't pretend we didn't. We did everything we could to limit access to aircraft, weapons, munitions, medical supplies, food. The RAF flew reconnaissance missions over Israel. This wasn't to help the Jews, it was to provide intelligence to the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Jordanians, and the Palastinians.

Everyone assumed that Israel would lose, but they won, and won again, and defeated armies that outnumbered them by impossible factors. Personally I think Israel will win again and again in the future. The reason is simple. Sun Tzu calls it Death Ground. The Israeli's have no where to go. There is no where for them to retreat to. No where for them to seek sanctuary, and no one who will provide succor. For them, it's victory, or death. This reality tends to focus the mind, and turn good soldiers into great soldiers. Those soldiers fight as if they have nothing to lose.

The Japanese saw this first hand in World War II on Guadalcanal. The Americans saw it on many other islands. It was victory, or death for the defenders. The Palastinians know they can withdraw to Egypt or perhaps Jordan. They have a door open to escape. The Israeli have no door, no escape, no option except determined defense.

I believe that the Israeli people would be happy to live in peace. The rub there is that the other guys have to want to live in peace too. The Palastinians want piece, that is to say pieces of Jews scattered all over.

Watch the documentary called "Above and Beyond" to see what it was like trying to get an Air Force started for Isreal.

You didn't add that prior to NAZI Mufti Mohammed Amin al-Husseini issuing a fatwa or something during WWII, Arabs and Jews lived together mostly in peace.

"In March 1944, Al Husseini broadcast a call for a jihad to "kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history, and religion."

From Al Husseini to Hitler :Radical Islam and the Nazi connection - Pan Arabism to the PA - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam Monitor
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

Disagree is fine. Fuck 'em over in the U.N. in favor of terrorists who's mission statement is to "Drive the Jews into the sea...." quite another.

I am sure you understand the difference....right?

Not necessarily only referring to the recent UN vote. It seems to me, that anyone disagreeing with Israel on anything, immediately gets labeled a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' Most Americans have adopted that 'Mob-Rule' mentality when it comes to Israel.

But you have noted that some people ALWAYS disagree with Israel, or blame Israel, even when someone else is being a complete dick, right?

You have noticed that, right?

Yes i have noticed that. But i feel a line has been crossed at this point. Not everyone who disagrees with Israeli policies is a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' I and many other Americans deeply resent those constant accusations. It's a form of bullying.

Look, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't feel i should be forced to defend and support everything a foreign nation does. If i don't like something Israel does, i'm gonna speak up. I don't owe Israel anything. In fact, Israel actually owes me. We just need to be more objective and rational in regards to Israel. We can't just go along blindly and dutifully.

WHen the people on the other side, like to do stuff like target school buses full of children or fire rockets from next to their own hospitals so that they can get bad press for Israel, it is hard to be fair with them.

Not to mention when they have serious overlap with people who like to kill Americans for no reason.

But, yes, with that being granted, sure. Sometimes there will be conflicts of interest between Israel and the US.

And it is fine to point them out.

But there are so many assholes who are knee jerk anti-Israel that it is hard.

Not to mention cowards who are happy to throw Israel under the bus to pander to the blood thirsty muslims.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Yep according to the ziotards it is. They are good they proclaim love and support and loyalty for America but their ONLY loyalty is to Israel and Jews.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

Disagree is fine. Fuck 'em over in the U.N. in favor of terrorists who's mission statement is to "Drive the Jews into the sea...." quite another.

I am sure you understand the difference....right?

Not necessarily only referring to the recent UN vote. It seems to me, that anyone disagreeing with Israel on anything, immediately gets labeled a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' Most Americans have adopted that 'Mob-Rule' mentality when it comes to Israel.

But you have noted that some people ALWAYS disagree with Israel, or blame Israel, even when someone else is being a complete dick, right?

You have noticed that, right?

Yes i have noticed that. But i feel a line has been crossed at this point. Not everyone who disagrees with Israeli policies is a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' I and many other Americans deeply resent those constant accusations. It's a form of bullying.

Look, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't feel i should be forced to defend and support everything a foreign nation does. If i don't like something Israel does, i'm gonna speak up. I don't owe Israel anything. In fact, Israel actually owes me. We just need to be more objective and rational in regards to Israel. We can't just go along blindly and dutifully.

WHen the people on the other side, like to do stuff like target school buses full of children or fire rockets from next to their own hospitals so that they can get bad press for Israel, it is hard to be fair with them.

Not to mention when they have serious overlap with people who like to kill Americans for no reason.

But, yes, with that being granted, sure. Sometimes there will be conflicts of interest between Israel and the US.

And it is fine to point them out.

But there are so many assholes who are knee jerk anti-Israel that it is hard.

Not to mention cowards who are happy to throw Israel under the bus to pander to the blood thirsty muslims.

Very difficult to voice disagreement with Israel when you're immediately labeled a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' It's a bullying tactic used to silence any dissent. It's the same trick Democrats use. If you don't go along with their agendas, you must be a 'Racist.' I'm just so sick of that bullshit. I'm an American Citizen, i'm not an Israeli Citizen. I don't owe Israel anything. I don't have to always agree with its actions.
I was just listening to Alan Dershowitz and he was talking about the 2 state solution between Israel and the Palestinians. Israel has offered them a state off and on since 1938 but the Palestinians have declined and broke off talks because they refuse to acknowledge Israel right to exist. They want 1 state without Israel, which is kind off odd because there has never been a state of Palestine before. Even in Roman times when they called that whole area Palestine. The state name was Judea.

If a 2 state solution was ever reached it wouldn't change anything because the Palestinians stated goal is to kill Jews, destroy Israel, and "drive them into the sea".

Until Hamas and Hezbollah are destroyed, even if there were 2 states, there will be no peace
I was just listening to Alan Dershowitz and he was talking about the 2 state solution between Israel and the Palestinians. Israel has offered them a state off and on since 1938 but the Palestinians have declined and broke off talks because they refuse to acknowledge Israel right to exist. They want 1 state without Israel, which is kind off odd because there has never been a state of Palestine before. Even in Roman times when they called that whole area Palestine. The state name was Judea.

If a 2 state solution was ever reached it wouldn't change anything because the Palestinians stated goal is to kill Jews, destroy Israel, and "drive them into the sea".

Until Hamas and Hezbollah are destroyed, even if there were 2 states, there will be no peace

You are absolutely correct. The Arabs do not want a two State solution and have never wanted a two State solution. In fact....when Israel was formed by the U.N. in 1948 the Jews offered half the land to the Palestinians
if they would live with the Jews in peace.

The Palestinians choose war and they have chosen war ever since.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

No, you can disagree with the policies of anyone. However the reasons you disagree are what matters in that discussion. If you are grasping at straws to try and justify your objection to the policies, then it has less to do with well reasoned and informed objections, and more to do with a bias.

For example, if you say that Israel is under no threat from Hamas or other radical jihadist groups, then either you are ignorant, or stupid. Ignorant means you don't know, stupid means you won't learn.

How Long Has Israel Been Without Rockets?

Hamas and the radical Jihadist groups regularly fire rockets and mortars into Isreal. They do so in the hopes of provoking a response, and then the press is given access to show what the Isrealis have done this time.

List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2016 - Wikipedia

Palestinians have had plenty of opportunities to live in peace, and they instead have dedicated themselves to eradication of the Jews. This conflict between the two has been a fact of life since the Isreali's declared statehood in compliance with UN Resolution 181 in 1948. The Islamic nations and peoples used that declaration as an excuse to do what they had been prepping for anyway. They launched attacks to destroy the Jews, and we helped the Arab nations. Don't pretend we didn't. We did everything we could to limit access to aircraft, weapons, munitions, medical supplies, food. The RAF flew reconnaissance missions over Israel. This wasn't to help the Jews, it was to provide intelligence to the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Jordanians, and the Palastinians.

Everyone assumed that Israel would lose, but they won, and won again, and defeated armies that outnumbered them by impossible factors. Personally I think Israel will win again and again in the future. The reason is simple. Sun Tzu calls it Death Ground. The Israeli's have no where to go. There is no where for them to retreat to. No where for them to seek sanctuary, and no one who will provide succor. For them, it's victory, or death. This reality tends to focus the mind, and turn good soldiers into great soldiers. Those soldiers fight as if they have nothing to lose.

The Japanese saw this first hand in World War II on Guadalcanal. The Americans saw it on many other islands. It was victory, or death for the defenders. The Palastinians know they can withdraw to Egypt or perhaps Jordan. They have a door open to escape. The Israeli have no door, no escape, no option except determined defense.

I believe that the Israeli people would be happy to live in peace. The rub there is that the other guys have to want to live in peace too. The Palastinians want piece, that is to say pieces of Jews scattered all over.

Watch the documentary called "Above and Beyond" to see what it was like trying to get an Air Force started for Isreal.

I'm fine with Israel being a close ally. But i think a line has been crossed. I, and many other Americans, deeply resent being shouted down and labeled 'Racists' and 'Anti-Semites' for merely voicing disagreement with Israel on issues. I'm an American first. I don't owe Israel anything.

Israel's best interests are not always my country's best interests. I don't feel i should be forced to defend and support everything it does. But that seems to be the current climate. We need to go our own way on some foreign policy decisions. Israel shouldn't be dictating all of our decisions. Like i said, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I won't be bullied into supporting everything a foreign nation does. I'll speak up when i have to.

Again, what Israeli position or policy do you disagree with, and why? I can tell you what Policy of President Obama I disagree with off the top of my head. I can tell you what about Police I disagree with, and why off the top of my head.

I'll give you an example. John Kerry's asinine speech with a hair more than three weeks left in the administration is one example. The idea that he can push through some sort of dictated peace plan with zero time left is just stupid. The best course of action for the administration, and the region is to try and hold the status quo together until the new guys take over. It might be one thing if the incoming administration was of a similar mind to your own ideals. Trump isn't of the same mind.

Yes, the Obama Administration is the President and the ones in charge. I agree wholeheartedly with that premise. However, the term Lame Duck applies for a reason. All that the outgoing administration can accomplish at this time is to show their asses. The phrase pissing in the punch bowl comes to mind to describe the behavior.

We as a nation don't have to support Isreal, but what exactly is it that the Obama Administration is hoping to accomplish? Seriously, just for a moment ask yourself that question. Do you really think that the Obama Admin is hoping for some sort of sudden progress on the issue that has been volatile since the British pulled out? Do you honestly think that any agreement reached now, twenty two days and a handful of hours before the change of command so to speak will last twenty five days?

The only answer that can honestly be reached for those questions is no. So why do it now? If you can't accomplish anything, why do it now? Why show your ass knowing that at best you will stir up more trouble, and at worst will cause another round of the perpetual war to kick off from smoldering to flaming? I gave you the answer above, the Obama admin wanted to go out showing their ass, pissing in the punch bowl.

Obviously they were not serious about any peace proposal. Obviously the Obama Admin was not using this to pressure Isreal into any sort of concession or frame of mind for long term peace. It can only have one result, and that is to fan the flames in the region. Now, you can say that Obama did it because he hated Trump and wanted to stir up trouble for Trump, or you can say Obama did it because he hates Israel and wants to cause problems for them. You can't claim it was a principled move based upon the independence of Americans, because Kerry waited and gave his asinine speech after the vote. If it was principled, and you wanted to warn Isreal to consider some concessions, you would have given the vote before, instead of making the vote an ambush.

There was nothing principled about this. There was nothing independent about this. The only question left open is who's punch Obama wanted to piss in? Although you could say either, I think it was both. Pissing in the punch bowl that Trump will be drinking from soon would certainly be one desire of Obama, but there was no reason to do it to Isreal, unless you wanted to piss in their punch bowl one last time before you left.

As I said, what you think, and why, are the deciding factors in what motivates the action. Taking those reasons, and applying them in context to the actions to see if they stand up is the obvious next step. The action of the UN Vote was not principled, and the asinine speech was not based upon anything other than animosity. Especially when one considers the next fellow in the White House. He will push back far further than the status quo. Trump will come in determined to support Israel against all comers. He will be like a pit bull refusing to let go. The Palastinians won't gain, they will lose, and lash back themselves. The Israeli will retaliate in turn, and we'll get more sob stories about Palastinians children who were just playing in the courtyard where a dozen rockets were fired at Isreal when the mean old Jews bombed the apartment complex.

Supporting Obama now doesn't have any Principles to the issue. So all you are left with as a motivation, is hatred. A desire to piss in the punch bowl before you leave.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

No, you can disagree with the policies of anyone. However the reasons you disagree are what matters in that discussion. If you are grasping at straws to try and justify your objection to the policies, then it has less to do with well reasoned and informed objections, and more to do with a bias.

For example, if you say that Israel is under no threat from Hamas or other radical jihadist groups, then either you are ignorant, or stupid. Ignorant means you don't know, stupid means you won't learn.

How Long Has Israel Been Without Rockets?

Hamas and the radical Jihadist groups regularly fire rockets and mortars into Isreal. They do so in the hopes of provoking a response, and then the press is given access to show what the Isrealis have done this time.

List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2016 - Wikipedia

Palestinians have had plenty of opportunities to live in peace, and they instead have dedicated themselves to eradication of the Jews. This conflict between the two has been a fact of life since the Isreali's declared statehood in compliance with UN Resolution 181 in 1948. The Islamic nations and peoples used that declaration as an excuse to do what they had been prepping for anyway. They launched attacks to destroy the Jews, and we helped the Arab nations. Don't pretend we didn't. We did everything we could to limit access to aircraft, weapons, munitions, medical supplies, food. The RAF flew reconnaissance missions over Israel. This wasn't to help the Jews, it was to provide intelligence to the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Jordanians, and the Palastinians.

Everyone assumed that Israel would lose, but they won, and won again, and defeated armies that outnumbered them by impossible factors. Personally I think Israel will win again and again in the future. The reason is simple. Sun Tzu calls it Death Ground. The Israeli's have no where to go. There is no where for them to retreat to. No where for them to seek sanctuary, and no one who will provide succor. For them, it's victory, or death. This reality tends to focus the mind, and turn good soldiers into great soldiers. Those soldiers fight as if they have nothing to lose.

The Japanese saw this first hand in World War II on Guadalcanal. The Americans saw it on many other islands. It was victory, or death for the defenders. The Palastinians know they can withdraw to Egypt or perhaps Jordan. They have a door open to escape. The Israeli have no door, no escape, no option except determined defense.

I believe that the Israeli people would be happy to live in peace. The rub there is that the other guys have to want to live in peace too. The Palastinians want piece, that is to say pieces of Jews scattered all over.

Watch the documentary called "Above and Beyond" to see what it was like trying to get an Air Force started for Isreal.

You didn't add that prior to NAZI Mufti Mohammed Amin al-Husseini issuing a fatwa or something during WWII, Arabs and Jews lived together mostly in peace.

"In March 1944, Al Husseini broadcast a call for a jihad to "kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history, and religion."

From Al Husseini to Hitler :Radical Islam and the Nazi connection - Pan Arabism to the PA - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam Monitor

There is a finite amount of information that can reasonably be put into any post. It took an entire book to walk people through the idea that contrary to popular belief, the Japanese Carriers sunk in the battle of Midway were not five minutes from launching aircraft to attack the American fleet. The book Shattered Sword does just that however. There is no way to explain why in a small post, and that is just one small part of a larger battle in a war we think we know everything about.

Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway

The best you can hope to do when discussing history on any message board is give a brief overview, and hopefully one reference to some more information so interested people can get the background themselves. Sort of like your reply.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

As long as the United States feels the need to dictate to Israel how to defend their own nation, and what form of military action they "should" take, it would appear we have an obligation towards them. If we want to stay out of Israel's affairs, then we need to stop meddling in their decisions regarding how they should best defend themselves from the Palestinians and Iran. The umbilical cord goes both ways.
John Kerry:
"You can be Jewish or you can be 'democratic' - you can't be both."

:wtf: :uhoh3: :cuckoo:
As long as the United States feels the need to dictate to Israel how to defend their own nation, and what form of military action they "should" take, it would appear we have an obligation towards them. If we want to stay out of Israel's affairs, then we need to stop meddling in their decisions regarding how they should best defend themselves from the Palestinians and Iran. The umbilical cord goes both ways.
And stop meddling in their ELECTIONS...

Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Im noticing Americans do not agree or approve of Israel's recent actions and while we usually side with them the second we question them we are immediately called anti Semites.

It truly offends me and makes me anti Semite.
Disagree is fine. Fuck 'em over in the U.N. in favor of terrorists who's mission statement is to "Drive the Jews into the sea...." quite another.

I am sure you understand the difference....right?

Not necessarily only referring to the recent UN vote. It seems to me, that anyone disagreeing with Israel on anything, immediately gets labeled a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' Most Americans have adopted that 'Mob-Rule' mentality when it comes to Israel.

But you have noted that some people ALWAYS disagree with Israel, or blame Israel, even when someone else is being a complete dick, right?

You have noticed that, right?

Yes i have noticed that. But i feel a line has been crossed at this point. Not everyone who disagrees with Israeli policies is a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' I and many other Americans deeply resent those constant accusations. It's a form of bullying.

Look, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't feel i should be forced to defend and support everything a foreign nation does. If i don't like something Israel does, i'm gonna speak up. I don't owe Israel anything. In fact, Israel actually owes me. We just need to be more objective and rational in regards to Israel. We can't just go along blindly and dutifully.

WHen the people on the other side, like to do stuff like target school buses full of children or fire rockets from next to their own hospitals so that they can get bad press for Israel, it is hard to be fair with them.

Not to mention when they have serious overlap with people who like to kill Americans for no reason.

But, yes, with that being granted, sure. Sometimes there will be conflicts of interest between Israel and the US.

And it is fine to point them out.

But there are so many assholes who are knee jerk anti-Israel that it is hard.

Not to mention cowards who are happy to throw Israel under the bus to pander to the blood thirsty muslims.

Very difficult to voice disagreement with Israel when you're immediately labeled a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' It's a bullying tactic used to silence any dissent. It's the same trick Democrats use. If you don't go along with their agendas, you must be a 'Racist.' I'm just so sick of that bullshit. I'm an American Citizen, i'm not an Israeli Citizen. I don't owe Israel anything. I don't have to always agree with its actions.

You didn't seem to address my point. And simply repeated your opening position.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Im noticing Americans do not agree or approve of Israel's recent actions and while we usually side with them the second we question them we are immediately called anti Semites.

It truly offends me and makes me anti Semite.

The motivation behind the question is itself the question. As I explained in two long replies above. What motivated the question? The vote at the UN was an ambush. If the Obama admin had any real complaints, they would have made the speech before the vote, long before, to give Isreal a chance to address those complaints once they were made public. Making the speech after the vote is not just insult to injury, but stupid.

What concessions and progress can you reasonably expect to make in the next twenty two days? The truthful answer is none. So the vote and the speech were just getting in the chance to show your ass. Supporting it claiming it's based upon principles, while being unable to express the actual complaints that you have, means that your motivations are not based upon principle, but bias.
Personally, i feel Israel has been given too much power and influence over our Government. I'm not completely sure of how or why it's happened, but clearly it's happened. I'm just not comfortable with giving a foreign nation so much influence. I'm an American. I'm not an Israeli.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

As long as the United States feels the need to dictate to Israel how to defend their own nation, and what form of military action they "should" take, it would appear we have an obligation towards them. If we want to stay out of Israel's affairs, then we need to stop meddling in their decisions regarding how they should best defend themselves from the Palestinians and Iran. The umbilical cord goes both ways.

I could agree to that. It just seems like we've been ordered to defend and support Israel on everything, without question. And i just can't do that. If it wants our Tax Dollars, it has to accept that some Americans won't go along with everything it does. If it can't accept that, it should stop accepting the money and weapons.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Im noticing Americans do not agree or approve of Israel's recent actions and while we usually side with them the second we question them we are immediately called anti Semites.

It truly offends me and makes me anti Semite.
Kinda like disagreeing with obamas policies and being labeled as racists.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?
Im noticing Americans do not agree or approve of Israel's recent actions and while we usually side with them the second we question them we are immediately called anti Semites.

It truly offends me and makes me anti Semite.

Yeah, many Americans deeply resent being shouted down and labeled 'Racist' and 'Anti-Semitic.' There is no law stating Americans can't disagree with Israel on issues. But so many Americans act is if such a law does exist.

I think we need to step back a bit. We can't allow a foreign nation to dictate our entire foreign policy in a region. Our relationship with Israel reminds me of what some of our Founding Fathers warned about. Entangling Alliances can prove to be very dangerous.

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