Is It Always 'Racist' Or 'Antisemitic' To Disagree With Israel Sometimes?

Last i checked, it's American Taxpayers who've ensured Israel's survival. It's not the other way around. So yes, they will have to respect all Americans' opinions on their actions. But if they don't wanna do that, they can always choose to decline the money and weapons.
Actually, Israel defeated its major enemies and kicked the USSR out of the ME without any Us help, and the US and the US only started providing aid in order to have influence in the ME after the 1973 war.

Without US aid, Israel would survive as it did before 1973, but the US would have very little influence in the region and would probably have to station US troops in the ME to protect its Arab allies and US interests.

Aid to Israel costs US taxpayers nothing because 75% of it must be spent in the US, providing tens of thousands of good paying US jobs and the federal, state amd local taxes on wages and profits as they circulate through the economy recovers all of the money. The aid is, in fact, as wealth transfer from the federal government to the States, similar to a federal stimulus program. If you want to complain about taxpayers being ripped off think of the enormous cost to US taxpayers of defending the deadbeats NATO countries in Europe.

Point is, we don't rely on Israel for our survival. However, Israel does rely on us for its survival. So if i disagree with some of its actions, i don't feel i deserve to immediately be labeled a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite. My opinion should be respected. I mean, who's running the show? Us or Israel?
Your premises are clearly wrong, so one has to wonder why. Israel doesn't rely on US aid for its survival. In fact, the US didn't even start t provide significant aid until after Israel proved it was the regional super power. While the US does not depend on Israel for its survival, it does depend on Israel to provide a region of peace and stability in the ME so the US does not have to send US troops into battle there. Perhaps you don't think of yourself as being bigoted with respect to Israel, but the false premises you base your opinions on suggest you are. If you hold strong opinions that are not based on facts, you are a bigot.

Sorry, but i don't know what world you live in. Without the US, Israel would be a distant memory at this point. It owes its existence to the US. So it'll just have deal with the fact some Americans don't always agree with its actions. If it can't deal with that, just stop accepting American Taxpayer-provided money and weapons. It's their call.
Actually, Israel probably has nukes, so if you think her survival would be threatened without Americas support, what do you think would have/would happen in that region?

Gee, i wonder which nation provided it with those Nukes? Israel only currently exists due to massive US support. You would think that would cause them to behave in a more respectful gracious manner.
You do seem to be posting the same thing over and over again - that Israel has too much power over the US, but without any specifics. 'Jews rule the US/world/media' etc is a common antisemitic theme. If you just keep repeating that, there will be those who see the similarities and believe you are signed up.

I don't dislike Jews at all. I just don't think such a tiny nation should have such a huge influence over our Government. It seems out of proportion to me.
Well, that tiny nation is surrounded by belligerent murderous enemies and terrorists who are also the enemy of freedom and peace worldwide. That tiny nation is the only democratic one in the ME. That tiny nation makes many incredible advances in technology and medicine etc that benefit us all. It would be ultra dumb and immoral not to support them, imho. That doesn't mean they are always agreed with. But I still don't know what you specifically mean about this 'huge influence' over the US gvmnt.

If they're gonna continue to accept American Tax Dollars, they'll have to respect all Americans' opinions on their actions. If they don't wanna do that, they can decline the Taxpayer-provided money and weapons. They don't run the show. We do.
Since there are many different opinions among Americans, how could anybody respect them all? Even the US gvmnt can't do that.

Last i checked, it's American Taxpayers who've ensured Israel's survival. It's not the other way around. So yes, they will have to respect all Americans' opinions on their actions. But if they don't wanna do that, they can always choose to decline the money and weapons.
You do know that the aid given must be spent on US firms to help supply them with military need, don't you? It is somewhat like an insurance policy for helping to keep a standing alliance in the ME that will look after our interest as they look after their own best interest. That same type program was in place with Egypt too.
Actually, Israel defeated its major enemies and kicked the USSR out of the ME without any Us help, and the US and the US only started providing aid in order to have influence in the ME after the 1973 war.

Without US aid, Israel would survive as it did before 1973, but the US would have very little influence in the region and would probably have to station US troops in the ME to protect its Arab allies and US interests.

Aid to Israel costs US taxpayers nothing because 75% of it must be spent in the US, providing tens of thousands of good paying US jobs and the federal, state amd local taxes on wages and profits as they circulate through the economy recovers all of the money. The aid is, in fact, as wealth transfer from the federal government to the States, similar to a federal stimulus program. If you want to complain about taxpayers being ripped off think of the enormous cost to US taxpayers of defending the deadbeats NATO countries in Europe.

Point is, we don't rely on Israel for our survival. However, Israel does rely on us for its survival. So if i disagree with some of its actions, i don't feel i deserve to immediately be labeled a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite. My opinion should be respected. I mean, who's running the show? Us or Israel?
Your premises are clearly wrong, so one has to wonder why. Israel doesn't rely on US aid for its survival. In fact, the US didn't even start t provide significant aid until after Israel proved it was the regional super power. While the US does not depend on Israel for its survival, it does depend on Israel to provide a region of peace and stability in the ME so the US does not have to send US troops into battle there. Perhaps you don't think of yourself as being bigoted with respect to Israel, but the false premises you base your opinions on suggest you are. If you hold strong opinions that are not based on facts, you are a bigot.

Sorry, but i don't know what world you live in. Without the US, Israel would be a distant memory at this point. It owes its existence to the US. So it'll just have deal with the fact some Americans don't always agree with its actions. If it can't deal with that, just stop accepting American Taxpayer-provided money and weapons. It's their call.
Actually, Israel probably has nukes, so if you think her survival would be threatened without Americas support, what do you think would have/would happen in that region?

Gee, i wonder which nation provided it with those Nukes? Israel only currently exists due to massive US support. You would think that would cause them to behave in a more respectful gracious manner.
They do.
Point is, we don't rely on Israel for our survival. However, Israel does rely on us for its survival. So if i disagree with some of its actions, i don't feel i deserve to immediately be labeled a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite. My opinion should be respected. I mean, who's running the show? Us or Israel?
Your premises are clearly wrong, so one has to wonder why. Israel doesn't rely on US aid for its survival. In fact, the US didn't even start t provide significant aid until after Israel proved it was the regional super power. While the US does not depend on Israel for its survival, it does depend on Israel to provide a region of peace and stability in the ME so the US does not have to send US troops into battle there. Perhaps you don't think of yourself as being bigoted with respect to Israel, but the false premises you base your opinions on suggest you are. If you hold strong opinions that are not based on facts, you are a bigot.

Sorry, but i don't know what world you live in. Without the US, Israel would be a distant memory at this point. It owes its existence to the US. So it'll just have deal with the fact some Americans don't always agree with its actions. If it can't deal with that, just stop accepting American Taxpayer-provided money and weapons. It's their call.
Actually, Israel probably has nukes, so if you think her survival would be threatened without Americas support, what do you think would have/would happen in that region?

Gee, i wonder which nation provided it with those Nukes? Israel only currently exists due to massive US support. You would think that would cause them to behave in a more respectful gracious manner.
They do.

I don't see it so much. I see anytime any American Citizen disagrees with its actions, it immediately insults and accuses them of being 'Racists' and 'Anti-Semites.' Very disrespectful.
Your premises are clearly wrong, so one has to wonder why. Israel doesn't rely on US aid for its survival. In fact, the US didn't even start t provide significant aid until after Israel proved it was the regional super power. While the US does not depend on Israel for its survival, it does depend on Israel to provide a region of peace and stability in the ME so the US does not have to send US troops into battle there. Perhaps you don't think of yourself as being bigoted with respect to Israel, but the false premises you base your opinions on suggest you are. If you hold strong opinions that are not based on facts, you are a bigot.

Sorry, but i don't know what world you live in. Without the US, Israel would be a distant memory at this point. It owes its existence to the US. So it'll just have deal with the fact some Americans don't always agree with its actions. If it can't deal with that, just stop accepting American Taxpayer-provided money and weapons. It's their call.
Actually, Israel probably has nukes, so if you think her survival would be threatened without Americas support, what do you think would have/would happen in that region?

Gee, i wonder which nation provided it with those Nukes? Israel only currently exists due to massive US support. You would think that would cause them to behave in a more respectful gracious manner.
They do.

I don't see it so much. I see anytime any American Citizen disagrees with its actions, it immediately insults and accuses them of being 'Racists' and 'Anti-Semites.' Very disrespectful.
Actually, you see nothing and have made up this nonsense to try to justify your irrational hostility toward Israel. There is not one word of truth in any of your posts in this thread.
Most of those who support Israel disagree with their actions SOME of the time

This forum has quite the infestation of antisemites, however, who demonize Israel ALL of the time including their very right to exist as well as the justification for Arabs murdering Jews through terrorism.

I hear ya, but not everyone who disagrees with Israel, 'hates Jews.' Personally, i feel Israel has been given way too much power & influence over our Government. To me, it seems like Israel is calling our Foreign Policy shots in the Middle East. And i can't accept that. No foreign nation should have that kind of influence over our Government.
You do seem to be posting the same thing over and over again - that Israel has too much power over the US, but without any specifics. 'Jews rule the US/world/media' etc are common antisemitic themes. If you just keep repeating that, there will be those who see the similarities and believe you are signed up.

Go figure. We are allies with a modern country that is among the world leaders in green technology, where women are doctors and lawyers and where gay rights parades are held in their major cities.

Why can't people see the light and support cultures that practice severe inbreeding, which produce nothing beyond inventive ways to murder, where women are little but brood mares to be killed for honor and which hang gays from the rafters?

Damn, those scheming Jews for having too much power, anyway!
Most of those who support Israel disagree with their actions SOME of the time

This forum has quite the infestation of antisemites, however, who demonize Israel ALL of the time including their very right to exist as well as the justification for Arabs murdering Jews through terrorism.

I hear ya, but not everyone who disagrees with Israel, 'hates Jews.' Personally, i feel Israel has been given way too much power & influence over our Government. To me, it seems like Israel is calling our Foreign Policy shots in the Middle East. And i can't accept that. No foreign nation should have that kind of influence over our Government.
You do seem to be posting the same thing over and over again - that Israel has too much power over the US, but without any specifics. 'Jews rule the US/world/media' etc are common antisemitic themes. If you just keep repeating that, there will be those who see the similarities and believe you are signed up.

Go figure. We are allies with a modern country that is among the world leaders in green technology, where women are doctors and lawyers and where gay rights parades are held in their major cities.

Why can't people see the light and support cultures that practice severe inbreeding, which produce nothing beyond inventive ways to murder, where women are little but brood mares to be killed for honor and which hang gays from the rafters?

Damn, those scheming Jews for having too much power, anyway!
Possibility that many do not want those 'gay pride' marches in their cities. They are pretty raunchy and nasty from what I have notice.
Most of those who support Israel disagree with their actions SOME of the time

This forum has quite the infestation of antisemites, however, who demonize Israel ALL of the time including their very right to exist as well as the justification for Arabs murdering Jews through terrorism.

I hear ya, but not everyone who disagrees with Israel, 'hates Jews.' Personally, i feel Israel has been given way too much power & influence over our Government. To me, it seems like Israel is calling our Foreign Policy shots in the Middle East. And i can't accept that. No foreign nation should have that kind of influence over our Government.
You do seem to be posting the same thing over and over again - that Israel has too much power over the US, but without any specifics. 'Jews rule the US/world/media' etc are common antisemitic themes. If you just keep repeating that, there will be those who see the similarities and believe you are signed up.

Go figure. We are allies with a modern country that is among the world leaders in green technology, where women are doctors and lawyers and where gay rights parades are held in their major cities.

Why can't people see the light and support cultures that practice severe inbreeding, which produce nothing beyond inventive ways to murder, where women are little but brood mares to be killed for honor and which hang gays from the rafters?

Damn, those scheming Jews for having too much power, anyway!
Possibility that many do not want those 'gay pride' marches in their cities. They are pretty raunchy and nasty from what I have notice.

I mentioned that because it is usually the same leftists who claim to stand for gay rights who are the biggest antisemites here. There are a few neo Nazis like Odium, but the vast majority of Jew haters here are leftists.
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

No, it isn't.

But our fucking government is populated by lying scumbags.

There should be signs all over our airports stating


Most of those who support Israel disagree with their actions SOME of the time

This forum has quite the infestation of antisemites, however, who demonize Israel ALL of the time including their very right to exist as well as the justification for Arabs murdering Jews through terrorism.

I hear ya, but not everyone who disagrees with Israel, 'hates Jews.' Personally, i feel Israel has been given way too much power & influence over our Government. To me, it seems like Israel is calling our Foreign Policy shots in the Middle East. And i can't accept that. No foreign nation should have that kind of influence over our Government.
You do seem to be posting the same thing over and over again - that Israel has too much power over the US, but without any specifics. 'Jews rule the US/world/media' etc are common antisemitic themes. If you just keep repeating that, there will be those who see the similarities and believe you are signed up.

Go figure. We are allies with a modern country that is among the world leaders in green technology, where women are doctors and lawyers and where gay rights parades are held in their major cities.

Why can't people see the light and support cultures that practice severe inbreeding, which produce nothing beyond inventive ways to murder, where women are little but brood mares to be killed for honor and which hang gays from the rafters?

Damn, those scheming Jews for having too much power, anyway!

I'm fine with Israel being an ally. Most Americans are. But that's not what we're discussing. .
Are we as American Citizens, required to defend and support everything Israel does? Can we have independent separate policies? Do we always have to go along? What do you think?

No, it isn't.

But our fucking government is populated by lying scumbags.

There should be signs all over our airports stating



It does seem almost like we as Americans, have been ordered to defend and support Israeli policies no matter what they are. If you dare disagree in any way, you're immediately branded an 'Anti-Semite.' It seems like a form of intimidation bullying.
Most of those who support Israel disagree with their actions SOME of the time

This forum has quite the infestation of antisemites, however, who demonize Israel ALL of the time including their very right to exist as well as the justification for Arabs murdering Jews through terrorism.
Don't be dramatic. I've been accused of this and it's bullshit. Who do I agree with most? Israel of course but that doesn't mean I always agree with Israel.

And whenever someone disagrees the Jews start accusing them of being anti Semite. It is to be expected.

I think the Jews are shifting their pants that the world is blaming them of being anti Muslim
The Jews are so used to us having their backs. I'm glad Obama is making a statement before he leaves because Republicans do have Israel's back right or wrong. It will be harder for Trump to sell us into going along with a military conflict when Americans already believe the Jews aren't being completely fair.

There are Christian Americans who believe God told us to defend the Jews at all costs and that this is eventually going to bring on the end of days, armageddon, ww3, etc. This has been prophicized.

I think the Muslims should give Jerusalem to the Jews and Christians. Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian 'Mecca & Medina.' However, i doubt Muslims would ever agree to that. They consider it one of their holiest sites as well. But regardless, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't have to go along with everything a foreign nation does.

Perhaps the Jews are doing exactly what they need to be doing or should be doing. Just keep taking over territories and land. If the arabs refuse to recognize you then act like they aren't even there when you move into their territories.

Reminds me of the Native American Indians. What we did to them was terrible but guess what?

Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny noun
  1. the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
So Israel, you do you! Put those Palestinians on a reservation and in 100 years let them run your casinos.

I think Israel's preparing for the day the Palestinians get their own nation. Israelis know it's gonna happen at some point. There will be a Palestinian State. So they're now in the process of grabbing as much territory as they can before that day comes.

Keep in mind, Israel is a tiny nation. It's vastly outnumbered by Muslims. It's just trying to expand its lands a bit, before the two state deal is made. Israel understands once the Palestinian State is established, it won't be able to expand territory anymore.
Manifest Destiny Will Not Be Denied

There will never be a Palestinian State. The historical precedent for its failure is the Royal Proclamation of 1763, whereby King George III ordained that the coastal colonies would be White and everything west of the Appalachians would be reserved exclusively for the Indians. That was the real cause of the Revolutionary War and even of the Constitution giving those states extra electoral votes.

There will be a Palestinian State at some point. Even Israel knows that. That's why it's trying to scoop up as much land as possible before it happens. Once the Palestinian State is established, Israeli expansion will end for good.
Appease Porridge Hot

Trading their enemy a missile base for peace is absurd and suicidal.
I think the Muslims should give Jerusalem to the Jews and Christians. Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian 'Mecca & Medina.' However, i doubt Muslims would ever agree to that. They consider it one of their holiest sites as well. But regardless, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't have to go along with everything a foreign nation does.

Perhaps the Jews are doing exactly what they need to be doing or should be doing. Just keep taking over territories and land. If the arabs refuse to recognize you then act like they aren't even there when you move into their territories.

Reminds me of the Native American Indians. What we did to them was terrible but guess what?

Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny noun
  1. the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
So Israel, you do you! Put those Palestinians on a reservation and in 100 years let them run your casinos.

I think Israel's preparing for the day the Palestinians get their own nation. Israelis know it's gonna happen at some point. There will be a Palestinian State. So they're now in the process of grabbing as much territory as they can before that day comes.

Keep in mind, Israel is a tiny nation. It's vastly outnumbered by Muslims. It's just trying to expand its lands a bit, before the two state deal is made. Israel understands once the Palestinian State is established, it won't be able to expand territory anymore.
Manifest Destiny Will Not Be Denied

There will never be a Palestinian State. The historical precedent for its failure is the Royal Proclamation of 1763, whereby King George III ordained that the coastal colonies would be White and everything west of the Appalachians would be reserved exclusively for the Indians. That was the real cause of the Revolutionary War and even of the Constitution giving those states extra electoral votes.

There will be a Palestinian State at some point. Even Israel knows that. That's why it's trying to scoop up as much land as possible before it happens. Once the Palestinian State is established, Israeli expansion will end for good.
Appease Porridge Hot

Trading their enemy a missile base for peace is absurd and suicidal.

There will be a Palestinian State. It's inevitable. We drove Palestinians from their lands in order to create Israel. We will make amends The Palestinians will be given a homeland. Even Israel understands that.
Yeah, many Americans deeply resent being shouted down and labeled 'Racist' and 'Anti-Semitic.' There is no law stating Americans can't disagree with Israel on issues. But so many Americans act is if such a law does exist.

I think we need to step back a bit. We can't allow a foreign nation to dictate our entire foreign policy in a region. Our relationship with Israel reminds me of what some of our Founding Fathers warned about. Entangling Alliances can prove to be very dangerous.
The Jews are so used to us having their backs. I'm glad Obama is making a statement before he leaves because Republicans do have Israel's back right or wrong. It will be harder for Trump to sell us into going along with a military conflict when Americans already believe the Jews aren't being completely fair.

There are Christian Americans who believe God told us to defend the Jews at all costs and that this is eventually going to bring on the end of days, armageddon, ww3, etc. This has been prophicized.

I think the Muslims should give Jerusalem to the Jews and Christians. Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian 'Mecca & Medina.' However, i doubt Muslims would ever agree to that. They consider it one of their holiest sites as well. But regardless, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't have to go along with everything a foreign nation does.

Perhaps the Jews are doing exactly what they need to be doing or should be doing. Just keep taking over territories and land. If the arabs refuse to recognize you then act like they aren't even there when you move into their territories.

Reminds me of the Native American Indians. What we did to them was terrible but guess what?

Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny noun
  1. the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
So Israel, you do you! Put those Palestinians on a reservation and in 100 years let them run your casinos.

I think Israel's preparing for the day the Palestinians get their own nation. Israelis know it's gonna happen at some point. There will be a Palestinian State. So they're now in the process of grabbing as much territory as they can before that day comes.

Keep in mind, Israel is a tiny nation. It's vastly outnumbered by Muslims. It's just trying to expand its lands a bit, before the two state deal is made. Israel understands once the Palestinian State is established, it won't be able to expand territory anymore.

I don't believe a Palestinian State will occur as Israel has yet to be recognized as a legitimate nation by the arabs of that region, as well as the Israelis believe they are entitled to that land through their interpretive view of scripture. That part of the world has been under a religious battle for far too long to be so easily established by any third party, whether through the United States or by the United Nations.
Handshake Shakedown

Recognition is a non-binding bunch of words on pieces of paper. And the conflict is not about religion, no matter how many times the self-appointed experts tell you that. It is about groups at different levels of evolution stuck in the same time frame, where only the most modern will survive, and deserve to.
The Jews are so used to us having their backs. I'm glad Obama is making a statement before he leaves because Republicans do have Israel's back right or wrong. It will be harder for Trump to sell us into going along with a military conflict when Americans already believe the Jews aren't being completely fair.

There are Christian Americans who believe God told us to defend the Jews at all costs and that this is eventually going to bring on the end of days, armageddon, ww3, etc. This has been prophicized.

I think the Muslims should give Jerusalem to the Jews and Christians. Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian 'Mecca & Medina.' However, i doubt Muslims would ever agree to that. They consider it one of their holiest sites as well. But regardless, i'm an American. I'm not an Israeli. I don't have to go along with everything a foreign nation does.

Perhaps the Jews are doing exactly what they need to be doing or should be doing. Just keep taking over territories and land. If the arabs refuse to recognize you then act like they aren't even there when you move into their territories.

Reminds me of the Native American Indians. What we did to them was terrible but guess what?

Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny noun
  1. the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
So Israel, you do you! Put those Palestinians on a reservation and in 100 years let them run your casinos.

I think Israel's preparing for the day the Palestinians get their own nation. Israelis know it's gonna happen at some point. There will be a Palestinian State. So they're now in the process of grabbing as much territory as they can before that day comes.

Keep in mind, Israel is a tiny nation. It's vastly outnumbered by Muslims. It's just trying to expand its lands a bit, before the two state deal is made. Israel understands once the Palestinian State is established, it won't be able to expand territory anymore.

I don't believe a Palestinian State will occur as Israel has yet to be recognized as a legitimate nation by the arabs of that region, as well as the Israelis believe they are entitled to that land through their interpretive view of scripture. That part of the world has been under a religious battle for far too long to be so easily established by any third party, whether through the United States or by the United Nations.
Handshake Shakedown

Recognition is a non-binding bunch of words on pieces of paper. And the conflict is not about religion, no matter how many times the self-appointed experts tell you that. It is about groups at different levels of evolution stuck in the same time frame, where only the most modern will survive, and deserve to.

Try and convince me that Jerusalem, as well as the Palestinian's and Israel's perception of specific sites of land is not about religion. You are really in your own little world, aren't you?
Perhaps the Jews are doing exactly what they need to be doing or should be doing. Just keep taking over territories and land. If the arabs refuse to recognize you then act like they aren't even there when you move into their territories.

Reminds me of the Native American Indians. What we did to them was terrible but guess what?

Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny noun
  1. the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
So Israel, you do you! Put those Palestinians on a reservation and in 100 years let them run your casinos.

I think Israel's preparing for the day the Palestinians get their own nation. Israelis know it's gonna happen at some point. There will be a Palestinian State. So they're now in the process of grabbing as much territory as they can before that day comes.

Keep in mind, Israel is a tiny nation. It's vastly outnumbered by Muslims. It's just trying to expand its lands a bit, before the two state deal is made. Israel understands once the Palestinian State is established, it won't be able to expand territory anymore.
Manifest Destiny Will Not Be Denied

There will never be a Palestinian State. The historical precedent for its failure is the Royal Proclamation of 1763, whereby King George III ordained that the coastal colonies would be White and everything west of the Appalachians would be reserved exclusively for the Indians. That was the real cause of the Revolutionary War and even of the Constitution giving those states extra electoral votes.

There will be a Palestinian State at some point. Even Israel knows that. That's why it's trying to scoop up as much land as possible before it happens. Once the Palestinian State is established, Israeli expansion will end for good.
Appease Porridge Hot

Trading their enemy a missile base for peace is absurd and suicidal.

There will be a Palestinian State. It's inevitable. We drove Palestinians from their lands in order to create Israel. We will make amends The Palestinians will be given a homeland. Even Israel understands that.

Jihadi OPEC financed experts drumming that nonsense into everybody has created a fog preventing understanding of this situation. The Arabs are backward nomads and never built anything on any land they deserved to call their own. We owe them nothing; they forfeited their Palestinian pit-stop to the Turks centuries ago.

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