Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

Are you going to admit that you have CONSISTENTLY voted for big spenders? And, I ask you yet again, for at least the third time, is president the only office you vote for?
Why are you asking MORE questions?

You're a coward and a fraud.

Don't complain about the shit resulting from your moronic choices for POTUS. Own them.

Now acknowledge.
He is against spending when there is Dem in the White House. When there is a member of his beloved party he supports everything they do, without question.
Look at you siding with a lib, talking ABOUT another poster rather than to the other poster….Fraud
Oh Jesus. I have said many times that we are more fiscally responsible when we have a Democratic president and a Republican Congress to stop them. No other combination works. You're concentrating too much on the president when it is the Congress who passes spending bills. Yes, when Republicans control Congress, they make it look like the Democratic president was fiscally responsible when, in reality, it was the Republicans in Congress, not the president. So, yes, we should be voting for those Republicans in Congress who actually did it, like what just happened. By the way, we have more elections in this country than just for president.

Utter bunk.

The budget deficts fell under Democratic presidents with Democratic-controlled Houses...

FY1994: -$50b
FT1995: -$40b
FY2010: -$120b
FY2011: +$5b
FY2022: -$1,400b

Since the debt has been out of countrol, 4 out of those5 fiscal years saw a drop in the federal budget deficit. And even the one which went up, went up by only $5b.
I don’t play liberal games, you cheat.

The only fiscally Conservative president of the last 40 years would be Clinton but he was a lousy person. (I happen to think that is an important qualification also).
Biden did compromise on this issue with McCarthy but the whiny extreme republicans and democrats would rather crash the country with a fucking temper tantrum than not get everything they want.

Even your Saint Ronnie knew that it was better to take half a loaf then go back and ask for more than to refuse to compromise.
why would the country crash exactly? What does the debt ceiling have to do with tax receipts? Do you think it gets more tax dollars? hahahaahahahahahahaahaha the amount of stupid you spew.
why would the country crash exactly? What does the debt ceiling have to do with tax receipts? Do you think it gets more tax dollars? hahahaahahahahahahaahaha the amount of stupid you spew.
Do you understand the purpose of federal debt and the consequences of a bond default?

If not, shut the fuck up.
Do you understand the purpose of federal debt and the consequences of a bond default?

If not, shut the fuck up.
so you can't explain what raising the debt ceiling does exactly? hmmmmmmmmm again with the stupid from you.

Like explain what happens to the tax dollars funding Social Security?
yes he agreed with the swamp. dissapointed me. but it was one mistake he made while doing good for blacks.

So whether Trump had a Republican-led House OR a Democrat-led House, he increased the deficit each year.

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