Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

so you can't explain what raising the debt ceiling does exactly? hmmmmmmmmm again with the stupid from you.

Like explain what happens to the tax dollars funding Social Security?
I'm only gonna explain it once.

Once you've reach your debt limit, the Treasury can't sell any more bonds.

This means you can't fund many govt operations and you can't roll over existing debt.

By defaulting on interest obligations, the US will ensure that any future bond issuance will be at a discount reflecting a higher risk of default.

This stuff is way over your head because you're a moron.
why would the country crash exactly? What does the debt ceiling have to do with tax receipts? Do you think it gets more tax dollars? hahahaahahahahahahaahaha the amount of stupid you spew.
Did you think we could fund everything the government does with tax receipts?

You’re an idiot
“The truth is our rate of debt growth can’t be maintained indefinitely. In fiscal year 2020, debt held by the public reached about 100 percent of gross domestic product, up from 79 percent a year earlier. We estimate that left unchecked, the debt will grow to 200 percent of GDP in 2048, well beyond historic levels.”

Read it dummy.
Uh huh.
2/3 of the budget is mandatory spending.
Of the last third, nearly half is defense.
That leaves you 1/6 of the budget to find cuts.
Did you think we could fund everything the government does with tax receipts?

You’re an idiot
isn't that how our system works? How else do you think, we print money? how unamerican.
why would the country crash exactly? What does the debt ceiling have to do with tax receipts? Do you think it gets more tax dollars? hahahaahahahahahahaahaha the amount of stupid you spew.

What happens if the country defaults on its debts?

What happens if the country defaults on its debts?

they don't have enough money? What happens in your house? We find things we don't pay and juggle until funds are available. Again, what do you think happens when they raise the debt ceiling? BTW, that's a scare tactic of demfks in your link. None of that would ever happen. You ain't getting any more money in from taxes.

demfks must think we don't pay anything and just keep the tax revenues. It's rather unclear what they actually think because they have no thought.
they don't have enough money? What happens in your house? We find things we don't pay and juggle until funds are available. Again, what do you think happens when they raise the debt ceiling? BTW, that's a scare tactic of demfks in your link. None of that would ever happen. You ain't getting any more money in from taxes.

Comparing the entire US budget to that of a single household is naïve not to mention stupid.

Do you need the approval of hundreds of other people and the endorsement of an elected official to change your household budget?
spoken like a true swamp creature.
Spoken like a realist who understands how cumbersome and slow government is.

These idiots had a year or more to prepare for this debt ceiling and they waited until the last fucking minute and you still want to trust them

Yeah you are naïve and stupid
The point, dope, is there isn’t enough there to make much of a difference and it would be done at the expense of the most vulnerable people in the nation.
Crackheads and ghetto trash who should be out looking for a job or starting a legitimate business.
Do you need the approval of hundreds of other people and the endorsement of an elected official to change your household budget?

Not only that, but you don't get to print up as much money as you want.

These idiots had a year or more to prepare for this debt ceiling and they waited until the last fucking minute and you still want to trust them

Unless the deal is super good for your side, most politicians will wait until the last minute, sign the bill anyway, and then tell the voters the bastards on the other side left us with no choice because the repercussions of a default are too horrific to contemplate. This deal was as good as we could get so we voted for it but really didn't want to.

As for trust, IMHO both parties blew that away a long time ago.

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