Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

These people have no fucking idea what they're asking for.

This is where ideology becomes dangerous. We're right on the edge now.
As I said, it is Republicans who have passed a bill to increase the debt ceiling. If you are so worried about it then pressure the Senate and Biden to get working on the House bill which has already passed.
Ya gotta love Republicans

"I know we fucked up over and over in the past but THIS TIME...we're gonna get it right because THIS TIME we actually care about the debt unlike all those other times that we just claimed we did"

The Republicans have been irresponsible with the debt like the Democrats, but that doesn't mean they should cave and spend like Democrats.

Speaking of which, so you have no problem dumping 31 trillion and growing in your debt on your kids and you're not blinking about doing trillions more to them. Is there any point you start caring?
It WAS but it’s NOT currently.
It is 2-3 times higher than the fed wants it, causing higher interest rates which have made some banks go belly up and experience runs while the 90% have to charge their lives away, can't afford their rents or groceries.
As I said, it is Republicans who have passed a bill to increase the debt ceiling. If you are so worried about it then pressure the Senate and Biden to get working on the House bill which has already passed.

At least Republicans are asking for some cuts, but we shouldn't be growing the debt at all and we need to start shrinking it.

Golfing Gator even has hit his libertarian side, he has been a quiet debt hawk for years. Who knew?
So, you are admitting that the tax cuts did not decrease tax revenues. That's what a I said you said and you just said it yet again. And you call me an idiot?
Can you fucking read? I said no such thing.

What I SAID was that revenue always increases if we are not in a recession and that’s 100 per cent accurate.

You are not only stupid but dishonest.
It is 2-3 times higher than the fed wants it, causing higher interest rates which have made some banks go belly up and experience runs while the 90% have to charge their lives away, can't afford their rents or groceries.
The Fed want inflation at 1%?

We need a link there dumfuk
It is their duty to pay for what they have already spent.

If you ran up huge credit card debt it would be your duty to pay what was due.
Then why is a debt ceiling voted on? Why does it even exist? Could it be that it exists for the Congress to consider what they are doing, and to use the limit to make necessary changes?
Can you fucking read? I said no such thing.

What I SAID was that revenue always increases if we are not in a recession and that’s 100 per cent accurate.

You are not only stupid but dishonest.
You keep on proving my point that the tax cuts did not decrease tax revenues. I want to thank you for that but you don't have to keep on doing it repeatedly.
You keep on proving my point that the tax cuts did not decrease tax revenues. I want to thank you for that but you don't have to keep on doing it repeatedly.
Tax cuts never pay for themselves. They ALWAYS ADD TO THE DEBT (over the long term. Certain tax cuts can temporarily increase revenue)

The Fed want inflation at 1%?

We need a link there dumfuk
So, you're denying that the fed is saying that inflation is much higher than their target? Really? You're denying that Americans can't afford their groceries? Really? You're denying that Americans can't afford housing anymore, whether it be rents or mortgages and that evictions are at an all time high? Really? You used to be the party for the little guy. Now you don't give a damn about the little guy.
Tax cuts never pay for themselves. They ALWAYS ADD TO THE DEBT (over the long term. Certain tax cuts can temporarily increase revenue)

LOL. Now you're back to saying that the tax cuts decreased revenue. What a flip flopper. Did you stay out too late last night? It was a Wednesday night for God's sake.
Tax cuts never pay for themselves. They ALWAYS ADD TO THE DEBT (over the long term. Certain tax cuts can temporarily increase revenue)


Said the financial neophyte. When taxes are over 10%, tax cuts always pay for themselves. Government gets the most revenue with 10% taxes because people think they are fair and don't avoid paying them. When they raise above 10%. it jacks up the economic damage and provide no more revenue.

I'd recommend some books to you, but you're a leftist ideologue and any effort to explain it to you would be wasted, though I just gave you the principle. 10% taxes are overwhelmingly considered reasonable. Above that, it's about government power

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