Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

This is May of 2023. The past is history. We don't have a time machine yet to go back. What we need to do is get serious about the debt now instead of the mentality of thinking in the past as a reason for not talking about it now.
We can certainly LEARN from history though

Those who refuse to learn from history ate destined to repeat it.

And here we go again
Ah jesus this bunch of bullshit again

Tax revenues ALWAYS increase unless we are in a Recession. You understand what GDP INCREASE means?

No? Oh
Then why did you say tax revenues decreased? That was an out and out lie.
This is May of 2023. The past is history. We don't have a time machine yet to go back. What we need to do is get serious about the debt now instead of the mentality of thinking in the past as a reason for not talking about it now.

Eliminate the Trump tax cuts
Eliminate the Bush tax cuts

Problem solved.
It's about income. Their are 2 ways to balance a budget not one . One is to decrease spending the other is by increasing revenue.

And when you say useless what is to you useless.

The government provides certain services. Sometimes they benefit a person directly sometimes indirectly, sometimes not at all. But they all benefit someone.

I have no problem acknowledging that it is sometimes wasteful. But most of the time it usefull and even essential.

You want to discuss which is which fine. But don't tell me that your opinion is the only valid one.
I understand the difference here. I think a debt of 32 trillion dollars is outrageous while you defend it and refuse to even talk about cutting spending.
I understand the difference here. I think a debt of 32 trillion dollars is outrageous while you defend it and refuse to even talk about cutting spending.
AGAIN "talk about" cutting spending during the budget process/

NOT when writing the checks to pay current debt.

If it has merit it will pass THEN
So you are for crashing the economy?
LOL. Our 32 trillion dollar debt is already crashing the economy. But, to answer your question, no, I am not for crashing the economy but your stupid MMT philosophy is to always increase the debt and never stop, even as it has drawn the entire world into hyper-inflation.
The problem is they should have raised the debt ceiling when they passed the budget. As Biden explained, the debt ceiling increase is to pay the debt from past budgets.
Yes, that is what it is. But, Democrats refuse to cut spending at all so the only leverage there is to cut spending is this. If we don't cut the runaway spending we are doomed anyway.
Ah jesus this bunch of bullshit again

Tax revenues ALWAYS increase unless we are in a Recession. You understand what GDP INCREASE means?

No? Oh
THIS was what I had to say about tax cuts

Why did you find it necessary to lie?
I don't think the debt ceiling is mentioned in the Constitution or any amendment to the Constitution. Their duty under the Constitution is to pay the bills incurred by the authorized laws, not to question them.
LOL. Our 32 trillion dollar debt is already crashing the economy. But, to answer your question, no, I am not for crashing the economy but your stupid MMT philosophy is to always increase the debt and never stop, even as it has drawn the entire world into hyper-inflation.
Wipe your lips. You're frothing at the mouth.

The economy is NOT crashing but if you fuckers keep screwing with it like this it certainly could
Did anyone say we have to pay down that debt?
Did you not get shown that we still carry the entire cost of WWII on the books?
Are you an idiot?
Your MMT philosophy has brought us to hyper-inflation and runs on banks that are going belly up, due to increased interest rates which, in turn, make us pay much more on debt servicing.
It's about income. Their are 2 ways to balance a budget not one . One is to decrease spending the other is by increasing revenue.

And when you say useless what is to you useless.

The government provides certain services. Sometimes they benefit a person directly sometimes indirectly, sometimes not at all. But they all benefit someone.

I have no problem acknowledging that it is sometimes wasteful. But most of the time it usefull and even essential.

You want to discuss which is which fine. But don't tell me that your opinion is the only valid one.
You are so fucked up about this that it is ridiculous.

The government spends far too much money. For instance, why are we spending one red cent on Illegals? Why are we spending billions of dollars building EV charging stations? Shouldn't the people that own EVs be paying for their own charging?

Why are we spending billions a year on a Department of Education when the quality of education has gone down ever since the Deparment was created? Why do we need HUD? Why are we paying for school food for children? Shouldn't the parnets be the ones that peovide for their own children? Why do we have welfare? Shouldn't you be responsible to pay your bills and me be responsible to pay mine? Why should the filthy oppressive government take my money and give to you? That is morally wrong, isn't it?

Why should we go in debt or raise taxes to pay for such bullshit like:

1) Using COVID relief funds to construct an 800-room luxury hotel

2) Using COVID relief funds to purchase luxury cars

3) Camouflage uniforms that don’t blend in

4) Maintaining 77,000 empty Federal buildings

5) Subsidizing the free New York Staten Island Ferry

6) Boosting the Tunisia travel sector during COVID-19

7) Injecting 6-month-old beagle puppies with cocaine

8) Constructing a Gandhi museum

9) Researching if Thanos could snap his fingers wearing the infinity gauntlet

Details of each of those stupid examples can be found at 9 Crazy Examples of Government Waste in 2022 | Patrick Carroll

I can give dozens and dozens of more examples if you are still confused about necessary Federal spending.

We don't need to borrow any more money or tax more. We just need to spend less. It ain't rocket science. Of course that would piss off you welfare queens, wouldn't it?
Yes, that is what it is. But, Democrats refuse to cut spending at all so the only leverage there is to cut spending is this. If we don't cut the runaway spending we are doomed anyway.
I've already shown you that we carry the ENTIRE debt from WWII on the books. Adjusted for inflation it was HIGHER than what we currently owe.

That claim is flat out FALSE
When you decrease taxation or decrease the ability to collect taxes you take in less revenue.
It depends on where you are on the Laffer curve. These past tax cuts brought in more revenue, not less. And, Biden & Co have us headed to a recession by fighting runaway inflation, which will bring in less tax revenue.
Bullshit. If they wanted to do something about the budget they would have when they CONTROLLED Congress
Well, Democrats controlled Congress in Biden's first two years. Why didn't they cut spending then or raise the debt ceiling up high enough so that we wouldn't be where we are today?

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