Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

Each congressman swears an oath to uphold the Constitution.
The 14th say "pay your bills"
Any law that stands in the way of that is unconstitutional.

Can't wait for the GOP to take this to court.
The debt ceiling law was made in 1917, knowing what the 14th amendment was and the 1917 law has been unchallenged for over 100 years. Doesn't it mean anything to you that even Biden doesn't think it will pass legal muster? If this were to go to the courts, how do you think the current SC would rule on it?
It couldn't possibly cause any damage if Democrats agree to spending cuts. Republicans have already passed a debt ceiling increase. The Senate and Biden need to man up and pass it into law. It's on them.
It's already caused damage on a global macroeconomic basis, and the damage cause by a default would be severe.

All which the GQP clearly doesn't care about. Just own da libs.

Believe what you want. Never mind.
And the time to do that is during the budget process...NOT when talking about paying existing bills.

We have done this in the past and it affected our credit rating and COST money
Because Democrats have already submitted their 2024 budget, with zero cuts. They have no intention of cutting spending.
Republicans can't govern.
Just look at the messes in Florida and Texas when they try.
Bitching and moaning about Democrats is the only page in their playbook.
LOL. People are fleeing the blue states in droves to move to Florida and Texas. Apparently they don't think that.
So you are for crashing the economy?
Republicans can't govern.
Just look at the messes in Florida and Texas when they try.
Bitching and moaning about Democrats is the only page in their playbook.
These people have no fucking idea what they're asking for.

This is where ideology becomes dangerous. We're right on the edge now.
No problem when Trump was spending like a drunken sailor...


As someone that has personal experience being a drunken sailor, I take offense to that remark.

Most drunken sailors that I knew (including myself), had a bunch of checks in their pocket after being at sea for months on end so we had cash in hand to spend when we pulled into port for liberty.


Carry on...

We can certainly LEARN from history though

Those who refuse to learn from history ate destined to repeat it.

And here we go again
Yup, with Democrats refusing to cut spending and wanting to add trillions more onto our debt, increasing inflation. Why won't they learn from history. Democrats won't be happy until they drive us into another Great Depression and then they will blame it on Republicans.

NO idiot. You DON'T own the thread and just endlessly ignoring inconvenient facts is not debate
LOL. It is my thread. I ought to know what it was about. You're just trying to hijack the thread and deflect it to something else because you are losing the debate. don't want to admit that the GOP is playing politics with the nations' credit rating. There is a reason the GOP always gets blamed for shutting down the government...because they are to blame. This time will be no different.
Of course they are playing politics. I have said so in this very thread. I have said that the only time we get fiscal responsibility is when there is a Democrat president and a Republican Congress so let's take advantage of how those stars lined up and work on being fiscally responsible.
I did NOT say that

Christ you are stupid
Of course you said it and I actually love it when you call me names and insult me because then I know you realize you have lost the debate and that is all you've got left to debate with.
AGAIN "talk about" cutting spending during the budget process/

NOT when writing the checks to pay current debt.

If it has merit it will pass THEN
But democrats absolutely refuse to talk about cutting spending during the budget process, which is why they submitted a budget for 2024 with zero cuts.
THIS was what I had to say about tax cuts

Why did you find it necessary to lie?
So, you are admitting that the tax cuts did not decrease tax revenues. That's what a I said you said and you just said it yet again. And you call me an idiot?
I don't think the debt ceiling is mentioned in the Constitution or any amendment to the Constitution. Their duty under the Constitution is to pay the bills incurred by the authorized laws, not to question them.
The law was created so that Congress must increase the debt ceiling, which means it was intended to be debated. There is nothing Congress does which is just an automatic rubber stamp. Everything is debated, which is how government works.
I think you don't really know what the debt ceiling is.

The debt ceiling is the means by which the US pays of their debt.

The budget is the means by which you raise it.

The GOP is refusing to pay of the debt if the Democrats aren't willing to give in on the GOP budget.

See how that works?

" I will let the the household go bankrupt, if I don't get my way in how the money is spend. Said no responsible adult ever"
after that mush mouth crap its you that doesnt know what debt is,,, let alone a debt ceiling,,

first off we havent had a budget in over ten yrs,,

its far past time we get our asses handed to us and face the music that this uncontrolled spending stop,, cut spending by half and reduce the size of fed gov by 50-70%,,,

so tall me dumb fuck,, are you going to pay off your debt or leave it to your children to pay??

my guess is a stupid fuck like you will dump it on your children,,
Wipe your lips. You're frothing at the mouth.

The economy is NOT crashing but if you fuckers keep screwing with it like this it certainly could
I made another thread on that about how most economists expect a recession or that we have already entered a recession and that Democrats would purposely let us default on our debt and go into a recession so that they could then try blaming the recession, which was going to happen anyway, on Republicans.
I've already shown you that we carry the ENTIRE debt from WWII on the books. Adjusted for inflation it was HIGHER than what we currently owe.

That claim is flat out FALSE
Yes, I laughably remember you trying to claim we have paid down 10 trillion dollars worth of our debt. What a joke. You should be on the Tonight Show.
It's already caused damage on a global macroeconomic basis, and the damage cause by a default would be severe.

All which the GQP clearly doesn't care about. Just own da libs.

Believe what you want. Never mind.
Again, Republicans in the House are the only ones who have passed a bill to raise the debt ceiling. Democrats are the ones refusing to pass it in the Senate and Biden sign it. It's all on you guys.
Think about it. Karine Jean-Pierre says:

“You’ve heard from the president multiple times during the last five months. He’s been very clear,” she said. “You’ve heard from the president; you’ve heard from the economic team; you’ve heard from Democrats, the leadership in the House, in the Senate talk — speak to this about the urgency, about Congress actually needing to act and doing their constitutional duty.”

So, if it was set up that it is up to Congress to raise the debt ceiling then that pretty much means that it isn't an automatic thing if they have to decide to do it. So, it is not Congress's Constitutional duty to just raise the debt ceiling automatically because it was set up that they debate it.

Further, I find it fairly amusing that some Democrats want to use the 14th amendment from 1868 to override a law from 1917.

Not to mention, Republicans in the House have already passed a debt ceiling increase. We're waiting on the Senate and Biden to pass it into law.

No one owns anyone else's vote. Democrats have to make a deal for that, they don't get it for free

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