Is it cool for a five time draft dodger to talk to military families about their sacrifice?

How is it not a spit in the eye?

He never sacrificed, and he passed tax cuts for himself and other billionaires while those families who sacrificed will have to foot the bill.

Is that because billionaires are special and deserve to be protected above all others?

How do you explain it?

I imagine every meeting orange turd goes to goes like this with anyone in the military,
Trump: "hi, want to see my bone spurs?"
Any Soldier: "not really, want to see the leg I lost in Iraq?"
You'd be surprised how many felt the same about Clinton, Biden, REMF Gore, and many others in your party when they did the same.

on second thought, you wouldn't be surprised.

but you'd ignore it, just like you did when they were in office.
A few notes:

Clinton never said he only liked soldiers who weren't captured.

Biden's sons served.

Al Gore was in the military and served in Vietnam.

You'd be surprised how many felt the same about Clinton, Biden, REMF Gore, and many others in your party when they did the same.

on second thought, you wouldn't be surprised.

but you'd ignore it, just like you did when they were in office.
A few notes:

Clinton never said he only liked soldiers who weren't captured.

Biden's sons served.

Al Gore was in the military and served in Vietnam.


Clinton never said he only liked soldiers who weren't captured.

which has nothing to do with him dodging the draft.

Biden's sons served.

which has nothing to do with him dodging the draft.

Al Gore was in the military and served in Vietnam.
Did you miss the REMF I added to his name?

Look it up.
How is it not a spit in the eye?

He never sacrificed, and he passed tax cuts for himself and other billionaires while those families who sacrificed will have to foot the bill.

Is that because billionaires are special and deserve to be protected above all others?

How do you explain it?

I imagine every meeting orange turd goes to goes like this with anyone in the military,
Trump: "hi, want to see my bone spurs?"
Any Soldier: "not really, want to see the leg I lost in Iraq?"

"There used to be consequences! Beat the crap out of 'im! I like people who weren't wounded, OK?"
Most politicians don't serve in the military. Obama prolly used the "I'm gay" excuse. Hillary wanted to be a Marine but not being able to run more than 20 feet was a problem.
All of these were a president, vice-president, or both: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Dick Nixon, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Al Gore, and George W. Bush

They all served in the military, MarathonMike.
Hillary's husband was such a notorious draft dodger that the KGB took notice when he was demonstrating against his own Country while a student in England. As a reward, Bill Clinton's commie friends gave him a free tour of mother Russia..
I don’t think it’s that big a deal anymore. Lots of presidents haven’t done a stint in the military. Of course, with all the wars we’ve been in the past 30 years, we should start seeing a lot more politicians that are veterans.

I don’t like Trump, but he’s the President. It’s his job to speechify, even if his sacrifice was avoiding VD during Vietnam.
I don’t think it’s that big a deal anymore. Lots of presidents haven’t done a stint in the military. Of course, with all the wars we’ve been in the past 30 years, we should start seeing a lot more politicians that are veterans.

I don’t like Trump, but he’s the President. It’s his job to speechify, even if his sacrifice was avoiding VD during Vietnam.

He should totally talk about that too. And give himself a medal for valiantly surviving New York sex clubs despite the devastating handicap of bone spurs in can't-remember-which-foot. Because nothing says "inspiring" like the personal account of an elitist asshole who's been handed everything all his life, never taken any kind of responsibility and is already on the record as holding his audience in contempt.
How is it not a spit in the eye?

He never sacrificed, and he passed tax cuts for himself and other billionaires while those families who sacrificed will have to foot the bill.

Is that because billionaires are special and deserve to be protected above all others?

How do you explain it?

Did it bother you when Clinton did it, troll?
Tell you what. Let’s post our resume’s so to speak. I served in the Army from 1988 to 1997. I was in the 82nd Airborne Division. I served in Desert Shield/Storm and other assignments where I put it on the line. I was a Combat Engineer. I’ve had friends wounded, injured, and killed in the service. My Nephew just finished his training to take his turn in the Army. My Father was a Veteran of the Air Force. My Uncle was also a member of the 82nd Airborne, and a Vietnam Veteran.

I have an Honorable Discharge, and have never walked into a VA hospital. I’m not about to either.

So my right to discuss military and related issues is established. Where and when did you serve? Tell us all about what gives you the right to speak for Military Families? I mean, if you have decided that Military Service is the pinnacle of qualifications, that’s fine. Tell us what service you have.

Then, tell us why the Democrats are a superior choice for our elected Leaders. Hillary didn’t serve. Neither did Tim Kaine. How were they more qualified to discuss military issues than Trump is?

In our local Congressional race, neither the Republican, nor the Democrat has served. Does this cancel each other out? Is it now about the issues? Or is it that they are both disqualified by your standards.

Vietnam was not a popular war. A lot of people worked to avoid service. This is what is absolutely hilarious, or disgusting depending on the day. You now complain that people who tried not to go to Vietnam are somehow unpatriotic and cowardly. What about those who I learned about in School? Those who went to Canada, or Jail to avoid service because they didn’t believe in the war? How about Martin Luther King who objected to the war and spoke out against it? Was he an unpatriotic jackass who can be dismissed?

For years the Left pointed out that if nobody showed up, there could be no more wars. That was and is absolutely true.

But hey, for shits and giggles, let’s talk Trump. While I was in, my knees started hurting. I know I said I’d talk Trump. Wait for it. My knees were diagnosed as having a deficiency of the PCL. This meant that running any distance was becoming painful, and walking long distance was becoming seriously problematic. I was advised that I could have surgery, but it would not get me back to before the knees started to act up. I would never run as fast as I had, and never march as long, and as fast as I had. I decided it was unfair. I was holding a slot that another could have. There was a Specialist somewhere who hoped to become a Sergeant, and I was in his slot. I could not push the unit forward, I could only hold them back. I left the Army and never looked back.

Now for a little more truth. Truth is that thing you avoid. Yes, Trump had five deferments. The truth is that four of them were for College, a common deferment that every male in college got. Are you now stating that Trump was somehow special in College and should have been yanked out of college while everyone else who got the student deferment was allowed to continue the education?

Every college student got the same deferment. Then he was TEMPORARILY given the 1Y deferment. That was the one that was for Bone Spurs. That meant he would be given another look in a year or two. The 1Y deferment was abolished, and now Trump like everyone with the 1Y deferment was given the 4F classification. It was 1972. Vietnam was winding down, we were pulling our troops out. 1972 in the Vietnam War - Wikipedia

It was a forgone conclusion we were getting out, the only question in the election of 1972 was if we were going to walk away, or run away from Vietnam.

The military was smaller, because we had about 24,000 troops left in Vietnam. Most of those were Special Operations, and Green Berets, and some air force folks to keep the airbases and airplanes working. Now, even if Trump had been drafted in 1972, chances are he wouldn’t have seen anything of Vietnam.

First, Draftees were not eligible at that time to join the Special Forces. Even the Airborne were “double volunteers” which meant they volunteered for the army, and then for Jump School. So even if Trump had been drafted, he would have done what, two years at some army base somewhere like New Jersey. You know, like most of the troops did at that time.

You are so full of shit it is insulting. You would have been down at the airport spitting on Soldiers who were coming home during Vietnam. You would have been down there using your first amendment rights to call them Baby Killers and all those other names we heard about.

When you have to lie about your opponent, you are already losing, and you know that don’t you? I’ve mentioned before the things that I’ve disagreed with. I wish that Trump had kept the pressure on the Police Departments with the DOJ investigations to end Unconstitutional Practices as one example I’ve mentioned before.

Why do you feel the need to lie so often? Why isn’t the truth enough for you? That’s why I honestly believe you would have been screaming at the returning Soldiers and spitting on them. Because truth has no place in your insane hatred.
You'd be surprised how many felt the same about Clinton, Biden, REMF Gore, and many others in your party when they did the same.

on second thought, you wouldn't be surprised.

but you'd ignore it, just like you did when they were in office.
A few notes:

Clinton never said he only liked soldiers who weren't captured.

Biden's sons served.

Al Gore was in the military and served in Vietnam.


Clinton never said he only liked soldiers who weren't captured.

which has nothing to do with him dodging the draft.

Biden's sons served.

which has nothing to do with him dodging the draft.

Al Gore was in the military and served in Vietnam.
Did you miss the REMF I added to his name?

Look it up.
So Gore wasn’t Audie Murphy. Not everyone who served was a front line soldier or Marine. By your definition, Reagan was a REMF. Millions of people have served in the Armed Forces. Only a small percentage of them served in battle. I wouldn’t denigrate anyone’s service by referring to them as REMFs, as though they didn’t go through anything or make any sacrifices. Besides, being a combat veteran didn’t get Kerry any respect from the republicans. They’re even treating McCain like shit.
You'd be surprised how many felt the same about Clinton, Biden, REMF Gore, and many others in your party when they did the same.

on second thought, you wouldn't be surprised.

but you'd ignore it, just like you did when they were in office.
A few notes:

Clinton never said he only liked soldiers who weren't captured.

Biden's sons served.

Al Gore was in the military and served in Vietnam.


Clinton never said he only liked soldiers who weren't captured.

which has nothing to do with him dodging the draft.

Biden's sons served.

which has nothing to do with him dodging the draft.

Al Gore was in the military and served in Vietnam.
Did you miss the REMF I added to his name?

Look it up.
So Gore wasn’t Audie Murphy. Not everyone who served was a front line soldier or Marine. By your definition, Reagan was a REMF. Millions of people have served in the Armed Forces. Only a small percentage of them served in battle. I wouldn’t denigrate anyone’s service by referring to them as REMFs, as though they didn’t go through anything or make any sacrifices. Besides, being a combat veteran didn’t get Kerry any respect from the republicans. They’re even treating McCain like shit.

Gore got his time in Nam cut short in Nam to attend Divinity School...

which he promptly dropped out of.

DEFINITELY not Audie Murphy.

This just in. trump has suffered a dislocated shoulder while patting himself on the back, and tweeting his accomplishments this Memorial day.

"Trump's somber tone contrasted with a self-promotional tweet earlier Monday in which he said fallen soldiers would be "very proud and happy at how well our country is doing today," citing the economy and low unemployment."

You'd be surprised how many felt the same about Clinton, Biden, REMF Gore, and many others in your party when they did the same.

on second thought, you wouldn't be surprised.

but you'd ignore it, just like you did when they were in office.
A few notes:

Clinton never said he only liked soldiers who weren't captured.

Biden's sons served.

Al Gore was in the military and served in Vietnam.


Clinton never said he only liked soldiers who weren't captured.

which has nothing to do with him dodging the draft.

Biden's sons served.

which has nothing to do with him dodging the draft.

Al Gore was in the military and served in Vietnam.
Did you miss the REMF I added to his name?

Look it up.
So Gore wasn’t Audie Murphy. Not everyone who served was a front line soldier or Marine. By your definition, Reagan was a REMF. Millions of people have served in the Armed Forces. Only a small percentage of them served in battle. I wouldn’t denigrate anyone’s service by referring to them as REMFs, as though they didn’t go through anything or make any sacrifices. Besides, being a combat veteran didn’t get Kerry any respect from the republicans. They’re even treating McCain like shit.

Gore got his time in Nam cut short in Nam to attend Divinity School...

which he promptly dropped out of.

DEFINITELY not Audie Murphy.

Divinity school? I always wondered who the preacher on The Simpsons was modeled after. Now I know. Talks just like him.
Tell you what. Let’s post our resume’s so to speak. I served in the Army from 1988 to 1997. I was in the 82nd Airborne Division. I served in Desert Shield/Storm and other assignments where I put it on the line. I was a Combat Engineer. I’ve had friends wounded, injured, and killed in the service. My Nephew just finished his training to take his turn in the Army. My Father was a Veteran of the Air Force. My Uncle was also a member of the 82nd Airborne, and a Vietnam Veteran.

I have an Honorable Discharge, and have never walked into a VA hospital. I’m not about to either.

So my right to discuss military and related issues is established. Where and when did you serve? Tell us all about what gives you the right to speak for Military Families? I mean, if you have decided that Military Service is the pinnacle of qualifications, that’s fine. Tell us what service you have.

Then, tell us why the Democrats are a superior choice for our elected Leaders. Hillary didn’t serve. Neither did Tim Kaine. How were they more qualified to discuss military issues than Trump is?

In our local Congressional race, neither the Republican, nor the Democrat has served. Does this cancel each other out? Is it now about the issues? Or is it that they are both disqualified by your standards.

Vietnam was not a popular war. A lot of people worked to avoid service. This is what is absolutely hilarious, or disgusting depending on the day. You now complain that people who tried not to go to Vietnam are somehow unpatriotic and cowardly. What about those who I learned about in School? Those who went to Canada, or Jail to avoid service because they didn’t believe in the war? How about Martin Luther King who objected to the war and spoke out against it? Was he an unpatriotic jackass who can be dismissed?

For years the Left pointed out that if nobody showed up, there could be no more wars. That was and is absolutely true.

But hey, for shits and giggles, let’s talk Trump. While I was in, my knees started hurting. I know I said I’d talk Trump. Wait for it. My knees were diagnosed as having a deficiency of the PCL. This meant that running any distance was becoming painful, and walking long distance was becoming seriously problematic. I was advised that I could have surgery, but it would not get me back to before the knees started to act up. I would never run as fast as I had, and never march as long, and as fast as I had. I decided it was unfair. I was holding a slot that another could have. There was a Specialist somewhere who hoped to become a Sergeant, and I was in his slot. I could not push the unit forward, I could only hold them back. I left the Army and never looked back.

Now for a little more truth. Truth is that thing you avoid. Yes, Trump had five deferments. The truth is that four of them were for College, a common deferment that every male in college got. Are you now stating that Trump was somehow special in College and should have been yanked out of college while everyone else who got the student deferment was allowed to continue the education?

Every college student got the same deferment. Then he was TEMPORARILY given the 1Y deferment. That was the one that was for Bone Spurs. That meant he would be given another look in a year or two. The 1Y deferment was abolished, and now Trump like everyone with the 1Y deferment was given the 4F classification. It was 1972. Vietnam was winding down, we were pulling our troops out. 1972 in the Vietnam War - Wikipedia

It was a forgone conclusion we were getting out, the only question in the election of 1972 was if we were going to walk away, or run away from Vietnam.

The military was smaller, because we had about 24,000 troops left in Vietnam. Most of those were Special Operations, and Green Berets, and some air force folks to keep the airbases and airplanes working. Now, even if Trump had been drafted in 1972, chances are he wouldn’t have seen anything of Vietnam.

First, Draftees were not eligible at that time to join the Special Forces. Even the Airborne were “double volunteers” which meant they volunteered for the army, and then for Jump School. So even if Trump had been drafted, he would have done what, two years at some army base somewhere like New Jersey. You know, like most of the troops did at that time.

You are so full of shit it is insulting. You would have been down at the airport spitting on Soldiers who were coming home during Vietnam. You would have been down there using your first amendment rights to call them Baby Killers and all those other names we heard about.

When you have to lie about your opponent, you are already losing, and you know that don’t you? I’ve mentioned before the things that I’ve disagreed with. I wish that Trump had kept the pressure on the Police Departments with the DOJ investigations to end Unconstitutional Practices as one example I’ve mentioned before.

Why do you feel the need to lie so often? Why isn’t the truth enough for you? That’s why I honestly believe you would have been screaming at the returning Soldiers and spitting on them. Because truth has no place in your insane hatred.

You should reconsider visiting the VA. They treat PTSD now.
How is it not a spit in the eye?

He never sacrificed, and he passed tax cuts for himself and other billionaires while those families who sacrificed will have to foot the bill.

Is that because billionaires are special and deserve to be protected above all others?

How do you explain it?
Except your title and thread are a BLATANT LIE. The only draft dodger we ever had as President was Clinton. You remember him right? He lied to his ROTC Col. to get a deferment then skipped the Country to avoid the draft.

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