Is it Good for the USA to Take in 100,000 Muslim 'Refugees' Annually?

" As a nation, we began by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes" When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy [sic]. "

Hmmmm....I wonder who said that?

So, you for completely open borders then? .....

Tell your straw man to go sit down and STFU.
" As a nation, we began by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes" When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy [sic]. "

Hmmmm....I wonder who said that?

So, you for completely open borders then? .....

Tell your straw man to go sit down and STFU.

IF it is anti-constitutional to resist these immigrants, if all our complaints are invalid, then on what grounds do you limit ANY immigrants?
" As a nation, we began by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes" When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy [sic]. "

Hmmmm....I wonder who said that?

So, you for completely open borders then? .....

Tell your straw man to go sit down and STFU.

IF it is anti-constitutional to resist these immigrants, if all our complaints are invalid, then on what grounds do you limit ANY immigrants?

After you take those courses in US History and Civics, sign up for one in Basic Logic. You are failing in that area as well.
" As a nation, we began by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes" When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy [sic]. "

Hmmmm....I wonder who said that?

So, you for completely open borders then? .....

Tell your straw man to go sit down and STFU.

IF it is anti-constitutional to resist these immigrants, if all our complaints are invalid, then on what grounds do you limit ANY immigrants?

After you take those courses in US History and Civics, sign up for one in Basic Logic. You are failing in that area as well.

So splain it slowly for me.

If we take in this wave of immigrants, because of "Constitution" and "bravery" then under what circumstances does these "rules" NOT apply?

Because you seem to be making Universal statements.
As a former refugee, let me give you my side of the story. I escaped from Hungary as a seventeen year old kid because I knew that my future ere was doomed for the fact that I wore arms against the communist regime. My dream was to come o America, because I had seen the Statue Of Liberty and I knew her Message.proportion

In 1956 Hungarians rose up against the Soviet tyranny, a nation of 10 million against the might of 300 million.
Two nations of same proportion of decent and evil people.

So, there was I, alone and hoping.

The United States accepted a a paltry 40,000 of us, out of 400,000. Canada with one tenth of population of the United States accepted the same number. I ended up in Canada, and in retrospect, with NO regret.

Having learned English and developing a passion in politics in subsequent years, I knew now that if Eisenhower had had a heart then, he would have signed an executive order to accept more, and considering the economic and political might of America at that time, along with the fact that none of us presented a threat to American national security, more of us would be faithful and loyal Americans.

I have no complaints, though. Canada has been pretty good to me. I asked for nothing I did not earn. I had the chance to progress from laborer in mines to lumberjack to factory worker to computer programmer - all without affirmative action since I happen to be white with born in "PRIVILEGE".

As a self-taught computer programmer I developed a system that earned me an invitation to work in our company's head office in Akron, Ohio. I commuted weekly from my Canadian home. I spent six years crossing border weekly, working with Americans, and learned that Americans appreciate effort and results far more than what is assumed as given due to some almost worthless college degree that that looks good on paper but falls short on achievement.

I worked in Akron from 1996 to 2003. I was there on that Tuesday morning when the Twin Towers were hit and fell. I never forget the tears that came to my eyes when one of my fellow employees came to me and said: "They are attacking my country". I felt like crying along with him.

In strange way I feel that I am more American than some of the Americans I see on TV who have absolutely no idea what a great country they are lucky to be the occupants of.

In closing, let me say that while it was, for a long time, my dream to be an American, I came to terms with the fact that I am Canadian and it never crossed my mind to enter the United States illegally in order to become American. Let me also say that if I managed to learn English, so can anyone who has even a smidgen of patriotism and desire to be part of the country that they want to be their own.
sure Correll , I understand , have understood since Reagan did his amnesty . Understand it more watching ALL the rest of USA government since that amnesty Correll .
FJO all you think about was your PLIGHT , you think nothing about whats being created for existing Americans , existing Euros in Hungary , Slovakia , Germany , France . By the way , Hungary's President Orban is looking at things with clear vision from what I read . I also know that Hungary was ruled by 'muslims' for about a hundred and fifty years so Orban knows his history FJO .
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and , its not going to be more delicate . I thank 'IKE' for cleaning up the country for ME !!! Plentiful good paying jobs , good schools and Americans in all neighborhoods . No way for things to be delicate nowadays Correll !!
FJO all you think about was your PLIGHT , you think nothing about whats being created for existing Americans , existing Euros . By the way , Hungary's President Orban is looking at things with clear vision from what I read . I also know that Hungary was ruled by 'muslims' for about a hundred and fifty years so Orban knows his history FJO .

I had no "PLIGHT" in my life, because I always made the best of of the cards what Life dealt me and I had never blamed anyone for my misfortunes but myself. Which, automatically, means that that I never was and never could be a Democratic liberal asshole like you.

Hungary fell to the Muslims in 1526 at Mohacs, Hungary, but at the same time the the child raping, pederast, insane Muslims were kept from the gates of the West by those same Hungarians.

Yeah, for about 150 years.
checkout Eisenhowers 'Operation Wetback' in the 50s . .....

Check out how US CITIZENS were illegally deported. Great fucking idea.

If the problems wasn't allowed to grow so freaking big, the solution could be more delicate and careful.

That's not how law or justice works, dope.

THat is how everything works.

You let a problem grow unchecked, the cure becomes harder and messier.

If we have NOT had a policy of importing a 800k Third World immigrants a year for the last 50 years, this group of immigrants would not be a problem.

But our ability to deal with immigrants has already be greatly exceeded.
disagree I guess . I oppose all immigration and certainly all third world 'muslim' immigration of any kind Correl . 'muslim' immigration is the worst kind , imo Correll !!
FJO all you think about was your PLIGHT , you think nothing about whats being created for existing Americans , existing Euros in Hungary , Slovakia , Germany , France . By the way , Hungary's President Orban is looking at things with clear vision from what I read . I also know that Hungary was ruled by 'muslims' for about a hundred and fifty years so Orban knows his history FJO .

Plight? I have no plight. I am a successful retiree who put in 37+ years in the service of the company that provided all the openings for advancement, which I am happy to say, I took advantage of.

I realize all this advantage was due to the fact that that I was white and none of it was extended to my invisible and non-existent black competitors, because those poor bastards (figurative and literal) were or would have been black. Or at least half black, or at least quarter black or at least some part black, because any excuse on racial lines is acceptable for failure.
like I said earlier , USA is about the size of China so the USA can hold China sized population levels . USA has a better climate , better food growing ability , more food growing mechanization than China so USA can certainly and easily hold as much as China population wise . Point is that I oppose immigration and certainly any muslim immigration . ------ how many people are there in China .
checkout Eisenhowers 'Operation Wetback' in the 50s . .....

Check out how US CITIZENS were illegally deported. Great fucking idea.

If the problems wasn't allowed to grow so freaking big, the solution could be more delicate and careful.

That's not how law or justice works, dope.

THat is how everything works......

Wrong, you illogical buffoon.
Is there sufficient time and resources to vet them all, check their health and teach them English?

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