Is it Good for the USA to Take in 100,000 Muslim 'Refugees' Annually?

AND , perhaps people forget but if you take in these 100,000 you open yourself up to the plan of 'family reunification' . Bring in 100,000 male invaders and how many kids , wives and immediate family will be imported to reunify the family . Its a bad deal for Americans , especially young Americans Correll !!

With all the fuckin racism we got going on in this country, all we'll do is piss these people off, turn them onto the internet and then have to deal with the aftermath of terrorism within our borders...hell no!!
" As a nation, we began by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes" When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy [sic]. "

Hmmmm....I wonder who said that?
Mel Brooks?
" As a nation, we began by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes" When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy [sic]. "

Hmmmm....I wonder who said that?
Mel Brooks?
Does it matter? He is comparing Know-nothings to any opposition to unlimited immigration whatsoever, and is therefore being irrational from the jump.

Liberals in 1960 felt like the US and the USSR had the world between the frying pan and the fire of two nuclear arsenals, and began to work to enhance foreign cultural recognition and respect in the West. They also worked to make similar cultural changes in the Third World and Eastern Europe and Japan, but to no avail. These cultures pay lip service to the ideals these Western liberals espouse but have no real understanding of them. That is why the extreme left doesn't expect reciprocity in the laws and cultural practices of these other nations. To them the Indians of Asia, China, Japan, Eastern Europe, etc are all backwards cultures with short-sighted populations that cannot grasp the truths the liberals try to teach them about humanity being One and all men being brothers, etc.

So the only ones with open borders and essentially committing cultural suicide is the Western Europeans and the USA. We have no right to defend or extoll the virtues of our culture but instead must constantly go around beating our chests, wearing sack cloth and ashes and crying out Mea Culpa! to the heavens. And our guilt for the Death Camps that killed millions of people, Jew and Christian alike, these are the sole fault of all of Christianity. The sin of developing the Atom Bomb and actually dropping it on a population is also our sin alone and we must atone for that too. The sin of prosperity is also unforgivable until our people are all living in squalid third world conditions, because the third world cannot be allowed to move up to our style of living as that presumes that our way of living is better. So our culture must be destroyed, our government completely corrupt by third world standards and our people oppressed and left mired in filth, degeneracy and debt.

The libtards want an informal caste system that keeps working class Americans and other westerners in poverty, ignorance and degenerate behavior so that they can be controlled and never again challenge the oligarchs for power as they did via the unions of the 1950's -1970s.

So that means bringing in millions of the most ignorant, impoverished and degenerate peoples from around the globe.

Senator Pat Moynihan would have advocated a return to segregation had he seen what our inclusiveness has brought us to today.
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AND , perhaps people forget but if you take in these 100,000 you open yourself up to the plan of 'family reunification' . Bring in 100,000 male invaders and how many kids , wives and immediate family will be imported to reunify the family . Its a bad deal for Americans , especially young Americans Correll !!

Which is how most of our "legal" immigrants come here.
Why has there been no discussion with the US citizenry BEFORE making such a ridiculous commitment?
This cuts to the difference between the two sides of the issue: One side is concerned about what's best for the country, the other is concerned with a group of people, and this division pops up quite a bit.

Sure, America is an attractive place to live, but does it remain so when we continue to forsake our own laws?

I don't see the Left addressing that question, and I do think it's a reasonable one.
" As a nation, we began by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes" When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy [sic]. "

Hmmmm....I wonder who said that?
Mel Brooks?
Does it matter? He is comparing Know-nothings to any opposition to unlimited immigration whatsoever, and is therefore being irrational from the jump.

And being quite evasive about his position and intention.

He hasn't said that he is for unlimited immigration, but his arguments certainly sound like it.

But when directly asked, he gets all wiggly and insulting.
Why has there been no discussion with the US citizenry BEFORE making such a ridiculous commitment?
This cuts to the difference between the two sides of the issue: One side is concerned about what's best for the country, the other is concerned with a group of people, and this division pops up quite a bit.

Sure, America is an attractive place to live, but does it remain so when we continue to forsake our own laws?

I don't see the Left addressing that question, and I do think it's a reasonable one.

Forget our Laws. What happens when we forsake our own CUlture? And allow it to NOT be the culture of this nation?
Why has there been no discussion with the US citizenry BEFORE making such a ridiculous commitment?
This cuts to the difference between the two sides of the issue: One side is concerned about what's best for the country, the other is concerned with a group of people, and this division pops up quite a bit.

Sure, America is an attractive place to live, but does it remain so when we continue to forsake our own laws?

I don't see the Left addressing that question, and I do think it's a reasonable one.
Forget our Laws. What happens when we forsake our own CUlture? And allow it to NOT be the culture of this nation?
Well, that process has already begun pretty aggressively, and we're seeing the predictable outcome.
" As a nation, we began by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes" When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy [sic]. "

Hmmmm....I wonder who said that?
Mel Brooks?
Does it matter? He is comparing Know-nothings to any opposition to unlimited immigration whatsoever, and is therefore being irrational from the jump.

And being quite evasive about his position and intention.

He hasn't said that he is for unlimited immigration, but his arguments certainly sound like it.

But when directly asked, he gets all wiggly and insulting.

He doesn't want to clearly advocate what he advocates because he fears awakening the general public. That is a pattern most of the open borders cretins have; argue the points, but don't draw the conclusions.

We take in refugees all the time.

We took in your ancestors.

It's not like you're qualified to pass judgement on others.

Yes, we are.

The fact that our ancestors moved here does not deny US the right to question is there muslims will be good for the US.
. Most Muslims on the street will say Shiria is above our Constitution. For that reason alone we need to keep the population at or below 2%. We definitely don't need to bring Muslims here from the Middle East.
Why has there been no discussion with the US citizenry BEFORE making such a ridiculous commitment?

Will locals in the state these so-called refugees are put in, will the people of that state have a choice or is this more Obama Regime heavy handedness?

Why has the GOP not objected to this bullshit and tried to stop it? Because their corporate donors are twisting their arms to let Obama get away with it?

How can the feds screen these 'refugees' for ISIS members when it cant even keep itself from giving ISIS weapons repeatedly?

“The U.N. calls it ‘refugee resettlement’ — the Muslims call it hijra, migration,” said another speaker, Jim McMillan, a local businessman. “They don’t plan to assimilate, they don’t plan to take on our culture. They plan to change the way of American life.”

"The United States government has pledged to increase the number of worldwide refugees allowed in the country each year from 70,000 to 100,000 by the year 2017; earlier this month, the Obama administration said it would take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year. But the anger and anxiety here show just how hard this might be in some parts of the country."

This is demographic suicide for the American people.
Why has there been no discussion with the US citizenry BEFORE making such a ridiculous commitment?

Will locals in the state these so-called refugees are put in, will the people of that state have a choice or is this more Obama Regime heavy handedness?

Why has the GOP not objected to this bullshit and tried to stop it? Because their corporate donors are twisting their arms to let Obama get away with it?

How can the feds screen these 'refugees' for ISIS members when it cant even keep itself from giving ISIS weapons repeatedly?

“The U.N. calls it ‘refugee resettlement’ — the Muslims call it hijra, migration,” said another speaker, Jim McMillan, a local businessman. “They don’t plan to assimilate, they don’t plan to take on our culture. They plan to change the way of American life.”

"The United States government has pledged to increase the number of worldwide refugees allowed in the country each year from 70,000 to 100,000 by the year 2017; earlier this month, the Obama administration said it would take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year. But the anger and anxiety here show just how hard this might be in some parts of the country."

This is demographic suicide for the American people.
Ten thousand? Sounds like you're ready to panic over nothing.
to enhance foreign cultural recognition and respect in the West. They also worked to make similar cultural changes in the Third World and Eastern Europe and Japan, but to no avail. These cultures pay lip service to the ideals these Western liberals espouse but have no real understanding of them. ...

You don't know what the hell you're talking about.
So the only ones with open borders and essentially committing cultural suicide is the Western Europeans and the USA. We have no right to defend or extoll the virtues of our culture .....

We don't have open borders, and anyone who really understands our culture extols it to the mountain tops.

We take in refugees all the time.

We took in your ancestors.

It's not like you're qualified to pass judgement on others.

Yes, we are.

The fact that our ancestors moved here does not deny US the right to question is there muslims will be good for the US.
. Most Muslims on the street will say Shiria is above our Constitution. ...

How many Christians on the street would say the Bible is more important than the Constitution, but follow the law nonetheless?

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