Is it immoral to vote for a politician who calls Islam a religion of peace?

Is it immoral to vote for a politician who calls Islam a religion of peace?

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  1. Is it immoral to vote for a politician who calls Islam a religion of peace?


If I were to start a thread entitled "Is it immoral to vote for a politician who calls Judaism a religion of peace " it would immediately be moved to the USMB badlands. So unfair.

Even though they are

1- responsible for zionism
2- Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 determined to create a Jewish State and disappear/murder the natives by any means necessary
3- they have engaged in genocide since then
4- the US has been subsidizing that policy since 1949
5- The US invaded Iraq in 1990 and remained there for 18 years - while there they slaughtered over 500,000 children

Neertheless, when they RETALIATE against US and Zionist interests they are referred to as "terrorists"

Go fig



Horse shit.



An Interview with Benny Morris
Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, "The Catastrophe."

So, let me follow your reasoning here... You are literally demonstrating zero tolerance for the belief of others, even as you condemn the intolerance for the belief of others?

Well, I think you aren't following well and are incapable of reasoning.

Yet, there is absolutely no evidence of thought in anything you've offered up for consideration.

Okay, let's try again.

Ok... Let's. Good luck. "FINGERS CROSSED!"

1) I don't think our problems with the Islamic World is because of Religion.

That's true... That's because Islam is not a religion. It is a political organism designed to appear to be a religion. It is through this deceit that we can rest assured that Islam is a manifestation of evil. Is that where you were heading? If so, good call...

2) I think it's silly to claim that Islam is a "evil" religion by cherry-picking a few quotes when you can go into the bible and find many more quotes advocating violence and cruelty.

I agree... "We shall know them by their fruit". Now what is Islam's fruit? Chaos, Calamity and Catastrophe... Ergo: Islam is evil.

FYI: That is also how we can know that Left-think is evil. Pretty cool, huh?

3) religion is something we need to outgrow, just like every other irrational superstition.

So you 'feel' that we need to outgrow the principles in nature which govern human behavior?

Huh... Do you also feel that we should outgrow the principles in nature that govern our physical existence?

It follows that you would, so... I say let's test it.

Is there a building or other such structure which rises more than 60'? If so go there... climb to the top and stand upon the precipice. Extend your arms and begins flappin' them like mad... take one step.

IF you've outgrown the physical principles you will fly like a bird. If not... well, we'll figure it out when ya fail to return.

Is there a building or other such structure which rises more than 60'? If so go there... climb to the top and stand upon the precipice. Extend your arms and begins flappin' them like mad... take one step.

IF you've outgrown the physical principles you will fly like a bird. If not... well, we'll figure it out when ya fail to return.


I got a better test.

You can only have a religion if you jump off htat tower and God catches you. Because that would prove God exists.

Any taker? No. Of course not. Because you know damned well no sky pixie is going to catch you.
I agree... "We shall know them by their fruit". Now what is Islam's fruit? Chaos, Calamity and Catastrophe... Ergo: Islam is evil.

FYI: That is also how we can know that Left-think is evil. Pretty cool, huh?

Okay, except Christianity has brought more chaos that Islam ever did.

The Dark Ages were the first faith based iniative as the Christians burned all that pagan knowledge.

They then proceeded to do crusades, inquisitions, slavery, conquest of the "new world" resulting in genocide, and a bunch of other really nasty shit.

And now that the Christian world sits fat and happy, we are going to get upset because the Muslims sting us when we put our hands in their hornet's nest.
The thing to remember here folks, is that to understand the Scriptures, one must possess the means to reason objectively.

Okay, Reason objectively about a book that contains stories about talking snakes.

And Giants.

And Unicorns.

And Sea Monsters.

Ok... DONE! I reason that such books are well capable of teaching us many things... IF they are read, through an objective perspective.

Now what?

It is due to this intellectual imitation that you will find the consistent rejection of God by the ideological left. And why where the Ideological left has secured power, that you'll find lower percentages of societal decay.

If the only thing that is keeping you from going off on a homicidal rampage of murder and rape is your belief in an imaginary sky pixie as described in a book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales, by all means I want you to keep doing that.

Some of us can actually be decent people without superstition, though. I know that's hard for you to get.


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Does anyone need anything else?

(I doubt a better demonstration of the merit of my thesis is possible within the scope of a message board.

And Scamp, I want you to know that I see that you're doing the very BEST YOU CAN!)

Is there a building or other such structure which rises more than 60'? If so go there... climb to the top and stand upon the precipice. Extend your arms and begins flappin' them like mad... take one step.

IF you've outgrown the physical principles you will fly like a bird. If not... well, we'll figure it out when ya fail to return.


I got a better test.

You can only have a religion if you jump off htat tower and God catches you. Because that would prove God exists.

Oh, one doesn't need to go to all that trouble to test for God.

YOU... are NOT ONLY PROOF that God exists... but that God has a CRAZY SENSE OF HUMOR!
I agree... "We shall know them by their fruit". Now what is Islam's fruit? Chaos, Calamity and Catastrophe... Ergo: Islam is evil.

FYI: That is also how we can know that Left-think is evil. Pretty cool, huh?

Okay, except Christianity has brought more chaos that Islam ever did.

The Dark Ages were the first faith based iniative as the Christians burned all that pagan knowledge.



You see scamp, as Islam marched across the Mediterranean, THEY closed trade routes to Europe, burned the Christian holy places, which stood as the oracles of Western knowledge, libraries, schools and other intellectual resources. What's more... as Islam found power, it BANNED ANY PURSUIT OF STUDY...

Consequently the Dark Ages passed as the Christian Crusades drove Islam OUT and Christians again came to pursue formal and informal intellectual pursuits.
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Ok... DONE! I reason that such books are well capable of teaching us many things... IF they are read, through an objective perspective.

Now what?

So they teach us that Snakes and Donkeys can talk, there were giants and unicorns and sea monsters.

They also taught us some valuable lessons like, "Kill your neighbors if they work on Sunday" and "You can sell your dau ghter into slavery " and the ever fun "pay your rape victim's father 50 shekels and you can marry her."

So what does 50 shekels come out to in American money?


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Does anyone need anything else?

Huh? okay, guy, I know your tiny ego needs to believe you made a point here or something...
Is there a building or other such structure which rises more than 60'? If so go there... climb to the top and stand upon the precipice. Extend your arms and begins flappin' them like mad... take one step.

IF you've outgrown the physical principles you will fly like a bird. If not... well, we'll figure it out when ya fail to return.


I got a better test.

You can only have a religion if you jump off htat tower and God catches you. Because that would prove God exists.

Any taker? No. Of course not. Because you know damned well no sky pixie is going to catch you.

So if a far left drone like you jumps off a building you expect Obama to catch you?


You see scamp, as Islam marched across Europe, THEY burned the Christian holy places, which stood as the oracles of Western knowledge, libraries, schools and other intellectual resources. What's more... as Islam found power, it BANNED ANY PURSUIT OF STUDY...

Consequently the Dark Ages passed as the Christian Crusades drove Islam OUT and Christians again came to pursue formal and informal intellectual pursuits.

Okay, guy, first, "Islam" doesn't have "Crusades". Crusades are a Christian things, as in "Taking up the Cross" (Crux in Latin)".

Second- The only part of Europe that they dominated in the Dark Ages (which were well under way at that point) was Spain. Islamic Spain (Or Andalusia) was actually the most technically advanced part of Europe for centuries.

Third, during the Dark Ages, while Europe slid into ignorance and superstition and feudalism, the Islamic world was a center of trade and finance and science.

For instance, if you study astronomy, many of the stars have Arabic names. Rigel, Antares, etc. The numeric system we use today are - wait for it - Arabic numerals. which are much better for doing math than Roman numerals.
Oh, one doesn't need to go to all that trouble to test for God.

YOU... are NOT ONLY PROOF that God exists... but that God has a CRAZY SENSE OF HUMOR!

How does my existence prove the existence of God, but not the existence of Krishna, Allah, Zeus, Odin, Amaterasu or Horus?

How do we know that any of those other Sky Pixies aren't the one.


You see scamp, as Islam marched across the Mediterranean, THEY closed trade routes to Europe, burned the Christian holy places, which stood as the oracles of Western knowledge, libraries, schools and other intellectual resources. What's more... as Islam found power, it BANNED ANY PURSUIT OF STUDY..

Consequently the Dark Ages passed as the Christian Crusades drove Islam OUT and Christians again came to pursue formal and informal intellectual pursuits.

Okay, guy, first, "Islam" doesn't have "Crusades". Crusades are a Christian things, as in "Taking up the Cross" (Crux in Latin)".

LOL! As one would expect, the ignorance of reality is the Leftist's stock in trade.

In indisputable historic FACT, Islam's crusade, which they prefer to call 'Jihad', and given that I have no concern for what Islam has to say about anything... I reject Islam's term and refer to Jihad as the Islamic Crusade. It helps the intellectually less fortunate relate terms with which they're marginally familiar, and which the dis-informative Left uses to revise history... and convert facts into knowledge.

Here is a marvelous video which illustrates those facts:

The Crusades: A Response to Islamic Aggression

Gates of Vienna The Crusades A Response to Islamic Aggression
Oh, one doesn't need to go to all that trouble to test for God.

YOU... are NOT ONLY PROOF that God exists... but that God has a CRAZY SENSE OF HUMOR!

How does my existence prove the existence of God...?

You are a function of the creation... proving the existence of the Creator.

But, in fairness... there was no way that you, a Relativist, would have known that... you're idiots.
LOL! As one would expect, the ignorance of reality is the Leftist's stock in trade.

In indisputable historic FACT, Islam's crusade, which they prefer to call 'Jihad', and given that I have no concern for what Islam has to say about anything... I reject Islam's term and refer to Jihad as the Islamic Crusade. It helps the intellectually less fortunate relate terms with which they're marginally familiar, and which the dis-informative Left uses to revise history... and convert facts into knowledge.

Here is a marvelous video which illustrates those facts:

Oh, you posted a video from a hate group. That makes so compelling an argument.

Obviously, referring to it as a "crusade" is not an accurate use of terminology.

Historians refer to the expansion of Islam from the seventh to the ninth centuries as "the Muslim Conquests", and they were pretty much over by 750 AD. In a lot of cases, they were welcomed because the empires they threw out like the Byzantine and Sassanids, were terrible rulers.
You are a function of the creation... proving the existence of the Creator.

But, in fairness... there was no way that you, a Relativist, would have known that... you're idiots.

But again, how do you know that creator wasn't Krishna. Or Zeus? or Odin? or C'Thulhu?

I mean, I'm even throwing you a softball by admitting there was "Creation" and not evolution. Even though there's no evidence for "Creation" and a lot of evidence for evolution.

So assuming the universe was created by a sky pixie, how do I know it's YOUR sky pixie instead of someone else's sky pixie.

Zeus is going to be really pissed off no one's been worshiping him for the last 2000 years.


You see scamp, as Islam marched across Europe, THEY burned the Christian holy places, which stood as the oracles of Western knowledge, libraries, schools and other intellectual resources. What's more... as Islam found power, it BANNED ANY PURSUIT OF STUDY...

Consequently the Dark Ages passed as the Christian Crusades drove Islam OUT and Christians again came to pursue formal and informal intellectual pursuits.

... The only part of Europe that they dominated in the Dark Ages (which were well under way at that point) was Spain.
LOL! Scamp... Islam controlled the entire Mediterranean and nearly all of eastern Europe.

What's more Islam blockaded all trade routes to Europe... And as Europe became isolated, Europe slid into the Dark Ages... Post up your address and I'll throw a blockade on your house... we'll see how well you do under seige...

Islamic Spain (Or Andalusia) was actually the most technically advanced part of Europe for centuries.

By comparison... but that's not sayin' much.

Third, during the Dark Ages, while Europe slid into ignorance and superstition and feudalism, the Islamic world was a center of trade and finance and science.

Again, give me your addy and we'll see how ya do without any food, water, power or any other means to come and go...
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You are a function of the creation... proving the existence of the Creator.

But, in fairness... there was no way that you, a Relativist, would have known that... you're idiots.

But again, how do you know that creator wasn't Krishna. Or Zeus? or Odin? or C'Thulhu?

So... You feel that the Creator is somehow influenced by the perspective of the numerous distinct cultures who observed it?

Now how would that work exactly?

(The Reader should expect that the Leftist will have zero means to sustain their feelings... .)
You are a function of the creation... proving the existence of the Creator.

But, in fairness... there was no way that you, a Relativist, would have known that... you're idiots.

But again, how do you know that creator wasn't Krishna. Or Zeus? or Odin? or C'Thulhu?

So... You feel that the Creator is somehow influenced by the perspective of the numerous distinct cultures who observed it?

Now how would that work exactly?

(The Reader should expect that the Leftist will have zero means to sustain their feelings... .)
Man is the creator of God. Evolution is the creator of man, the highly religious animal.
LOL! As one would expect, the ignorance of reality is the Leftist's stock in trade.

In indisputable historic FACT, Islam's crusade, which they prefer to call 'Jihad', and given that I have no concern for what Islam has to say about anything... I reject Islam's term and refer to Jihad as the Islamic Crusade. It helps the intellectually less fortunate relate terms with which they're marginally familiar, and which the dis-informative Left uses to revise history... and convert facts into knowledge.

Here is a marvelous video which illustrates those facts:

Oh, you posted a video from a hate group. That makes so compelling an argument.

Yeah... It simply shows in indisputable terms that Islam was responsible for the Dark ages and that the Christian Crusades were a minor defensive skirmish by comparison to the Islamic Crusades which preceded them over well over a thousand years and continues TODAY!

Obviously, referring to it as a "crusade" is not an accurate use of terminology.
NO? Based upon what? The assertion of a buffoon who refers to Nature as a Sky Pixie? LOL! Get serious scamp... you're a tomb of ignorance and as such you represent nothing but dead weight around the neck of the human species.

Historians refer to the expansion of Islam from the seventh to the ninth centuries as "the Muslim Conquests", and they were pretty much over by 750 AD. In a lot of cases, they were welcomed because the empires they threw out like the Byzantine and Sassanids, were terrible rulers.

Leftists... whose 'history' has provided us with terms such as "The Religion of Peace", which defines a political cult that represents 1500 years of UNBRIDLED, NON-STOP WAR, DEATH AND DESTRUCTION.

Which is the same "History" that defines Christianity as a religion of war, despite 2000 years of promoting peace and prosperity. And which has produced such beyond any potential comparison to any aspect of Islam, at any time or anywhere in Islamic history.

Which is how we can know that the would-be history is a lie and as with all Islamo-Leftism... is the manifestation of evil.
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