Is It Just Me, Or Is The Left Beginning To Lose It Here?

Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.

Why do you hate America? :(
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

Yeah- its just you.
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.

Why do you hate America? :(
Can YOU provide the quote where that was said? NO. Thought so.
it's you op and all your buttbuddy minions. you've had your collective ass kicked, chopped, burned and handed to you soo many times there is almost nothing left.
if you want to gage who's losing or lost it all you have to do is look at who the Reich has running for president.!
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

Its just you. Its been a fantastic few weeks for us. What you're experiencing is the 'denial' and 'bargaining' phase of loss.

You'll eventually work thought it.

Yes far left drones like this are in denial as they will be out of power in 2016..
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.

Why do you hate America? :(
Can YOU provide the quote where that was said? NO. Thought so.
yes it's called implied.
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.
Trump has lost money before and ALWAYS come back. I'm sure he is sleeping just fine.

Maybe you didn't get the email this morning. Trump didn't just lose money this time. He lost his face, his dignity, his honor, his image. He will from now on always be known as a bigot. Of course in the RW world being a bigot is considered a badge of honor. So enjoy Trump's money, he may get double that amount back from his followers and investors. But his face? No, he will never get his dignity back. Enjoy that bigot's wealth and be sure to visit his golf courses and casinos.
it's you op and all your buttbuddy minions. you've had your collective ass kicked, chopped, burned and handed to you soo many times there is almost nothing left.
if you want to gage who's losing or lost it all you have to do is look at who the Reich has running for president.!

Says the far left drone.

See how the hatred of the far left comes out..
Hillary Clinton is a wealthy elitist who will have an administration that will kowtow to the mega wealthy

Whereas Rump is a hardscrabble working-class guy who got where he is by working for it, not by inheritance from his rich father, and no way would sue a county in Florida three times because he doesn't like the idea of planes flying over his estate :gay: and absolutely would never sue an author for underestimating his wealth or get a financial analyst fired for predicting that his casino would go belly-up who turned out to be spot-on correct with Rump having to pay the guy off for defamation. These are things Rump would never be involved in, uh-uh no way.

I just wanna hear his pitch for getting people to send him money. That oughta be the most hilarious logic EVAH.

Ummmmmmmmmm, narcolepsy? Maybe wanna get a sleep test; sleep apnea can kill ya.
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

Its just you. Its been a fantastic few weeks for us. What you're experiencing is the 'denial' and 'bargaining' phase of loss.

You'll eventually work thought it.

Yes far left drones like this are in denial as they will be out of power in 2016..
only if an asteroid like the one that killed the dinosaurs strikes earth.
the Reich is cannibalizing itself at this very second,
with supporters like you the gop will be extinct very soon.
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.

Why do you hate America? :(
Can YOU provide the quote where that was said? NO. Thought so.
yes it's called implied.
Implied is NOT valid on a board, only what the text says.
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.

Illegals who do Janitorial work don't have any money, so I don't think Trump is all that concerned. However, plenty of them work in his hotels.
Hillary Clinton is a wealthy elitist who will have an administration that will kowtow to the mega wealthy

Whereas Rump is a hardscrabble working-class guy who got where he is by working for it, not by inheritance from his rich father, and no way would sue a county in Florida three times because he doesn't like the idea of planes flying over his estate :gay: and absolutely would never sue an author for underestimating his wealth or get a financial analyst fired for predicting that his casino would go belly-up who turned out to be spot-on correct with Rump having to pay the guy off for defamation. These are things Rump would never be involved in, uh-uh no way.

I just wanna hear his pitch for getting people to send him money. That oughta be the most hilarious logic EVAH.
He also sued for and WON the right to fly an AMERICAN flag on his property there.
it's you op and all your buttbuddy minions. you've had your collective ass kicked, chopped, burned and handed to you soo many times there is almost nothing left.
if you want to gage who's losing or lost it all you have to do is look at who the Reich has running for president.!

Says the far left drone.

See how the hatred of the far left comes out..
wrong as always, just stating facts ..
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.

Why do you hate America? :(
Can YOU provide the quote where that was said? NO. Thought so.

He just said Rump "resonates with" America. That means he thinks Rump is made in our own image and likeness.

Not much of a vision of "America", is it? :(
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.

For someone who's worth 8.7 Billion dollars, $50 million is nothing. Do the math, he'll still laugh all the way to and from the bank.

Now tell the truth, it's not Trump you people hate per se, it's just people who have more than you do.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.

Why do you hate America? :(
Can YOU provide the quote where that was said? NO. Thought so.
yes it's called implied.
Implied is NOT valid on a board, only what the text says.
I Knew you were a fucking coward..
implied is valid everywhere in print or in speech.
I just put my boot so far up your chicken shit ass I can see your dentures.
Hillary Clinton is a wealthy elitist who will have an administration that will kowtow to the mega wealthy

Whereas Rump is a hardscrabble working-class guy who got where he is by working for it, not by inheritance from his rich father, and no way would sue a county in Florida three times because he doesn't like the idea of planes flying over his estate :gay: and absolutely would never sue an author for underestimating his wealth or get a financial analyst fired for predicting that his casino would go belly-up who turned out to be spot-on correct with Rump having to pay the guy off for defamation. These are things Rump would never be involved in, uh-uh no way.

I just wanna hear his pitch for getting people to send him money. That oughta be the most hilarious logic EVAH.
He also sued for and WON the right to fly an AMERICAN flag on his property there.

Yyyyyeah, because flying the Stars and Stripes is "illegal" on one's own property so he had to sue :rofl:

What a man. My hero ::swoon:: Yanno this sort of talk is so stimulating I think I'm gonna have to go jerk off with Rumple's hairpiece in one hand and my legal briefs in the other....
The left is trying desperately to paint Trump as a hater of Mexicans. This is what they do. Lie. Everyone knows what he's talking about. Corruption.

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