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Is it just me, or what?...

What results?

Not just anyone can win a Nobel Peace Prize.:razz:

Sure they can. I received two in Christmas cards this year, and you see ads for them all over the place. This place in Rockwall TX is offering one free with every oil change:


Good one.

Don't forget, OL'BO gave himself a B+ on his first year in office. I think it was wishful thinking.

Wonder how he'll grade himself in 2010?????

He never should have answered that dumb question. What was he supposed to say? A "C"?? Good grief, had he given himself anything less, we'd still be talking about it. At least he admits to mistakes, which someone else never did.
If you had no TV, Radio, Newspaper, would you, or I, even be aware he was President?

The only fucking difference I can tell in my life in the past year has been wrenching my fucking knee when I slipped on ice last week.

I really don't blame Obama.

OK. I dont know what you do that you are so insulated.
In my little gun shop the first result was a panic buying of unprecedented proportions. This was followed by a scarcity of guns and ammunition that still hasn't quite sorted itself out. This was followed by a drop off in sales as my working-class customers are looking at layoffs or cuts in hours.
Yes, I blame Obama for all of it.
That one is so easy to figure out it's mind-boggling that you haven't yet. There has been a 400% increase in the number of threats on Obama's life. The radical right is gearing up to storm the White House as we type, and of course they want to be armed. They won't succeed, but they're everywhere and they are organized. Hello?
Wow. You are crazy. :cuckoo:
Bush was such a rotten POTUS they find it easy to blame him, but that wears thin as teh months go buy and things are still being done horribly wrong.

The fact is a far left guy was elected POTUS because he was very good at faking being a centrist and a lot of people see it now, and realize they made a huge error giving him one party rule in 2 houses.

It will be impossible to 'blame Bush' next year as the Dems plan to, when its Barry and the current congress that have broken the bank and passed horrible legislation that really hurt the little guy.

The elecorate can be dumb but it isn't stupid.

Barry will spend the last 2 years of his term vetoing all the attempts to repeal the nonsense they pass now, which will only open the door for a new POTUS.
If you had no TV, Radio, Newspaper, would you, or I, even be aware he was President?

The only fucking difference I can tell in my life in the past year has been wrenching my fucking knee when I slipped on ice last week.

I really don't blame Obama.

OK. I dont know what you do that you are so insulated.
In my little gun shop the first result was a panic buying of unprecedented proportions. This was followed by a scarcity of guns and ammunition that still hasn't quite sorted itself out. This was followed by a drop off in sales as my working-class customers are looking at layoffs or cuts in hours.
Yes, I blame Obama for all of it.

That one is so easy to figure out it's mind-boggling that you haven't yet. There has been a 400% increase in the number of threats on Obama's life. The radical right is gearing up to storm the White House as we type, and of course they want to be armed. They won't succeed, but they're everywhere and they are organized. Hello?

Paranoid little? Hello?
Sure they can. I received two in Christmas cards this year, and you see ads for them all over the place. This place in Rockwall TX is offering one free with every oil change:


But--Obama got his for free!! Where can I get one for doing nothing!?

He didn't exactly get it for doing nothing. He spent a lot of taxpayer money going over there to go get it. And he got it apparently for being really good with a teleprompter and knowing a lot of words that are high sounding to anti-American Europeans.

So you'll probably have to do something, but here. This is pretty close to free:

Do you think Ronald Reagan should have shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Mikhail Gorbachev? The reason Gorby got it was because of his determination to buck the Soviet system. When he received the prize, there was still much work to be done before the Soviet Union collapsed and became quasi-capitalistic.

And the teleprompter nonsense is getting old. Reagan used one, so did Bush (although both chose to have one teleprompter directly in front of them as if speaking directly AT you). What else will you drag out of your file labeled Silly Politics? I hate to see people who actually CAN debate resort to such nonsense.
He never should have answered that dumb question. What was he supposed to say? A "C"?? Good grief, had he given himself anything less, we'd still be talking about it. At least he admits to mistakes, which someone else never did.

President Bush just recently admitted that it was a huge mistake on his part to push and authorize that first bail out/stimulus bill late last year.

Obama has admitted that he shouldn't have done or said this or that, not because it was the wrong thing to do, but because it was negatively perceived by others.

What policy decision has he admitted to as a mistake? I am not aware of one.
Do you think Ronald Reagan should have shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Mikhail Gorbachev? The reason Gorby got it was because of his determination to buck the Soviet system. When he received the prize, there was still much work to be done before the Soviet Union collapsed and became quasi-capitalistic.

And the teleprompter nonsense is getting old. Reagan used one, so did Bush (although both chose to have one teleprompter directly in front of them as if speaking directly AT you). What else will you drag out of your file labeled Silly Politics? I hate to see people who actually CAN debate resort to such nonsense.

It has been interesting to see how very touchy and defensive the leftists are becoming re Obama's teleprompter. :)

But yes, I think Reagan should have shared a real Nobel Peace Prize with Gorbachev. If either deserved it, both did. For the committee to award a Prize to the likes of Arafat while denying it five times to somebody like Ghandi does call into question what the Peace Prize truly signifies though, wouldn't you say?

It is no secret now that Obama has little to say about what appears in his teleprompter, and as he had absolutely ZERO accomplishments at the time he was nominated for the Peace Prize and precious few at the time the award was given, that teleprompter seems to be the only explanation for Obama getting the prize. Maybe you have a different theory.
Numbers produced by spending taxpayer money that we don't have should not be used as 'accomplishments'. I give Obama a D minus on the economy.

Given the mid-year upsurge in casualties in Iraq, it is too soon to say whether Obama has called it right or not, but I have no serious problem with what he has been doing in Iraq other than telegraphing his intentions to the enemy which I think is utter stupidity.

Again its too early to say whether Obama's policy in Afghanistan has produced good results. While giving utmost urgency to what most Americans deem unwise spending and legislation in America, he dragged his feet for an unconscionably long time before making any decision re Afghanistan.

If only that healthcare program was true reform that would do good things for Americans and the economy instead of placating big government, socialist interests.

Again it would be wonderful if the policy being pushed was applauded by economists and business leaders who are the backbone of free enterprise and the economy. Instead he leans on what most Americans are coming to understand as myth, fraud, and international manipulation intended to take power from the people and concentrate it with a few who may or may not know what they are doing and/or who may or may not give a tinker's dam about freedom, opportunity, and/or prosperity.

It is true that problems that have been decades in the making cannot be solved in a single year or even in a few years. Sometimes we just have to reverse the process that created them and let them slowly but certainly correct themselves. Obama isn't doing that, however, and he ran for and won the U.S. Presidency. He is the one to blame for decisions that he does or does not make as President.

I would have a lot more respect for Obama and the Democrats in their healthcare reform if they had included ANY of the true reform initiatives that were recommended to them. They didn't.

Agreed here. But he wouldn't be the first President to be clueless about the ramifications of what his advisors recommend to him.

I don't know if he is really calling any of the shots--I have a growing sense of forboding that he may be little more than a puppet manipulated by unseen but stronger forces--Obama has embraced Rahm as he has embraced the truly radical, extremist, and Marxist types that he surrounds himself with--in fact has surrounded himself with as he climbed the ladder to power. I wish I had confidence that Obama had an original thought or that he was actually committed to making America a better place to live. With just eleven month's track record, I have no such confidence.

Thank you. All decent responses, except the supposition that he's not committed to making America a better place.

I don't think any lawmaker, nor any president, ever assumes office intending to harm America. They get caught up in the system, in their own cliques and political peers spouting ideology, in their future campaigns, in the power and prestige which invites grandstanding. There used to be a helluva lot more bipartisanship when the whole business inside the Beltway was not exposed to television (and the Internet) with every nook and cranny under the microscope and open to criticism and often erroneous interpretation.
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OK. I dont know what you do that you are so insulated.
In my little gun shop the first result was a panic buying of unprecedented proportions. This was followed by a scarcity of guns and ammunition that still hasn't quite sorted itself out. This was followed by a drop off in sales as my working-class customers are looking at layoffs or cuts in hours.
Yes, I blame Obama for all of it.

That one is so easy to figure out it's mind-boggling that you haven't yet. There has been a 400% increase in the number of threats on Obama's life. The radical right is gearing up to storm the White House as we type, and of course they want to be armed. They won't succeed, but they're everywhere and they are organized. Hello?

Paranoid little? Hello?

No, paranoid lots. I watched all the ugliness at the Tea Parties too. I read the crap posted on the Internet. I glance at website message boards where people openly call for violence that looks incredibly like America has turned into a third world country, complete with tribal mentality. I also listen to learned legislators who would rather see a Senator dead than arrive in time to vote on the Health Care Reform Bill.
Is it just me, or what? I don't believe I am seeing everything being blamed on Bush the way that I did when I first joined up with this board. Have people grown weary, became more informed, or just seem to be moving away from the trend. What's up? I'm curious.

The "Blame Bush" mantra was really a political strategy by the left because there was so much anger about the 200 election that they figured they can channel that into whatever purpose they wanted and it obviously worked. The anger subsided and he is no longer in office so it is no long a potent political weapon. That is why you don't see it anymore.
Do you think Ronald Reagan should have shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Mikhail Gorbachev? The reason Gorby got it was because of his determination to buck the Soviet system. When he received the prize, there was still much work to be done before the Soviet Union collapsed and became quasi-capitalistic.

And the teleprompter nonsense is getting old. Reagan used one, so did Bush (although both chose to have one teleprompter directly in front of them as if speaking directly AT you). What else will you drag out of your file labeled Silly Politics? I hate to see people who actually CAN debate resort to such nonsense.

It has been interesting to see how very touchy and defensive the leftists are becoming re Obama's teleprompter. :)

But yes, I think Reagan should have shared a real Nobel Peace Prize with Gorbachev. If either deserved it, both did. For the committee to award a Prize to the likes of Arafat while denying it five times to somebody like Ghandi does call into question what the Peace Prize truly signifies though, wouldn't you say?

It is no secret now that Obama has little to say about what appears in his teleprompter, and as he had absolutely ZERO accomplishments at the time he was nominated for the Peace Prize and precious few at the time the award was given, that teleprompter seems to be the only explanation for Obama getting the prize. Maybe you have a different theory.

I didn't think I needed to rehash the reasons why he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Wasn't that argued ad nauseum several months ago when it was announced?

As for the teleprompter issue, nice spin. It's you people who think it's a big deal, and I keep having to remind you that the teleprompter (like a whole bunch of other things you think are so important) aren't something new. (Note to self: Gee, Maggie, you'd think it would sink in by now. But nooooooooooooo....)
That one is so easy to figure out it's mind-boggling that you haven't yet. There has been a 400% increase in the number of threats on Obama's life. The radical right is gearing up to storm the White House as we type, and of course they want to be armed. They won't succeed, but they're everywhere and they are organized. Hello?

Paranoid little? Hello?

No, paranoid lots. I watched all the ugliness at the Tea Parties too. I read the crap posted on the Internet. I glance at website message boards where people openly call for violence that looks incredibly like America has turned into a third world country, complete with tribal mentality. I also listen to learned legislators who would rather see a Senator dead than arrive in time to vote on the Health Care Reform Bill.

I have never seen any ugliness and I think you should win liar of the year for saying this. THe only ugliness I've ever watched was the left during the Bush years and the raw rage that got channeled and most of it was for no reason other than being kicked out of power.

The threats you have seen was a natural response to other people trying to remove our freedom from us and that is natural. If Obama and his crew wasn't so hell bent on running every aspect of our lives then there would be no problems and quite frankly some of the threats would be justified then because what is the difference between me shooting some person removing my freedom from me and shooting some person doing the same thing if that person happen to come from the government.
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I take exception to that. America is still a great country peopled by great people. A change in policy and a change in leadership and we will see America's greatness come out again. The country is much bigger than Barak Insane Obama, no matter what he thinks.

There is a part of me that agrees with you, but there is a part of me that is grounded in the mindset and philosophy of our Founders and that warned us that apathy, complacency, and failure to defend our rights that were intended to be protected by the Constitution would be our undoing.

The problem did not originate with Barack Obama. It began with the first unchallenged act of using the people's money to dispense favors and largesse. Once we accepted that those in government would have ability to increase their own prestige, power, authority, and fortune by favoring targeted constituencies, it has been slowly unraveling.

Barack Obama is not the cause of this, but is evidence of how badly we have conceded the basic values that made America the glorious and shining experiment that it has been. He is the poster child for government that uses power of selective benevolence to take away freedom rather than protecting it. He is not interested in American values of borders, language, and culture. I believe he is interested in one world government of complete authority and harbors illusions of grandeur that he is the chosen one to lead it.

I do not believe that we have yet reached the point of no return. But I do believe that if we don't wake up, dig in our heels, and demand the America of the Constitution, we will lose America as we have known it.

You're always very articulate in expressing your opinions, and you certainly drive home certain points. But that one is pure bullshit. Where is your evidence of such a conspiracy?

Embracing international control over climate change for starters and willingness to submit American interests to their authority. His indifference to the values and concerns of Americans--even disparaging them--while groveling at the feet of other world leaders does not inspire confidence that he sees virtue in America or has American interests at heart in any way. His decidedly Marxist rhetoric in taking down the rich and powerful and spreading the wealth around while throwing full government support and favoritism and benevolence toward the proletariat--unions in Obama vernacular--lets us know that the US economy and free enterprise on not on any of his priority lists. His short term grab for glory in unconscionable massive spending and refusing to even acknowledge the long range ramifications of that is a pretty good indication that he doesn't care what the current policies will do over the long haul. Maybe that is because he doesn't expect it to matter?

Is any of this proof of support for a one-world government? No. But it raises suspicions. And so far I haven't seen any policy initiatives or emphasis expressed by our President that suggests he will ever put America first or as any kind of priority.
An honest man who actually cared about the plight of the American people could have done a lot better than this rich Oprah mascot.
Paranoid little? Hello?

No, paranoid lots. I watched all the ugliness at the Tea Parties too. I read the crap posted on the Internet. I glance at website message boards where people openly call for violence that looks incredibly like America has turned into a third world country, complete with tribal mentality. I also listen to learned legislators who would rather see a Senator dead than arrive in time to vote on the Health Care Reform Bill.

I have never seen any ugliness and I think you should win liar of the year for saying this. THe only ugliness I've ever watched was the left during the Bush years and the raw rage that got channeled and most of it was for no reason other than being kicked out of power.

The threats you have seen was a natural response to other people trying to remove our freedom from us and that is natural. If Obama and his crew wasn't so hell bent on running every aspect of our lives then there would be no problems and quite frankly some of the threats would be justified then because what is the difference between me shooting some person removing my freedom from me and shooting some person doing the same thing if that person happen to come from the government.

Every word of MaggieMae's post is a lie, including "and" and "but." The only ugliness at tea Parties were pictures of Nancy Pelosi.
OK. I dont know what you do that you are so insulated.
In my little gun shop the first result was a panic buying of unprecedented proportions. This was followed by a scarcity of guns and ammunition that still hasn't quite sorted itself out. This was followed by a drop off in sales as my working-class customers are looking at layoffs or cuts in hours.
Yes, I blame Obama for all of it.
That one is so easy to figure out it's mind-boggling that you haven't yet. There has been a 400% increase in the number of threats on Obama's life. The radical right is gearing up to storm the White House as we type, and of course they want to be armed. They won't succeed, but they're everywhere and they are organized. Hello?
Wow. You are crazy. :cuckoo:

Ya think?
threats against obama on the rise - Google Search
That one is so easy to figure out it's mind-boggling that you haven't yet. There has been a 400% increase in the number of threats on Obama's life. The radical right is gearing up to storm the White House as we type, and of course they want to be armed. They won't succeed, but they're everywhere and they are organized. Hello?
Wow. You are crazy. :cuckoo:

Ya think?
threats against obama on the rise - Google Search
And stupid.
Thank you. All decent responses, except the supposition that he's not committed to making America a better place.

I don't think any lawmaker, nor any president, ever assumes office intending to harm America. They get caught up in the system, in their own cliques and political peers spouting ideology, in their future campaigns, in the power and prestige which invites grandstanding. There used to be a helluva lot more bipartisanship when the whole business inside the Beltway was not exposed to television (and the Internet) with every nook and cranny under the microscope and open to criticism and often erroneous interpretation.

Maggie, despite what you might think, I am not a blind partisan on these issues. I don't care who comes up with good ideas or good policy and I do try very hard to give credit where credit is due and criticism where criticism is due no matter who deserves it. Life is too short to spend hating anybody. In my opinion, anyone who holds another person in utter contempt and is unable to acknowledge any redeeming quality of any kind in that person is somebody incapable of any objective or rational thought.

While giving him props on some very good things he accomplished, I have been extremely critical of President Bush when he got it wrong on the war, on immigration, on the prescription medicine legislation, on the environment, on energy policy, on the economy, etc. etc. etc. His being a Republican or a professed conservative does not absolve him from error, wrong headedness, misjudgment, and/or plain old incompetence when that has occurred.

But I never at any time had any sense that President Bush did not love America and Americans. I never once doubted that everything he did, right or wrong, was because he thought it was the right thing to do or he hoped it was the right thing to do. I never once suspected that he was intentionally being dishonest or manipulative or that he was selling his country out.

I cannot say that about Barack Hussein Obama.

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