Is it moral for God to punish us?

Wake up and smell the coffee. That is what you project.
I'm sorry you suck at receiving.....I do not hate gays......I used to be business partners with a gay couple......are you wrong about everything?......
It's what you project, whether you agree or not, or even like it or not. So suck it up, crybaby.
your perception on other matters is faulty, why should this be different.....
I'm just saying brah... Anyways, you're going to ignore and keep being obnoxious, so what are you worried about?
Sorry, a third choice is not available. See how that works? :D
no....because even after a second look I can see that you are not God......
I guess that went right over your head. Oh well...
you flatter yourself.......what you were attempting was just wasn't accurate.......
Your response indicated that you didn't understand what I said, making you the one who's not accurate.
I'm just saying brah... Anyways, you're going to ignore and keep being obnoxious, so what are you worried about?
????......what am I ignoring?......have I not answered your every question?......
You'll ignore the fact that you come off as obnoxious on this board. Probably because your god doesn't care that his people are obnoxious and un-Jesus-like.
Because god only saves the truly righteous, leaving you out in the cold, douchebag.
sorry, but I am a Christian......we believe that God saves any that ask for forgiveness.......perhaps that explains the other errors in your were referring to some other religion.........
So I guess you're waiting for the end of your life to repent, turn your life around and be a real Christian? :lol:
what you have described has nothing to do with might be akin to Judaism or Islam which require personal righteousness......Christianity begins with a presumption that righteousness is only possible through the sanctification of Christ.....that is why your error is so obvious......
So I'll take that as a resounding YES! :lmao:
You'll ignore the fact that you come off as obnoxious on this board.

does correcting your misunderstanding of biology make me come off as obnoxious? you consider everyone who corrects your errors as obnoxious or just those who correct your errors about science?.......
Because god only saves the truly righteous, leaving you out in the cold, douchebag.
sorry, but I am a Christian......we believe that God saves any that ask for forgiveness.......perhaps that explains the other errors in your were referring to some other religion.........
So I guess you're waiting for the end of your life to repent, turn your life around and be a real Christian? :lol:
what you have described has nothing to do with might be akin to Judaism or Islam which require personal righteousness......Christianity begins with a presumption that righteousness is only possible through the sanctification of Christ.....that is why your error is so obvious......
So I'll take that as a resounding YES! :lmao:
to the question of you making an error?......a concession then.......

so far we have discovered several things you do not understand about the Christian there any part of it that you DO understand?.....
No god, not hell.

How is that stressing hell if there is none?
I haven't met an atheist yet who didn't argue that the fact of "hell" was the reason to be an's their number one argument......pretty stupid, but true nonetheless.........

If I don't believe in an active god, why would I worry about a hell?

Death is the end, what we have now is all that is important.
Hyp. even if there were some god, we would be judged on the good and bad we do her and now. Why gamble on some afterlife when there is no assurance or proof?
Either you are a good person now or not. No one is perfect, if you believe anyone or any things can be. It is the totality of our lives, not just a few things along the way that we are judged in life by and hyp. after death.
If there is a judgement, there are only a few categories that might absolute. Mass murderers, terrorists, serial rapists and those that abuse children. I think everyone can understand why and agree on these. The rest is subject to harm you do to others. LGBT is not hurting others so they can do what they want as long as their partners are consenting adults.
Most other things are minor and might have reasons to be considered. I've seen enough of war and disaster to know there are usually extenuating circumstances or many "sins".

If we care for other and try to leave the world better than we found it, what is to fear? If there is nothing, why worry you life over it?

When people get in your face and try to tell you are going to hell and will suffer for all eternity, they are absolute crackers. People that hate for no valid reason, just because of being different in someway, need to get psychological help.

There are some nice ideas within in a few religions, but as long as they are not hateful or harmful, who cares?

There might be reasons for killing, but killing others for promises of wine and sex after death isn't good enough. Killing in the name of some god is just obscene.

Just about all faiths in someway try to teach to be kind to others. Why then are some so hateful because of skin colour, sex, culture, the type of clothes they wear, how they decorate their body (OK, too many pins and bones sticking out and too many tattoos can be a bit off putting), what they eat, what hand they write with.............

I've seen too much of the world to believe there is only one way, one religion or one set of rule that are absolute for everyone or that we are predestined to hell because of birth or some small transgression of social norms. Saying sorry or confession sins doesn't remove the damage, hurt or fear. Blessing from a priest at death shouldn't wipe away a lifetime of wrongs.

Not rational. I rather follow logic and common sense, or accept things that can be proven and not wishes in stars for rewards later on.

Too many "religions" in some way teach hate and are very judgmental. I choose not to follow that kind of prejudice and if I hate or judge it will be for a very real and valid reason, not because of someone hundreds of years or thousands of years ago writing is some book or because of some dream they might have had one night.

If you want to believe I'm going to hell, keep it to yourself. I prefer to think in being a moderately good person and that this is the only life that matters, the here and now. Why should that be so wrong? Who am I hurting? What harm am I doing? Why shouldn't I be free to make my own choices based on my eduction and experience? Why should I believe in things that don't logically exist?
You'll ignore the fact that you come off as obnoxious on this board.

does correcting your misunderstanding of biology make me come off as obnoxious? you consider everyone who corrects your errors as obnoxious or just those who correct your errors about science?.......
See? That was an obnoxious response. Bravo. You proved my point.
Because god only saves the truly righteous, leaving you out in the cold, douchebag.
sorry, but I am a Christian......we believe that God saves any that ask for forgiveness.......perhaps that explains the other errors in your were referring to some other religion.........
So I guess you're waiting for the end of your life to repent, turn your life around and be a real Christian? :lol:
what you have described has nothing to do with might be akin to Judaism or Islam which require personal righteousness......Christianity begins with a presumption that righteousness is only possible through the sanctification of Christ.....that is why your error is so obvious......
So I'll take that as a resounding YES! :lmao:
to the question of you making an error?......a concession then.......

so far we have discovered several things you do not understand about the Christian there any part of it that you DO understand?.....
Another good example: if you have no answer, you respond by belittling the other person in an obnoxious way. See you in hell, mothafucka.
No god, not hell.

How is that stressing hell if there is none?
I haven't met an atheist yet who didn't argue that the fact of "hell" was the reason to be an's their number one argument......pretty stupid, but true nonetheless.........

If I don't believe in an active god, why would I worry about a hell?
you'll have to ask those atheists who argue you cannot believe in a God who would be so evil as to create a hell
You'll ignore the fact that you come off as obnoxious on this board.

does correcting your misunderstanding of biology make me come off as obnoxious? you consider everyone who corrects your errors as obnoxious or just those who correct your errors about science?.......
See? That was an obnoxious response. Bravo. You proved my point.
do you consider all of science to be obnoxious?.....if I told you the sun does not revolve around the earth would you consider it a personal insult?......
sorry, but I am a Christian......we believe that God saves any that ask for forgiveness.......perhaps that explains the other errors in your were referring to some other religion.........
So I guess you're waiting for the end of your life to repent, turn your life around and be a real Christian? :lol:
what you have described has nothing to do with might be akin to Judaism or Islam which require personal righteousness......Christianity begins with a presumption that righteousness is only possible through the sanctification of Christ.....that is why your error is so obvious......
So I'll take that as a resounding YES! :lmao:
to the question of you making an error?......a concession then.......

so far we have discovered several things you do not understand about the Christian there any part of it that you DO understand?.....
Another good example: if you have no answer, you respond by belittling the other person in an obnoxious way. See you in hell, mothafucka.
highly unlikely......if you are right there is no hell, if I am right I won't be there.......
Is it moral for God to punish us?

Is it moral for an all-knowing and all-powerful God to set in motion a history that he designs and then condemns others for?

We live in a history that God has set up and is fully responsible for. God, punishing man, who can do nothing but follow God’s plan and the nature God has put in us, is having innocent people suffer for the wrongs God himself has pre-destined and which cannot be altered.

For example.

God chose to have Jesus sacrificed. God, in his planning book would also have decided who would kill Jesus. There would be no way for that man to not kill Jesus or God’s plan would fall off the rails and in this case, we would not have a messiah or scapegoat to ride into heaven.

Some will say we have free will but as shown in the example above, Jesus’ killer could not refrain from killing Jesus without derailing God’s plan. Further, to pre-destine any one action or condition within a history changes all other conditions and pre-destines all conditions within the plan. Think the butterfly effect.

Having said the above and having shown that we have no free will if anything is pre-destined, I think it would be quite immoral for God to judge or punish us for being and doing exactly what he pre-ordained for us in his plan. We have no choice and to punish us is immoral.

Do you agree?

If not, why not?


"A god that creates you sick and then commands you to get well or be tortured forever" "Who demands utter obedience under penalty of eternal pain and suffering, but commands you to love him". - Christopher Hitchens -

You'll ignore the fact that you come off as obnoxious on this board.

does correcting your misunderstanding of biology make me come off as obnoxious? you consider everyone who corrects your errors as obnoxious or just those who correct your errors about science?.......
See? That was an obnoxious response. Bravo. You proved my point.
do you consider all of science to be obnoxious?.....if I told you the sun does not revolve around the earth would you consider it a personal insult?......
Why would you feel the need to tell me that the world revolves around the sun? Need an ego boost? Is that why you come here?
So I guess you're waiting for the end of your life to repent, turn your life around and be a real Christian? :lol:
what you have described has nothing to do with might be akin to Judaism or Islam which require personal righteousness......Christianity begins with a presumption that righteousness is only possible through the sanctification of Christ.....that is why your error is so obvious......
So I'll take that as a resounding YES! :lmao:
to the question of you making an error?......a concession then.......

so far we have discovered several things you do not understand about the Christian there any part of it that you DO understand?.....
Another good example: if you have no answer, you respond by belittling the other person in an obnoxious way. See you in hell, mothafucka.
highly unlikely......if you are right there is no hell, if I am right I won't be there.......
Hell was made for the obnoxious. Say hi to Adolf for me.
Is it moral for God to punish us?

Is it moral for an all-knowing and all-powerful God to set in motion a history that he designs and then condemns others for?

We live in a history that God has set up and is fully responsible for. God, punishing man, who can do nothing but follow God’s plan and the nature God has put in us, is having innocent people suffer for the wrongs God himself has pre-destined and which cannot be altered.

For example.

God chose to have Jesus sacrificed. God, in his planning book would also have decided who would kill Jesus. There would be no way for that man to not kill Jesus or God’s plan would fall off the rails and in this case, we would not have a messiah or scapegoat to ride into heaven.

Some will say we have free will but as shown in the example above, Jesus’ killer could not refrain from killing Jesus without derailing God’s plan. Further, to pre-destine any one action or condition within a history changes all other conditions and pre-destines all conditions within the plan. Think the butterfly effect.

Having said the above and having shown that we have no free will if anything is pre-destined, I think it would be quite immoral for God to judge or punish us for being and doing exactly what he pre-ordained for us in his plan. We have no choice and to punish us is immoral.

Do you agree?

If not, why not?


How twisted your thinking is---you listen to teachers of darkness and make decisions upon that basis.
No our lives are not preordained--God cannot see ones future like that-- He desires all to repent, so he does not know beforehand who will or wont. He can however see the patterns of the mortal heart and know--Few will repent. --the future he shared was his will being accomplished.
You'll ignore the fact that you come off as obnoxious on this board.

does correcting your misunderstanding of biology make me come off as obnoxious? you consider everyone who corrects your errors as obnoxious or just those who correct your errors about science?.......
See? That was an obnoxious response. Bravo. You proved my point.
do you consider all of science to be obnoxious?.....if I told you the sun does not revolve around the earth would you consider it a personal insult?......
Why would you feel the need to tell me that the world revolves around the sun? Need an ego boost? Is that why you come here?
its just that you seem to feel discussing scientific fact is a personal insult....I am exploring the scope of your dilemma......
what you have described has nothing to do with might be akin to Judaism or Islam which require personal righteousness......Christianity begins with a presumption that righteousness is only possible through the sanctification of Christ.....that is why your error is so obvious......
So I'll take that as a resounding YES! :lmao:
to the question of you making an error?......a concession then.......

so far we have discovered several things you do not understand about the Christian there any part of it that you DO understand?.....
Another good example: if you have no answer, you respond by belittling the other person in an obnoxious way. See you in hell, mothafucka.
highly unlikely......if you are right there is no hell, if I am right I won't be there.......
Hell was made for the obnoxious. Say hi to Adolf for me.
do you feel he will be in heaven?.......

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