Is it moral for God to punish us?

Turn on TV sunday morning
so your experience on this issue is based upon the six tele-evangelists you've seen on Sunday morning? should get out more......

I gave up on church or organized religion long ago. Switching channels on sunday I hear what they are ranting and waving their book about. Listening to those proselytizing on the forums is not better.
Those that come to the door start with Paul and revelations like the gospels don't exist are not welcome, or I tell them I'm a satanist just to make them run away.

If there is anything after, I rather like the Buddhist idea or returning to try again till you get it right.

Some old man sitting on a cloud, fields of Alesia or gardens with rivers of wine just don't do it for me.

Maybe a scale of your good and bad acts, but no hell because of sin or sinning on Friday and Saturday and confession of sunday or before you die and be absolved. But those who suffer mental health problems, abuse, rape and commit suicide or choose to terminate in their end stage being lost while rapists and murders that confess going to heaven is BS as far as I'm concerned.

Temperamental, vain, jealous, vindictive, angry, violent, demanding judgmental or indifferent god just does not give me the warm fuzzes. Rather have a cat or live with someone that is bi-polar.

No thanks
Because hypothetically even, telling someone choose me or death is a threat, not a choice.
really?......someone offering you a choice is not offering you a choice......and why do you think that? can't be because you don't like the choice of death, because that's the choice you made.......
So if someone shows up to your house and says: give me your house or I'll kill you. You would consider that a choice?

It would be rightly called a choice but is in no way a free choice.

It is a forced choice while Christians think it is somehow a free choice.

There's no such thing as a "forced choice", that's an oxymoron.

If you are walking along and some thief stops you at gun point and says, --- choose between giving me my your cash and walking away, or --- not giving me your cash and taking a bullet, --- is that not a forced choice?

If not, what is it?

Because hypothetically even, telling someone choose me or death is a threat, not a choice.
really?......someone offering you a choice is not offering you a choice......and why do you think that? can't be because you don't like the choice of death, because that's the choice you made.......
So if someone shows up to your house and says: give me your house or I'll kill you. You would consider that a choice?

It would be rightly called a choice but is in no way a free choice.

It is a forced choice while Christians think it is somehow a free choice.

There's no such thing as a "forced choice", that's an oxymoron.

If you are walking along and some thief stops you at gun point and says, --- choose between giving me my your cash and walking away, or --- not giving me your cash and taking a bullet, --- is that not a forced choice?

If not, what is it?

No, that's called a stick-up.
really?......someone offering you a choice is not offering you a choice......and why do you think that? can't be because you don't like the choice of death, because that's the choice you made.......
So if someone shows up to your house and says: give me your house or I'll kill you. You would consider that a choice?

It would be rightly called a choice but is in no way a free choice.

It is a forced choice while Christians think it is somehow a free choice.

There's no such thing as a "forced choice", that's an oxymoron.

If you are walking along and some thief stops you at gun point and says, --- choose between giving me my your cash and walking away, or --- not giving me your cash and taking a bullet, --- is that not a forced choice?

If not, what is it?

No, that's called a stick-up.

Correct and also a forced choice.

I thought you were brighter than this but-----

Because god only saves the truly righteous, leaving you out in the cold, douchebag.
sorry, but I am a Christian......we believe that God saves any that ask for forgiveness.......perhaps that explains the other errors in your were referring to some other religion.........
So if someone shows up to your house and says: give me your house or I'll kill you. You would consider that a choice?

It would be rightly called a choice but is in no way a free choice.

It is a forced choice while Christians think it is somehow a free choice.

There's no such thing as a "forced choice", that's an oxymoron.

If you are walking along and some thief stops you at gun point and says, --- choose between giving me my your cash and walking away, or --- not giving me your cash and taking a bullet, --- is that not a forced choice?

If not, what is it?

No, that's called a stick-up.

Correct and also a forced choice.

I thought you were brighter than this but-----

A choice is when you have some things to choose from. A stick-up doesn't give choices.

I knew you weren't this bright but...
Because god only saves the truly righteous, leaving you out in the cold, douchebag.
sorry, but I am a Christian......we believe that God saves any that ask for forgiveness.......perhaps that explains the other errors in your were referring to some other religion.........
So I guess you're waiting for the end of your life to repent, turn your life around and be a real Christian? :lol:
Wake up and smell the coffee. That is what you project.
I'm sorry you suck at receiving.....I do not hate gays......I used to be business partners with a gay couple......are you wrong about everything?......
It's what you project, whether you agree or not, or even like it or not. So suck it up, crybaby.
your perception on other matters is faulty, why should this be different.....
Because god only saves the truly righteous, leaving you out in the cold, douchebag.
sorry, but I am a Christian......we believe that God saves any that ask for forgiveness.......perhaps that explains the other errors in your were referring to some other religion.........
So I guess you're waiting for the end of your life to repent, turn your life around and be a real Christian? :lol:
what you have described has nothing to do with might be akin to Judaism or Islam which require personal righteousness......Christianity begins with a presumption that righteousness is only possible through the sanctification of Christ.....that is why your error is so obvious......

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