Is it more like the Clinton impeachment?..............Or more like the Nixon resignation?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
So which is it? Is the Trump criminality more like what led to the Clinton Impeachment or the Nixon resignation?

So what was the difference?

Crimes that came from the Nixon scandal were burglary, lying and 9 acts of obstruction.

Bill Clinton lied about getting a BJ.

We know for a fact that Trump directed two felonies. That means Democrats have more on Trump than they did on Nixon.

The question is: Should we start impeachment proceedings?

The arguments:

No, because Republicans over reached on Clinton's BJ, the GOP as a party suffered. We don't want to suffer the same fate.

No, because Republicans defended Nixon the criminal, this caused problems for the party for years. So let them keep defending Trump with everyone knowing Trump is a criminal. The Republicans will be a laughingstock for years.

Yes, it's the duty of the congress under the constitution. Anything else would be a dereliction of duty.

Wait until after the Mueller investigation. Once impeachment proceedings start, that will become the news and Democrats won't be able to keep the focus on Trump's criminality without the Mueller investigation.

So that was a no, no, yes and wait.

My suggestion is to wait and in the meantime, get the information about Trump's felonies out to the American people in a way that is easily understood and not in "lawyer speak". People need to know what Trump is doing. Even buy some air time and explain Trump's crimes.

What do you guys think?

Nixon imo.... the coverup

And the impeachment causes that they drew up the papers for, had nothing to do with actual crimes of Watergate, there were no crimes that they listed as him committing from the watergate break in of the DNC and theft, every impeachment charge was about him ABUSING HIS POWER as President and not actual crimes with indictments.... for offering pardons, for telling people to lie, for contempt of Congress, for Obstruction of Justice etc.... those type of things.... then finally... for firing Archibald Cox, the Prosecutor investigating the Watergate theft....
Neither, idiot. Nixon covered up a second rate burglary and Clinton committed perjury (doesn't matter what he lied about, he lied under oath). Trump broke no laws, did nothing inappropriate, committed no high crimes or misdemeanors. As much as you would like to pronounce him guilty of something, he's done nothing to justify being removed from office except win an election that you fuckwads didn't want him to win. You're such a loser.
So which is it? Is the Trump criminality more like what led to the Clinton Impeachment or the Nixon resignation?

So what was the difference?

Crimes that came from the Nixon scandal were burglary, lying and 9 acts of obstruction.

Bill Clinton lied about getting a BJ.

We know for a fact that Trump directed two felonies. That means Democrats have more on Trump than they did on Nixon.

The question is: Should we start impeachment proceedings?

The arguments:

No, because Republicans over reached on Clinton's BJ, the GOP as a party suffered. We don't want to suffer the same fate.

No, because Republicans defended Nixon the criminal, this caused problems for the party for years. So let them keep defending Trump with everyone knowing Trump is a criminal. The Republicans will be a laughingstock for years.

Yes, it's the duty of the congress under the constitution. Anything else would be a dereliction of duty.

Wait until after the Mueller investigation. Once impeachment proceedings start, that will become the news and Democrats won't be able to keep the focus on Trump's criminality without the Mueller investigation.

So that was a no, no, yes and wait.

My suggestion is to wait and in the meantime, get the information about Trump's felonies out to the American people in a way that is easily understood and not in "lawyer speak". People need to know what Trump is doing. Even buy some air time and explain Trump's crimes.

What do you guys think?


So which is it? Is the Trump criminality more like what led to the Clinton Impeachment or the Nixon resignation?

So what was the difference?

Crimes that came from the Nixon scandal were burglary, lying and 9 acts of obstruction.

Bill Clinton lied about getting a BJ.

We know for a fact that Trump directed two felonies. That means Democrats have more on Trump than they did on Nixon.

The question is: Should we start impeachment proceedings?

The arguments:

No, because Republicans over reached on Clinton's BJ, the GOP as a party suffered. We don't want to suffer the same fate.

No, because Republicans defended Nixon the criminal, this caused problems for the party for years. So let them keep defending Trump with everyone knowing Trump is a criminal. The Republicans will be a laughingstock for years.

Yes, it's the duty of the congress under the constitution. Anything else would be a dereliction of duty.

Wait until after the Mueller investigation. Once impeachment proceedings start, that will become the news and Democrats won't be able to keep the focus on Trump's criminality without the Mueller investigation.

So that was a no, no, yes and wait.

My suggestion is to wait and in the meantime, get the information about Trump's felonies out to the American people in a way that is easily understood and not in "lawyer speak". People need to know what Trump is doing. Even buy some air time and explain Trump's crimes.

What do you guys think?


before there is an impeachment vote in the House, there would have to be an impeachment investigation by the Judicial committee, which would take time, then the committee would have to draw up impeachment charges for what they found, then the committee would vote on them, then it would go to the full House they would debate it, then vote... if impeached, then sent to the Senate for the trial, then their vote....

IMO, it ain't gonna happen before the next election....

but it didn't for Nixon either... he was reelected before the process of preparing for an impeachment had been completed... then he resigned before congress had to vote, because republicans in Congress told him, they were going to vote yes, on impeachment... only then, did he resign and Ford pardoned him...

if you are impeached, according to our constitution... you can not be pardoned, and prosecutors can charge you after impeachment, thus, Nixon resigned instead of fighting the impeachment, so Ford could pardon him.
Neither, idiot. Nixon covered up a second rate burglary and Clinton committed perjury (doesn't matter what he lied about, he lied under oath). Trump broke no laws, did nothing inappropriate, committed no high crimes or misdemeanors. As much as you would like to pronounce him guilty of something, he's done nothing to justify being removed from office except win an election that you fuckwads didn't want him to win. You're such a loser.
Oh, it mattered to the American people what Clinton lied about.

When they asked him about sex, they knew he was going to lie. Every man lies to hide his nastiness from his wife.

Even Cohen said he felt bad that he lied to Melania on Trump's orders.

Cohen is going to jail for multiple felonies that he said he was ordered to commit. Ordered by Trump. Trump is a felonious co conspirator. People have been found guilty for less. Especially since they have checks written from Trump and a tape recording of Trump making the plans. The only evidence they are missing is actual videotape of Trump committing crimes.
So which is it? Is the Trump criminality more like what led to the Clinton Impeachment or the Nixon resignation?

I'd say, it doesn't matter which of the two is the better analogy.

You do not go for impeachment unless several conditions are all met:

1. You have reasonably compelling charges demonstrating that continuation in office would be a danger to the nation.

2. You have the votes in the Senate for removal.

3. You have the vast majority of the population behind the effort.

That would establish the bare minimum, and even then utmost caution is mandated. Not least, those opting for impeachment have to answer the question whether the nation is actually better off with Pence in the Oval Office.
Neither, idiot. Nixon covered up a second rate burglary and Clinton committed perjury (doesn't matter what he lied about, he lied under oath). Trump broke no laws, did nothing inappropriate, committed no high crimes or misdemeanors. As much as you would like to pronounce him guilty of something, he's done nothing to justify being removed from office except win an election that you fuckwads didn't want him to win. You're such a loser.
Ouch! Nice touch.
Neither, idiot. Nixon covered up a second rate burglary and Clinton committed perjury (doesn't matter what he lied about, he lied under oath). Trump broke no laws, did nothing inappropriate, committed no high crimes or misdemeanors. As much as you would like to pronounce him guilty of something, he's done nothing to justify being removed from office except win an election that you fuckwads didn't want him to win. You're such a loser.
Oh, it mattered to the American people what Clinton lied about.

When they asked him about sex, they knew he was going to lie. Every man lies to hide his nastiness from his wife.

Even Cohen said he felt bad that he lied to Melania on Trump's orders.

Cohen is going to jail for multiple felonies that he said he was ordered to commit. Ordered by Trump. Trump is a felonious co conspirator. People have been found guilty for less. Especially since they have checks written from Trump and a tape recording of Trump making the plans. The only evidence they are missing is actual videotape of Trump committing crimes.

Well what are the Democrats in the House waiting for?

Is Pelosi going to ignore all your evidence like she did when Bush was President and just ignore the will of the Democrat Voter?

You have to ask this question and ask if Pelosi that stupid to call for impeachment investigations, hearings and votes in an Election year or ride it out with the HOPE Trump loses in 2020?

My bet she waits it out while you cry daily...
Oh, it mattered to the American people what Clinton lied about.
It doesn't matter to the law. He was being sued and he knowingly lied under oath, that's a crime.
Every man lies to hide his nastiness from his wife.
You're a fool if you think Hillary didn't know he's a predator.
Cohen is going to jail for multiple felonies that he said he was ordered to commit.
He's going to jail for LYING. That means his word means nothing without proof and he provided no proof.
Especially since they have checks written from Trump and a tape recording of Trump making the plans.
Speculation on your part. Have you ever asked yourself why no action has been taken against Trump if they had any real evidence? Mueller has nothing, and Cohen's testimony this week was nothing more than a continuation of the character assassination attempts by the left. They know they're not gonna be able to remove him from office so their objective now is to raise doubt in the minds of the voters going into 2020. That's gonna backfire on you guys too.
Oh, it mattered to the American people what Clinton lied about.
It doesn't matter to the law. He was being sued and he knowingly lied under oath, that's a crime.
Every man lies to hide his nastiness from his wife.
You're a fool if you think Hillary didn't know he's a predator.
Cohen is going to jail for multiple felonies that he said he was ordered to commit.
He's going to jail for LYING. That means his word means nothing without proof and he provided no proof.
Especially since they have checks written from Trump and a tape recording of Trump making the plans.
Speculation on your part. Have you ever asked yourself why no action has been taken against Trump if they had any real evidence? Mueller has nothing, and Cohen's testimony this week was nothing more than a continuation of the character assassination attempts by the left. They know they're not gonna be able to remove him from office so their objective now is to raise doubt in the minds of the voters going into 2020. That's gonna backfire on you guys too.
I already know why. Because he’s president.
Oh, it mattered to the American people what Clinton lied about.
It doesn't matter to the law. He was being sued and he knowingly lied under oath, that's a crime.
Every man lies to hide his nastiness from his wife.
You're a fool if you think Hillary didn't know he's a predator.
Cohen is going to jail for multiple felonies that he said he was ordered to commit.
He's going to jail for LYING. That means his word means nothing without proof and he provided no proof.
Especially since they have checks written from Trump and a tape recording of Trump making the plans.
Speculation on your part. Have you ever asked yourself why no action has been taken against Trump if they had any real evidence? Mueller has nothing, and Cohen's testimony this week was nothing more than a continuation of the character assassination attempts by the left. They know they're not gonna be able to remove him from office so their objective now is to raise doubt in the minds of the voters going into 2020. That's gonna backfire on you guys too.
I already know why. Because he’s president.
Being President hasn't stopped your party from using government agencies to frame him. It didn't stop them from illegally spying on his campaign and it hasn't stopped them from running a smear campaign against him. If you think for one minute that being President would stop them from trying to impeach him if they had any real evidence, then you are deep in denial.
Neither, idiot. Nixon covered up a second rate burglary and Clinton committed perjury (doesn't matter what he lied about, he lied under oath). Trump broke no laws, did nothing inappropriate, committed no high crimes or misdemeanors. As much as you would like to pronounce him guilty of something, he's done nothing to justify being removed from office except win an election that you fuckwads didn't want him to win. You're such a loser.
Oh, it mattered to the American people what Clinton lied about.

When they asked him about sex, they knew he was going to lie. Every man lies to hide his nastiness from his wife.

Even Cohen said he felt bad that he lied to Melania on Trump's orders.

Cohen is going to jail for multiple felonies that he said he was ordered to commit. Ordered by Trump. Trump is a felonious co conspirator. People have been found guilty for less. Especially since they have checks written from Trump and a tape recording of Trump making the plans. The only evidence they are missing is actual videotape of Trump committing crimes.
Every man lies to hide his nastiness from his wife
do you lie to your wife to hide your nastiness?.....
Oh, it mattered to the American people what Clinton lied about.
It doesn't matter to the law. He was being sued and he knowingly lied under oath, that's a crime.
Every man lies to hide his nastiness from his wife.
You're a fool if you think Hillary didn't know he's a predator.
Cohen is going to jail for multiple felonies that he said he was ordered to commit.
He's going to jail for LYING. That means his word means nothing without proof and he provided no proof.
Especially since they have checks written from Trump and a tape recording of Trump making the plans.
Speculation on your part. Have you ever asked yourself why no action has been taken against Trump if they had any real evidence? Mueller has nothing, and Cohen's testimony this week was nothing more than a continuation of the character assassination attempts by the left. They know they're not gonna be able to remove him from office so their objective now is to raise doubt in the minds of the voters going into 2020. That's gonna backfire on you guys too.
I already know why. Because he’s president.
Being President hasn't stopped your party from using government agencies to frame him. It didn't stop them from illegally spying on his campaign and it hasn't stopped them from running a smear campaign against him. If you think for one minute that being President would stop them from trying to impeach him if they had any real evidence, then you are deep in denial.
Frame him? Frame Trump? Not even you could possibly believe that.
Neither, idiot. Nixon covered up a second rate burglary and Clinton committed perjury (doesn't matter what he lied about, he lied under oath). Trump broke no laws, did nothing inappropriate, committed no high crimes or misdemeanors. As much as you would like to pronounce him guilty of something, he's done nothing to justify being removed from office except win an election that you fuckwads didn't want him to win. You're such a loser.
Oh, it mattered to the American people what Clinton lied about.

When they asked him about sex, they knew he was going to lie. Every man lies to hide his nastiness from his wife.

Even Cohen said he felt bad that he lied to Melania on Trump's orders.

Cohen is going to jail for multiple felonies that he said he was ordered to commit. Ordered by Trump. Trump is a felonious co conspirator. People have been found guilty for less. Especially since they have checks written from Trump and a tape recording of Trump making the plans. The only evidence they are missing is actual videotape of Trump committing crimes.
Every man lies to hide his nastiness from his wife
do you lie to your wife to hide your nastiness?.....
Depends on how you define nastiness.
If there had been a fox news back when Nixon was committing his crimes, he never would’ve resigned and Republicans would’ve refused to impeach him.
The difference between what’s happening now and what Republicans did to Clinton is how the investigations are handled. Republicans were looking for anything to get Clinton. And finally they settled for him lying about a BJ.

Democrats are being careful and slow. They are going through very careful and thorough investigations. They already have way more on Trump then the DOJ had on Nixon.

When Democrats finally lance that boil they’re going to use a cannon.
Neither, idiot. Nixon covered up a second rate burglary and Clinton committed perjury (doesn't matter what he lied about, he lied under oath). Trump broke no laws, did nothing inappropriate, committed no high crimes or misdemeanors. As much as you would like to pronounce him guilty of something, he's done nothing to justify being removed from office except win an election that you fuckwads didn't want him to win. You're such a loser.
Oh, it mattered to the American people what Clinton lied about.

When they asked him about sex, they knew he was going to lie. Every man lies to hide his nastiness from his wife.

Even Cohen said he felt bad that he lied to Melania on Trump's orders.

Cohen is going to jail for multiple felonies that he said he was ordered to commit. Ordered by Trump. Trump is a felonious co conspirator. People have been found guilty for less. Especially since they have checks written from Trump and a tape recording of Trump making the plans. The only evidence they are missing is actual videotape of Trump committing crimes.
Every man lies to hide his nastiness from his wife
do you lie to your wife to hide your nastiness?.....
Depends on how you define nastiness.
well you are the one who mentioned it you do the defining....

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