Is It Ok To Refer To Americans Biden Left Behind As 'Stranded' NOW?

First of all we did not need to 'defeat' them to maintain the status quo. We sustained a very low casualty rate in Afghanistan ....lower than any other war.

There were no Amerivan combat deaths in Afghanistan in the last two yrs.

However it was a mistake not to go into the tribal lands and eliminate their safe haven.
Just to let you know, I agree with you. Going into Pakistan on our own would have opened up a geo-political, diplomatic can of worms our politicians did not want to touch.

The fact that the Taliban used Pakistan as a safe haven was not fully thought out prior to going into Afghanistan. The decision to go to war or not must include EVERY aspect of what might be affected and what would affect the military operation. Case in point, not being able to strike the Taliban in Pakistan. Re-supply of troops, exit strategies, etc...

There was no political will to do what needed to be done is we really wanted to defeat the Taliban.
That is my entire point. The US didnt beat the Taliban like was claimed by Persuader. When you "beat" someone they basically say "uncle" and dont keep taking swings at you.

You are correct.

Our disastrous exit strategy made out enemy stronger and the US weaker.
- The Talban control Afghanistan again, stronger than before
- The US was seenas 'running', hurrying to get out so fast we left Americans and allies behind. Allies have turned their backs on us - the UK said they would not support any more US military endeavors as long as Biden is President, etc...
The Talban control Afghanistan again, stronger than before
They were always going to control Afghanistan after we left and stronger than before. Drumpf knew this which is why he negotiated that really fucked up agreement and then praised the Taliban. That fuckhead was even going to invite them to Camp David.
They were always going to control Afghanistan after we left and stronger than before. Drumpf knew this which is why he negotiated that really fucked up agreement and then praised the Taliban. That fuckhead was even going to invite them to Camp David.
Obama knew this. Biden knew this. Trump knew this. Hell, just about everyone in the military and 80% of the intelligent American citizens knew this.

In Biden's defense snowflakes have been screaming about how we couldn't stay and had to leave....THEN WHY ARE YOU BITCHING AND MOANING ABOUT TRUMP NEGOTIATING A DEAL FOR THE US TO LEAVE AFGHANISTAN?

Until Biden took over not 1 US service member had been killed - not in 18 months. The Taliban knew Trump meant what he said, which is they f*ed with us during the withdrawal we would bomb their asses unmercifully.

Like with most places but especially in the Middle East, the Taliban respect STRENGTH. They knew Trump[ was strong and did what he promised. Biden was / is at the opposite end of the spectrum. He has proven that he will not respond when an enemy attacks - the Russians attacked our energy production and food distribution, and Biden responded by giving Putin a list of our top infrastructure, begging him not to attack THOSE, and pretty much giving him permission to go after anything else in the US. F*, man...or as Joe says, 'C'mon man!' That is weak-ass shit!

Biden allowed the Taliban to change the deal, to begin setting the conditions on our withdrawal, telling Biden what to do. The Biden administration's attempt to claim this was not the case was pathetic. After the media reported Biden had asked the Taliban for more time and they had said 'No', the Biden administration put out that BIDEN had made the decision not to extend the deadline to leave.


Yeah, BIDEN decided not to extend the deadline because they told him to GTFO!

WEAK! ISIS attacks the airport, murders 13 US servicemen and women and killing / wounding countless others. What does Biden do?

1. He LIED. He declared that, with no Intel in-country any longer, his administration was able to find THE 1 and only attack planner out of 6,000 recently released Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists and thousands of people in Kabul, planned, and conducted an air strike, killing THE 1 and only planner IN LESS THAT 24 HOURS. BULLSHIT! If you have a clue about how Intel. targeting, planning, and the military works you know that story is BS!

2. He killed 1 (ONE) terrorist... Oh, I believe they conducted a drone strike and perhaps even killed A terrorist...but if terrorists just killed 13 Americans and killed / wounded 100+/- more, you're going to retaliate by killing 1 (ONE) terrorist?! Ya think that's going to make them re-think attacking us / the airport again? WEAK-ASS RESPONSE. If I am an ISIS leader and consider the death of 1 of my guys for 13 Americans and a hundred more who aided the Americans, that is an incentive to keep attacking.

And Biden just declared to the world his failed Afghanistan pull-out was an 'EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS'...

Maybe he should tell that to the people he left behind despite promising them he wouldn't.

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