Is It Ok To Refer To Americans Biden Left Behind As 'Stranded' NOW?

If you knew anything about the military you would know KP was done away with decades ago.

Were you ever in the military?

We had all the locals we needed.

Most of them did not want the taliban to come back.

They had suffered under them enough already.
So why did it take 20 years for you to lose the war? If you actually had the help of the locals and they wanted you there they would have helped you defeat the Taliban.
It was still around when I was in the military so if you didnt have KP then they must have kept you on permanent police duty or you were in the air force.

You must be a real old guy. Were you in Vietnam?

So why did it take 20 years for you to lose the war? If you actually had the help of the locals and they wanted you there they would have helped you defeat the Taliban.
We did not lose the war. A handfull of special ops guys on horseback with the help of the AirForce chased the taliban out of Afghanistan very quickly.

Mistakes were made but the War was not lost.
We did not lose the war. A handfull of special ops guys on horseback with the help of the AirForce chased the taliban out of Afghanistan very quickly.

Mistakes were made but the War was not lost.
The war was lost and you guys obviously didnt chase them out of Afghanistan. They just out smarted you and made you think that.
The war was lost and you guys obviously didnt chase them out of Afghanistan. They just out smarted you and made you think that.
Most of them were chased into the tribal lands. Some of them threw their weapons away or hid them and hid out.
Thats basically what I just said. Obviously they knew what you guys were doing and just were biding their time.
You don't know the history.

'Weeks after Al Qaeda attacked the United States on Sept. 11, President George W. Bush announced that American forces had launched attacks against the terrorist group and Taliban targets in Afghanistan.
Mr. Bush said the Taliban, which then governed most of Afghanistan, had rejected his demand to turn over Al Qaeda leaders who had planned the attacks from bases inside Afghanistan. He said he intended to bring Al Qaeda leaders to justice, adding, “Now the Taliban will pay a price.”
“These carefully targeted actions are designed to disrupt the use of Afghanistan as a terrorist base of operations, and to attack the military capability of the Taliban regime,” the president said.
Even then, the president warned that Operation Enduring Freedom would entail “a lengthy campaign unlike any other we have ever seen.”

By December 2001, Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda, and other top commanders had fled to safety in Pakistan, a nominal U.S. ally. American forces did not pursue them, and Pakistan ultimately evolved into a safe haven for Taliban fighters, who in subsequent years crossed the border to attack American and Afghan forces.
Inside Afghanistan, American troops quickly toppled the Taliban government and crushed its fighting forces.'

How the ‘Horse Soldiers’ helped liberate Afghanistan from the Taliban 18 years ago



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By December 2001, Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda, and other top commanders had fled to safety in Pakistan, a nominal U.S. ally. American forces did not pursue them, and Pakistan ultimately evolved into a safe haven for Taliban fighters, who in subsequent years crossed the border to attack American and Afghan forces.
So Pakistan did the exact same thing the Taliban did but we didnt attack them? So your claim that we beat them is false. How did the US beat them if they were still attacking?
So Pakistan did the exact same thing the Taliban did but we didnt attack them? So your claim that we beat them is false. How did the US beat them if they were still attacking?
We beat them in Afghanistan.

Bush made a big mistake after that....kowtowing to Pakistan and allowing the taliban man to have a safe haven in the tribal lands of Pakistan.

From whence they harassed us for 20 yrs.

Bush was not called a moron for no reason.

After allowing the Chinese in the Korean War to have a safe haven in China and in the VietNam war allowing the N. Vietnamese to have a safe have in N. Vietnam though they attacked us in S. Vietnam we should have known better than to allow the taliban to also have a safe haven.

Though LBJ did occasionally bomb N. Vietnam.

LBJ was to scared of China to really go into N. Vietnam.
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No we didnt. You said it yourself. They kept coming back.

Yes they would infiltrate in and harass us.

Pakistan played a double game. Bush and all the Presidents after him tolerated it.

The biggest mistake of all however was attempting to engage in Nation Bldg. that is what cost us trillions of dollars.

We could have maintained the status quo in Afghanistan for the forseeable future if we had stopped with the nation bldg b.s. with very few boots on the ground supported by drones and airforce attack planes.

And we could have done so with very few casualties. We had the lowest casualty rate in Afghanistan of any war we were ever in.

No combat deaths at all in the previous 2 yrs.
Well, I for one dispute in a Great Nation does not run away.

We could have easily stayed and at very little cost---financially wise and casualty wise.

All we needed to do really was to get out of the Nation Bldg. fiasco which was what cost us trillions of dollars and focused strictly on keeping the taliban out of Afghanistan.

We could have done that with very few boots on the ground and with the help of lots of drones and Airforce Attack Aircraft.

By maintaining the status quo we could have kept the Chinese out of this very strategic area and just as importantly put a damper on terrorism in the whole area.

In addition to all that we should have pursued an alliance with India who could be an extremely valuable ally in our struggle to contain China.

Also we needed to crack down on Pakistan and their double game and began to attack the taliban in their safe haven in the tribal lands of Pakistan.

None of this is rocket science...why Trump did not seize on the above is very disappointing.

I think he let the media and all the hatred they generated wear him down, not to mention all the betrayals he suffered from his own people--the rinos etc. and perhaps he also listened to his favorite daughter too much.
Once we pulled out all of the troops before evacuating all the citizens, gave up Bagram, and gave up control of Kabul we had no choice but to leave. With the airport surrounded, no chance for Americans to make it through the ring & checkpoints, and after the Taliban allowed terrorists to attack the airport and fire at departing jets at will it was like shooting fish in a barrel for them.

To retake control of Kabul after refusing to take the Taliban's offer to secure it ourselves to begin with we would have had to go house-to-house to completely clear it and secure a route for Americans to make it to the airport. And if we stayed just inside the airport more rockets would have hit inside / hit the airport, and eventually a plan might have been shot down.

Just about every bad decision that could have been made was made throughout the process.
No we didnt. You said it yourself. They kept coming back.
We would never have 'beaten' them as long as the status quo remained.

By that I mean this:

Every fall / early winter the Taliban fighters would leave for northern Pakistan, which is heavily pro-Taliban, to ride out the harsh winter, regroup, rearm, plan, and prep to return in the spring. We were not allowed to touch them in Pakistan. Pakistan has been doing a political balancing act for years - the north is Pro-Taliban while the Southern regions are not. To keep the peace and make everyone happy The former govt of Pakistan would announce they were going to conduct military patrols in the North to drive the Taliban out, giving them plenty of time to move around or either conduct the patrols when the Taliban were leaving Pakistan and going back into Afghanistan.

You can't defeat an enemy that has a safe haven like that. They just keep / kept coming back every spring, over and over and over.
We would never have 'beaten' them as long as the status quo remained.

By that I mean this:

Every fall / early winter the Taliban fighters would leave for northern Pakistan, which is heavily pro-Taliban, to ride out the harsh winter, regroup, rearm, plan, and prep to return in the spring. We were not allowed to touch them in Pakistan. Pakistan has been doing a political balancing act for years - the north is Pro-Taliban while the Southern regions are not. To keep the peace and make everyone happy The former govt of Pakistan would announce they were going to conduct military patrols in the North to drive the Taliban out, giving them plenty of time to move around or either conduct the patrols when the Taliban were leaving Pakistan and going back into Afghanistan.

You can't defeat an enemy that has a safe haven like that. They just keep / kept coming back every spring, over and over and over.
First of all we did not need to 'defeat' them to maintain the status quo. We sustained a very low casualty rate in Afghanistan ....lower than any other war.

There were no Amerivan combat deaths in Afghanistan in the last two yrs.

However it was a mistake not to go into the tribal lands and eliminate their safe haven.
We would never have 'beaten' them as long as the status quo remained.

By that I mean this:

Every fall / early winter the Taliban fighters would leave for northern Pakistan, which is heavily pro-Taliban, to ride out the harsh winter, regroup, rearm, plan, and prep to return in the spring. We were not allowed to touch them in Pakistan. Pakistan has been doing a political balancing act for years - the north is Pro-Taliban while the Southern regions are not. To keep the peace and make everyone happy The former govt of Pakistan would announce they were going to conduct military patrols in the North to drive the Taliban out, giving them plenty of time to move around or either conduct the patrols when the Taliban were leaving Pakistan and going back into Afghanistan.

You can't defeat an enemy that has a safe haven like that. They just keep / kept coming back every spring, over and over and over.
That is my entire point. The US didnt beat the Taliban like was claimed by Persuader. When you "beat" someone they basically say "uncle" and dont keep taking swings at you.

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