Is it possible for the democrats to look any more Stupider?

Between the Green thing and VA I think not….

Is this a hoot or what?

Thank you President Donald J. Trump…

All the shit the left has thrown at him has come back on them ten-fold.

Trump has drove them all insane……

I am not a real religious man but it looks like God is mad at them…..

It's possible for Democrats to look a LOT stupider. They could look like Trump and his supporters. You know, the guy that the entire membership of the United Nations laughed at when he called himself the greatest President in history, that the NATO members laughed at, when he blithered about them owing the US money.

The could look like Trump who walked out on Nancy Pelosi and then caved to her demands utterly. He could look like Trump, who couldn't be bothered to honour WWII Vets because he was having a bad hair day.

Only the truly ignorant think the UN is anything more than a bunch of leftist parasites…

You are very confused, Trump is SPANKING your libtarded asses day in and day out…..

By the way it’s honor not “honour”

Later Dip Shit

You seem to have a different definition of "spanking" liberal asses than I expected. The Mid-Term elections were definitely a "spanking". The worst loss by the party of a sitting President in the mid-terms in history.

I'm guessing you missed the results of the mid-term elections. Trump suffered the biggest mid-term election losses for a sitting President in American history. Trump told voters to vote like he was on the ticket, and they did.

Or the debacle of the government shutdown. In case you've forgotten, Nancy Pelosi said "No" to the wall and Trump stomped out in a huff, saying he wouldn't budge until he got his $5 billion for the wall. Chuck and Nancy offered Trump $25 billion for his wall last year in exchange for a path to citizenship for the DACA kids, and Trump agreed to it. Then Stephen Miller said "No" and Trump renigged. That's a weak move if ever there was one. Combined with his renegging on the CR before Christimas, that's twice Trump has agreed to a deal and then renegged. Makes him look very weak.

Trump says he saved the world from war with Korea. Kim has played Trump like a cheap violin. He's tripled his stock of nuclear weapons, and acquired an intercontinental ballistic missile, all on Trump's watch.

The world is laughing at your stupid clown. He has no honour, no decency, coddles your enemies, and declares friends and allies "security risks". Farmers are in dire straights, and taxpayers filling out their new tax returns are discovering that the they got screwed on the tax cuts.

Americans are embarassed by the crude, lude, rude asshole conservatives elected. The Republican Party will not survive having allowed his candidacy or enabling his excesses and incompetence. More and more Americans are leaving the Republican Party, and they won't be going back.
Between the Green thing and VA I think not….

Is this a hoot or what?

Thank you President Donald J. Trump…

All the shit the left has thrown at him has come back on them ten-fold.

Trump has drove them all insane……

I am not a real religious man but it looks like God is mad at them…..
Cute title.
Between the Green thing and VA I think not….

Is this a hoot or what?

Thank you President Donald J. Trump…

All the shit the left has thrown at him has come back on them ten-fold.

Trump has drove them all insane……

I am not a real religious man but it looks like God is mad at them…..

LOL...this from a man who typed the title and only capitalized (other than the first word) 'Stupider'?

It was for effect tard.....
Sure it is, Einstein. Sure it is.....:21:

Have you ever heard of String Theory?

If in fact true,

I would bet you’re a Dumb Ass in Every Dimension.
Between the Green thing and VA I think not….

Is this a hoot or what?

Thank you President Donald J. Trump…

All the shit the left has thrown at him has come back on them ten-fold.

Trump has drove them all insane……

I am not a real religious man but it looks like God is mad at them…..

It's possible for Democrats to look a LOT stupider. They could look like Trump and his supporters. You know, the guy that the entire membership of the United Nations laughed at when he called himself the greatest President in history, that the NATO members laughed at, when he blithered about them owing the US money.

The could look like Trump who walked out on Nancy Pelosi and then caved to her demands utterly. He could look like Trump, who couldn't be bothered to honour WWII Vets because he was having a bad hair day.

"... and then caved to her demands utterly."

Now there is a sentence fragment from hell!
Between the Green thing and VA I think not….

Is this a hoot or what?

Thank you President Donald J. Trump…

All the shit the left has thrown at him has come back on them ten-fold.

Trump has drove them all insane……

I am not a real religious man but it looks like God is mad at them…..
No, what’s stupid is this thread premise – a failed and pathetic attempt to deflect from Trump’s many legal problems, Trump having been defeated on the government shutdown, and the fact that the Trump/GOP agenda is dead, and thankfully so.

Indeed, it’s Republicans who look stupid in their continued support of Trump, the stupidity of conservatives to not realize the fact that Trump has no idea what he’s doing, Republicans too stupid to realize that they’re supporting an incompetent, feckless political neophyte.

Hey Gargoyle….

The deflection is all yours…

The Fisa Warrant was Bull Shit from the get go…

The Vast Majority of the Corruption is on the Left…

You Tards are just Butt Hurt because

President Donald J. Trump Spanked your Asses………….

Can’t wait “til” 2020………

It has got to suck to be you…
Between the Green thing and VA I think not….

Is this a hoot or what?

Thank you President Donald J. Trump…

All the shit the left has thrown at him has come back on them ten-fold.

Trump has drove them all insane……

I am not a real religious man but it looks like God is mad at them…..
Cute title.

It did the trick...……………..
Between the Green thing and VA I think not….

Is this a hoot or what?

Thank you President Donald J. Trump…

All the shit the left has thrown at him has come back on them ten-fold.

Trump has drove them all insane……

I am not a real religious man but it looks like God is mad at them…..

It's possible for Democrats to look a LOT stupider. They could look like Trump and his supporters. You know, the guy that the entire membership of the United Nations laughed at when he called himself the greatest President in history, that the NATO members laughed at, when he blithered about them owing the US money.

The could look like Trump who walked out on Nancy Pelosi and then caved to her demands utterly. He could look like Trump, who couldn't be bothered to honour WWII Vets because he was having a bad hair day.

Only the truly ignorant think the UN is anything more than a bunch of leftist parasites…

You are very confused, Trump is SPANKING your libtarded asses day in and day out…..

By the way it’s honor not “honour”

Later Dip Shit

You seem to have a different definition of "spanking" liberal asses than I expected. The Mid-Term elections were definitely a "spanking". The worst loss by the party of a sitting President in the mid-terms in history.

I'm guessing you missed the results of the mid-term elections. Trump suffered the biggest mid-term election losses for a sitting President in American history. Trump told voters to vote like he was on the ticket, and they did.

Or the debacle of the government shutdown. In case you've forgotten, Nancy Pelosi said "No" to the wall and Trump stomped out in a huff, saying he wouldn't budge until he got his $5 billion for the wall. Chuck and Nancy offered Trump $25 billion for his wall last year in exchange for a path to citizenship for the DACA kids, and Trump agreed to it. Then Stephen Miller said "No" and Trump renigged. That's a weak move if ever there was one. Combined with his renegging on the CR before Christimas, that's twice Trump has agreed to a deal and then renegged. Makes him look very weak.

Trump says he saved the world from war with Korea. Kim has played Trump like a cheap violin. He's tripled his stock of nuclear weapons, and acquired an intercontinental ballistic missile, all on Trump's watch.

The world is laughing at your stupid clown. He has no honour, no decency, coddles your enemies, and declares friends and allies "security risks". Farmers are in dire straights, and taxpayers filling out their new tax returns are discovering that the they got screwed on the tax cuts.

Americans are embarassed by the crude, lude, rude asshole conservatives elected. The Republican Party will not survive having allowed his candidacy or enabling his excesses and incompetence. More and more Americans are leaving the Republican Party, and they won't be going back.

"The worst loss by the party of a sitting President in the mid-terms in history."

Why do you lie? Are you that stupid?

WTF is "renigged", "renegging", and "renegged"?

That is a triple header of stupid!
Between the Green thing and VA I think not….

Is this a hoot or what?

Thank you President Donald J. Trump…

All the shit the left has thrown at him has come back on them ten-fold.

Trump has drove them all insane……

I am not a real religious man but it looks like God is mad at them…..

It's possible for Democrats to look a LOT stupider. They could look like Trump and his supporters. You know, the guy that the entire membership of the United Nations laughed at when he called himself the greatest President in history, that the NATO members laughed at, when he blithered about them owing the US money.

The could look like Trump who walked out on Nancy Pelosi and then caved to her demands utterly. He could look like Trump, who couldn't be bothered to honour WWII Vets because he was having a bad hair day.

"... and then caved to her demands utterly."

Now there is a sentence fragment from hell!
It's not a sentence fragment; it is a dependent clause and it is punctuated correctly, even. If you're talking about the message, fine. If you're talking about the grammar, yes, it might have been advisable to put the adverb directly after the verb, but there are only three words interceding, so most people can get it. And putting "utterly" as the last word gives it more emphasis.
Is it possible for the democrats to look any more Stupider?

They could if they made a thread with a grammatically preposterous title.

It was written for TARDS like yourself…

I wanted you to get my drift…

The word is draft. You pulled down your pants, revealing your ass, showing everyone your draft.

I love your avatar…

How many BJ’s and up the poop Shute scenes

will she have to do to pay Trump off?

Karma baby…

Is life good or what?:fu:
Between the Green thing and VA I think not….

Is this a hoot or what?

Thank you President Donald J. Trump…

All the shit the left has thrown at him has come back on them ten-fold.

Trump has drove them all insane……

I am not a real religious man but it looks like God is mad at them…..

It's possible for Democrats to look a LOT stupider. They could look like Trump and his supporters. You know, the guy that the entire membership of the United Nations laughed at when he called himself the greatest President in history, that the NATO members laughed at, when he blithered about them owing the US money.

The could look like Trump who walked out on Nancy Pelosi and then caved to her demands utterly. He could look like Trump, who couldn't be bothered to honour WWII Vets because he was having a bad hair day.

"... and then caved to her demands utterly."

Now there is a sentence fragment from hell!
It's not a sentence fragment; it is a dependent clause and it is punctuated correctly, even. If you're talking about the message, fine. If you're talking about the grammar, yes, it might have been advisable to put the adverb directly after the verb, but there are only three words interceding, so most people can get it. And putting "utterly" as the last word gives it more emphasis.

Content is everything and you are full of SHIT……
This thread delivers!!

Especially the posts where good ol' dino is trying the "I meant to do that" crap! Hilarious!!

View attachment 244902

What's up there Mr. Analogy:fu:
Did you ever look that word up boyo?

Don't have to Dip Shit....

You are an idiot....

You're wrong.

You know you're wrong.

You refuse to rectify the situation.

That's the very definition of idiocy.
more stupider?


Yeah: my dad often made that error but then again English was his seventh language.


So he was illiterate in 7 languages! I can beat that! I am illiterate in several hundred languages.

His literacy was sufficient to run a successful business and write a book in both his native tongue and English. So I would say that he was quite good at the English lingo in most cases. You, however, seem illiterate in all seven hundred of the languages you boast about.

But to wit:

Is stupider a word?
It turns out stupider is an actual word. Stupider and more stupid are both comparative forms of the adjective stupid. They can be used interchangeably. In the English language, stupid is one of just a few adjectives that have two grammatically-correct options for their comparative form. (In case you were wondering, the superlative forms of stupid are stupidest and most stupid).

When do you use stupider?
The word stupid is an adjective that refers to someone or something that’s foolish or senseless. If you want to compare two things that are stupid, use the comparative (stupider/more stupid) form of stupid to describe which has a greater level of stupidity.

For example, you could say “Thing A is stupid, but thing B is stupider.” This would express that you find thing B to have a greater level of stupidness than thing A. If you said “Thing B is more stupid than thing A,” it would mean the same thing as the first sentence. Both sentences show the comparative relationship between things A and B.

The Comparative part of speech has many little rules native speakers take for granted, eg, "You are the stupidest" is correct while "you are the most stupid" is ALSO correct. Both are in fact correct.

This thread delivers!!

Especially the posts where good ol' dino is trying the "I meant to do that" crap! Hilarious!!

View attachment 244902

What's up there Mr. Analogy:fu:
Did you ever look that word up boyo?

Don't have to Dip Shit....

You are an idiot....

You're wrong.

You know you're wrong.

You refuse to rectify the situation.

That's the very definition of idiocy.

OK Dip Shit, lets cut to the Chase…………

Would you like to make a Wager Chicken Shit?

I know you won’t put your money where your mouth is…………………

Unless you are “ More Stupider” than I thought…..
more stupider?


Yeah: my dad often made that error but then again English was his seventh language.


So he was illiterate in 7 languages! I can beat that! I am illiterate in several hundred languages.

His literacy was sufficient to run a successful business and write a book in both his native tongue and English. So I would say that he was quite good at the English lingo in most cases. You, however, seem illiterate in all seven hundred of the languages you boast about.

But to wit:

Is stupider a word?
It turns out stupider is an actual word. Stupider and more stupid are both comparative forms of the adjective stupid. They can be used interchangeably. In the English language, stupid is one of just a few adjectives that have two grammatically-correct options for their comparative form. (In case you were wondering, the superlative forms of stupid are stupidest and most stupid).

When do you use stupider?
The word stupid is an adjective that refers to someone or something that’s foolish or senseless. If you want to compare two things that are stupid, use the comparative (stupider/more stupid) form of stupid to describe which has a greater level of stupidity.

For example, you could say “Thing A is stupid, but thing B is stupider.” This would express that you find thing B to have a greater level of stupidness than thing A. If you said “Thing B is more stupid than thing A,” it would mean the same thing as the first sentence. Both sentences show the comparative relationship between things A and B.

The Comparative part of speech has many little rules native speakers take for granted, eg, "You are the stupidest" is correct while "you are the most stupid" is ALSO correct. Both are in fact correct.


Libtards don’t have to go to Jupiter to get More Stupider…

Stupid on top of Stupid is their nature.

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