Is it really as simple a "Good vs Evil"? A Vatican Archbishop explains why Trump is a good guy...(Poll)

Is the 2020 election generally about "Good vs Evil"?

  • Yes, I generally agree with the Archbishop's letter to President Trump

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • No, politics is much more nuanced than "Good vs Evil", generally both sides are evil

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Archbishop has it backwards, Trump is evil and abortions are good.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
After reading Archbishop Vigano's letter to President Trump, it seems that what many Trump supporters have been saying all along is true, POLL.

In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.

These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation. (continued in link...)

Donald Trump gets an endorsement from an Archibishop of the most corrupt religion on the face of the planet - the Roman Catholic Church. Responsible for the Crusades, the witch burnings the Spanish Inquisition, the Genocide of South American tribes, and a child sexual abuse scandal on a massive worldwide scale.

That's almost as impressive as his KKK endorsement.
Lies mixed with truth. There's so much deception going on right now, and the most effective lies are lies that are mixed with truth
??? So how did you vote? Who do you think is better for the US?

I didn't vote in the last election. I have never believed that Trump is a conservative or true Republican, and I stopped trusting him once I heard him give the Clintons the highest praise, on a few occasions. He was friends with them, they were at his wedding, etc. He was for partial birth abortion, called himself strongly prochoice, he is New York liberal, and I don't believe he had some sort of genuine radical transformation.

Plus, his own actions and words prove that he is not to be trusted, in my opinion.

Furthermore, I think the entire system is beyond corrupt and basically rigged, and voting is pointless because the powers that be control both sides and would never let a true patriot / honest principled individual who cares about freedom and the people anywhere near the presidency.

I know this will make people mad, but I believe he's basically a puppet playing the part of a "nationalist Republican." In other words controlled opposition.
1. You need to look at Trump from 2015 to today. Not when he was a typical NYC democrat. Look at his record since elected, here are his "promises kept". He keeps his promises, that's more than I can say about most pols:

2. What actions and words prove that he can't be trusted? Are you tracking Trump's "lies"? Gotta be over a billion?! He exaggerates, he was in real estate and on TV, he also "thinks out-loud" which is a bad habit that he needs to lose.

3. Agree that before 2016 the "deep state" controlled both parties and DC. Trump's win proved that the good guys can win occasionally. The "globalist" powers that be are still going crazy with TDS.

4. Trump responds to ratings, his base is his primary audience. He thrives on his rallys. He knows that if he crosses the party line he's toast.

5. I hope you reconsider voting in November.
Donald Trump gets an endorsement from an Archibishop of the most corrupt religion on the face of the planet

The worst Catholic is a better person than you, you sick degenerate. A cursory look at your previous posts tells me you are just another doer of evil.
OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop.
I might describe him as a "bull in a China shop", or a "loose cannon". Not a "team player". Those are pluses.

Old school Catholics are usually conservatives. CINO's are usually liberals. In a church of over a billion people, when half are bad apples thats a lot of bad apples. The good honest practicing Catholics never get media attention. hey are the real Catholics.
I love to see the CINOs tap dance around the abortion issue because their jobs depend on it.
Chris Matthews goes into contortions when asked about what the Church requires
Nancy Pelosi avoids discussing
Biden, Cuomo, and most pols its "settled law"
Most of the USSC are Catholics, yet they need to play the dodge game when nominated

I often wonder what would happen if the Church "Ex-Communicated" CINOs for their abortion stances? Probably switch religions?

Favouring choice is not favouring abortion. It allow people to make their own choices based on their own beliefs.

A Catholic who votes for choice is voting for the free will God gave us all. To deny women the right to choose to have a baby, you are flouting our free will and our most basic rights.
After reading Archbishop Vigano's letter to President Trump, it seems that what many Trump supporters have been saying all along is true, POLL.

In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.

These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation. (continued in link...)

Donald Trump gets an endorsement from an Archibishop of the most corrupt religion on the face of the planet - the Roman Catholic Church. Responsible for the Crusades, the witch burnings the Spanish Inquisition, the Genocide of South American tribes, and a child sexual abuse scandal on a massive worldwide scale.

That's almost as impressive as his KKK endorsement.
LOL!! That's the best you can do? The Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades? Irrelevant, you lose the debate.
Genocide of South American tribes is a new one? How did the church manage that?

Keep telling yourself that the billion Catholics on the planet and most of the USSC are bad.
I didn't vote in the last election. I have never believed that Trump is a conservative or true Republican, and I stopped trusting him once I heard him give the Clintons the highest praise, on a few occasions. He was friends with them, they were at his wedding, etc. He was for partial birth abortion, called himself strongly prochoice, he is New York liberal, and I don't believe he had some sort of genuine radical transformation.

Plus, his own actions and words prove that he is not to be trusted, in my opinion.

Furthermore, I think the entire system is beyond corrupt and basically rigged, and voting is pointless because the powers that be control both sides and would never let a true patriot / honest principled individual who cares about freedom and the people anywhere near the presidency.

I know this will make people mad, but I believe he's basically a puppet playing the part of a "nationalist Republican." In other words, 'controlled opposition.'

There is way too much wrong-headed thinking in that post for me to grapple with.
Donald Trump gets an endorsement from an Archibishop of the most corrupt religion on the face of the planet

The worst Catholic is a better person than you, you sick degenerate. A cursory look at your previous posts tells me you are just another doer of evil.
No true walker of the righteous path talks like you. Just another holier than thou hypocrite that passes by on the other side every time.
Favouring choice is not favouring abortion

Imagine saying, "I am against rapng women, but if someone else wants to rape women then they should have that choice."

The stupidity of that position is the stupidity of your position.

Favoring the choice to murder innocent children is equal in evil to favoring their murder outright. Your difference is a fantasy, meant to excuse your guilt.
No true walker of the righteous path talks like you

Shut up. You who support murdering children by abortion, sodomy, and socialism need to shut their mouths when it comes to Christianity.

You are Satan's tool. Get back, sit down and shut up.

And by the way, to others here: Jesus laid the insults on pretty thick to the evil pharisees, and I do no less to the evil Leftists.
I didn't vote in the last election. I have never believed that Trump is a conservative or true Republican, and I stopped trusting him once I heard him give the Clintons the highest praise, on a few occasions. He was friends with them, they were at his wedding, etc. He was for partial birth abortion, called himself strongly prochoice, he is New York liberal, and I don't believe he had some sort of genuine radical transformation.

Plus, his own actions and words prove that he is not to be trusted, in my opinion.

Furthermore, I think the entire system is beyond corrupt and basically rigged, and voting is pointless because the powers that be control both sides and would never let a true patriot / honest principled individual who cares about freedom and the people anywhere near the presidency.

I know this will make people mad, but I believe he's basically a puppet playing the part of a "nationalist Republican." In other words, 'controlled opposition.'

There is way too much wrong-headed thinking in that post for me to grapple with.

If you think it's wrong to trust one's gut and to not support someone who has continually done things that I disagree with, then I don't know what to tell you. That speaks about you, not me.

You will see, eventually. Mark my words.
Looks like a lot of "your not black enough" to vote for Sleepy Joe, the groper, Biden people. Is everyone in that room a racist then? Or is it only Democrat blacks that are the racists?
No true walker of the righteous path talks like you

Shut up. You who support murdering children by abortion, sodomy, and socialism need to shut their mouths when it comes to Christianity.

You are Satan's tool. Get back, sit down and shut up.

And by the way, to others here: Jesus laid the insults on pretty thick to the evil pharisees, and I do no less to the evil Leftists.
You don't know what I support, you just assume and judge just like every other hypocrite with Jesus in their mouth and the devil in their hearts.
Religion in the service of politics makes both evil.

Stupid post.

The church is called to promote Christian values. The Democrats are the enemy of God so it is good for the church to promote we who are fighting that enemy.

Trump has done more for the Pro Life cause than any other POTUS and God knows it.

Democrats are the manifestion of Evil in the world: Sexual perversion and sodomy, infanticide, socialism, squashing our God-given rights.... ...the Democrats promote evil. God knows that too.

Look at you all self righteous and calling people out as degenerates after being on this board all of 6 hours. I am both an elder of the Presbyterian Church and a former a Sunday school Teacher.

I don’t take well to condescending pieces of shit thinking they all that and bag peanuts, but I am accustomed to mindless stupidity from the right.

The worst Catholics raped young boys And covered it up for decades. The worst Catholics are those at the highest levels of the Church who knew about it and did nothing to protect the children. That CB includes the Archbishop who wrote to Trump.

I have an even lower opinion of child molesters and their enablers than I do of condescending right wing idiots such as yourself.

Just what this board needs. Another entitled idiot right winger with no manners and ever fewer clues.
Favouring choice is not favouring abortion

Imagine saying, "I am against rapng women, but if someone else wants to rape women then they should have that choice."

The stupidity of that position is the stupidity of your position.

Favoring the choice to murder innocent children is equal in evil to favoring their murder outright. Your difference is a fantasy, meant to excuse your guilt.

That’s an equivalency fallacy. You’re proposing harming a living human being.

The decision of whether or not to bring a pregnancy to term is a lifelong decision there is no going back from, and if a woman is not financially or emotionally in a position to make a lifelong commitment to that child and it’s needs, an abortion may be her only choice.

Abortion is nearly always financial but you would do nothing to increase wages, provide health care, maternity leave, or income supports to young families.

You care nothing for the children, once they’re born. So fuck off with your phoney cries about innocent children. You don’t give a rats ass about poor children.

You just want to humiliate and shame women for having sex.
I have never believed that Trump is a conservative or true Republican, and I stopped trusting him once I heard him give the Clintons the highest praise, on a few occasions. He was friends with them, they were at his wedding, etc. He was for partial birth abortion, called himself strongly prochoice, he is New York liberal, and I don't believe he had some sort of genuine radical transformation.

Plus, his own actions and words prove that he is not to be trusted, in my opinion.

Furthermore, I think the entire system is beyond corrupt and basically rigged, and voting is pointless because the powers that be control both sides and would never let a true patriot / honest principled individual who cares about freedom and the people anywhere near the presidency.

I know this will make people mad, but I believe he's basically a puppet playing the part of a "nationalist Republican." In other words, 'controlled opposition.'

Yeah. Pretty much.
Arc Bishop Vigano is a shame for the Holy Catholic Church. He preaches political conspiracy theories, which have nothing to do with a clear mind and a loving heart. He darkens what needs to be enlightened.
... OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop. ...

The conference of the German bishops (=all bishops) made clear no one of them shares his opinions (and also not the opinions of Cardinal Gerhard Müller and Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun) - although they normally do not comment, what bishops outside of Germany do or say. Specially the conspiracy theories around the theme "Corona" are totally wrong and counterproductive.

I agree with the opinion of Generalvikar Klaus Pfeffer, who said: Er sei "einfach nur fassungslos, was da im Namen von Kirche und Christentum verbreitet wird: Krude Verschwörungstheorien ohne Fakten und Belege, verbunden mit einer rechtspopulistischen Kampf-Rhetorik, die beängstigend klingt."
I try to translate this: He said: "I am stunned, what there is spreaded in the name of church and Christianity: Crude conspiration theories without facts and proofs, combined with a right-wing populist militant rhetoric, which sounds frightening".
Source: Deutsche Bischöfe auf Distanz zu Corona-Aufruf von Viganò und Müller

And to make this clear again. All members of the German bishop conference (= in the moment 69 members) do not share the crude political ideas from Arc Bishop Vigano.
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I often wonder what would happen if the Church "Ex-Communicated" CINOs for their abortion stances? Probably switch religions?

Most Catholics are not even aware that automatic excommunication is attached to procuring an abortion. It is only lifted if they repent. Most people who have abortions today think that it is acceptable so they never repent. There could be thousands of Catholics walking around totally unaware that they are officially excommunicated. ...

Nevertheless is it wrong to abort human beings. Thou shalt not kill!
OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop.
I might describe him as a "bull in a China shop", or a "loose cannon". Not a "team player". Those are pluses.

Old school Catholics are usually conservatives. CINO's are usually liberals. In a church of over a billion people, when half are bad apples thats a lot of bad apples. The good honest practicing Catholics never get media attention. hey are the real Catholics.
I love to see the CINOs tap dance around the abortion issue because their jobs depend on it.
Chris Matthews goes into contortions when asked about what the Church requires
Nancy Pelosi avoids discussing
Biden, Cuomo, and most pols its "settled law"
Most of the USSC are Catholics, yet they need to play the dodge game when nominated

I often wonder what would happen if the Church "Ex-Communicated" CINOs for their abortion stances? Probably switch religions?

Favouring choice is not favouring abortion. It allow people to make their own choices based on their own beliefs.

A Catholic who votes for choice is voting for the free will God gave us all. To deny women the right to choose to have a baby, you are flouting our free will and our most basic rights.

A Catholic, who makes an abortion, is not aware that he kills a human being. Thou shalt not kill! This darkness of the mind is a result of a very sophisticated political propaganda since decades. An extremist left-wing propaganda in this case.

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