Is it really as simple a "Good vs Evil"? A Vatican Archbishop explains why Trump is a good guy...(Poll)

Is the 2020 election generally about "Good vs Evil"?

  • Yes, I generally agree with the Archbishop's letter to President Trump

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • No, politics is much more nuanced than "Good vs Evil", generally both sides are evil

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Archbishop has it backwards, Trump is evil and abortions are good.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
1. Trump is right,

If someone thinks about Trump then this is not a question of good or bad weather. It's a question of weather at all.

so is Vigano to see it.

Archbishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

Narcissm is irrelevant,

Anders Behring Breivick for example had a narcissistic personality disorder.

its his actions that matter. What if Trump had autism or some other personality disorder? Would that make everything he does wrong? Of course not.

Sure it would. An autistic for example is not able to be president of the USA.

2. Vigano sees that Trump's actions are better for families. Families are at the center of Catholicism.

Vigano speaks nonsense. And he did not remember Donald Trump to be a better family father.

3. If you hate what Trump is doing you just don't understand how beneficial it is for US families.

Trump caused problems which will need long years - even decades - to be solved. Specially he destroyed the reliability and reputation of the USA and destroyed trust in the USA and within the USA.

4. The US had stupid trade policies for decades. Trump is making the world play fairly.

A good one. Trump is a racist darwinist - or did you never listen what he said?

5. God first may work elsewhere but the US Constitution requires separation of "church and state".

Archbishop Vigano speaks not in the name of the Church. He speaks private - and he speaks nonsense. What he did was an attack against the Holy Catholic Church. He tries to force the pope to have to say something to the crude ideas of Vigano and others.

But Trump's policy on abortion is better than the democrat's.

Funny. Did you ever see any change in the numbers of abortions because republicans or democrats were governing the USA? By the way. Why do you think Trump is a republican at all? The republicans are only a tool in his hands. Trump is a Trumpist. And only loyal Trumpists count for him. Not loyal US-Americans.

6. US soldiers have nothing to do with leaving the EU, its the wasted tax dollars.


7. Fine, buy Russian gas,

Sure we do. We do so since world war 2. Such businesses stabilize peace and independence. Whether two pipelines or three pipelines go to Europe changes nothing. But not to communicate with an ally and to prefer to declare war on this ally is really a masterpiece of stupidity in the US-American politics.

but we're not paying to keep troops there to protect you from the Russians.

Idiot mine - we protected not only you from the Soviets. And the Soviets-empire died in Russia in 1991. The Russia today is another theme than the theme Russia was, when Trump was a young child. By the way: Was he ever young?

That would be stupid.

You are stupid! When your nation betrayed the Kurds in Syria and Turkey this was only a new confirmation of an old prejudice that US-Americans in general are extreme bad in knowledge about the human nature and don't know who are their friends and who are their enemies. A British-Prussian heritage, I guess.

1. We disagree about Trump and Vigano. We'll see in November how voters feel.

What's totally unimportant for me.

2. If a candidate is not qualified to be president, the primaries and general election would toss him out. Trump won, so he is obviously qualified.

2016: Clinton: 48.18% of the votes - Trump: 46.09% of the votes =>turnout was 60.2%. So Trump wan because about 28% of all people, who had the right to vote, voted for him. This means 72% of all this US-Americans did not vote for him. And Trump is not the president of all US-Americans - he is only the president of the people, who vote for him. So I guess Trump is "president" of much less than 20% of the total population of the USA, if I count also children and other not-voters.

3. If you think Trump destroyed the reputation of the USA, we disagree.

I don't think, I know he destroyed the reputation of the USA. Since 4th of July 1776 the USA had not such a catastrophal bad reputation in Germany than it has now under Trump. No one here ever thougt such a low level is possible at all.

Within the USA Trump is a hero.

Like senator John McCain?

He destroyed the "deep state" bureaucrats that thought they controlled the US government.[/Quiote]

Nothing new to me that Trump is a destroyer. But who is able to repair what he destroyed - whatever this could be in this case? Conspiration theory?

If you prefer China, go for it, choose China over the USA, I dare you.

Because Trump said Europe is much more dangerous for the USA than China I take it as if you had said "If you prefer Europe, go for it. Choose Europ over the USA, I dare you".

[Quopte]4. Trump is making the US trade policy fair. You call him a "racist-Darwinist". OK, I don't care what you call him, we like what he's doing. Call us names like the democrats.

Trump thinks he is genetically a member of a superior race. And he thinks only amoral people are able to rule the world. Did you not hear what he said about the future of his poor new born son?

5. Vigano's letter to Trump was the truth.

Archbishop Vigano is a shame for the Holy Catholic Church. He speaks nonsense.

Voters in the US know what democrats stand for, I won't bore you with their policy list, but Trump and the GOP and conservative values are what we want. The German Bishops can prefer democrat policies over Republican/Trump policies, but they would be very wrong.

All 69 bishops of German dioceses made very clear that no one of them supports the crude conspiracy theories of Archbishop Vigano.

6. Your comment about "scalps" is nonsense. We want US troops out of the EU because its too expensive and we need the money to battle China and NK.

One moment. Did you say here now you will battle China? Trumps intentions is to do a war with China? ... Hmmm ... And which result do you expect from this war?

7. Who declared war on an ally? Don't post nonsense.

I know very well what I said. You declared war against Germany, Russia, Switzerland and the free world economy with your idea around the political pamphlet "Protecting Europe's Energy Securoity Act of 2019". No one has to accept this declaration of war - but this makes nothing better in the ignorance, intrigance, arrogance and agressions of the US-American people and the US-American politics. The idea "divide et impera" caused always a stupid politics in history.

The US military presence in the EU over the last 75-years kept the peace. You're welcome. Now its time to move on, we have bigger fish to fry.

China = fish to fry. Are you sure you are not an idiot?

The US did NOT betray the Kurds.

As far as I am able to see you did.

The Turks (a NATO ally) were invading, Syria, we moved out of their way and saved oil fields for the Kurds to pay for their own defense. That was a win-win.

That was an evil game against the Kurds of the autocrat Erdogan together with the autocrat Donald Trump.

The Turks have their buffer zone,

In the homelands of the Kurds in Syria where Erdogan tries to replace Kurds with Syrian Arabs now.

and the Kurds have oil fields. There was no Kurd massacre.

A racial and/or cultural extinction has many faces.

The generals were wrong, and Trump was right.

Trump is always right - with every extremist shit he is doing. Keeps the question what will come after Trumps disasters.
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After reading Archbishop Vigano's letter to President Trump, it seems that what many Trump supporters have been saying all along is true, POLL.

In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.

These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation. (continued in link...)

This matter is very complicated. Byzantine. Convoluted six ways from a tail chasing the dog it belongs to. Suffice it to say flawed human beings can be and often are the most courageous and righteous of us all. Before Donald Trump no one in Washington, let alone in all of American Politics, stood up to the radicalized left or their republican apologists. The Donald goes farther even than that. He stands up to the decadent, hedonistic, status quo government machine and he dares to call them what they really are, the embodiment of human evil, to their very faces. And do they ever hate him for it.

Donald Trump is a one-in-a-million world leader who never should have been and might not come again for a thousand years. He is a human roadblock on the highway to the end of our American civilization. Some might see him as sent by God to stopgap human extinction. I can't really argue with that, however, such metaphysical dialectics are far above my paygrade. In any case he's something unreal in a very real and cruel world. It's just too damn bad he met and rose to destiny so late in life.

Aha. Did Trump give you money for your cold stoned heart?

Why yes, in a manner of speaking, Trump sent me a check for $1200. I used it to buy a 60" smart television and print a thousand signs featuring pictures of Europe in smoldering ruin after The Donald has his way with the Old World. Germany was a smoking crater. Us American "stone hearts" do try and do what we can to jackboot the rest of the world.

But seriously, perception is nine-tenths of knowing what the hell one is talking about. You lost me somewhere on the road to "Trump is Satan".

Aha. Did Trump give you money for your cold stoned heart?

Why yes, in a manner of speaking, Trump sent me a check for $1200. I used it to buy a 60" smart television and print a thousand signs featuring pictures of Europe in smoldering ruin after The Donald has his way with the Old World. Germany was a smoking crater. Us American "stone hearts" do try and do what we can to jackboot the rest of the world.

But seriously, perception is nine-tenths of knowing what the hell one is talking about. You lost me somewhere on the road to "Trump is Satan".

Donald Trump gave you $1200 from the money your kids will have to pay back. That's okay in times of a crisis. But as far as I heard before this crisis came every middle class household in the USA lost money because of the tax reforms ("socialism for the superrich") of Donald Trump.
After reading Archbishop Vigano's letter to President Trump, it seems that what many Trump supporters have been saying all along is true, POLL.

In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.

These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation. (continued in link...)

This matter is very complicated. Byzantine. Convoluted six ways from a tail chasing the dog it belongs to. Suffice it to say flawed human beings can be and often are the most courageous and righteous of us all. Before Donald Trump no one in Washington, let alone in all of American Politics, stood up to the radicalized left or their republican apologists. The Donald goes farther even than that. He stands up to the decadent, hedonistic, status quo government machine and he dares to call them what they really are, the embodiment of human evil, to their very faces. And do they ever hate him for it.

Donald Trump is a one-in-a-million world leader who never should have been and might not come again for a thousand years. He is a human roadblock on the highway to the end of our American civilization. Some might see him as sent by God to stopgap human extinction. I can't really argue with that, however, such metaphysical dialectics are far above my paygrade. In any case he's something unreal in a very real and cruel world. It's just too damn bad he met and rose to destiny so late in life.

WOW. Your post should be published as an op-ed. Totally agree with just about everything, especially that history is full of great men who have various flaws. I think Trump saw that the US was being sold-out to China and he and Navarro are trying to make things better for US workers. Wall Street created the Chinese monster, and they still don't see the long term damage that was done, all they see are their profits. The Never-Trumpers like Romney as well as the democrats and the Bidens take their bags of Chinese cash and look the other way. So far Trump has done a fantastic job, but he's only started to right the ship.

We'll see in November if the forces of good or the forces of evil determine the outcome.
1. Trump is right,

If someone thinks about Trump then this is not a question of good or bad weather. It's a question of weather at all.

so is Vigano to see it.

Archbishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

Narcissm is irrelevant,

Anders Behring Breivick for example had a narcissistic personality disorder.

its his actions that matter. What if Trump had autism or some other personality disorder? Would that make everything he does wrong? Of course not.

Sure it would. An autistic for example is not able to be president of the USA.

2. Vigano sees that Trump's actions are better for families. Families are at the center of Catholicism.

Vigano speaks nonsense. And he did not remember Donald Trump to be a better family father.

3. If you hate what Trump is doing you just don't understand how beneficial it is for US families.

Trump caused problems which will need long years - even decades - to be solved. Specially he destroyed the reliability and reputation of the USA and destroyed trust in the USA and within the USA.

4. The US had stupid trade policies for decades. Trump is making the world play fairly.

A good one. Trump is a racist darwinist - or did you never listen what he said?

5. God first may work elsewhere but the US Constitution requires separation of "church and state".

Archbishop Vigano speaks not in the name of the Church. He speaks private - and he speaks nonsense. What he did was an attack against the Holy Catholic Church. He tries to force the pope to have to say something to the crude ideas of Vigano and others.

But Trump's policy on abortion is better than the democrat's.

Funny. Did you ever see any change in the numbers of abortions because republicans or democrats were governing the USA? By the way. Why do you think Trump is a republican at all? The republicans are only a tool in his hands. Trump is a Trumpist. And only loyal Trumpists count for him. Not loyal US-Americans.

6. US soldiers have nothing to do with leaving the EU, its the wasted tax dollars.


7. Fine, buy Russian gas,

Sure we do. We do so since world war 2. Such businesses stabilize peace and independence. Whether two pipelines or three pipelines go to Europe changes nothing. But not to communicate with an ally and to prefer to declare war on this ally is really a masterpiece of stupidity in the US-American politics.

but we're not paying to keep troops there to protect you from the Russians.

Idiot mine - we protected not only you from the Soviets. And the Soviets-empire died in Russia in 1991. The Russia today is another theme than the theme Russia was, when Trump was a young child. By the way: Was he ever young?

That would be stupid.

You are stupid! When your nation betrayed the Kurds in Syria and Turkey this was only a new confirmation of an old prejudice that US-Americans in general are extreme bad in knowledge about the human nature and don't know who are their friends and who are their enemies. A British-Prussian heritage, I guess.

1. We disagree about Trump and Vigano. We'll see in November how voters feel.

What's totally unimportant for me.

2. If a candidate is not qualified to be president, the primaries and general election would toss him out. Trump won, so he is obviously qualified.

2016: Clinton: 48.18% of the votes - Trump: 46.09% of the votes =>turnout was 60.2%. So Trump won because about 28% of all people, who had the right to vote, voted for him. This means 72% of all this US-Americans did not vote for him. And Trump is not the president of all US-Americans - he is only the president of the people, who vote for him. So I guess Trump is "president" of much less than 20% of the total population of the USA, if I count also children and other not-voters.

3. If you think Trump destroyed the reputation of the USA, we disagree.

I don't think, I know he destroyed the reputation of the USA. Since 4th of July 1776 the USA had not such a catastrophic bad reputation in Germany than it has now under Trump. No one here ever thought such a low level is possible at all.

Within the USA Trump is a hero.

Like senator John McCain?

He destroyed the "deep state" bureaucrats that thought they controlled the US government.[/Quiote]

Nothing new to me that Trump is a destroyer. But who is able to repair what he destroyed - whatever this could be in this case? Conspiracy theory?

If you prefer China, go for it, choose China over the USA, I dare you.

Because Trump said Europe is much more dangerous for the USA than China I take it as if you had said "If you prefer Europe, go for it. Choose Europe over the USA, I dare you".

[Quopte]4. Trump is making the US trade policy fair. You call him a "racist-Darwinist". OK, I don't care what you call him, we like what he's doing. Call us names like the democrats.

Trump thinks he is genetically a member of a superior race. And he thinks only amoral people are able to rule the world. Did you not hear what he said about the future of his poor new born son?

5. Vigano's letter to Trump was the truth.

Archbishop Vigano is a shame for the Holy Catholic Church. He speaks nonsense.

Voters in the US know what democrats stand for, I won't bore you with their policy list, but Trump and the GOP and conservative values are what we want. The German Bishops can prefer democrat policies over Republican/Trump policies, but they would be very wrong.

All 69 bishops of German dioceses made very clear that no one of them supports the crude conspiracy theories of Archbishop Vigano.

6. Your comment about "scalps" is nonsense. We want US troops out of the EU because its too expensive and we need the money to battle China and NK.

One moment. Did you say here now you will battle China? Trumps intentions is to do a war with China? ... Hmmm ... And which result do you expect from this war?

7. Who declared war on an ally? Don't post nonsense.

I know very well what I said. You declared war against Germany, Russia, Switzerland and the free world economy with your idea around the political pamphlet "Protecting Europe's Energy Security Act of 2019" . No one has to accept this declaration of war - but this makes nothing better in the ignorance, intrigance, arrogance and agressions of the US-American people and the US-American politics. The idea "divide et impera" caused always a stupid politics in history.

The US military presence in the EU over the last 75-years kept the peace. You're welcome. Now its time to move on, we have bigger fish to fry.

China = fish to fry. Are you sure you are not an idiot?

The US did NOT betray the Kurds.

As far as I am able to see you did.

The Turks (a NATO ally) were invading, Syria, we moved out of their way and saved oil fields for the Kurds to pay for their own defense. That was a win-win.

That was an evil game against the Kurds of the autocrat Erdogan together with the autocrat Donald Trump.

The Turks have their buffer zone,

In the homelands of the Kurds in Syria where Erdogan tries to replace Kurds with Syrian Arabs now.

and the Kurds have oil fields. There was no Kurd massacre.

A racial and/or cultural extinction has many faces.

The generals were wrong, and Trump was right.

Trump is always right - with every extremist shit he is doing. Keeps the question what will come after Trumps disasters.

1. Unimportant to you? OK
2. Wrong. Trump won and is president of all Americans. That's just the way it is here.
3. Not to belittle Germany, but the US "reputation" to Germans is irrelevant, Trump's job is to manage the US for Americans, not for Germans.
4. Trump didn't say the EU is more "dangerous" than China, but that the EU treats the US worse on trade

5. We disagree on Vigano's letter.
6. "Battle" does not necessarily mean a "hot war", but posturing for influence, as in another "cold war" to oppose Chinese global ambitions.
Maybe "oppose" would have been a better word than "battle".
7. Your view on Nordstream-2 is wrong, from the US perspective. We oppose Putin, you apparently support Putin. We are on opposite sides of this issue.

8. The Kurds are better off today thanks to the US and Trump's policies than they were under democrat policies and ISIS running rampant.
1. Trump is right,

If someone thinks about Trump then this is not a question of good or bad weather. It's a question of weather at all.

so is Vigano to see it.

Archbishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

Narcissm is irrelevant,

Anders Behring Breivick for example had a narcissistic personality disorder.

its his actions that matter. What if Trump had autism or some other personality disorder? Would that make everything he does wrong? Of course not.

Sure it would. An autistic for example is not able to be president of the USA.

2. Vigano sees that Trump's actions are better for families. Families are at the center of Catholicism.

Vigano speaks nonsense. And he did not remember Donald Trump to be a better family father.

3. If you hate what Trump is doing you just don't understand how beneficial it is for US families.

Trump caused problems which will need long years - even decades - to be solved. Specially he destroyed the reliability and reputation of the USA and destroyed trust in the USA and within the USA.

4. The US had stupid trade policies for decades. Trump is making the world play fairly.

A good one. Trump is a racist darwinist - or did you never listen what he said?

5. God first may work elsewhere but the US Constitution requires separation of "church and state".

Archbishop Vigano speaks not in the name of the Church. He speaks private - and he speaks nonsense. What he did was an attack against the Holy Catholic Church. He tries to force the pope to have to say something to the crude ideas of Vigano and others.

But Trump's policy on abortion is better than the democrat's.

Funny. Did you ever see any change in the numbers of abortions because republicans or democrats were governing the USA? By the way. Why do you think Trump is a republican at all? The republicans are only a tool in his hands. Trump is a Trumpist. And only loyal Trumpists count for him. Not loyal US-Americans.

6. US soldiers have nothing to do with leaving the EU, its the wasted tax dollars.


7. Fine, buy Russian gas,

Sure we do. We do so since world war 2. Such businesses stabilize peace and independence. Whether two pipelines or three pipelines go to Europe changes nothing. But not to communicate with an ally and to prefer to declare war on this ally is really a masterpiece of stupidity in the US-American politics.

but we're not paying to keep troops there to protect you from the Russians.

Idiot mine - we protected not only you from the Soviets. And the Soviets-empire died in Russia in 1991. The Russia today is another theme than the theme Russia was, when Trump was a young child. By the way: Was he ever young?

That would be stupid.

You are stupid! When your nation betrayed the Kurds in Syria and Turkey this was only a new confirmation of an old prejudice that US-Americans in general are extreme bad in knowledge about the human nature and don't know who are their friends and who are their enemies. A British-Prussian heritage, I guess.

1. We disagree about Trump and Vigano. We'll see in November how voters feel.

What's totally unimportant for me.

2. If a candidate is not qualified to be president, the primaries and general election would toss him out. Trump won, so he is obviously qualified.

2016: Clinton: 48.18% of the votes - Trump: 46.09% of the votes =>turnout was 60.2%. So Trump won because about 28% of all people, who had the right to vote, voted for him. This means 72% of all this US-Americans did not vote for him. And Trump is not the president of all US-Americans - he is only the president of the people, who vote for him. So I guess Trump is "president" of much less than 20% of the total population of the USA, if I count also children and other not-voters.

3. If you think Trump destroyed the reputation of the USA, we disagree.

I don't think, I know he destroyed the reputation of the USA. Since 4th of July 1776 the USA had not such a catastrophic bad reputation in Germany than it has now under Trump. No one here ever thought such a low level is possible at all.

Within the USA Trump is a hero.

Like senator John McCain?

He destroyed the "deep state" bureaucrats that thought they controlled the US government.[/Quiote]

Nothing new to me that Trump is a destroyer. But who is able to repair what he destroyed - whatever this could be in this case? Conspiracy theory?

If you prefer China, go for it, choose China over the USA, I dare you.

Because Trump said Europe is much more dangerous for the USA than China I take it as if you had said "If you prefer Europe, go for it. Choose Europe over the USA, I dare you".

[Quopte]4. Trump is making the US trade policy fair. You call him a "racist-Darwinist". OK, I don't care what you call him, we like what he's doing. Call us names like the democrats.

Trump thinks he is genetically a member of a superior race. And he thinks only amoral people are able to rule the world. Did you not hear what he said about the future of his poor new born son?

5. Vigano's letter to Trump was the truth.

Archbishop Vigano is a shame for the Holy Catholic Church. He speaks nonsense.

Voters in the US know what democrats stand for, I won't bore you with their policy list, but Trump and the GOP and conservative values are what we want. The German Bishops can prefer democrat policies over Republican/Trump policies, but they would be very wrong.

All 69 bishops of German dioceses made very clear that no one of them supports the crude conspiracy theories of Archbishop Vigano.

6. Your comment about "scalps" is nonsense. We want US troops out of the EU because its too expensive and we need the money to battle China and NK.

One moment. Did you say here now you will battle China? Trumps intentions is to do a war with China? ... Hmmm ... And which result do you expect from this war?

7. Who declared war on an ally? Don't post nonsense.

I know very well what I said. You declared war against Germany, Russia, Switzerland and the free world economy with your idea around the political pamphlet "Protecting Europe's Energy Security Act of 2019" . No one has to accept this declaration of war - but this makes nothing better in the ignorance, intrigance, arrogance and agressions of the US-American people and the US-American politics. The idea "divide et impera" caused always a stupid politics in history.

The US military presence in the EU over the last 75-years kept the peace. You're welcome. Now its time to move on, we have bigger fish to fry.

China = fish to fry. Are you sure you are not an idiot?

The US did NOT betray the Kurds.

As far as I am able to see you did.

The Turks (a NATO ally) were invading, Syria, we moved out of their way and saved oil fields for the Kurds to pay for their own defense. That was a win-win.

That was an evil game against the Kurds of the autocrat Erdogan together with the autocrat Donald Trump.

The Turks have their buffer zone,

In the homelands of the Kurds in Syria where Erdogan tries to replace Kurds with Syrian Arabs now.

and the Kurds have oil fields. There was no Kurd massacre.

A racial and/or cultural extinction has many faces.

The generals were wrong, and Trump was right.

Trump is always right - with every extremist shit he is doing. Keeps the question what will come after Trumps disasters.

1. Unimportant to you? OK
2. Wrong. Trump won and is president of all Americans. That's just the way it is here.

Or hackers all over the world manipulated the opinions and elections in the USA. But in both cases it's the same result: Idiots took care that now an enemy of the western world is president of the USA.

3. Not to belittle Germany, but the US "reputation" to Germans is irrelevant,


Trump's job is to manage the US for Americans, not for Germans.

Our country is governed from a little Merlin - your country is terrorized from a great again and great again and great again and great again and ... idiot.

4. Trump didn't say the EU is more "dangerous" than China, but that the EU treats the US worse on trade

Or with other words - everyone is better in producing goods and making trades than the USA?

5. We disagree on Vigano's letter.

Arch bishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

6. "Battle" does not necessarily mean a "hot war", but posturing for influence, as in another "cold war" to oppose Chinese global ambitions.

You like to be in an economic war. You like to make battles. But your are not on the way into a catastrophic war? Nice to hear.

Maybe "oppose" would have been a better word than "battle".

Your language - not my language. I don't speak English, I don't speak battle and I don't speak war.

4. Your view on Nordstream-2 is wrong, from the US perspective.

I see a very sad world where a country in the size of a continent and with hundreds of millions of citizens and a strong economic power is doing wars against little nations, single companies and single persons.

We oppose Putin, you apparently support Putin. We are on opposite sides of this issue.

8. The Kurds are better off today thanks to the US and Trump's policies than they were under democrat policies and ISIS running rampant.

Who makes business with the USA is an idiot. Who makes politics with the USA is a betrayed idiot. And who is an ally of the USA is a lost idiot. That's what your leading narcissists is teaching the irrelevant rest of the world.
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1. Trump is right,

If someone thinks about Trump then this is not a question of good or bad weather. It's a question of weather at all.

so is Vigano to see it.

Archbishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

Narcissm is irrelevant,

Anders Behring Breivick for example had a narcissistic personality disorder.

its his actions that matter. What if Trump had autism or some other personality disorder? Would that make everything he does wrong? Of course not.

Sure it would. An autistic for example is not able to be president of the USA.

2. Vigano sees that Trump's actions are better for families. Families are at the center of Catholicism.

Vigano speaks nonsense. And he did not remember Donald Trump to be a better family father.

3. If you hate what Trump is doing you just don't understand how beneficial it is for US families.

Trump caused problems which will need long years - even decades - to be solved. Specially he destroyed the reliability and reputation of the USA and destroyed trust in the USA and within the USA.

4. The US had stupid trade policies for decades. Trump is making the world play fairly.

A good one. Trump is a racist darwinist - or did you never listen what he said?

5. God first may work elsewhere but the US Constitution requires separation of "church and state".

Archbishop Vigano speaks not in the name of the Church. He speaks private - and he speaks nonsense. What he did was an attack against the Holy Catholic Church. He tries to force the pope to have to say something to the crude ideas of Vigano and others.

But Trump's policy on abortion is better than the democrat's.

Funny. Did you ever see any change in the numbers of abortions because republicans or democrats were governing the USA? By the way. Why do you think Trump is a republican at all? The republicans are only a tool in his hands. Trump is a Trumpist. And only loyal Trumpists count for him. Not loyal US-Americans.

6. US soldiers have nothing to do with leaving the EU, its the wasted tax dollars.


7. Fine, buy Russian gas,

Sure we do. We do so since world war 2. Such businesses stabilize peace and independence. Whether two pipelines or three pipelines go to Europe changes nothing. But not to communicate with an ally and to prefer to declare war on this ally is really a masterpiece of stupidity in the US-American politics.

but we're not paying to keep troops there to protect you from the Russians.

Idiot mine - we protected not only you from the Soviets. And the Soviets-empire died in Russia in 1991. The Russia today is another theme than the theme Russia was, when Trump was a young child. By the way: Was he ever young?

That would be stupid.

You are stupid! When your nation betrayed the Kurds in Syria and Turkey this was only a new confirmation of an old prejudice that US-Americans in general are extreme bad in knowledge about the human nature and don't know who are their friends and who are their enemies. A British-Prussian heritage, I guess.

1. We disagree about Trump and Vigano. We'll see in November how voters feel.

What's totally unimportant for me.

2. If a candidate is not qualified to be president, the primaries and general election would toss him out. Trump won, so he is obviously qualified.

2016: Clinton: 48.18% of the votes - Trump: 46.09% of the votes =>turnout was 60.2%. So Trump won because about 28% of all people, who had the right to vote, voted for him. This means 72% of all this US-Americans did not vote for him. And Trump is not the president of all US-Americans - he is only the president of the people, who vote for him. So I guess Trump is "president" of much less than 20% of the total population of the USA, if I count also children and other not-voters.

3. If you think Trump destroyed the reputation of the USA, we disagree.

I don't think, I know he destroyed the reputation of the USA. Since 4th of July 1776 the USA had not such a catastrophic bad reputation in Germany than it has now under Trump. No one here ever thought such a low level is possible at all.

Within the USA Trump is a hero.

Like senator John McCain?

He destroyed the "deep state" bureaucrats that thought they controlled the US government.[/Quiote]

Nothing new to me that Trump is a destroyer. But who is able to repair what he destroyed - whatever this could be in this case? Conspiracy theory?

If you prefer China, go for it, choose China over the USA, I dare you.

Because Trump said Europe is much more dangerous for the USA than China I take it as if you had said "If you prefer Europe, go for it. Choose Europe over the USA, I dare you".

[Quopte]4. Trump is making the US trade policy fair. You call him a "racist-Darwinist". OK, I don't care what you call him, we like what he's doing. Call us names like the democrats.

Trump thinks he is genetically a member of a superior race. And he thinks only amoral people are able to rule the world. Did you not hear what he said about the future of his poor new born son?

5. Vigano's letter to Trump was the truth.

Archbishop Vigano is a shame for the Holy Catholic Church. He speaks nonsense.

Voters in the US know what democrats stand for, I won't bore you with their policy list, but Trump and the GOP and conservative values are what we want. The German Bishops can prefer democrat policies over Republican/Trump policies, but they would be very wrong.

All 69 bishops of German dioceses made very clear that no one of them supports the crude conspiracy theories of Archbishop Vigano.

6. Your comment about "scalps" is nonsense. We want US troops out of the EU because its too expensive and we need the money to battle China and NK.

One moment. Did you say here now you will battle China? Trumps intentions is to do a war with China? ... Hmmm ... And which result do you expect from this war?

7. Who declared war on an ally? Don't post nonsense.

I know very well what I said. You declared war against Germany, Russia, Switzerland and the free world economy with your idea around the political pamphlet "Protecting Europe's Energy Security Act of 2019" . No one has to accept this declaration of war - but this makes nothing better in the ignorance, intrigance, arrogance and agressions of the US-American people and the US-American politics. The idea "divide et impera" caused always a stupid politics in history.

The US military presence in the EU over the last 75-years kept the peace. You're welcome. Now its time to move on, we have bigger fish to fry.

China = fish to fry. Are you sure you are not an idiot?

The US did NOT betray the Kurds.

As far as I am able to see you did.

The Turks (a NATO ally) were invading, Syria, we moved out of their way and saved oil fields for the Kurds to pay for their own defense. That was a win-win.

That was an evil game against the Kurds of the autocrat Erdogan together with the autocrat Donald Trump.

The Turks have their buffer zone,

In the homelands of the Kurds in Syria where Erdogan tries to replace Kurds with Syrian Arabs now.

and the Kurds have oil fields. There was no Kurd massacre.

A racial and/or cultural extinction has many faces.

The generals were wrong, and Trump was right.

Trump is always right - with every extremist shit he is doing. Keeps the question what will come after Trumps disasters.

1. Unimportant to you? OK
2. Wrong. Trump won and is president of all Americans. That's just the way it is here.

Or hackers all over the world manipulated the opisns and elections in the USA. But in both cases iTso thze sm restul: Idiots took care that an eneemy of the western world is president of the USA.

3. Not to belittle Germany, but the US "reputation" to Germans is irrelevant,


Trump's job is to manage the US for Americans, not for Germans.

Our country is governed from a little Merlin - your country is terrorized from a great again and great again and great again and great again and ... idiot.

4. Trump didn't say the EU is more "dangerous" than China, but that the EU treats the US worse on trade

Or with other words - everyone is better in producing goods and making trades than the USA?

5. We disagree on Vigano's letter.

Arch bishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

6. "Battle" does not necessarily mean a "hot war", but posturing for influence, as in another "cold war" to oppose Chinese global ambitions.

You like to be in an economic war. You like to make battles. But your are not on the way into a catastrophic war? Nice to hear.

Maybe "oppose" would have been a better word than "battle".

Your language - not my language. I don't speak English, I don't speak battle and I don't speak war.

4. Your view on Nordstream-2 is wrong, from the US perspective.

I see a very sad world where a country in the size of a continent and with hundreds of millions of citizens starts to do wars against very littel nations, single companies and single persons.

We oppose Putin, you apparently support Putin. We are on opposite sides of this issue.

8. The Kurds are better off today thanks to the US and Trump's policies than they were under democrat policies and ISIS running rampant.

Who makes business with the USA is an idiot. Who makes politics with the USA is a betrayed idiot. And who is an ally of the USA is a lost idiot. That's what your leading narcissists is teaching the irrelevant rest of the world.
2. Don't be stupid. States, counties, and precincts handle elections, they are not "hackable". Trump is not the enemy of the western world, he just demands fairness, in trade deals and in NATO funding commitments.
4. The US was very stupid in trade deals before Trump. They imposed tariffs on US goods, and the US did not impose tariffs on their goods. Especially China, who dumped state subsidized steel killing domestic steel production. Trump understands business deals.
After reading Archbishop Vigano's letter to President Trump, it seems that what many Trump supporters have been saying all along is true, POLL.

In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.

These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation. (continued in link...)

This matter is very complicated. Byzantine. Convoluted six ways from a tail chasing the dog it belongs to. Suffice it to say flawed human beings can be and often are the most courageous and righteous of us all. Before Donald Trump no one in Washington, let alone in all of American Politics, stood up to the radicalized left or their republican apologists. The Donald goes farther even than that. He stands up to the decadent, hedonistic, status quo government machine and he dares to call them what they really are, the embodiment of human evil, to their very faces. And do they ever hate him for it.

Donald Trump is a one-in-a-million world leader who never should have been and might not come again for a thousand years. He is a human roadblock on the highway to the end of our American civilization. Some might see him as sent by God to stopgap human extinction. I can't really argue with that, however, such metaphysical dialectics are far above my paygrade. In any case he's something unreal in a very real and cruel world. It's just too damn bad he met and rose to destiny so late in life.

WOW. Your post should be published as an op-ed. Totally agree with just about everything, especially that history is full of great men who have various flaws. I think Trump saw that the US was being sold-out to China and he and Navarro are trying to make things better for US workers. Wall Street created the Chinese monster, and they still don't see the long term damage that was done, all they see are their profits. The Never-Trumpers like Romney as well as the democrats and the Bidens take their bags of Chinese cash and look the other way. So far Trump has done a fantastic job, but he's only started to right the ship.

We'll see in November if the forces of good or the forces of evil determine the outcome.

You said "Donald Trump is a one-in-a-million world leader" in this heretic text here.

Donald Trump is an idiot, who has not any plan whate he speaks about. And no one in the world laughs about the "world leader" Donald Trump, although he is often a comedian against the own will.
1. Trump is right,

If someone thinks about Trump then this is not a question of good or bad weather. It's a question of weather at all.

so is Vigano to see it.

Archbishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

Narcissm is irrelevant,

Anders Behring Breivick for example had a narcissistic personality disorder.

its his actions that matter. What if Trump had autism or some other personality disorder? Would that make everything he does wrong? Of course not.

Sure it would. An autistic for example is not able to be president of the USA.

2. Vigano sees that Trump's actions are better for families. Families are at the center of Catholicism.

Vigano speaks nonsense. And he did not remember Donald Trump to be a better family father.

3. If you hate what Trump is doing you just don't understand how beneficial it is for US families.

Trump caused problems which will need long years - even decades - to be solved. Specially he destroyed the reliability and reputation of the USA and destroyed trust in the USA and within the USA.

4. The US had stupid trade policies for decades. Trump is making the world play fairly.

A good one. Trump is a racist darwinist - or did you never listen what he said?

5. God first may work elsewhere but the US Constitution requires separation of "church and state".

Archbishop Vigano speaks not in the name of the Church. He speaks private - and he speaks nonsense. What he did was an attack against the Holy Catholic Church. He tries to force the pope to have to say something to the crude ideas of Vigano and others.

But Trump's policy on abortion is better than the democrat's.

Funny. Did you ever see any change in the numbers of abortions because republicans or democrats were governing the USA? By the way. Why do you think Trump is a republican at all? The republicans are only a tool in his hands. Trump is a Trumpist. And only loyal Trumpists count for him. Not loyal US-Americans.

6. US soldiers have nothing to do with leaving the EU, its the wasted tax dollars.


7. Fine, buy Russian gas,

Sure we do. We do so since world war 2. Such businesses stabilize peace and independence. Whether two pipelines or three pipelines go to Europe changes nothing. But not to communicate with an ally and to prefer to declare war on this ally is really a masterpiece of stupidity in the US-American politics.

but we're not paying to keep troops there to protect you from the Russians.

Idiot mine - we protected not only you from the Soviets. And the Soviets-empire died in Russia in 1991. The Russia today is another theme than the theme Russia was, when Trump was a young child. By the way: Was he ever young?

That would be stupid.

You are stupid! When your nation betrayed the Kurds in Syria and Turkey this was only a new confirmation of an old prejudice that US-Americans in general are extreme bad in knowledge about the human nature and don't know who are their friends and who are their enemies. A British-Prussian heritage, I guess.

1. We disagree about Trump and Vigano. We'll see in November how voters feel.

What's totally unimportant for me.

2. If a candidate is not qualified to be president, the primaries and general election would toss him out. Trump won, so he is obviously qualified.

2016: Clinton: 48.18% of the votes - Trump: 46.09% of the votes =>turnout was 60.2%. So Trump won because about 28% of all people, who had the right to vote, voted for him. This means 72% of all this US-Americans did not vote for him. And Trump is not the president of all US-Americans - he is only the president of the people, who vote for him. So I guess Trump is "president" of much less than 20% of the total population of the USA, if I count also children and other not-voters.

3. If you think Trump destroyed the reputation of the USA, we disagree.

I don't think, I know he destroyed the reputation of the USA. Since 4th of July 1776 the USA had not such a catastrophic bad reputation in Germany than it has now under Trump. No one here ever thought such a low level is possible at all.

Within the USA Trump is a hero.

Like senator John McCain?

He destroyed the "deep state" bureaucrats that thought they controlled the US government.[/Quiote]

Nothing new to me that Trump is a destroyer. But who is able to repair what he destroyed - whatever this could be in this case? Conspiracy theory?

If you prefer China, go for it, choose China over the USA, I dare you.

Because Trump said Europe is much more dangerous for the USA than China I take it as if you had said "If you prefer Europe, go for it. Choose Europe over the USA, I dare you".

[Quopte]4. Trump is making the US trade policy fair. You call him a "racist-Darwinist". OK, I don't care what you call him, we like what he's doing. Call us names like the democrats.

Trump thinks he is genetically a member of a superior race. And he thinks only amoral people are able to rule the world. Did you not hear what he said about the future of his poor new born son?

5. Vigano's letter to Trump was the truth.

Archbishop Vigano is a shame for the Holy Catholic Church. He speaks nonsense.

Voters in the US know what democrats stand for, I won't bore you with their policy list, but Trump and the GOP and conservative values are what we want. The German Bishops can prefer democrat policies over Republican/Trump policies, but they would be very wrong.

All 69 bishops of German dioceses made very clear that no one of them supports the crude conspiracy theories of Archbishop Vigano.

6. Your comment about "scalps" is nonsense. We want US troops out of the EU because its too expensive and we need the money to battle China and NK.

One moment. Did you say here now you will battle China? Trumps intentions is to do a war with China? ... Hmmm ... And which result do you expect from this war?

7. Who declared war on an ally? Don't post nonsense.

I know very well what I said. You declared war against Germany, Russia, Switzerland and the free world economy with your idea around the political pamphlet "Protecting Europe's Energy Security Act of 2019" . No one has to accept this declaration of war - but this makes nothing better in the ignorance, intrigance, arrogance and agressions of the US-American people and the US-American politics. The idea "divide et impera" caused always a stupid politics in history.

The US military presence in the EU over the last 75-years kept the peace. You're welcome. Now its time to move on, we have bigger fish to fry.

China = fish to fry. Are you sure you are not an idiot?

The US did NOT betray the Kurds.

As far as I am able to see you did.

The Turks (a NATO ally) were invading, Syria, we moved out of their way and saved oil fields for the Kurds to pay for their own defense. That was a win-win.

That was an evil game against the Kurds of the autocrat Erdogan together with the autocrat Donald Trump.

The Turks have their buffer zone,

In the homelands of the Kurds in Syria where Erdogan tries to replace Kurds with Syrian Arabs now.

and the Kurds have oil fields. There was no Kurd massacre.

A racial and/or cultural extinction has many faces.

The generals were wrong, and Trump was right.

Trump is always right - with every extremist shit he is doing. Keeps the question what will come after Trumps disasters.

1. Unimportant to you? OK
2. Wrong. Trump won and is president of all Americans. That's just the way it is here.

Or hackers all over the world manipulated the opisns and elections in the USA. But in both cases iTso thze sm restul: Idiots took care that an eneemy of the western world is president of the USA.

3. Not to belittle Germany, but the US "reputation" to Germans is irrelevant,


Trump's job is to manage the US for Americans, not for Germans.

Our country is governed from a little Merlin - your country is terrorized from a great again and great again and great again and great again and ... idiot.

4. Trump didn't say the EU is more "dangerous" than China, but that the EU treats the US worse on trade

Or with other words - everyone is better in producing goods and making trades than the USA?

5. We disagree on Vigano's letter.

Arch bishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

6. "Battle" does not necessarily mean a "hot war", but posturing for influence, as in another "cold war" to oppose Chinese global ambitions.

You like to be in an economic war. You like to make battles. But your are not on the way into a catastrophic war? Nice to hear.

Maybe "oppose" would have been a better word than "battle".

Your language - not my language. I don't speak English, I don't speak battle and I don't speak war.

4. Your view on Nordstream-2 is wrong, from the US perspective.

I see a very sad world where a country in the size of a continent and with hundreds of millions of citizens starts to do wars against very littel nations, single companies and single persons.

We oppose Putin, you apparently support Putin. We are on opposite sides of this issue.

8. The Kurds are better off today thanks to the US and Trump's policies than they were under democrat policies and ISIS running rampant.

Who makes business with the USA is an idiot. Who makes politics with the USA is a betrayed idiot. And who is an ally of the USA is a lost idiot. That's what your leading narcissists is teaching the irrelevant rest of the world.
2. Don't be stupid. States, counties, and precincts handle elections, they are not "hackable". Trump is not the enemy of the western world, he just demands fairness, in trade deals and in NATO funding commitments.
4. The US was very stupid in trade deals before Trump. They imposed tariffs on US goods, and the US did not impose tariffs on their goods. Especially China, who dumped state subsidized steel killing domestic steel production. Trump understands business deals.

I don't like to speak now with you any longer about the realities before and since Trump. The problems Donald Trump created in international politics will be a much longer time cause new problems again and again and again for the USA - for a longer time than Trump will live.

And the problems people like Archbishop Vigano are creating for the leading clerics of the Holy Catholic Church will also not be easy solveable. An Archbishop should not be an extremist preacher of irreal fear and irreal hate. And an US-American president should also not be an extremist preacher of irreal fear and irreal hate. And no one should ignore real dangers.

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