Is it really as simple a "Good vs Evil"? A Vatican Archbishop explains why Trump is a good guy...(Poll)

Is the 2020 election generally about "Good vs Evil"?

  • Yes, I generally agree with the Archbishop's letter to President Trump

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • No, politics is much more nuanced than "Good vs Evil", generally both sides are evil

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Archbishop has it backwards, Trump is evil and abortions are good.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
He’s a fucking nut job and literally the only Catholic who thinks Trumps mission is righteous. You guys have a way of finding that one person of 100 and posting it like that means you’re right. You guys are wrong for your support of evil.
He’s a fucking nut job and literally the only Catholic who thinks Trumps mission is righteous. You guys have a way of finding that one person of 100 and posting it like that means you’re right. You guys are wrong for your support of evil.
OMG!! A high ranking church official, an Archbishop, explains "good vs evil" to you and you still cling to your ass-backward Leftist programming and call him a "nut job"?! Look at this paragraph again and tell me WTF you disagree with, be specific.

On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation.
... OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop. ...

The conference of the German bishops (=all bishops) made clear no one of them shares his opinions (and also not the opinions of Cardinal Gerhard Müller and Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun) - although they normally do not comment, what bishops outside of Germany do or say. Specially the conspiracy theories around the theme "Corona" are totally wrong and counterproductive.

I agree with the opinion of Generalvikar Klaus Pfeffer, who said: Er sei "einfach nur fassungslos, was da im Namen von Kirche und Christentum verbreitet wird: Krude Verschwörungstheorien ohne Fakten und Belege, verbunden mit einer rechtspopulistischen Kampf-Rhetorik, die beängstigend klingt."
I try to translate this: He said: "I am stunned, what there is spreaded in the name of church and Christianity: Crude conspiration theories without facts and proofs, combined with a right-wing populist militant rhetoric, which sounds frightening".
Source: Deutsche Bischöfe auf Distanz zu Corona-Aufruf von Viganò und Müller

And to make this clear again. All members of the German bishop conference (= in the moment 69 members) do not share the crude political ideas from Arc Bishop Vigano.

OK, I can see where the German Bishops are more liberal than an "old school" Vatican Archbishop. Even Pope Francis is more liberal than the Archbishop. However, I don't see where anyone endorses abortion, which the democrats promote. I also don't see any revised "outlines" from the German Bishops on which behaviors are "good" and which are "evil" as the Archbishop outlines. Do the German Bishops say that "globalism" is good and "populism" is evil??

On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation.
... OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop. ...

The conference of the German bishops (=all bishops) made clear no one of them shares his opinions (and also not the opinions of Cardinal Gerhard Müller and Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun) - although they normally do not comment, what bishops outside of Germany do or say. Specially the conspiracy theories around the theme "Corona" are totally wrong and counterproductive.

I agree with the opinion of Generalvikar Klaus Pfeffer, who said: Er sei "einfach nur fassungslos, was da im Namen von Kirche und Christentum verbreitet wird: Krude Verschwörungstheorien ohne Fakten und Belege, verbunden mit einer rechtspopulistischen Kampf-Rhetorik, die beängstigend klingt."
I try to translate this: He said: "I am stunned, what there is spreaded in the name of church and Christianity: Crude conspiration theories without facts and proofs, combined with a right-wing populist militant rhetoric, which sounds frightening".
Source: Deutsche Bischöfe auf Distanz zu Corona-Aufruf von Viganò und Müller

And to make this clear again. All members of the German bishop conference (= in the moment 69 members) do not share the crude political ideas from Arc Bishop Vigano.

OK, I can see where the German Bishops are more liberal than an "old school" Vatican Archbishop.

Arc Bishop Vigano never was a bishop of a real diocese. In his case "Arc Bishop" is only a title and not a real job.

Even Pope Francis is more liberal than the Archbishop.

"liberal" - "old school" - this are anglo american expressions. Arc Bishop Viganos conspiration theories are nonsense. No idea why he says all this nonsense. Perhaps he is senile or has another problem.

However, I don't see where anyone endorses abortion, which the democrats promote. I also don't see any revised "outlines" from the German Bishops on which behaviors are "good" and which are "evil" as the Archbishop outlines. Do the German Bishops say that "globalism" is good and "populism" is evil??

The Catholic Church is since ever global. And the Catholic Church is since ever for everyone.

On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation.

You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?

“[how can anyone] be silly enough to think himself better than other people, because his clothes are made of finer woolen thread than theirs. After all, those fine clothes were once worn by a sheep, and they never turned it into anything better than a sheep.”
Thomas More, Utopia
... OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop. ...

The conference of the German bishops (=all bishops) made clear no one of them shares his opinions (and also not the opinions of Cardinal Gerhard Müller and Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun) - although they normally do not comment, what bishops outside of Germany do or say. Specially the conspiracy theories around the theme "Corona" are totally wrong and counterproductive.

I agree with the opinion of Generalvikar Klaus Pfeffer, who said: Er sei "einfach nur fassungslos, was da im Namen von Kirche und Christentum verbreitet wird: Krude Verschwörungstheorien ohne Fakten und Belege, verbunden mit einer rechtspopulistischen Kampf-Rhetorik, die beängstigend klingt."
I try to translate this: He said: "I am stunned, what there is spreaded in the name of church and Christianity: Crude conspiration theories without facts and proofs, combined with a right-wing populist militant rhetoric, which sounds frightening".
Source: Deutsche Bischöfe auf Distanz zu Corona-Aufruf von Viganò und Müller

And to make this clear again. All members of the German bishop conference (= in the moment 69 members) do not share the crude political ideas from Arc Bishop Vigano.

OK, I can see where the German Bishops are more liberal than an "old school" Vatican Archbishop.

Arc Bishop Vigano never was a bishop of a real diocese. In his case "Arc Bishop" is only a title and not a real job.

Even Pope Francis is more liberal than the Archbishop.

"liberal" - "old school" - this are anglo american expressions. Arc Bishop Viganos conspiration theories are nonsense. No idea why he says all this nonsense. Perhaps he is senile or has another problem.

However, I don't see where anyone endorses abortion, which the democrats promote. I also don't see any revised "outlines" from the German Bishops on which behaviors are "good" and which are "evil" as the Archbishop outlines. Do the German Bishops say that "globalism" is good and "populism" is evil??

The Catholic Church is since ever global. And the Catholic Church is since ever for everyone.

On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation.

You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?

“[how can anyone] be silly enough to think himself better than other people, because his clothes are made of finer woolen thread than theirs. After all, those fine clothes were once worn by a sheep, and they never turned it into anything better than a sheep.”
Thomas More, Utopia

1. I consider Archbishop Vigano a "subject matter expert". He held various prestigious positions both within the Vatican and around the world. That he didn't manage a diocese is irrelevant. I'm very disappointed that Bishops and Cardinals haven't spoken out more forcefully about obvious political issues, like abortion.

2. Not sure what "conspiracy theories" you are referring to as "nonsense"? Please elaborate.

3. You may not know the major political battle that defines Trump vs Biden and the democrats. Trump won in 2016 by promising to bring back US factory jobs that were "outsourced" to China and other countries. During the last 30-years or so Wall Street moved about 12,000 US factories overseas taking about 3,000,000 manufacturing jobs with them. Moving jobs overseas to take advantage of low wages is called "globalism". The wealthy always want to make more money no matter who gets hurt. Trump working to bring back factory jobs to the US is called "populism".
Your calling the Catholic Church "global" misses the point. Vigano obviously supports populism so the people have sustainable jobs, that can support families, instead of the greed of globalism.

4. This question didn't translate very well from German.
You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?
It seems that populism is more Christian than globalism, if that is the question to be answered.

5. Thomas Moore: meh

6. Thomas Aquinas quote:
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.
Look at you all self righteous and calling people out as degenerates after being on this board all of 6 hours

Who cares how long I have been on this board. Democrats and Liberals are sodomites, promoters of infanticide and socialists, and that makes you degenerates. Democrats are filthy degenerates, and the amount of time I have been on this board has no bearing on that fact you stupid idiot.
Arc Bishop Vigano never was a bishop of a real diocese. In his case "Arc Bishop" is only a title and not a real job.

Wow. Sheer ignorance. Amazing.

First of all, it is Arch, not Arc, dumbass.

Second of all, a bishop is a successor of the apostles, it is not a "job", and it does not matter if he shepherds a dioceses or serves in some other way.
... OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop. ...

The conference of the German bishops (=all bishops) made clear no one of them shares his opinions (and also not the opinions of Cardinal Gerhard Müller and Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun) - although they normally do not comment, what bishops outside of Germany do or say. Specially the conspiracy theories around the theme "Corona" are totally wrong and counterproductive.

I agree with the opinion of Generalvikar Klaus Pfeffer, who said: Er sei "einfach nur fassungslos, was da im Namen von Kirche und Christentum verbreitet wird: Krude Verschwörungstheorien ohne Fakten und Belege, verbunden mit einer rechtspopulistischen Kampf-Rhetorik, die beängstigend klingt."
I try to translate this: He said: "I am stunned, what there is spreaded in the name of church and Christianity: Crude conspiration theories without facts and proofs, combined with a right-wing populist militant rhetoric, which sounds frightening".
Source: Deutsche Bischöfe auf Distanz zu Corona-Aufruf von Viganò und Müller

And to make this clear again. All members of the German bishop conference (= in the moment 69 members) do not share the crude political ideas from Arc Bishop Vigano.

OK, I can see where the German Bishops are more liberal than an "old school" Vatican Archbishop.

Arc Bishop Vigano never was a bishop of a real diocese. In his case "Arc Bishop" is only a title and not a real job.

Even Pope Francis is more liberal than the Archbishop.

"liberal" - "old school" - this are anglo american expressions. Arc Bishop Viganos conspiration theories are nonsense. No idea why he says all this nonsense. Perhaps he is senile or has another problem.

However, I don't see where anyone endorses abortion, which the democrats promote. I also don't see any revised "outlines" from the German Bishops on which behaviors are "good" and which are "evil" as the Archbishop outlines. Do the German Bishops say that "globalism" is good and "populism" is evil??

The Catholic Church is since ever global. And the Catholic Church is since ever for everyone.

On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation.

You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?

“[how can anyone] be silly enough to think himself better than other people, because his clothes are made of finer woolen thread than theirs. After all, those fine clothes were once worn by a sheep, and they never turned it into anything better than a sheep.”
Thomas More, Utopia

1. I consider Archbishop Vigano a "subject matter expert". He held various prestigious positions both within the Vatican and around the world.

That's why he is a shame of the Holy Catholic Church. Someone in his position should be able to know what he speaks about.

2. Not sure what "conspiracy theories" you are referring to as "nonsense"? Please elaborate.

I don't discuss with you now about the absolutely stupid conspiracy theories of Arc Bishop Vigano. If you don't see it on your own then this is one of the endless never ending "discussions". I warn you just simple not to believe this nonsense, which is not good for you, not good for your country and not good for anyone else in the world. Sometimes it's a kind of wrong vanity which brings some people - also clerics - in the positions to try to be more papal than the pope.

3. You may not know the major political battle that defines Trump vs Biden and the democrats. Trump won in 2016 by promising to bring back US factory jobs that were "outsourced" to China and other countries. During the last 30-years or so Wall Street moved about 12,000 US factories overseas taking about 3,000,000 manufacturing jobs with them. Moving jobs overseas to take advantage of low wages is called "globalism". The wealthy always want to make more money no matter who gets hurt. Trump working to bring back factory jobs to the US is called "populism".
Your calling the Catholic Church "global" misses the point. Vigano obviously supports populism so the people have sustainable jobs, that can support families, instead of the greed of globalism.

Donald Trump is in my personal view an enemy of the western world. I think the best what all US-Americans are able to do is to fire this man. Yesterday.

4. This question didn't translate very well from German.
You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?
It seems that populism is more Christian than globalism, if that is the question to be answered.

I never understood what the people call "populism", who are often on their own very populistic. Truth knows only one orientation - the truth on its own. And not always is truth not popular.

5. Thomas Moore: meh


6. Thomas Aquinas quote:
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.

And now you think Thomas Aquinas - who was totally right to say so - said to you it's good to be a lazybone and to learn nothing about the Christian rebound in god? Are you really convinced god has all work to do to bring his faith to you - and you have absolutelly not any influence in this process? ...

No wonder that some believe in conspiray theories, which make the people helpless, frustrated and angry on totally irreal reasons. No wonder that others have to fight against such wrong ideas, which sew violence and hate. So, how do you say often in your culture? Don't try to be part of the problem - try to be part of the solution.

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Arc Bishop Vigano never was a bishop of a real diocese. In his case "Arc Bishop" is only a title and not a real job.

Wow. Sheer ignorance. Amazing.

First of all, it is Arch, not Arc, dumbass.

Unimportant. But this remembers me to my little son when he came out of school and wrote the word "Erzgeburtsrecht" instead of "Erstgeburtsrecht". (Erst=first). I asked him "Why do you write 'Erzgeburtsrecht' with "Erz" in the begining?" He answered "Because this is an holy thing like "Erzengel" (Archangel). I was impressed from his logic and said "fine".

But okay : Sorry that I offended your sense for esthetics. I will try to write this word in the future in the correct way.

Second of all, a bishop is a successor of the apostles, it is not a "job", and it does not matter if he shepherds a dioceses or serves in some other way.

He is a so called "titular bishop" of a dead diocese, which is lost since a long time. He never worked like an apostle with people in the reality - he worked like a high official ... . That's perhaps a reason why he lost contact to the reality. Imagine you are a taxi driver on a PC - but you never drove a taxi in reality. If you have a drivers license and a taxi license and you always drove taxi only on a PC - then you are a taxi driver, but are you really a taxi driver in this case? ...

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... OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop. ...

The conference of the German bishops (=all bishops) made clear no one of them shares his opinions (and also not the opinions of Cardinal Gerhard Müller and Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun) - although they normally do not comment, what bishops outside of Germany do or say. Specially the conspiracy theories around the theme "Corona" are totally wrong and counterproductive.

I agree with the opinion of Generalvikar Klaus Pfeffer, who said: Er sei "einfach nur fassungslos, was da im Namen von Kirche und Christentum verbreitet wird: Krude Verschwörungstheorien ohne Fakten und Belege, verbunden mit einer rechtspopulistischen Kampf-Rhetorik, die beängstigend klingt."
I try to translate this: He said: "I am stunned, what there is spreaded in the name of church and Christianity: Crude conspiration theories without facts and proofs, combined with a right-wing populist militant rhetoric, which sounds frightening".
Source: Deutsche Bischöfe auf Distanz zu Corona-Aufruf von Viganò und Müller

And to make this clear again. All members of the German bishop conference (= in the moment 69 members) do not share the crude political ideas from Arc Bishop Vigano.

OK, I can see where the German Bishops are more liberal than an "old school" Vatican Archbishop.

Arc Bishop Vigano never was a bishop of a real diocese. In his case "Arc Bishop" is only a title and not a real job.

Even Pope Francis is more liberal than the Archbishop.

"liberal" - "old school" - this are anglo american expressions. Arc Bishop Viganos conspiration theories are nonsense. No idea why he says all this nonsense. Perhaps he is senile or has another problem.

However, I don't see where anyone endorses abortion, which the democrats promote. I also don't see any revised "outlines" from the German Bishops on which behaviors are "good" and which are "evil" as the Archbishop outlines. Do the German Bishops say that "globalism" is good and "populism" is evil??

The Catholic Church is since ever global. And the Catholic Church is since ever for everyone.

On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation.

You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?

“[how can anyone] be silly enough to think himself better than other people, because his clothes are made of finer woolen thread than theirs. After all, those fine clothes were once worn by a sheep, and they never turned it into anything better than a sheep.”
Thomas More, Utopia

1. I consider Archbishop Vigano a "subject matter expert". He held various prestigious positions both within the Vatican and around the world.

That's why he is a shame of the Holy Catholic Church. Someone in his position should be able to know what he speaks about.

2. Not sure what "conspiracy theories" you are referring to as "nonsense"? Please elaborate.

I don't discuss with you now about the absolutely stupid conspiracy theories of Arc Bishop Vigano. If you don't see it on your own then this is one of the endless never ending "discussions". I warn you just simple not to believe this nonsense, which is not good for you, not good for your country and not good for anyone else in the world. Sometimes it's a kind of wrong vanity which brings some people - also clerics - in the positions to try to be more papal than the pope.

3. You may not know the major political battle that defines Trump vs Biden and the democrats. Trump won in 2016 by promising to bring back US factory jobs that were "outsourced" to China and other countries. During the last 30-years or so Wall Street moved about 12,000 US factories overseas taking about 3,000,000 manufacturing jobs with them. Moving jobs overseas to take advantage of low wages is called "globalism". The wealthy always want to make more money no matter who gets hurt. Trump working to bring back factory jobs to the US is called "populism".
Your calling the Catholic Church "global" misses the point. Vigano obviously supports populism so the people have sustainable jobs, that can support families, instead of the greed of globalism.

Donald Trump is in my personal view an enemy of the western world. I think the best what all US-Americans are able to do is to fire this man. Yesterday.

4. This question didn't translate very well from German.
You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?
It seems that populism is more Christian than globalism, if that is the question to be answered.

I never understood what the people call "populism", who are often on their own very populistic. Truth knows only one orientation - the truth on its own. And not always is truth not popular.

5. Thomas Moore: meh


6. Thomas Aquinas quote:
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.

And now you think Thomas Aquinas - who was totally right to say so - said to you it's good to be a lazybone and to learn nothing about the Christian rebound in god? Are you really convinced god has all work to do to bring his faith to you - and you have absolutely not any influence in this process? ...

No wonder that some believe in conspiracy theories, which make the people helpless, frustrated and angry on totally unreal reasons. No wonder that others have to fight against such wrong ideas, which sow violence and hate. So, how do you say often in your culture? Don't try to be part of the problem - try to be part of the solution.

1. ausweichen Who knows more about religion than someone who devoted their life to studying it?
die Schmach is someone who assumes things without really knowing what they are talking about.
Tell us the answer, don't "dodge" the question. Define "good and evil" related to the letter to Trump. Where is the Archbishop wrong, do tell.

2. So you don't fucking know what you're talking about? You can't define what is "nonsense"???

3. So you don't like Trump. OK, that is a very popular view. We'll see in November if populism or globalism wins in the USA.

4. You still don't get populism vs globalism. Maybe if German businesses moved many of their factories to China, or India, or Vietnam, or Bangladesh, you would understand the difference.

5. Meh, is idiom for "so what?"

6. Another case where your phrase doesn't translate well. " learn nothing about the Christian rebound in god" ??????
Here many of us try to live our religion, if that's what you're implying we don't do??? Many of us went to parochial schools and were taught by nuns and priests.

Globalism is the wrong idea we are fighting against. Voting for Trump and populism is the right idea, and the Archbishop agrees.
... OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop. ...

The conference of the German bishops (=all bishops) made clear no one of them shares his opinions (and also not the opinions of Cardinal Gerhard Müller and Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun) - although they normally do not comment, what bishops outside of Germany do or say. Specially the conspiracy theories around the theme "Corona" are totally wrong and counterproductive.

I agree with the opinion of Generalvikar Klaus Pfeffer, who said: Er sei "einfach nur fassungslos, was da im Namen von Kirche und Christentum verbreitet wird: Krude Verschwörungstheorien ohne Fakten und Belege, verbunden mit einer rechtspopulistischen Kampf-Rhetorik, die beängstigend klingt."
I try to translate this: He said: "I am stunned, what there is spreaded in the name of church and Christianity: Crude conspiration theories without facts and proofs, combined with a right-wing populist militant rhetoric, which sounds frightening".
Source: Deutsche Bischöfe auf Distanz zu Corona-Aufruf von Viganò und Müller

And to make this clear again. All members of the German bishop conference (= in the moment 69 members) do not share the crude political ideas from Arc Bishop Vigano.

OK, I can see where the German Bishops are more liberal than an "old school" Vatican Archbishop.

Arc Bishop Vigano never was a bishop of a real diocese. In his case "Arc Bishop" is only a title and not a real job.

Even Pope Francis is more liberal than the Archbishop.

"liberal" - "old school" - this are anglo american expressions. Arc Bishop Viganos conspiration theories are nonsense. No idea why he says all this nonsense. Perhaps he is senile or has another problem.

However, I don't see where anyone endorses abortion, which the democrats promote. I also don't see any revised "outlines" from the German Bishops on which behaviors are "good" and which are "evil" as the Archbishop outlines. Do the German Bishops say that "globalism" is good and "populism" is evil??

The Catholic Church is since ever global. And the Catholic Church is since ever for everyone.

On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation.

You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?

“[how can anyone] be silly enough to think himself better than other people, because his clothes are made of finer woolen thread than theirs. After all, those fine clothes were once worn by a sheep, and they never turned it into anything better than a sheep.”
Thomas More, Utopia

1. I consider Archbishop Vigano a "subject matter expert". He held various prestigious positions both within the Vatican and around the world.

That's why he is a shame of the Holy Catholic Church. Someone in his position should be able to know what he speaks about.

2. Not sure what "conspiracy theories" you are referring to as "nonsense"? Please elaborate.

I don't discuss with you now about the absolutely stupid conspiracy theories of Arc Bishop Vigano. If you don't see it on your own then this is one of the endless never ending "discussions". I warn you just simple not to believe this nonsense, which is not good for you, not good for your country and not good for anyone else in the world. Sometimes it's a kind of wrong vanity which brings some people - also clerics - in the positions to try to be more papal than the pope.

3. You may not know the major political battle that defines Trump vs Biden and the democrats. Trump won in 2016 by promising to bring back US factory jobs that were "outsourced" to China and other countries. During the last 30-years or so Wall Street moved about 12,000 US factories overseas taking about 3,000,000 manufacturing jobs with them. Moving jobs overseas to take advantage of low wages is called "globalism". The wealthy always want to make more money no matter who gets hurt. Trump working to bring back factory jobs to the US is called "populism".
Your calling the Catholic Church "global" misses the point. Vigano obviously supports populism so the people have sustainable jobs, that can support families, instead of the greed of globalism.

Donald Trump is in my personal view an enemy of the western world. I think the best what all US-Americans are able to do is to fire this man. Yesterday.

4. This question didn't translate very well from German.
You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?
It seems that populism is more Christian than globalism, if that is the question to be answered.

I never understood what the people call "populism", who are often on their own very populistic. Truth knows only one orientation - the truth on its own. And not always is truth not popular.

5. Thomas Moore: meh


6. Thomas Aquinas quote:
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.

And now you think Thomas Aquinas - who was totally right to say so - said to you it's good to be a lazybone and to learn nothing about the Christian rebound in god? Are you really convinced god has all work to do to bring his faith to you - and you have absolutely not any influence in this process? ...

No wonder that some believe in conspiracy theories, which make the people helpless, frustrated and angry on totally unreal reasons. No wonder that others have to fight against such wrong ideas, which sow violence and hate. So, how do you say often in your culture? Don't try to be part of the problem - try to be part of the solution.

1. ausweichen Who knows more about religion than someone who devoted their life to studying it?

Miriam - the little Muslim grandma, who never learned to read and to write. Every day god lives in her heart and every nigth she sleeps in his hands.

die Schmach
is someone who assumes things without really knowing what they are talking about.
Tell us the answer, don't "dodge" the question. Define "good and evil" related to the letter to Trump. Where is the Archbishop wrong, do tell.

In everything what he said about good and evil to Donald Trump.

2. So you don't fucking know what you're talking about? You can't define what is "nonsense"???

Why for heavens sake "fuck" all US-Americans (and meanwhile all Germans too) continously? Is this the only thing your culture teaches everywher? How to use the word "fuck" in totally wrong ways?

3. So you don't like Trump.

I think Doinald Trump is an extremely dangerous egocentralized narcissist. Narcissism is much more dangerous lots of people think.

OK, that is a very popular view.

In Germany I know no one, who would trust in Donald Trump.

We'll see in November if populism or globalism wins in the USA.

I expect Donald Trump will win the next elections - and this will not be a good. My hope is that I'm sometimes - much too rare - wrong.

4. You still don't get populism vs globalism. Maybe if German businesses moved many of their factories to China, or India, or Vietnam, or Bangladesh, you would understand the difference.

Germany moved many factories to the USA - what is a problem now.

5. Meh, is idiom for "so what?"

You lack respect for a holy man of the Holy Catholic Church.

6. Another case where your phrase doesn't translate well. " learn nothing about the Christian rebound in god" ??????
Here many of us try to live our religion, if that's what you're implying we don't do???

Many of us went to parochial schools and were taught by nuns and priests.

Poor nuns, poor priests.

Globalism is the wrong idea we are fighting against.

No problem. Let Trump shoot down all Mercedes drivers on the 5th avenue from your soldiers, which you call back from Germany, and vote for Trump and his socialism for the superrich. For Germany it is unimportant, who wins in the next elections in the USA. The relations with the USA are meanwhile very heavy damaged and perhaps never repairable.

Voting for Trump and populism is the right idea, and the Archbishop agrees.

Archbishop Vigano speaks nonsense.
Last edited:
After reading Archbishop Vigano's letter to President Trump, it seems that what many Trump supporters have been saying all along is true, POLL.

In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.

These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation. (continued in link...)


he's a good guy who mocks and ridicules and insults and denigrates and attacks anyone who dare question him or his actions.

he is a bully and a wannabe dictator

he is the WORST of America.....

well...except for you and all the other trump followers....
... OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop. ...

The conference of the German bishops (=all bishops) made clear no one of them shares his opinions (and also not the opinions of Cardinal Gerhard Müller and Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun) - although they normally do not comment, what bishops outside of Germany do or say. Specially the conspiracy theories around the theme "Corona" are totally wrong and counterproductive.

I agree with the opinion of Generalvikar Klaus Pfeffer, who said: Er sei "einfach nur fassungslos, was da im Namen von Kirche und Christentum verbreitet wird: Krude Verschwörungstheorien ohne Fakten und Belege, verbunden mit einer rechtspopulistischen Kampf-Rhetorik, die beängstigend klingt."
I try to translate this: He said: "I am stunned, what there is spreaded in the name of church and Christianity: Crude conspiration theories without facts and proofs, combined with a right-wing populist militant rhetoric, which sounds frightening".
Source: Deutsche Bischöfe auf Distanz zu Corona-Aufruf von Viganò und Müller

And to make this clear again. All members of the German bishop conference (= in the moment 69 members) do not share the crude political ideas from Arc Bishop Vigano.

OK, I can see where the German Bishops are more liberal than an "old school" Vatican Archbishop.

Arc Bishop Vigano never was a bishop of a real diocese. In his case "Arc Bishop" is only a title and not a real job.

Even Pope Francis is more liberal than the Archbishop.

"liberal" - "old school" - this are anglo american expressions. Arc Bishop Viganos conspiration theories are nonsense. No idea why he says all this nonsense. Perhaps he is senile or has another problem.

However, I don't see where anyone endorses abortion, which the democrats promote. I also don't see any revised "outlines" from the German Bishops on which behaviors are "good" and which are "evil" as the Archbishop outlines. Do the German Bishops say that "globalism" is good and "populism" is evil??

The Catholic Church is since ever global. And the Catholic Church is since ever for everyone.

On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation.

You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?

“[how can anyone] be silly enough to think himself better than other people, because his clothes are made of finer woolen thread than theirs. After all, those fine clothes were once worn by a sheep, and they never turned it into anything better than a sheep.”
Thomas More, Utopia

1. I consider Archbishop Vigano a "subject matter expert". He held various prestigious positions both within the Vatican and around the world.

That's why he is a shame of the Holy Catholic Church. Someone in his position should be able to know what he speaks about.

2. Not sure what "conspiracy theories" you are referring to as "nonsense"? Please elaborate.

I don't discuss with you now about the absolutely stupid conspiracy theories of Arc Bishop Vigano. If you don't see it on your own then this is one of the endless never ending "discussions". I warn you just simple not to believe this nonsense, which is not good for you, not good for your country and not good for anyone else in the world. Sometimes it's a kind of wrong vanity which brings some people - also clerics - in the positions to try to be more papal than the pope.

3. You may not know the major political battle that defines Trump vs Biden and the democrats. Trump won in 2016 by promising to bring back US factory jobs that were "outsourced" to China and other countries. During the last 30-years or so Wall Street moved about 12,000 US factories overseas taking about 3,000,000 manufacturing jobs with them. Moving jobs overseas to take advantage of low wages is called "globalism". The wealthy always want to make more money no matter who gets hurt. Trump working to bring back factory jobs to the US is called "populism".
Your calling the Catholic Church "global" misses the point. Vigano obviously supports populism so the people have sustainable jobs, that can support families, instead of the greed of globalism.

Donald Trump is in my personal view an enemy of the western world. I think the best what all US-Americans are able to do is to fire this man. Yesterday.

4. This question didn't translate very well from German.
You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?
It seems that populism is more Christian than globalism, if that is the question to be answered.

I never understood what the people call "populism", who are often on their own very populistic. Truth knows only one orientation - the truth on its own. And not always is truth not popular.

5. Thomas Moore: meh


6. Thomas Aquinas quote:
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.

And now you think Thomas Aquinas - who was totally right to say so - said to you it's good to be a lazybone and to learn nothing about the Christian rebound in god? Are you really convinced god has all work to do to bring his faith to you - and you have absolutely not any influence in this process? ...

No wonder that some believe in conspiracy theories, which make the people helpless, frustrated and angry on totally unreal reasons. No wonder that others have to fight against such wrong ideas, which sow violence and hate. So, how do you say often in your culture? Don't try to be part of the problem - try to be part of the solution.

1. ausweichen Who knows more about religion than someone who devoted their life to studying it?

Miriam - the little Muslim grandma, who never learned to read and to write. Every day god lives in her heart and every nigth she sleeps in his hands.

die Schmach
is someone who assumes things without really knowing what they are talking about.
Tell us the answer, don't "dodge" the question. Define "good and evil" related to the letter to Trump. Where is the Archbishop wrong, do tell.

In everything what he said about good and evil to Donald Trump.

2. So you don't fucking know what you're talking about? You can't define what is "nonsense"???

Why for heavens sake "fuck" all US-Americans (and meanwhile all Germans too) continuously? Is this the only thing your culture teaches everywhere? How to use the word "fuck" in totally wrong ways?

3. So you don't like Trump.

I think Donald Trump is an extremely dangerous egocentralized narcissist. Narcissism is much more dangerous lots of people think.

OK, that is a very popular view.

In Germany I know no one, who would trust in Donald Trump.

We'll see in November if populism or globalism wins in the USA.

I expect Donald Trump will win the next elections - and this will not be a good. My hope is that I'm sometimes - much too rare - wrong.

4. You still don't get populism vs globalism. Maybe if German businesses moved many of their factories to China, or India, or Vietnam, or Bangladesh, you would understand the difference.

Germany moved many factories to the USA - what is a problem now.

5. Meh, is idiom for "so what?"

You lack respect for a holy man of the Holy Catholic Church.

6. Another case where your phrase doesn't translate well. " learn nothing about the Christian rebound in god" ??????
Here many of us try to live our religion, if that's what you're implying we don't do???

Many of us went to parochial schools and were taught by nuns and priests.

Poor nuns, poor priests.

Globalism is the wrong idea we are fighting against.

No problem. Let Trump shoot down all Mercedes drivers on the 5th avenue from your soldiers, which you call back from Germany, and vote for Trump and his socialism for the superrich.

Voting for Trump and populism is the right idea, and the Archbishop agrees.

Archbishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

1. The Archbishop was wrong about everything?! Yeah, okay, you are totally clueless.

2. "Nonsense" is what you post. Maybe you just don't understand the issues in the letter?

3. Yes Trump has personal flaws, but his policies are what we want, we can overlook his many flaws. We don't need to "trust" Trump, he keeps his promises, he is watched very closely, and he knows it.

4. Germany moved a few plants here, but it didn't affect their economy. Here in the US the economy went from a "manufacturing economy" to a "service economy" when 12,000 factories were moved out. No comparison.

5. I lack respect for a Holy man? No, I just didn't like the quote about sheeps wool?! Maybe that quote worked better in the 1500s?

6. We spent way too much money keeping US bases in the EU over the last 75 years. Now its up to the EU to maintain their own defense. Keep buying gas from Russia to fund their military?! Agree that US tax policy needs to change, you finally got something right, congratulations!

7. Archbishop Vigano speaks the truth, you post nonsense.
After reading Archbishop Vigano's letter to President Trump, it seems that what many Trump supporters have been saying all along is true, POLL.

In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.

These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation. (continued in link...)

he's a good guy who mocks and ridicules and insults and denigrates and attacks anyone who dare question him or his actions.

he is a bully and a wannabe dictator

he is the WORST of America.....

well...except for you and all the other trump followers....
LOL!! Enjoy November and the next 4-years.
How's Sleepy Joe Biden as a candidate?
OK, so you don't like Trump, got any Biden policies to brag about?
Democrats are plain "evil" just ask Archbishop Vigano.
... OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop. ...

The conference of the German bishops (=all bishops) made clear no one of them shares his opinions (and also not the opinions of Cardinal Gerhard Müller and Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun) - although they normally do not comment, what bishops outside of Germany do or say. Specially the conspiracy theories around the theme "Corona" are totally wrong and counterproductive.

I agree with the opinion of Generalvikar Klaus Pfeffer, who said: Er sei "einfach nur fassungslos, was da im Namen von Kirche und Christentum verbreitet wird: Krude Verschwörungstheorien ohne Fakten und Belege, verbunden mit einer rechtspopulistischen Kampf-Rhetorik, die beängstigend klingt."
I try to translate this: He said: "I am stunned, what there is spreaded in the name of church and Christianity: Crude conspiration theories without facts and proofs, combined with a right-wing populist militant rhetoric, which sounds frightening".
Source: Deutsche Bischöfe auf Distanz zu Corona-Aufruf von Viganò und Müller

And to make this clear again. All members of the German bishop conference (= in the moment 69 members) do not share the crude political ideas from Arc Bishop Vigano.

OK, I can see where the German Bishops are more liberal than an "old school" Vatican Archbishop.

Arc Bishop Vigano never was a bishop of a real diocese. In his case "Arc Bishop" is only a title and not a real job.

Even Pope Francis is more liberal than the Archbishop.

"liberal" - "old school" - this are anglo american expressions. Arc Bishop Viganos conspiration theories are nonsense. No idea why he says all this nonsense. Perhaps he is senile or has another problem.

However, I don't see where anyone endorses abortion, which the democrats promote. I also don't see any revised "outlines" from the German Bishops on which behaviors are "good" and which are "evil" as the Archbishop outlines. Do the German Bishops say that "globalism" is good and "populism" is evil??

The Catholic Church is since ever global. And the Catholic Church is since ever for everyone.

On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation.

You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?

“[how can anyone] be silly enough to think himself better than other people, because his clothes are made of finer woolen thread than theirs. After all, those fine clothes were once worn by a sheep, and they never turned it into anything better than a sheep.”
Thomas More, Utopia

1. I consider Archbishop Vigano a "subject matter expert". He held various prestigious positions both within the Vatican and around the world.

That's why he is a shame of the Holy Catholic Church. Someone in his position should be able to know what he speaks about.

2. Not sure what "conspiracy theories" you are referring to as "nonsense"? Please elaborate.

I don't discuss with you now about the absolutely stupid conspiracy theories of Arc Bishop Vigano. If you don't see it on your own then this is one of the endless never ending "discussions". I warn you just simple not to believe this nonsense, which is not good for you, not good for your country and not good for anyone else in the world. Sometimes it's a kind of wrong vanity which brings some people - also clerics - in the positions to try to be more papal than the pope.

3. You may not know the major political battle that defines Trump vs Biden and the democrats. Trump won in 2016 by promising to bring back US factory jobs that were "outsourced" to China and other countries. During the last 30-years or so Wall Street moved about 12,000 US factories overseas taking about 3,000,000 manufacturing jobs with them. Moving jobs overseas to take advantage of low wages is called "globalism". The wealthy always want to make more money no matter who gets hurt. Trump working to bring back factory jobs to the US is called "populism".
Your calling the Catholic Church "global" misses the point. Vigano obviously supports populism so the people have sustainable jobs, that can support families, instead of the greed of globalism.

Donald Trump is in my personal view an enemy of the western world. I think the best what all US-Americans are able to do is to fire this man. Yesterday.

4. This question didn't translate very well from German.
You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?
It seems that populism is more Christian than globalism, if that is the question to be answered.

I never understood what the people call "populism", who are often on their own very populistic. Truth knows only one orientation - the truth on its own. And not always is truth not popular.

5. Thomas Moore: meh


6. Thomas Aquinas quote:
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.

And now you think Thomas Aquinas - who was totally right to say so - said to you it's good to be a lazybone and to learn nothing about the Christian rebound in god? Are you really convinced god has all work to do to bring his faith to you - and you have absolutely not any influence in this process? ...

No wonder that some believe in conspiracy theories, which make the people helpless, frustrated and angry on totally unreal reasons. No wonder that others have to fight against such wrong ideas, which sow violence and hate. So, how do you say often in your culture? Don't try to be part of the problem - try to be part of the solution.

1. ausweichen Who knows more about religion than someone who devoted their life to studying it?

Miriam - the little Muslim grandma, who never learned to read and to write. Every day god lives in her heart and every nigth she sleeps in his hands.

die Schmach
is someone who assumes things without really knowing what they are talking about.
Tell us the answer, don't "dodge" the question. Define "good and evil" related to the letter to Trump. Where is the Archbishop wrong, do tell.

In everything what he said about good and evil to Donald Trump.

2. So you don't fucking know what you're talking about? You can't define what is "nonsense"???

Why for heavens sake "fuck" all US-Americans (and meanwhile all Germans too) continuously? Is this the only thing your culture teaches everywhere? How to use the word "fuck" in totally wrong ways?

3. So you don't like Trump.

I think Donald Trump is an extremely dangerous egocentralized narcissist. Narcissism is much more dangerous lots of people think.

OK, that is a very popular view.

In Germany I know no one, who would trust in Donald Trump.

We'll see in November if populism or globalism wins in the USA.

I expect Donald Trump will win the next elections - and this will not be a good. My hope is that I'm sometimes - much too rare - wrong.

4. You still don't get populism vs globalism. Maybe if German businesses moved many of their factories to China, or India, or Vietnam, or Bangladesh, you would understand the difference.

Germany moved many factories to the USA - what is a problem now.

5. Meh, is idiom for "so what?"

You lack respect for a holy man of the Holy Catholic Church.

6. Another case where your phrase doesn't translate well. " learn nothing about the Christian rebound in god" ??????
Here many of us try to live our religion, if that's what you're implying we don't do???

Many of us went to parochial schools and were taught by nuns and priests.

Poor nuns, poor priests.

Globalism is the wrong idea we are fighting against.

No problem. Let Trump shoot down all Mercedes drivers on the 5th avenue from your soldiers, which you call back from Germany, and vote for Trump and his socialism for the superrich.

Voting for Trump and populism is the right idea, and the Archbishop agrees.

Archbishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

1. The Archbishop was wrong about everything?! Yeah, okay, you are totally clueless.

Sure he was wrong with everything what he said to Donald Trump. He flattered with the own vanity the egocentralized narcissism of Donald Trump.

2. "Nonsense" is what you post. Maybe you just don't understand the issues in the letter?

Let me say it this way: Catholics normally do not speak so much about strange evil views, which are not in the centre of the Catholic faith. And a bishop will normally ask the pope to speak with the president of the USA, if he really had found out something, what is important to know for the president of the USA.

3. Yes Trump has personal flaws, but his policies are what we want, we can overlook his many flaws. We don't need to "trust" Trump, he keeps his promises, he is watched very closely, and he knows it.

My feeling for the man Donald Trump is ... regret. He never was able to live a normal life. Nevertheless I contempt what he is doing.

4. Germany moved a few plants here, but it didn't affect their economy. Here in the US the economy went from a "manufacturing economy" to a "service economy" when 12,000 factories were moved out. No comparison.

It's one thing to produce goods and to sell goods in free markets. It's another thing to declare war on every company in the world, which is not doing the will of Donaldo Trumpolo pressed by his canon boat economy.

5. I lack respect for a Holy man?

Not only this. The politician, humanist and martyr Sir Thomas More is a kind of antithese for every tyrant. His message: "God first".

No, I just didn't like the quote about sheeps wool?! Maybe that quote worked better in the 1500s?

6. We spent way too much money keeping US bases in the EU over the last 75 years.

What's nonsense.

Now its up to the EU to maintain their own defense.

Do you really think it is a good idea to scalp all US-American soldiers in Germany? What if they don't like to be scalped?

Keep buying gas from Russia to fund their military?!

That's by the way one of the greatest impertinences of the USA, which ever had happened since world war 2 - made from republicans as well as from democrats. What you did do in context of this third parallel pipeline from Russia to Europe (Nordstream 2) was as well a declaration of war against Russia as it was a declaration of war against Germany - an it was also a declaration of war against Switzerland and a declaration of war against free trade worldwide.

Agree that US tax policy needs to change, you finally got something right, congratulations!

7. Archbishop Vigano speaks the truth, you post nonsense.

Archbishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

Last edited:
... OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop. ...

The conference of the German bishops (=all bishops) made clear no one of them shares his opinions (and also not the opinions of Cardinal Gerhard Müller and Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun) - although they normally do not comment, what bishops outside of Germany do or say. Specially the conspiracy theories around the theme "Corona" are totally wrong and counterproductive.

I agree with the opinion of Generalvikar Klaus Pfeffer, who said: Er sei "einfach nur fassungslos, was da im Namen von Kirche und Christentum verbreitet wird: Krude Verschwörungstheorien ohne Fakten und Belege, verbunden mit einer rechtspopulistischen Kampf-Rhetorik, die beängstigend klingt."
I try to translate this: He said: "I am stunned, what there is spreaded in the name of church and Christianity: Crude conspiration theories without facts and proofs, combined with a right-wing populist militant rhetoric, which sounds frightening".
Source: Deutsche Bischöfe auf Distanz zu Corona-Aufruf von Viganò und Müller

And to make this clear again. All members of the German bishop conference (= in the moment 69 members) do not share the crude political ideas from Arc Bishop Vigano.

OK, I can see where the German Bishops are more liberal than an "old school" Vatican Archbishop.

Arc Bishop Vigano never was a bishop of a real diocese. In his case "Arc Bishop" is only a title and not a real job.

Even Pope Francis is more liberal than the Archbishop.

"liberal" - "old school" - this are anglo american expressions. Arc Bishop Viganos conspiration theories are nonsense. No idea why he says all this nonsense. Perhaps he is senile or has another problem.

However, I don't see where anyone endorses abortion, which the democrats promote. I also don't see any revised "outlines" from the German Bishops on which behaviors are "good" and which are "evil" as the Archbishop outlines. Do the German Bishops say that "globalism" is good and "populism" is evil??

The Catholic Church is since ever global. And the Catholic Church is since ever for everyone.

On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation.

You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?

“[how can anyone] be silly enough to think himself better than other people, because his clothes are made of finer woolen thread than theirs. After all, those fine clothes were once worn by a sheep, and they never turned it into anything better than a sheep.”
Thomas More, Utopia

1. I consider Archbishop Vigano a "subject matter expert". He held various prestigious positions both within the Vatican and around the world.

That's why he is a shame of the Holy Catholic Church. Someone in his position should be able to know what he speaks about.

2. Not sure what "conspiracy theories" you are referring to as "nonsense"? Please elaborate.

I don't discuss with you now about the absolutely stupid conspiracy theories of Arc Bishop Vigano. If you don't see it on your own then this is one of the endless never ending "discussions". I warn you just simple not to believe this nonsense, which is not good for you, not good for your country and not good for anyone else in the world. Sometimes it's a kind of wrong vanity which brings some people - also clerics - in the positions to try to be more papal than the pope.

3. You may not know the major political battle that defines Trump vs Biden and the democrats. Trump won in 2016 by promising to bring back US factory jobs that were "outsourced" to China and other countries. During the last 30-years or so Wall Street moved about 12,000 US factories overseas taking about 3,000,000 manufacturing jobs with them. Moving jobs overseas to take advantage of low wages is called "globalism". The wealthy always want to make more money no matter who gets hurt. Trump working to bring back factory jobs to the US is called "populism".
Your calling the Catholic Church "global" misses the point. Vigano obviously supports populism so the people have sustainable jobs, that can support families, instead of the greed of globalism.

Donald Trump is in my personal view an enemy of the western world. I think the best what all US-Americans are able to do is to fire this man. Yesterday.

4. This question didn't translate very well from German.
You don't have a big idea about the Christian faith, isn't it?
It seems that populism is more Christian than globalism, if that is the question to be answered.

I never understood what the people call "populism", who are often on their own very populistic. Truth knows only one orientation - the truth on its own. And not always is truth not popular.

5. Thomas Moore: meh


6. Thomas Aquinas quote:
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.

And now you think Thomas Aquinas - who was totally right to say so - said to you it's good to be a lazybone and to learn nothing about the Christian rebound in god? Are you really convinced god has all work to do to bring his faith to you - and you have absolutely not any influence in this process? ...

No wonder that some believe in conspiracy theories, which make the people helpless, frustrated and angry on totally unreal reasons. No wonder that others have to fight against such wrong ideas, which sow violence and hate. So, how do you say often in your culture? Don't try to be part of the problem - try to be part of the solution.

1. ausweichen Who knows more about religion than someone who devoted their life to studying it?

Miriam - the little Muslim grandma, who never learned to read and to write. Every day god lives in her heart and every nigth she sleeps in his hands.

die Schmach
is someone who assumes things without really knowing what they are talking about.
Tell us the answer, don't "dodge" the question. Define "good and evil" related to the letter to Trump. Where is the Archbishop wrong, do tell.

In everything what he said about good and evil to Donald Trump.

2. So you don't fucking know what you're talking about? You can't define what is "nonsense"???

Why for heavens sake "fuck" all US-Americans (and meanwhile all Germans too) continuously? Is this the only thing your culture teaches everywhere? How to use the word "fuck" in totally wrong ways?

3. So you don't like Trump.

I think Donald Trump is an extremely dangerous egocentralized narcissist. Narcissism is much more dangerous lots of people think.

OK, that is a very popular view.

In Germany I know no one, who would trust in Donald Trump.

We'll see in November if populism or globalism wins in the USA.

I expect Donald Trump will win the next elections - and this will not be a good. My hope is that I'm sometimes - much too rare - wrong.

4. You still don't get populism vs globalism. Maybe if German businesses moved many of their factories to China, or India, or Vietnam, or Bangladesh, you would understand the difference.

Germany moved many factories to the USA - what is a problem now.

5. Meh, is idiom for "so what?"

You lack respect for a holy man of the Holy Catholic Church.

6. Another case where your phrase doesn't translate well. " learn nothing about the Christian rebound in god" ??????
Here many of us try to live our religion, if that's what you're implying we don't do???

Many of us went to parochial schools and were taught by nuns and priests.

Poor nuns, poor priests.

Globalism is the wrong idea we are fighting against.

No problem. Let Trump shoot down all Mercedes drivers on the 5th avenue from your soldiers, which you call back from Germany, and vote for Trump and his socialism for the superrich.

Voting for Trump and populism is the right idea, and the Archbishop agrees.

Archbishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

1. The Archbishop was wrong about everything?! Yeah, okay, you are totally clueless.

Sure he was wrong with everything what he said to Donald Trump. He flattered with the own vanity the egocentralized narcissism of Donald Trump.

2. "Nonsense" is what you post. Maybe you just don't understand the issues in the letter?

Let me say it this way: Catholics normally do not speak so much about strange evil views, which are not in the centre of the Catholic faith. And a bishop will normally ask the pope to speak with the president of the USA, if he really had found out something, what is important to know for the president of the USA.

3. Yes Trump has personal flaws, but his policies are what we want, we can overlook his many flaws. We don't need to "trust" Trump, he keeps his promises, he is watched very closely, and he knows it.

My feeling for the man Donald Trump is ... regret. He never was able to live a normal life. Nevertheless I contempt what he is doing.

4. Germany moved a few plants here, but it didn't affect their economy. Here in the US the economy went from a "manufacturing economy" to a "service economy" when 12,000 factories were moved out. No comparison.

It's one thing to produce goods and to sell goods in free markets. It's another thing to declare war on every company in the world, which is not doing the will of Donaldo Trumpolo pressed by his canon boat economy.

5. I lack respect for a Holy man?

Not only this. The politician, humanist and martyr Sir Thomas More is a kind of antithese for every tyrant. His message: "God first".

No, I just didn't like the quote about sheeps wool?! Maybe that quote worked better in the 1500s?

6. We spent way too much money keeping US bases in the EU over the last 75 years.

What's nonsense.

Now its up to the EU to maintain their own defense.

Do you really think it is a good idea to scalp all US-American soldiers in Germany? What if they don't like to be scalped?

Keep buying gas from Russia to fund their military?!

That's by the way one of the greatest impertinences of the USA, which ever had happened since world war 2 - made from republicans as well as from democrats. What you did do in context of this third parallel pipeline from Russia to Europe (Nordstream 2) was as well a declaration of war against Russia as it was a declaration of war against Germany - an it was also a declaration of war against Switzerland and a declaration of war against free trade worldwide.

Agree that US tax policy needs to change, you finally got something right, congratulations!

7. Archbishop Vigano speaks the truth, you post nonsense.
Archbishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

1. Trump is right, so is Vigano to see it. Trump's narcissm is irrelevant, its his actions that matter.
What if Trump had autism or some other personality disorder? Would that make everything he does wrong? Of course not.

2. Vigano sees that Trump's actions are better for families. Families are at the center of Catholicism.

3. If you hate what Trump is doing you just don't understand how beneficial it is for US families.

4. The US had stupid trade policies for decades, Trump is making the world play fairly.

5. "God first" may work elsewhere, but the US Constitution requires separation of "church and state". Trump's policy on abortion is better than the democrat's, or it should be seen that way, that the German Bishops prefer the liberal policies of democrats speaks volumes. They and US bishops prefer not to oppose democrats for purely financial reasons.

6. US soldiers have nothing to do with leaving the EU, its the wasted tax dollars.

7. Fine, buy Russian gas, but we're not paying to keep troops there to protect you from the Russians?! That would be stupid.[/QUOTE]
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1. Trump is right,

If someone thinks about Trump then this is not a quesion of good or bad weather. It's a quesion of weather at all.

so is Vigano to see it.

Archbishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

Narcissm is irrelevant,

Anders Behring Breivick for example had a narcissistic personality disorder.

its his actions that matter. What if Trump had autism or some other personality disorder? Would that make everything he does wrong? Of course not.

Sure it would. An autist for example is not able to be president of the USA.

2. Vigano sees that Trump's actions are better for families. Families are at the center of Catholicism.

Vigano speaks nonsense. And he did not remember Donald Trump to be a better family father.

3. If you hate what Trump is doing you just don't understand how beneficial it is for US families.

Trump caused problems which will need long years - even decades - to be solved. Specially he destroyed the reliability and reputation of the USA and destroyed trust in the USA and within the USA.

4. The US had stupid trade policies for decades. Trump is making the world play fairly.

A good one. Trump is a racist darwinist - or did you never listen what he said?

5. God first may work elsewhere but the US Constitution requires separation of "church and state".

Archbishop Vigano speaks not in the name of the Church. He speaks private - and he speaks nonsense. What he did was an attack against the Holy Catholic Church. He tries to force the pope to have to say something to the crude ideas of Vigano and others.

But rump's policy on abortion is better than the democrat's.

Funny. Did you ever see any change in the numbers of abortions because republicans or democrats were governing the USA? By the way. Why do you think Trump is a republican at all? The repubicans are only a tool in his hands. Trump is a Trumpist. And only loyal Trumpists count for him. Not loyal US-Americans.

6. US soldiers have nothing to do with leaving the EU, its the wasted tax dollars.


7. Fine, buy Russian gas,

Sure we do. We do so since world war 2. Such businesses stabalize peace and independence. Whether two pipelines or three pipelines go to Europe changes nothing. But not to communicate with an ally and to prefer to declare war on this ally is really a masterpiece of stupidity in the US-American politics.

but we're not paying to keep troops there to protect you from the Russians.

Idiot mine - we protected not only you from the Soviets. And the Soviets-empire died in Russia in 1991. The Russia today is another theme than the theme Russia was, when Trump was a young child. By the way: Was he ever young?

That would be stupid.

You are stupid! When your nation betrayed the Kurds in Syria and Turkey this was only a new confirmation of an old prejudice that US-Americans in general are extreme bad in knowledge about the human nature and don't know who are their friends and who are their enemies. A British-Prussian heritage, I guess.

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1. Trump is right,

If someone thinks about Trump then this is not a question of good or bad weather. It's a question of weather at all.

so is Vigano to see it.

Archbishop Vigano speaks nonsense.

Narcissm is irrelevant,

Anders Behring Breivick for example had a narcissistic personality disorder.

its his actions that matter. What if Trump had autism or some other personality disorder? Would that make everything he does wrong? Of course not.

Sure it would. An autistic for example is not able to be president of the USA.

2. Vigano sees that Trump's actions are better for families. Families are at the center of Catholicism.

Vigano speaks nonsense. And he did not remember Donald Trump to be a better family father.

3. If you hate what Trump is doing you just don't understand how beneficial it is for US families.

Trump caused problems which will need long years - even decades - to be solved. Specially he destroyed the reliability and reputation of the USA and destroyed trust in the USA and within the USA.

4. The US had stupid trade policies for decades. Trump is making the world play fairly.

A good one. Trump is a racist darwinist - or did you never listen what he said?

5. God first may work elsewhere but the US Constitution requires separation of "church and state".

Archbishop Vigano speaks not in the name of the Church. He speaks private - and he speaks nonsense. What he did was an attack against the Holy Catholic Church. He tries to force the pope to have to say something to the crude ideas of Vigano and others.

But Trump's policy on abortion is better than the democrat's.

Funny. Did you ever see any change in the numbers of abortions because republicans or democrats were governing the USA? By the way. Why do you think Trump is a republican at all? The republicans are only a tool in his hands. Trump is a Trumpist. And only loyal Trumpists count for him. Not loyal US-Americans.

6. US soldiers have nothing to do with leaving the EU, its the wasted tax dollars.


7. Fine, buy Russian gas,

Sure we do. We do so since world war 2. Such businesses stabilize peace and independence. Whether two pipelines or three pipelines go to Europe changes nothing. But not to communicate with an ally and to prefer to declare war on this ally is really a masterpiece of stupidity in the US-American politics.

but we're not paying to keep troops there to protect you from the Russians.

Idiot mine - we protected not only you from the Soviets. And the Soviets-empire died in Russia in 1991. The Russia today is another theme than the theme Russia was, when Trump was a young child. By the way: Was he ever young?

That would be stupid.

You are stupid! When your nation betrayed the Kurds in Syria and Turkey this was only a new confirmation of an old prejudice that US-Americans in general are extreme bad in knowledge about the human nature and don't know who are their friends and who are their enemies. A British-Prussian heritage, I guess.
1. We disagree about Trump and Vigano. We'll see in November how voters feel.
2. If a candidate is not qualified to be president, the primaries and general election would toss him out. Trump won, so he is obviously qualified.
3. If you think Trump destroyed the reputation of the USA, we disagree. Within the USA Trump is a hero. He destroyed the "deep state" bureaucrats that thought they controlled the US government. If you prefer China, go for it, choose China over the USA, I dare you.
4. Trump is making the US trade policy fair. You call him a "racist-Darwinist". OK, I don't care what you call him, we like what he's doing. Call us names like the democrats.
5. Vigano's letter to Trump was the truth. Voters in the US know what democrats stand for, I won't bore you with their policy list, but Trump and the GOP and conservative values are what we want. The German Bishops can prefer democrat policies over Republican/Trump policies, but they would be very wrong.
6. Your comment about "scalps" is nonsense. We want US troops out of the EU because its too expensive and we need the money to battle China and NK.
7. Who declared war on an ally? Don't post nonsense. The US military presence in the EU over the last 75-years kept the peace. You're welcome. Now its time to move on, we have bigger fish to fry. The US did NOT betray the Kurds. The Turks (a NATO ally) were invading, Syria, we moved out of their way and saved oil fields for the Kurds to pay for their own defense. That was a win-win. The Turks have their buffer zone, and the Kurds have oil fields. There was no Kurd massacre. The generals were wrong, and Trump was right.

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