Is It Time For a Third Party?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
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Is It Time For a Third Party?

February 20, 2013
by Sean Aland


The Democrat Party—at one time an honorable organization—has been hijacked by leftist progressives, which is another name for American socialists. It is now the party of big government, redistribution, entitlements, equal outcome, and runaway spending; a party that ignores the Constitution and refuses to compromise. It is the far left political party. The Republican Party that used to be the small government, constitutional-conservative party has tried to get its tent so big the Party is fast becoming the Democrat light Party. The Republican Party now strives to be the party of the middle and middle left—a so-called kinder, gentler party that is more moderate, inclusive, and submissive—one that no longer represents the right.

The Tea Party, despised by both establishment Democrats and Republicans, is the new representative of conservatives. It stands for the conservative, Christian, constitutional, capitalist, small-government ideology. Simply stated the contemporary Democratic Party represents the far left, the Republican Party represents the moderate left, and the Tea Party represents real conservatives who are trying to salvage our country. Currently both parties suffer from an identity crisis with Blue Dog Democrats supporting socialism and the Republican Party abandoning its base. Since both major parties have abandoned their constituents, it may be time for Americans to abandon the elephants and asses and start a new majority party.


We are at a crossroads in America. Hence, it might be time to carefully examine the platforms of both major parties to deter mine what they actually stand for and represent. This might require the establishment of a third party to get the attention of the establishment, careerist politicians of the current two parties. That party could be the Tea Party. If this does not happen, perhaps it is time to adopt the European model of two major political parties, the Socialist party and the Conservative party. The progressive Democrats and RINO’s would feel more at home in a Socialist Party , and the Blue Dog Democrats and GOP conservatives that still have an ounce of character could start rebuilding a constitutional, small government, Conservative Party under the tutelage of the Tea Party Patriots.

Read more: Is It Time For a Third Party? ? Patriot Update
We are currently a 2 party system. If a 3rd party actually rose up and began making an impact over the years it would guarantee 1 party rule for decades. Unless that 3rd party was DAAAAAAMN well prepared and competent enough to compete and threaten the majority. And the "tea party" sure as hell isn't competent or prepared enough for anything.
Is It Time For a Third Party?

February 20, 2013
by Sean Aland


The Democrat Party—at one time an honorable organization—has been hijacked by leftist progressives, which is another name for American socialists. It is now the party of big government, redistribution, entitlements, equal outcome, and runaway spending; a party that ignores the Constitution and refuses to compromise. It is the far left political party. The Republican Party that used to be the small government, constitutional-conservative party has tried to get its tent so big the Party is fast becoming the Democrat light Party. The Republican Party now strives to be the party of the middle and middle left—a so-called kinder, gentler party that is more moderate, inclusive, and submissive—one that no longer represents the right.

The Tea Party, despised by both establishment Democrats and Republicans, is the new representative of conservatives. It stands for the conservative, Christian, constitutional, capitalist, small-government ideology. Simply stated the contemporary Democratic Party represents the far left, the Republican Party represents the moderate left, and the Tea Party represents real conservatives who are trying to salvage our country. Currently both parties suffer from an identity crisis with Blue Dog Democrats supporting socialism and the Republican Party abandoning its base. Since both major parties have abandoned their constituents, it may be time for Americans to abandon the elephants and asses and start a new majority party.


We are at a crossroads in America. Hence, it might be time to carefully examine the platforms of both major parties to deter mine what they actually stand for and represent. This might require the establishment of a third party to get the attention of the establishment, careerist politicians of the current two parties. That party could be the Tea Party. If this does not happen, perhaps it is time to adopt the European model of two major political parties, the Socialist party and the Conservative party. The progressive Democrats and RINO’s would feel more at home in a Socialist Party , and the Blue Dog Democrats and GOP conservatives that still have an ounce of character could start rebuilding a constitutional, small government, Conservative Party under the tutelage of the Tea Party Patriots.

Read more: Is It Time For a Third Party? ? Patriot Update

These schemes just aren't going to work for you. The Republican party needs to cooperate and get back to doing what their constituents want them to do.

Job approval is in the 30s for them.
They are plenty of parties in the United States.


Swallow, We know...:rolleyes:
Too late for that. It's now a one-party government because the media has been taken over and the information is now propaganda. There will be another party, but not until after the revolution.
Too late for that. It's now a one-party government because the media has been taken over and the information is now propaganda. There will be another party, but not until after the revolution.

Oh jesus fucking christ :( starts like this..

[ame=]Original Upload, I Just Shot Myself! - YouTube[/ame]
I think we need about five or six parties to truly represent the different POVs of most Americans.

But the structure of Congress would negate that system.

Parlimentary systems are more receptive to a many-party system.
What makes people think that the losers and nutcases can do any better for America than established political parties? If you don't like the way your chosen party has been dealing with issues why don't you try to fix it? Scared? The Tea Party tries to get the best candidates for the republican party and they have been attacked mercilessly by the radical left and the media. Meanwhile CUSA has been trying to gain control of the democrat party and fools and anarchists like Van Jones have become spokespersons for liberalism. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Get off your ass and join the Tea Party or CUSA if it's your thing.

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