Zone1 Is it time for a universal pronoun?

And not to worry about about any future giraffo-American neighbors; it ends at the water's edge of gender. Gender dysphoria is a real thing, recognized by the AMA, NIH, NHS, American Psychiatric Association, and just about every major research university, such as Yale. Links provided.

They will claim anything is 'real' if pressed hard enough. See how the faggots intimidated the APA for three years and made them change their book of mental disorders. That was political , not 'scientific', which is obvious form the vote count: 5,800 for change, 3,800 against, with over 10,000 members not voting at all. That's some 75% who didn't support it, so clearly the 'science' had far less to do with it than the threats of picketing the practices of those who voted against the fake 'science'. And, it helps when the so-called 'mental health proffessional organizations' deliberately suppress any science that doesn't fit the political narrative from being published in their publications.
It's not actually outrageous. You've been using they/them your entire life. "Someone's coming down the street, and they will be here in five minutes." In terms of grammar class, it's called "the singular they," and it's always been a perfectly acceptable pronoun when the gender of the subject is unknown or unspecified.
In ACTUAL English...
"Someone" is a singular pronoun.
When the gender of the subject is unknown, the singular ponoun defaults to "he".

If you want to start identifying with the low brow no-minds then go right ahead.

Now, see, this passes with mods as okay for 'Zone 1', since it comes from some degenerate left wing groomer sociopath. This post, however, will disappear as soon as some kiddie raper fan snivels about it most likely.
Now, see, this passes with mods as okay for 'Zone 1', since it comes from some degenerate left wing groomer sociopath. This post, however, will disappear as soon as some kiddie raper fan snivels about it most likely.
For posterity:

There's no need for you and me to discuss the issue any further.

If you want to start identifying with the low brow no-minds then go right ahead.
If a human is born without an arm, it doesn’t become wrong to say humans have 2 Arms.

Same with sex, there will be rare variations, but that doesn’t change the fact that there are 2 sexes of human beings.
If a human is born without an arm, it doesn’t become wrong to say humans have 2 Arms.

Same with sex, there will be rare variations, but that doesn’t change the fact that there are 2 sexes of human beings.
True in the sense of what can be accepted in America.
This then changes the situation to being nothing more than a debate over whether to just refer to two sexes or to be allowed to refer to science's interpretation of there being more.

In other countries where the political parties aren't at war with each other, their solution is not needing to beg the question. Only Americans need to GAF.
1: XX
2: XY
3: A tiny, insignificant fraction of XXY, XYY and other similar aberrations.
So we don't care. Americans can shoot each other over whether or not to accept that., on account of the question of 'significance'.
The Philly trans shooter is being called ...they / the police. That's completely ridiculous. So it doesn't want to be referred to as a he or a she but they/them instead? What happens when a person shows up insisting to be referred to as a giraffe? Will public servants then be obligated to perform such insanity? What happens when a group of criminals shows up all claiming to be the same person and wanting to be referred to as legion? Should they only take one set of fingerprints for the whole group?

There has to be a limit here somewhere to this mental retardation.

How about "the unit"?? Or how about "entity"??..... You don't need to use the plural if there's only one sorry wreck of a human mind seeking to be addressed.

Then of course there's scumbag, Chamber pot, Grease monkey, troglodyte, moron, criminal, fly collection, and so on.

Why must we labor under the dysfunctional direction of broken minds? Anyone?
I suggest, "Patient". That encompasses all mental illnesses.
If a human is born without an arm, it doesn’t become wrong to say humans have 2 Arms.

Same with sex, there will be rare variations, but that doesn’t change the fact that there are 2 sexes of human beings.

Yes, there are only two that matter, to sane people anyway. Outliers don't determine normality or constitute an excuse to pander to deviants and gimps.
True in the sense of what can be accepted in America.
This then changes the situation to being nothing more than a debate over whether to just refer to two sexes or to be allowed to refer to science's interpretation of there being more.

In other countries where the political parties aren't at war with each other, their solution is not needing to beg the question. Only Americans need to GAF.
Well, these issue’s have consequences that we’re seeing, and only one side seems to be concerned about.

Women’s sports, depression/suicide, convincing-acting despite inability of youth to consent, a growing number of exposed trans activists in schools secretly grooming children without parents Knowledge..

All of these are bad consequences from trans ideology., and they are very serious. Yet, portions of MSM and even the current presidential administration doesn’t seem to care. Many many victims of this.. do you care?
The Philly trans shooter is being called ...they / the police. That's completely ridiculous. So it doesn't want to be referred to as a he or a she but they/them instead? What happens when a person shows up insisting to be referred to as a giraffe? Will public servants then be obligated to perform such insanity? What happens when a group of criminals shows up all claiming to be the same person and wanting to be referred to as legion? Should they only take one set of fingerprints for the whole group?

There has to be a limit here somewhere to this mental retardation.

How about "the unit"?? Or how about "entity"??..... You don't need to use the plural if there's only one sorry wreck of a human mind seeking to be addressed.

Then of course there's scumbag, Chamber pot, Grease monkey, troglodyte, moron, criminal, fly collection, and so on.

Why must we labor under the dysfunctional direction of broken minds? Anyone?

Deviant works for most of these gimps. So does gimp, actually.
It's important to remember that sex is not the same thing as gender.

Sex is biological and physiological, and is the same across time and culture. Males tend to be taller and hairier with more upper body strength, while females tend to be shorter and curvier with wider hips. As has been stated, almost everyone you will ever meet is either male or female, and the exceptions are rarely even noticeable.

Gender is a function of culture, specifically what that society expects of the masculine and feminine. In our society, men are more likely to be called Steve, wear suits, and work as mechanics or soldiers, while women are more likely to be called Stephanie, wear dresses, and work as nurses or interior designers. These do change over time and across cultures, and it isn't too hard to think of gender expectations that have changes even within our own lifetimes, such as long hair on men.

Most boys and men in our society follow masculine expectations, of course, but many may prefer things that society considers feminine; maybe a guy likes figure skating, or scented candles, or romantic comedies, and few would think twice about it. Same goes with girls and women who might watch the NFL, or collect Hot Wheels, or watch a lot of James Bond, no big deal. I'm pretty sure we all know a number of people who like things that most of their sex don't.

Some might like more than one of those, and even fewer might like a lot. Some — a minority to be sure, but still a noticeable amount — might prefer most of what society expects of the gender opposite to their own sex. They're literally trans (Latin for "on the other side of") gender.

Trans is not determined by sex or chromosomes, even for those who have had surgery. It also has nothing to do with sexual preference; there are trans people on every point on the gay-bi-pan-straight-ace spectrum. Being trans is just about how someone chooses to live, and how they live up to the expectations of the culture.

That's all; carry on.
It's important to remember that sex is not the same thing as gender.'
Its important to remember that if you have, or had, a prostate, you aren't a woman.
Its important to remember that if you have, or had, a cervix, you aren't a man.
Its important to remember that whole you can call yourself whatever you want, no one is under any obbligation to participate.

You be you -- just don't expect - and, especially, do not demand - that anyone play along.
That's all - carry on.


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