Is it time for an impeachment cease-fire?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
I knew back in the 90s when the Republicans impeach Bill Clinton, knowing for well that he would never be convicted, that the Democrats would get revenge. Frankly, I was surprised that they waited so long. But I guess 911 and the country uniting behind Bush stayed their hand.

They took their shots at Donald Trump, outdoing the GOP by double the number of impeachments.

Now the GOP has impeached Mayorkas. And the cycle will continue.

I’m not saying there should never be any impeachment. It is an important part of the constitution. But impeachment should be reserved for Cases in which it is clear that both parties are at least one party plus a significant chunk of the other party agrees that the president should be removed.

Prosecutors are supposed to hold to the standard that they don’t prosecuted case unless there’s a strong chance that you will convey. That’s another convention that’s gone by the way side of the multiple prosecution of Trump

Anyway, what are you? On both sides agree to stop being impeachment craziness? Could both sides be trusted to stick to that agreement? Or impeachments all part of the bridge and circuses that government provides they seem to do us no other good?
I knew back in the 90s when the Republicans impeach Bill Clinton, knowing for well that he would never be convicted, that the Democrats would get revenge. Frankly, I was surprised that they waited so long. But I guess 911 and the country uniting behind Bush stayed their hand.

They took their shots at Donald Trump, outdoing the GOP by double the number of impeachments.

Now the GOP has impeached Mayorkas. And the cycle will continue.

I’m not saying there should never be any impeachment. It is an important part of the constitution. But impeachment should be reserved for Cases in which it is clear that both parties are at least one party plus a significant chunk of the other party agrees that the president should be removed.

Prosecutors are supposed to hold to the standard that they don’t prosecuted case unless there’s a strong chance that you will convey. That’s another convention that’s gone by the way side of the multiple prosecution of Trump

Anyway, what are you? On both sides agree to stop being impeachment craziness? Could both sides be trusted to stick to that agreement? Or impeachments all part of the bridge and circuses that government provides they seem to do us no other good?
Lol, tRump's impeachments weren't revenge.
I knew back in the 90s when the Republicans impeach Bill Clinton, knowing for well that he would never be convicted,
The establishment GOP was doing Clinton a favor, because they were just as traitorous and guilty as he was. They, like the Deep State, were in on his crimes.

They whole thing, was like a magic trick. . while the public was watching the impeachment over that BJ, and his affairs, the REAL CRIME? Was him selling America's technological secrets for Chinese campaign cash.

But? He wasn't the only one. There was establishment republicans that also sold US corporate secrets, and allow US corporations with high tech secrets, to move to China, so that they could catch up, technologically, to US industry, and US workers.

This, of course, then took away US military strategic supremacy. US politicians, regardless of party, betrayed America, for money, nothing but money. And they all knew it. . . it was exposed at that time, so they used that Clinton impeachment to distract all Americans, in both parties from the story, so that they all wouldn't put in front of a firing squad or jailed.

. . . some folks are starting to get it now with the shit that is going on at the World Health Organization and the WEF/Davos, BUT MOST? They want to think that Trump or the GOP is going to save them. .. they aren't. They didn't last time, and they aren't going to if they get elected.


FBI agents criticize Justice Department​


Justice's Clinton, Gore inquiry criticized​


The campaign finance scandal affected all of corporate America, Joe is correct, the powers that be, the entire establishment, WANTED China to have that tech, so that America could pay poor peasant worker in China peanuts, and off shore American jobs, while gutting mid America, and pocketing the profits.

Gore and Clinton just made bank in campaign corruption for themselves. . . by betraying the nation.

All of them, and the left and the right, they are all thieves, crooks, and perverts, aided and abetted by the TEE VEE propagandists, who purposely distracted the masses with that silly sex scandal, which was of little to no consequence by comparison. Everyone in D.C. knew it. That was just a compromise. They could have impeached 'ol Billy Boy on any number of his sexcapades to distract the masses from this scandal. .. .

This shit? IS a fact, not conjecture. Hell, the NYT even covered it, and the Chi-Coms have an identical military now. . . what the hell else for proof do you need that the Clintons betrayed the nation? :dunno:

That was the whole reason that the establishment press concentrated so much on that Lewsinky scandal, because, yes, both sides were selling the nation out.. . .

"Already done & done. China has already reverse engineered our 5th generation fighters, they don't need to even bother with the 4th gen anymore.
(previous post.)
The whole thing was done by the CFR press, and the CFR republicans, to distract the public from the very real, and very consequential campaign finance scandal. That scandal? Amounted to essentially treason, but the deep state, and corporate elites, which buy off pols in both parties, wanted that type of corruption to continue, and did not want the electorate to focus on it.

It was a snow job, and a distraction, a bone thrown to partisans, for the TRUE CRIME, the treasonous corruption that the Trilaterals were engaged in, the same bullshit they have been doing with that Covid GoF and the WEF.


The technology transfers started back in the seventies. . . .

It really went full tilt when they used that Lewinsky trial as a distraction to cover for Chinagate. Then they had the US fund that GoF research, which funded the virus. . . and, well, that covered for the whole purposeful controlled demolition of the global economy and subversion of the American civil institutions.

Why do you think American oligarchs have been selling China all the technology they need for a confrontation with America for the past forty years?



Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China

China's American Arsenal

For instance, here's the Shenyang J-31, China's fifth generation stealth fighter:

And here's the good ol' Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II:

Or compare the Chinese Lijian Sharp Sword Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle:

To the Northrop Grumman X-47B Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle:

Or take the Sunward SVU-200 Flying Tiger unmanned helo:

And play a game of "spot the similarities" with Northrop Grumman's very own MQ-8 Fire Scout unmanned helo:

I knew back in the 90s when the Republicans impeach Bill Clinton, knowing for well that he would never be convicted, that the Democrats would get revenge. Frankly, I was surprised that they waited so long. But I guess 911 and the country uniting behind Bush stayed their hand.

They took their shots at Donald Trump, outdoing the GOP by double the number of impeachments.

Now the GOP has impeached Mayorkas. And the cycle will continue.

I’m not saying there should never be any impeachment. It is an important part of the constitution. But impeachment should be reserved for Cases in which it is clear that both parties are at least one party plus a significant chunk of the other party agrees that the president should be removed.

Prosecutors are supposed to hold to the standard that they don’t prosecuted case unless there’s a strong chance that you will convey. That’s another convention that’s gone by the way side of the multiple prosecution of Trump

Anyway, what are you? On both sides agree to stop being impeachment craziness? Could both sides be trusted to stick to that agreement? Or impeachments all part of the bridge and circuses that government provides they seem to do us no other good?
The democrats have been driven by hatred and a desire to divide and conquer the US since GHWB. If you throw in with the democrats, and many republicans, you are aligning with the globalist NEW WORLD ORDER.
Too late. you people destroyed the Country and now you must be eliminated, not meaningless impeachment. Decent folks will save, repair and rebuild whatever remains AFTER.//

Yes we will. Starting in November when we flush trump and the magamites down the toilet with the rest of the turds.

You do know that's whats coming right?
The establishment GOP was doing Clinton a favor, because they were just as traitorous and guilty as he was. They, like the Deep State, were in on his crimes.

They whole thing, was like a magic trick. . while the public was watching the impeachment over that BJ, and his affairs, the REAL CRIME? Was him selling America's technological secrets for Chinese campaign cash.

But? He wasn't the only one. There was establishment republicans that also sold US corporate secrets, and allow US corporations with high tech secrets, to move to China, so that they could catch up, technologically, to US industry, and US workers.

This, of course, then took away US military strategic supremacy. US politicians, regardless of party, betrayed America, for money, nothing but money. And they all knew it. . . it was exposed at that time, so they used that Clinton impeachment to distract all Americans, in both parties from the story, so that they all wouldn't put in front of a firing squad or jailed.

. . . some folks are starting to get it now with the shit that is going on at the World Health Organization and the WEF/Davos, BUT MOST? They want to think that Trump or the GOP is going to save them. .. they aren't. They didn't last time, and they aren't going to if they get elected.


FBI agents criticize Justice Department​


Justice's Clinton, Gore inquiry criticized​


The campaign finance scandal affected all of corporate America, Joe is correct, the powers that be, the entire establishment, WANTED China to have that tech, so that America could pay poor peasant worker in China peanuts, and off shore American jobs, while gutting mid America, and pocketing the profits.

Gore and Clinton just made bank in campaign corruption for themselves. . . by betraying the nation.

All of them, and the left and the right, they are all thieves, crooks, and perverts, aided and abetted by the TEE VEE propagandists, who purposely distracted the masses with that silly sex scandal, which was of little to no consequence by comparison. Everyone in D.C. knew it. That was just a compromise. They could have impeached 'ol Billy Boy on any number of his sexcapades to distract the masses from this scandal. .. .

This shit? IS a fact, not conjecture. Hell, the NYT even covered it, and the Chi-Coms have an identical military now. . . what the hell else for proof do you need that the Clintons betrayed the nation? :dunno:

That was the whole reason that the establishment press concentrated so much on that Lewsinky scandal, because, yes, both sides were selling the nation out.. . .

"Already done & done. China has already reverse engineered our 5th generation fighters, they don't need to even bother with the 4th gen anymore.
(previous post.)
The whole thing was done by the CFR press, and the CFR republicans, to distract the public from the very real, and very consequential campaign finance scandal. That scandal? Amounted to essentially treason, but the deep state, and corporate elites, which buy off pols in both parties, wanted that type of corruption to continue, and did not want the electorate to focus on it.

It was a snow job, and a distraction, a bone thrown to partisans, for the TRUE CRIME, the treasonous corruption that the Trilaterals were engaged in, the same bullshit they have been doing with that Covid GoF and the WEF.


The technology transfers started back in the seventies. . . .

It really went full tilt when they used that Lewinsky trial as a distraction to cover for Chinagate. Then they had the US fund that GoF research, which funded the virus. . . and, well, that covered for the whole purposeful controlled demolition of the global economy and subversion of the American civil institutions.

Why do you think American oligarchs have been selling China all the technology they need for a confrontation with America for the past forty years?



Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China

China's American Arsenal

For instance, here's the Shenyang J-31, China's fifth generation stealth fighter:

And here's the good ol' Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II:

Or compare the Chinese Lijian Sharp Sword Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle:

To the Northrop Grumman X-47B Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle:

Or take the Sunward SVU-200 Flying Tiger unmanned helo:

And play a game of "spot the similarities" with Northrop Grumman's very own MQ-8 Fire Scout unmanned helo:

Russia's military and it's arsenal of weapons has by now proven to be inferior to Russia's. There might be evidence to show now that China's is too.
I knew back in the 90s when the Republicans impeach Bill Clinton, knowing for well that he would never be convicted, that the Democrats would get revenge. Frankly, I was surprised that they waited so long. But I guess 911 and the country uniting behind Bush stayed their hand.

They took their shots at Donald Trump, outdoing the GOP by double the number of impeachments.

Now the GOP has impeached Mayorkas. And the cycle will continue.

I’m not saying there should never be any impeachment. It is an important part of the constitution. But impeachment should be reserved for Cases in which it is clear that both parties are at least one party plus a significant chunk of the other party agrees that the president should be removed.

Prosecutors are supposed to hold to the standard that they don’t prosecuted case unless there’s a strong chance that you will convey. That’s another convention that’s gone by the way side of the multiple prosecution of Trump

Anyway, what are you? On both sides agree to stop being impeachment craziness? Could both sides be trusted to stick to that agreement? Or impeachments all part of the bridge and circuses that government provides they seem to do us no other good?
Impeachment was the fanding fouthers' attempt at inventing some way to deal with a corrupt president/king. It doesn't work!

Britain had to stop beheading corrupt kings and so made their kings symbolic figureheads with no power.

America has still not found any solution.
Russia's military and it's arsenal of weapons has by now proven to be inferior to Russia's. There might be evidence to show now that China's is too.
And at this point, not a soul on this forum take's yoar subversive chicken scratchings, backed up by nothing, at all seriously.
And at this point, not a soul on this forum take's yoar subversive chicken scratchings, backed up by nothing, at all seriously.
That was my typo. Corrected, I said: America's military and it's arsenal of weapons has by now proven to be inferior to Russia's.

Do you and any other Americans think so?
That was my typo. Corrected, I said: America's military and it's arsenal of weapons has by now proven to be inferior to Russia's.

Do you and any other Americans think so?
Yes. Everyone on this forum knows you are a troll that has no idea what you are talking about.
That was my typo. Corrected, I said: America's military and it's arsenal of weapons has by now proven to be inferior to Russia's.

Do you and any other Americans think so?
I think not Don. Our arsenal of weapons is far superior to what the Russians have. I was a contractor for the DoD for 13 years.
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Too late. you people destroyed the Country and now you must be eliminated, not meaningless impeachment. Decent folks will save, repair and rebuild whatever remains AFTER.//
The country has not been destroyed.

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