Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Lucy, don't be goofy. My ancestors met my ancestors at Plymouth Rock, and I say America belongs to all of us. I am a Christian, but I am here to tell you the religious and the non-religious are protected by the 1st Amendment.
Time for you Christians to join us here in THIS century and look at the reality of the world as it is today.
These fuc*king people make Christians look so bad. This is not ok, they probably leave the protest and go cheat on their spouse.
BTW there were no bathrooms in Jesus time...

I could care less who uses my bathroom as long as they put the seat down ..


"BTW there were no bathrooms in Jesus time"

Phew, I'm glad you didn't elaborate, that'd be just TOO much information :smoke:

Except there were bathrooms in Roman times...good grief,...with that said they were pretty gross and disease ridden.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
It's worth saving but how?

Anyone who mentions "God help us" is either censored or thought of as a religious fanatic.

So when there is a national tragedy the best public officials or news anchors dare say is "our thoughts are with you." (sigh)

Then it's time to doing shocking things like *gasp* mentioning God and mentioning Faith and anyone who has a problem with that tell them to STFU.

When have you been prevented from mentioning God or faith?

I think she may be more expressing her disgust with how apologetic anyone of celebrity status, or political prominence is so careful not to speak openly about their Christian faith or how it might actually help this nation if we prayed and sought God in all of our troubles. That no longer plays well with the media or with politics or much of the general public.
We know --- keep your religion to yourselves. "Separation of church and state" bastardized to the extreme.

Thank you for understanding what I was meaning....some Leftists, being idiots, apparently need a translation :rolleyes-41:

Wouldn't it be easier to just say what you mean in the first place? I can only go by what you say.
"Is America worth saving or is it too late?"


America is in no need of ‘saving.’

This nonsense about ‘bathrooms’ is a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right.

And this isn’t a ‘religious issue’ – in fact, it’s a non-issue; no need for Christians to ‘leave.’
You are unable to connect dots obviously. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Says the soft mallet.
Christians are paranoid and frightful little sheep too. Lol. :D
Christians are more aware of what is going on than 90 percent of the people that claim to not believe. There is a lot to worry and pray about. Things are not good in this country and it has been going downhill for a long time. People are too busy tapping away on their I-phones when they are not keeping up with Kardashians to even have a clue. Just like I predicted when gays were allowed to have their union recognized by that state thus validating their lifestyle, the rest of the freaks and perverts would be coming out en masse. Gays yesterday, trans-gender today....pedophiles tomorrow. Salon .com has given a platform to an admitted pedophile that makes it seem like he has been victimized and that he was born the way he was. Pedophiles are already pushing for the lowering of the age of consent in England. Hell, some liberal here justified it because he said that back in the 1800's ten year olds could marry. Trust me, they will try and brainwash and intimidate people into accepting this
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Great idea! the sooner the better!!!! :bye1:

Why don't you leave America Commie Bat Boy....Koshergirl's family has been in America for Centuries, unlike you, therefore America belongs more to her and people like her than you Commie Bat Boy.

Why should Christian American's be told by your ilk to leave a nation their forebears founded?

America belongs to all of US. We are a country built on freedom.

Commie Bat Boy daily posts anti-Christian and hatred of Christians threads, or haven't you noticed. He doesn't believe Christians belong anywhere he is, he's insane of course, he looks like what he is, a Commie Bearded Mountain Man.

He's telling American Christians to leave a nation their families have been in for Centuries....take it up with him not me, it's him who has the problem not me.
I'm not a scourge to society.

Don't sell yourself short.

I simply live my life and mind my own business.

Whilst promoting totalitarian leftism and the eradication of civil rights.

In case you don't understand, there is a difference between "pro choice" and "pro abortion."

Much like the difference between "lie" and "prevarication." :eusa_whistle:

Lol. You really have the mentality of a little child. I think your mama is calling for you, little one. :D

If I were a little child, would you not mourn my escape of the abortionists scalple?

After all, is not every live birth a tragedy?
"Is America worth saving or is it too late?"


America is in no need of ‘saving.’

This nonsense about ‘bathrooms’ is a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right.

And this isn’t a ‘religious issue’ – in fact, it’s a non-issue; no need for Christians to ‘leave.’
You are unable to connect dots obviously. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Says the soft mallet.
Shut up cucky faggot.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Great idea! the sooner the better!!!! :bye1:

Why don't you leave America Commie Bat Boy....Koshergirl's family has been in America for Centuries, unlike you, therefore America belongs more to her and people like her than you Commie Bat Boy.

Why should Christian American's be told by your ilk to leave a nation their forebears founded?

How do you know? You don't anything about her or her family.

She already posted it in this thread, that's where I got it from.
I'm not a scourge to society.

Don't sell yourself short.

I simply live my life and mind my own business.

Whilst promoting totalitarian leftism and the eradication of civil rights.

In case you don't understand, there is a difference between "pro choice" and "pro abortion."

Much like the difference between "lie" and "prevarication." :eusa_whistle:

Lol. You really have the mentality of a little child. I think your mama is calling for you, little one. :D

If I were a little child, would you not mourn my escape of the abortionists scalple?

After all, is not every live birth a tragedy?

Why don't you quote some of my posts saying any of these things, you weirdo. Lol. Oh, that's right, you can't because you are just making shit up as you go along.
These fuc*king people make Christians look so bad. This is not ok, they probably leave the protest and go cheat on their spouse.
BTW there were no bathrooms in Jesus time...

I could care less who uses my bathroom as long as they put the seat down ..


"BTW there were no bathrooms in Jesus time"

Phew, I'm glad you didn't elaborate, that'd be just TOO much information :smoke:

Except there were bathrooms in Roman times...good grief,...with that said they were pretty gross and disease ridden.
And as always you'd be wrong .
Roman "bathrooms" had a closed sewage system and the water flowed constantly.
During the dark ages until the late 19th century , depending on where you were people either used outhouses or chamber pots and literally tossed their shit out the window .
Time for you Christians to join us here in THIS century and look at the reality of the world as it is today.

God's law doesn't evolve to suit you

We don't live by any imaginary god's laws.

What is imaginary to you isn't imaginary to everyone else. You think you're special? There is even a Constitutional amendment protecting it

And what isn't imaginary to you, IS imaginary to others. Keep your beliefs, don't force your imaginary god (s) and their "rules" on everyone else.
Why don't you quote some of my posts saying any of these things, you weirdo. Lol. Oh, that's right, you can't because you are just making shit up as you go along.

Why do you duck the questions? Do you lack the strength of your convictions?

I will say that you are one of the more radical abortion promoters that I have encountered.
It's worth saving but how?

Anyone who mentions "God help us" is either censored or thought of as a religious fanatic.

So when there is a national tragedy the best public officials or news anchors dare say is "our thoughts are with you." (sigh)

Then it's time to doing shocking things like *gasp* mentioning God and mentioning Faith and anyone who has a problem with that tell them to STFU.

When have you been prevented from mentioning God or faith?

I think she may be more expressing her disgust with how apologetic anyone of celebrity status, or political prominence is so careful not to speak openly about their Christian faith or how it might actually help this nation if we prayed and sought God in all of our troubles. That no longer plays well with the media or with politics or much of the general public.
We know --- keep your religion to yourselves. "Separation of church and state" bastardized to the extreme.

Thank you for understanding what I was meaning....some Leftists, being idiots, apparently need a translation :rolleyes-41:

Wouldn't it be easier to just say what you mean in the first place? I can only go by what you say.

Sorry it's not my fault you're challenged in this manner, plenty of other people already understood exactly what I was meaning.
Why don't you quote some of my posts saying any of these things, you weirdo. Lol. Oh, that's right, you can't because you are just making shit up as you go along.

Why do you duck the questions? Do you lack the strength of your convictions?

I will say that you are one of the more radical abortion promoters that I have encountered.

You don't ask questions, weirdo. You make accusations and lies.
These fuc*king people make Christians look so bad. This is not ok, they probably leave the protest and go cheat on their spouse.
BTW there were no bathrooms in Jesus time...

I could care less who uses my bathroom as long as they put the seat down ..


"BTW there were no bathrooms in Jesus time"

Phew, I'm glad you didn't elaborate, that'd be just TOO much information :smoke:

Except there were bathrooms in Roman times...good grief,...with that said they were pretty gross and disease ridden.
And as always you'd be wrong .
Roman "bathrooms" had a closed sewage system and the water flowed constantly.
During the dark ages until the late 19th century , depending on where you were people either used outhouses or chamber pots and literally tossed their shit out the window .

STFU you know nothing asshole

Roman Plumbing: Overrated

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