Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

It's worth saving but how?

Anyone who mentions "God help us" is either censored or thought of as a religious fanatic.

So when there is a national tragedy the best public officials or news anchors dare say is "our thoughts are with you." (sigh)

I can propose a solution to save the entire world in a 2 step process.

1. Let the Muslims kill all the bed wetting libturds.

2. Kill all the muslims.

Ah...a Christer.
Time for you Christians to join us here in THIS century and look at the reality of the world as it is today.

We are in THIS Century, we do look at the reality of the world as it is today and we don't like it, if we proceed down these roads, then we're all headed for disaster....REGARDLESS of WHAT religion we are or are not.

Christianity and ALL religions are based on ignorance, not knowledge.
That is is an ignorant statement. Prove God does not exist. Oh, you can't. OK.

Why don't you prove that God DOESN'T exist? Oh that's right, you can't.
It's worth saving but how?

Anyone who mentions "God help us" is either censored or thought of as a religious fanatic.

So when there is a national tragedy the best public officials or news anchors dare say is "our thoughts are with you." (sigh)

I can propose a solution to save the entire world in a 2 step process.

1. Let the Muslims kill all the bed wetting libturds.

2. Kill all the muslims.

Ah...a Christer.

Why do you refer to people as Christer's?
Time for you Christians to join us here in THIS century and look at the reality of the world as it is today.

We are in THIS Century, we do look at the reality of the world as it is today and we don't like it, if we proceed down these roads, then we're all headed for disaster....REGARDLESS of WHAT religion we are or are not.

Christianity and ALL religions are based on ignorance, not knowledge.
That is is an ignorant statement. Prove God does not exist. Oh, you can't. OK.

Why don't you prove that God DOESN'T exist? Oh that's right, you can't.

Always a game changer LOL
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?

More like it's time for the leftist commies to leave and the freaks and queers that don't follow suit need to get back in the closet and friggin' stay there. Remember this one salient fact , we have the guns and lots of them and...we are not giving them up and we are not going anywhere......get it now???

You think RWNJs are the only ones with guns? The important difference is that the nut jobs actually think we are going to have a wide spread armed conflict.

What is a RWNJ? Is that something that you made up? or did you steal it from someone else? People with a 70 IQ are not creative for the most part.


I figured that someone who claims to be so smart, as you often do, would know that RWNJ is short for "Right Wing Nut Job."

Yeah, anyone that isn't just left of Mao Tse Tung MUST be a nut job because liberals and communists have been such a Godsend and blessing to the world. Oh, and make no mistake...I am infinitely smarter than you and I am more aware of what we are facing than you. You are a mere child.
It's worth saving but how?

Anyone who mentions "God help us" is either censored or thought of as a religious fanatic.

So when there is a national tragedy the best public officials or news anchors dare say is "our thoughts are with you." (sigh)

I can propose a solution to save the entire world in a 2 step process.

1. Let the Muslims kill all the bed wetting libturds.

2. Kill all the muslims.

Ah...a Christer.

Why do you refer to people as Christer's?
How do you square your supposed faith with wanting to kill half of the worlds population ? How can you celebrate the gas chambers and be a Christian ?
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Great idea! the sooner the better!!!! :bye1:

Why don't you leave America Commie Bat Boy....Koshergirl's family has been in America for Centuries, unlike you, therefore America belongs more to her and people like her than you Commie Bat Boy.

Why should Christian American's be told by your ilk to leave a nation their forebears founded?
Kosher hag lies unless she even a tiny faction native American the longest her people could have been here is the 15 hundreds.
Half of mine have been here for at least 13,000 years so if we're playing the who's the most American I win hands down.
Btw there have been Jews in America since the beginning.
Damn you're ignorant.
Time for you Christians to join us here in THIS century and look at the reality of the world as it is today.

We are in THIS Century, we do look at the reality of the world as it is today and we don't like it, if we proceed down these roads, then we're all headed for disaster....REGARDLESS of WHAT religion we are or are not.

Christianity and ALL religions are based on ignorance, not knowledge.
That is is an ignorant statement. Prove God does not exist. Oh, you can't. OK.

Why don't you prove that God DOESN'T exist? Oh that's right, you can't.

Always a game changer LOL

I'm surprised Jake hasn't called us "bed wetters" again :lol:
These fuc*king people make Christians look so bad. This is not ok, they probably leave the protest and go cheat on their spouse.
BTW there were no bathrooms in Jesus time...

I could care less who uses my bathroom as long as they put the seat down ..


As long as the urinals stay.
Time for you Christians to join us here in THIS century and look at the reality of the world as it is today.

God's law doesn't evolve to suit you

We don't live by any imaginary god's laws.

What is imaginary to you isn't imaginary to everyone else. You think you're special? There is even a Constitutional amendment protecting it

And what isn't imaginary to you, IS imaginary to others. Keep your beliefs, don't force your imaginary god (s) and their "rules" on everyone else.

Christians aren't "forcing" anything on anyone....but the Leftists ARE forcing or attempting to force a great many things on everyone and they have a complete disrespect for peoples' belief systems.

Oh yes they are.
Time for you Christians to join us here in THIS century and look at the reality of the world as it is today.

God's law doesn't evolve to suit you

We don't live by any imaginary god's laws.

We don't live by any laws here either because corporations can't pass laws. They legislate acts, statutes and codes and currently there are over 800,000 of them and all designed to bring in money for the composite corporate "gubermint" should you be caught breaking any of them.
Lucy, don't be goofy. My ancestors met my ancestors at Plymouth Rock, and I say America belongs to all of us. I am a Christian, but I am here to tell you the religious and the non-religious are protected by the 1st Amendment.

Jake it's not me who's saying this, I fully support religious freedoms and also freedoms for Athiests, Agnostics etc.

There are certain people, if you haven't noticed, who are fanatically anti-Christian, so take this whole issue up with them and not me.
And there are many Christians who are anti-thosewhodonotbelievelikethem. And I don't mind breaking their balls just as I do those of the antiGodists.

Are you Liberal or Conservative in this thread Jake? You know how confusing it can be deciphering where you're standing at any given moment.
I see people on this forum all the time who "claim" they are "Christians." They are the most hateful and despicable people I've ever had the displeasure of running into.
This form of hate christianity is not something that I am familiar with. I was brought up by Methodists and we were always taught that tolerance, love and other good stuff was the key to being a good Christian. The faith followed by the militants on here seems to be very judgemental and very selective.
Its as if they need to oppress somebody. America would be well rid of them but who would have them ?

I know some Christians who actually walk the walk. The people on here are just nuts and religious extremists. Lol.
Time for you Christians to join us here in THIS century and look at the reality of the world as it is today.

We are in THIS Century, we do look at the reality of the world as it is today and we don't like it, if we proceed down these roads, then we're all headed for disaster....REGARDLESS of WHAT religion we are or are not.

Christianity and ALL religions are based on ignorance, not knowledge.
That is is an ignorant statement. Prove God does not exist. Oh, you can't. OK.

You can't prove a negative. :D Religion is based on what ignorant and superstitious men believed thousands of years ago.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Great idea! the sooner the better!!!! :bye1:

Why don't you leave America Commie Bat Boy....Koshergirl's family has been in America for Centuries, unlike you, therefore America belongs more to her and people like her than you Commie Bat Boy.

Why should Christian American's be told by your ilk to leave a nation their forebears founded?
Kosher hag lies unless she even a tiny faction native American the longest her people could have been here is the 15 hundreds.
Half of mine have been here for at least 13,000 years so if we're playing the who's the most American I win hands down.
Btw there have been Jews in America since the beginning.
Damn you're ignorant.

No I'm not ignorant, but on many a thread you show that you are.

Oh and who posts fanatically anti-Christian threads each day and is telling Christians to leave? So take this up with them and get on their Commie ass for a change....unless you agree with them of course?

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