Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

You drama llamas are goofy. Of course Christians are not going to leave the USA.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Great idea! the sooner the better!!!! :bye1:

Careful what you wish for. The ultimate goal of the perverts is to make pederasty, bestiality etc., normal. This latest rest room perversion is one step towards that goal.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?

More like it's time for the leftist commies to leave and the freaks and queers that don't follow suit need to get back in the closet and friggin' stay there. Remember this one salient fact , we have the guns and lots of them and...we are not giving them up and we are not going anywhere......get it now???

You think RWNJs are the only ones with guns? The important difference is that the nut jobs actually think we are going to have a wide spread armed conflict.

What is a RWNJ? Is that something that you made up? or did you steal it from someone else? People with a 70 IQ are not creative for the most part.

Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?

More like it's time for the leftist commies to leave and the freaks and queers that don't follow suit need to get back in the closet and friggin' stay there. Remember this one salient fact , we have the guns and lots of them and...we are not giving them up and we are not going anywhere......get it now???

You think RWNJs are the only ones with guns? The important difference is that the nut jobs actually think we are going to have a wide spread armed conflict.

What is a RWNJ? Is that something that you made up? or did you steal it from someone else? People with a 70 IQ are not creative for the most part.

Are you saying you're the exception?
At one time religion served a purpose, but now it's just a scourge on society.

That must piss you off, since your role is to be a scourge to society....

ChrisL, is every live birth a "tragedy?" Is it child abuse not to abort? Is the most important event of a young girls life her first abortion.

Seeing how "sane" you are, these are key questions.. :rofl:
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?

More like it's time for the leftist commies to leave and the freaks and queers that don't follow suit need to get back in the closet and friggin' stay there. Remember this one salient fact , we have the guns and lots of them and...we are not giving them up and we are not going anywhere......get it now???

You think RWNJs are the only ones with guns? The important difference is that the nut jobs actually think we are going to have a wide spread armed conflict.

What is a RWNJ? Is that something that you made up? or did you steal it from someone else? People with a 70 IQ are not creative for the most part.


I figured that someone who claims to be so smart, as you often do, would know that RWNJ is short for "Right Wing Nut Job."
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?

More like it's time for the leftist commies to leave and the freaks and queers that don't follow suit need to get back in the closet and friggin' stay there. Remember this one salient fact , we have the guns and lots of them and...we are not giving them up and we are not going anywhere......get it now???

You think RWNJs are the only ones with guns? The important difference is that the nut jobs actually think we are going to have a wide spread armed conflict.

What is a RWNJ? Is that something that you made up? or did you steal it from someone else? People with a 70 IQ are not creative for the most part.

Are you saying you're the exception?
At one time religion served a purpose, but now it's just a scourge on society.

That must piss you off, since your role is to be a scourge to society....

ChrisL, is every live birth a "tragedy?" Is it child about not to abort? Is the most important event of a young girls life her first abortion.

Seeing how "sane" you are, these are key questions.. :rofl:

I'm not a scourge to society. I simply live my life and mind my own business. In case you don't understand, there is a difference between "pro choice" and "pro abortion." Lol. You really have the mentality of a little child. I think your mama is calling for you, little one. :D
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Great idea! the sooner the better!!!! :bye1:

Why don't you leave America Commie Bat Boy....Koshergirl's family has been in America for Centuries, unlike you, therefore America belongs more to her and people like her than you Commie Bat Boy.

Why should Christian American's be told by your ilk to leave a nation their forebears founded?
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Great idea! the sooner the better!!!! :bye1:

Why don't you leave America Commie Bat Boy....Koshergirl's family has been in America for Centuries, unlike you, therefore America belongs more to her and people like her than you Commie Bat Boy.

Why should Christian American's be told by your ilk to leave a nation their forebears founded?

How do you know? You don't anything about her or her family.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Great idea! the sooner the better!!!! :bye1:

Why don't you leave America Commie Bat Boy....Koshergirl's family has been in America for Centuries, unlike you, therefore America belongs more to her and people like her than you Commie Bat Boy.

Why should Christian American's be told by your ilk to leave a nation their forebears founded?

America belongs to all of US. We are a country built on freedom.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
It's worth saving but how?

Anyone who mentions "God help us" is either censored or thought of as a religious fanatic.

So when there is a national tragedy the best public officials or news anchors dare say is "our thoughts are with you." (sigh)

Then it's time to doing shocking things like *gasp* mentioning God and mentioning Faith and anyone who has a problem with that tell them to STFU.

When have you been prevented from mentioning God or faith?

I think she may be more expressing her disgust with how apologetic anyone of celebrity status, or political prominence is so careful not to speak openly about their Christian faith or how it might actually help this nation if we prayed and sought God in all of our troubles. That no longer plays well with the media or with politics or much of the general public.
We know --- keep your religion to yourselves. "Separation of church and state" bastardized to the extreme.

Thank you for understanding what I was meaning....some Leftists, being idiots, apparently need a translation :rolleyes-41:
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Great idea! the sooner the better!!!! :bye1:

Careful what you wish for. The ultimate goal of the perverts is to make pederasty, bestiality etc., normal. This latest rest room perversion is one step towards that goal.
The ultimate goal of the perverts is to make pederasty, bestiality etc., normal.
yes rightwing white christians

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