Is it time to abolish all gun laws and allow everyone to open carry?

I want black people to own hand guns. Every black person in the country should have a CCW. Why? Crime in black neighborhoods would drop like a fucking stone.
I have been saying the same thing for years. People living in war zones should be armed.

This is not a race issue. All races should be armed, but especially those in neighborhoods with rampant gun violence.
Ironically blacks are why politicians don’t allow us to carry guns.
Hey it’s your kids dying too.
Who do you think I am trying to protect?

I don't want my kids being meat targets for assholes looking to go out in a blaze of glory. I want somebody to shoot back.

No shooter goes unchecked, should be the policy. But you commies don't want that. You want no guns so you can run your communist revolution without resistance.
So here is a situation where conservatives disagree with cops because cops don’t want everyone carrying and neither do republicans. They tried to pass it in Michigan and gop voted it down.
When will the carnage end?
Nearly 2 years ago Mike Luckovich drew this toon

Nothing has changed
Tf those teachers had guns, maybe there wouldn't be 17 dead this afternoon.
More faux rage from the left. Between 2011 and 2017 illegals committed 1,200 homicides...JUST IN TEXAS.
Let em die. Shoot them up. My nephews go to a private school with security guards. The kind baron trump attends. You ain’t shooting us in gated communities.

And I’m upset republicans in Michigan sold us out. They voted to let anyone carry without having to take the class and republicans voted it down. Why? Because they didn’t want black people carrying guns.

I agree I have to unload my handgun when I go hunting up north. In the middle of the night I have to dig out my unloaded handgun, load it, then unload it before I leave, then reload it when I get home. Fuck you! I want my gun loaded at all times not caught unprepared. I don’t need to take a class I’m busy. I just want to register my gun and carry.

I want everyone to register their guns. So we know who’s got a gun. No nuts or domestic violence nuts.

Your family has to write a letter saying you can have a gun. Your wife and ex girlfriend.

Hunting guns are ok

I want black people to own hand guns. Every black person in the country should have a CCW. Why? Crime in black neighborhoods would drop like a fucking stone.

But LWNJ's will never allow that, it would prove that they are full of shit and the entire "gun control movement" is fueled by emotion, not reason.
Lots of blacks have guns at home. Where do you think black market guns come from?

If everyone has a gun I just got to be more careful and get the jump on my victims

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