Is it time to abolish all gun laws and allow everyone to open carry?

Yes. We should all have the right to open or concealed carry.

The language in the COTUS in unambiguous- "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".

An armed society is a polite society. :thup:
That would certainly shorten the time that a mass shooting perpetrator has to kill and wound people.
I want a Star Trek gun. Unlimited and I vaporize everyone. No witnesses
Fuckin' eh!!!!

With three barrels. so you can kill 3 at a time!
Mine would be like a water hose. The handle that can stream, mist, spray. I could spray out 30 beams and kill an entire room, turn and shoot over and over. The gun never runs out.

And everyone should have these. Even nic Cruz teds brother
Yes. We should all have the right to open or concealed carry.

The language in the COTUS in unambiguous- "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".

An armed society is a polite society. :thup:
Moronic, vacuous NRA rhetoric.

Citizens currently have the right to carry concealed firearms; laws prohibiting open carry are perfectly Constitutional.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, including the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment is not ‘absolute,’ it is subject to restrictions and limitations by government that do not manifest as an ‘infringement’ until the Supreme Court rules otherwise.

Citizens have the right to carry concealed firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense, having nothing to do with ‘deterring’ crime or being ‘polite.’
You have it backwards. The Constitution says that the right to own and bare arms shall not be infringed. Some states require permits to conceal weapons. Some states ignore the Constitution and do not allow open carry at all. They also make concealed carry permits extremely difficult to obtain. Generally, crime rates are higher where gin laws are more strict. Chicago has the strictest gun laws that I know of, yet it has hundreds of shootings every month. IDIOTS RUN CHICAGO!
In Michigan you have to have a license to conceal. I wish I didn’t need to take a class
In Texas, open carry and concealed carry is the same license. You need it for both.

I got my CHL before open carry passed, so my CHL works as an open carry license.

Our legislature was too chicken shit to allow unlicensed open carry.
Is it time to abolish all gun laws.
Fixed it for your commie ass.

We will NEVER give you leftist cocksucker ONE FUCKING INCH on guns. We're going the other way. Less control. More access.

Machine guns!!!!

Fuck you. Die and a gunfight without a gun!!!
Hey it’s your kids dying too.

When shit happens at a country music concert or republican softball game I laugh because they most likely vote against common sense gun laws too
You are a sick fuck! ....just as sick as the demented motherfuckers that target humans in shooting sprees.
More faux rage from the left. Between 2011 and 2017 illegals committed 1,200 homicides...JUST IN TEXAS.
Let em die. Shoot them up. My nephews go to a private school with security guards. The kind baron trump attends. You ain’t shooting us in gated communities.

And I’m upset republicans in Michigan sold us out. They voted to let anyone carry without having to take the class and republicans voted it down. Why? Because they didn’t want black people carrying guns.

I agree I have to unload my handgun when I go hunting up north. In the middle of the night I have to dig out my unloaded handgun, load it, then unload it before I leave, then reload it when I get home. Fuck you! I want my gun loaded at all times not caught unprepared. I don’t need to take a class I’m busy. I just want to register my gun and carry.

I want everyone to register their guns. So we know who’s got a gun. No nuts or domestic violence nuts.

Your family has to write a letter saying you can have a gun. Your wife and ex girlfriend.

Hunting guns are ok
You are foolish the think that criminals would register their guns....or stop stealing registered guns. Basically, you are a fucking idiot! Now and then you come out with a sensible post...which I try to recognize. For the most part, you are slam full of shit!
If we're going to live like the wild west - then we should also all be armed like the wild west.
Actually, the so-called "wild West" was a very peaceable place and time. There were far fewer assaults, rapes, murders, and other "gun crimes" per person, than we have now. Most people who owned guns, either never used them, or used them to shoot snakes, wolves, bears etc. that came onto their property. And hunted for food, too, of course.

Of course, the media never broadcasts scenes of people going through a normal work day peaceably. They hugely emphasize the few gunfights that ever occurred, and completely ignore the other 99.99% of the time.
Quote) of course not to many people either, & not much time to march around with a gun, had to get up early to milk the cow, chop the wood, & you needed your neibors then. ah the good old days.

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