Is it true? Our great American Caucasian hero, The Lone Ranger, was actually a true story about a...

Is The Lone Ranger a story that's actually about a negro named Bass Reeves??

  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • Hell yeah! We Caucasians always love to co-opt legendary Negros!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

That's right. The story of the Lone Ranger was based on the actual life of Bass Reeves, adapted and filtered to the american public by 1950s television standards, etc., at a time before it was yet acceptable to canonize a black man.
Bass Reeves was a badass. No need for a mask & silver bullets.
I can not doubt a promotion. But I do know in life that there are real heroes and those pushed as heroes. We see it in this modern age. What is terrible is that there are heroes that never get their due. So in all of this that is for every group imaginable. I am willing to bet you that there is a black person way below the radar and in a different economic status that has helped many people in all ways with his/her own resources that will never get an accolade while we are burying a basketball player as a hero for a month now. Perceptions and realities are what they are. And those affected know it when touched by others.
I guess next y'all are gonna say Superman didn't really fly- :(
1. Many thanks to the OP for introducing me to Mr. Reeves.

2. I have just read the Wikipedia biography.

3. African Americans have played a big role in this country's history.

a. Since this is African American History month, let's concentrate on their positive achievements, such as Mr. Reeves's distinguished career in law enforcement. And, of course, many Caucasian singers have acknowledged their debt to African American music.
Why didn't you know this already? Are you a foreigner? Just noticed western history? What happened?
1. Many thanks to the OP for introducing me to Mr. Reeves.

2. I have just read the Wikipedia biography.

3. African Americans have played a big role in this country's history.

a. Since this is African American History month, let's concentrate on their positive achievements, such as Mr. Reeves's distinguished career in law enforcement. And, of course, many Caucasian singers have acknowledged their debt to African American music.

Caucasian refers to a lot propels that range from Europe to Central and South Asia and North Africa not just the people you call white.
Bass Reeves is well known and respected by Texans. He has a plaque on the walk of fame at the Ft.Worth Stockyards along with other famous western lawmen.
Negro?!!!...named Bass Reeves?
Ladies and Gents......Bass Reeves


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