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Is Jeb Bush The Only Real Option?

You say that, now. If he wins the Republican primaries, you'll immediately flip your tune 360 and tell us what a callous, misanthropic, out-of-touch rich-bitch he is and why he's -WAY- too greedy to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate. I'd put money on it.

It's what typical partisan Dem nutjobs did with John McCain -and- Mitt Romney.

Both those guys, during the primaries, every democrat pundit's on and on about how they're the only reasonable candidate the republicans have to offer, the only moderate candidate, definitely the one republicans should vote for if they're able to dissuade the "extremist fringe" of the party.

Then, once those guys got the nod, it was, "He was a POW and he's old as fuck! Probably crazier than a shithouse rat and probably gon' die half way through his term! We could -never- elect this fuckin guy!"

Or it was, "He's too rich to relate to the common man, he used to be in the business of kicking people out of their jobs, he hates women, gays, blacks, Mexicans, the poor, infants, puppies, rainbows, dolphins, the sick, the old, the young, the healthy."

Both times, I was like, "Wait. If this guy's so fucked up, why did the Democrats insist that the Republicans should give him the nomination -all- through the primaries?"

I told you John McCain was your only electable option in 2008
I told you Mitt Romney was the only electable option in 2012
Jeb is one of your few options in 2016

Just because they were not elected doesn't mean the candidates from the clown car could have done better

What I said had nothing to do with who may or may not have done better.

I'm simply saying that all this, "Jeb Bush actually sounds like an adult" shit is disingenuous. You know good and God damn well that if he gets the nomination, come general election time you'll talk about him like he's just another war mongering money hungry oil stealing Bush with not a positive attribute to speak of.

That's what we saw with McCain.

That's what we saw with Romney.

It also doesn't escape my notice that you dems always do this with whatever repub candidate is most likely to cool the republican base. For the guys campaigning, it's an awesome strategy, I'll give it that.

I didn't say I would vote for him. I said he is one of the few Republicans not in the clown car. Last election, Republicans let that clown car drive around for too long and it hurt Romneys chances

Jeb can act like an adult, he can keep the clowns at bay, he can also win swing states that the clowns don't have a chance in

I don't think he can beat Hillary, but he can make her work for 270
Jeb Bush doesn't have a chance at wining the primaries. No more Bushes !
They all know their nutcase candidates can't win and Christie is pretty much dead in the water.

Republicans are realizing that Jeb Bush is their only option in 2016 - The Week


Yeah republicans got nothing going for them when it comes to the presidential election. They have a chance to take the senate (god forbid), but there's no way we will elect a republican president.

I'm not a Republican and for the most part don't want a Republican as President... But in this case it's about what the Dems got more than what the Republicans got.

Dems are the fastest dying party in the world, everyday you guys are losing members by the masses. Obama has disenfranchised the youth vote and much of his base regardless of age. Republicans gained significant ground on Obama in the last election, like 2%, Dems lost 7ish million voters in a single election.

People are tired of war and in 8 years Obama there will be 15 years of war, Dems holding equal blame in it.

Hillary, who is a weak candidate has a vagina going for her outside of name recognition. Her political selling points will be no different than Obama and that's gonna hurt. She has no accomplishments other than she was born female.

Without Hillary Dems are in trouble, with Hillary Dems are in more trouble. Elections are about getting people to show up, and Hillary simply is not gonna cut it when it comes to inspiring the masses.
Only one comes to mind....

Lincoln Davenport Chafee


Obama said day one he would end Iraq, took a couple years and the cut off date Bush set.... But you guys still voted for that war loving POS a second round. Bet you're trilled Obama almost has another war under his belt, this time with Russia.

Yes. We're "trilled".


Sorry for the misspelling, glad you caught onto that or you would have nothing to attack back with. Dems are the anti science, anti logic, anti peace party... Sucks to be you guys considering you claimed just a short 7 years ago to be against all of what you are now.

Good luck with blowing children up in other countries, hear you guy have the latest in military hardware to continue doing it.... Not to mention Obama thinks it's the intelligent way to go about murdering innocents, you know, no boots on the ground, just bombs.
They all know their nutcase candidates can't win and Christie is pretty much dead in the water.

Republicans are realizing that Jeb Bush is their only option in 2016 - The Week


Yeah republicans got nothing going for them when it comes to the presidential election. They have a chance to take the senate (god forbid), but there's no way we will elect a republican president.

I'm not a Republican and for the most part don't want a Republican as President... But in this case it's about what the Dems got more than what the Republicans got.

Dems are the fastest dying party in the world, everyday you guys are losing members by the masses. Obama has disenfranchised the youth vote and much of his base regardless of age. Republicans gained significant ground on Obama in the last election, like 2%, Dems lost 7ish million voters in a single election.

People are tired of war and in 8 years Obama there will be 15 years of war, Dems holding equal blame in it.

Hillary, who is a weak candidate has a vagina going for her outside of name recognition. Her political selling points will be no different than Obama and that's gonna hurt. She has no accomplishments other than she was born female.

Without Hillary Dems are in trouble, with Hillary Dems are in more trouble. Elections are about getting people to show up, and Hillary simply is not gonna cut it when it comes to inspiring the masses.

I can't believe you people are in such denial about the Republican Party. It is an dismal shape. They have an ideological civil war between a growing number of nut jobs and a dwindling number of moderates. The party has a 22% approval rating. Obama has twice those approval ratings.
Sure, give him eight years, then maybe one of his nephews a couple of terms, by then Chelsea Clinton ought to be old enough for her turn, let the deuling dynasties begin. England had their War of the Roses, let us begin our War of the Goatweeds.
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Is Hillary the only real option? Wouldn't you democrats prefer a left wingnut like Liz Warren? C'mon, be honest. Hillary is it? Really?

Sorry Moonbats, it's the Midterms first- then we'll talk about 2016........:lol:
Yeah republicans got nothing going for them when it comes to the presidential election. They have a chance to take the senate (god forbid), but there's no way we will elect a republican president.

I'm not a Republican and for the most part don't want a Republican as President... But in this case it's about what the Dems got more than what the Republicans got.

Dems are the fastest dying party in the world, everyday you guys are losing members by the masses. Obama has disenfranchised the youth vote and much of his base regardless of age. Republicans gained significant ground on Obama in the last election, like 2%, Dems lost 7ish million voters in a single election.

People are tired of war and in 8 years Obama there will be 15 years of war, Dems holding equal blame in it.

Hillary, who is a weak candidate has a vagina going for her outside of name recognition. Her political selling points will be no different than Obama and that's gonna hurt. She has no accomplishments other than she was born female.

Without Hillary Dems are in trouble, with Hillary Dems are in more trouble. Elections are about getting people to show up, and Hillary simply is not gonna cut it when it comes to inspiring the masses.

I can't believe you people are in such denial about the Republican Party. It is an dismal shape. They have an ideological civil war between a growing number of nut jobs and a dwindling number of moderates. The party has a 22% approval rating. Obama has twice those approval ratings.

I'm not a Republican nor do I really want a Republican in power. I have never voted Republican for President either.

You're a liar and a ignorant.

You just put the republican party VS Obama on approval rating... One person VS an entire arty of people to hate. The Democrat "party" does not do much better you dumbass.

I forgot to mention the Democrat party is anti intelligence, thanks for making that point clear.
Again, I'm not a POS hate filled religious nutter control freak anti constitution Republican, but it's hilarious that Dems keep talking about what the Reps "have" when it only proves the point that Dems have nothing.

Seriously, Reps have like 6-10 people that can run for President at this point, Dems have a "female" with name recognition... A dynasty... But no options outside of "Run the Vagina that everyone knows because her husband was President and cheated on her!"

Hillary, best known for getting cheated on and not leaving her husband for it.... What all strong women should do! Oh, also known for losing to Obama.
They all know their nutcase candidates can't win and Christie is pretty much dead in the water.

Republicans are realizing that Jeb Bush is their only option in 2016 - The Week


Sadly, it sounds as if Jeb and Christie are the only two candidates who can raise the millions needed to run for the highest office in the land, as of this post in time...
Given the fubar rules change and Adelson's influence on the process you are probably correct.
I think I will just wait until after the 2014 elections, see how it goes with a Republican controlled House and Senate, and see who pops into the spotlight, before I determine who has the best shot at the White House in 2016.

There is a strong possibility that the criminal cabal currently infesting the White House will self destruct over the next three years. They have pretty well pushed the executive action thing to the limit, while they still have control of the Senate. What will they do after they have lost that?
I think I will just wait until after the 2014 elections, see how it goes with a Republican controlled House and Senate, and see who pops into the spotlight, before I determine who has the best shot at the White House in 2016.

There is a strong possibility that the criminal cabal currently infesting the White House will self destruct over the next three years. They have pretty well pushed the executive action thing to the limit, while they still have control of the Senate. What will they do after they have lost that?[/QUOTE]

^^^ They will settle down, as they will be virtually, handcuffed.
They all know their nutcase candidates can't win and Christie is pretty much dead in the water.

Republicans are realizing that Jeb Bush is their only option in 2016 - The Week


Sadly, it sounds as if Jeb and Christie are the only two candidates who can raise the millions needed to run for the highest office in the land, as of this post in time...

That's what Karl "the Pimp" Rove and the rest of the establishment scumbags in DC want you to believe. Don't fall for it, sweetheart.

I am far from alone in saying I will never again vote for some piece of garbage hand-picked establishment lackey. If Bush or Christy or any of the other entrenched creeps get the nomination, millions of us will not vote, or will vote third party. Take your stand now, while there is time to back and support a real candidate.
They all know their nutcase candidates can't win and Christie is pretty much dead in the water.

Republicans are realizing that Jeb Bush is their only option in 2016 - The Week


Sadly, it sounds as if Jeb and Christie are the only two candidates who can raise the millions needed to run for the highest office in the land, as of this post in time...

That's what Karl "the Pimp" Rove and the rest of the establishment scumbags in DC want you to believe. Don't fall for it, sweetheart.

I am far from alone in saying I will never again vote for some piece of garbage hand-picked establishment lackey. If Bush or Christy or any of the other entrenched creeps get the nomination, millions of us will not vote, or will vote third party. Take your stand now, while there is time to back and support a real candidate.

I will always vote. Those who do not, guarantee we get losers in office. I will always go down, fighting, i.e., being a participate in the process. I will vote for the GOP nominee, regardless of who it is. We have to halt progressivism to the best of our ability. Or, I do, anyway.

I am tired of the Bush, Clinton, Kennedy dynasties. I would hope for a libertarian candidate. But can one raise the money? I DO put my money where my mouth is. America will be so far south of her original traditions, I applaud anyone who wants the job of trying to restore them.

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