Is Jesus the Word of God?

I didn't say that you claimed to be a saint. You claim to be saved.

You say that you seek eternal life with Jesus and God yet you do the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches leads to that life. You're a dead man walking dude. Snap out of it.

I'm doing you a favor by making you look at yourself. If you feel judged its because you don't like what you have been made to see. Thats not me judging you, that you being convicted by your own conscience.

Somewhere along the line between what you want to do and what you actually do you made a wrong turn in your mind and got stuck in nowhere land keeping your hopes and expectations for receiving a pat on the back from God for doing what is right unfulfilled. For some mysterious reason you were diverted into compulsively doing what is wrong.

If you really wanted to know what it is like to live forever, be true to yourself, change course, get out of your grave, do what is right and start living now.
Wrong again, humanist. You do not know catholic belief. We aren't Protestant.

We don't know anyone's fate except the saints we know about.

I didn't read the rest because you started from a position of error.

Humanist? Is that a bad thing? Were you trying to put me down by calling me a humanist? Really? lol.. You value blind acceptance of dogma over rational thinking? Is that what you think is the better portion?


You catholics lie about the dumbest things. Of course you read the rest of the post. Now go to confession and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins.
Not at all. I am merely revealing what you are since you try so hard to disguise it.

No idoltry here, humanist.

Catholics love rational thought. It is humanists like yourself that are overly emotional.

The better portion leads to peace through storms.
Catholics love rational thought? lol...

How rational is it to go to confession in front of a priest to ask God to forgive you for having impure thoughts about sister mary elizabeth and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins?

How rational is it to say you worship one God in three persons?

How rational is it to seek spiritual life from God by eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands?

How rational is it for you to claim to love rational thought?

Take your time.....
I don't need to take my time. There is a practical application of confessing one's sins out loud to another person. It releases the power that sin holds over us.

Perfectly logical.

Additionally, confessing one's sins is the first step in progressing as a human being. One cannot fix what one does not admit is broken.

Perfectly logical.

Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?
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What does he tell you? Blow on your spoonful of soup first so you don't burn yourself?
To do the right thing.

I always make sure my soup isn't too hot, taz.
So you've NEVER done something wrong? EVER? Or does god cherry-pick what he wants you to get right and sometimes lets you do the wrong thing?
Don't be silly. We aren't expected to do perfect things only to be perfect. But since you don't read the good book for wisdom you never got that from it. I did.
So what has god told you to do exactly? "Be good"? That's it?
It depends on the situation, taz.
Why do you always says stuff then can't back it up? You're a punk.
So you’re comparing your god to Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny?Good for you.

Not hardly, but nice try anyway. Here is the $64,000 question. Why would you, and other obnoxious atheists, feel that it is somehow your duty to ascribe evil attributes to an entity that you do not believe exists?
I'm simply trying to understand why seemingly somewhat intelligent people believe in all the bullshit spewed out by the bible? I originally came here to see if believers had anything real to based their beliefs on, it turns out they don't, it's all just wishful thinking and fantasy. Now I'm more astonished that you folks so strongly believe these fairy tales that don't even make sense. The evil that I talk about is in the bible, I'm not ascribing anything to anyone on my own, that's done by the people who wrote the bible who said that god mass drowned on purpose everyone except Noah and his posse.

Is a lion evil? How about wolves and other predators? They kill without remorse, often in a very cruel way. Killing, even the killing of human beings, is only evil when the intent is evil. However, that is not really the question. Does the created have a right to question, or criticize, the motives of its creator?

Algebra doesn't make sense to a six year old, and neither ballet or opera make much sense to me. The Almighty God is so far beyond our feeble intelligence level that attempting to figure out why he does things is arrogant futility. One statement makes that clear to the most casual observer. "I am, I always have been, and I always will be." We are completely incapable of figuring out how that could possibly be.
God hasn't spoken to anyone, that's all written by men. You should up your critical thinking game.

Wow! You know that for certain? Someone just made it all up. Well, hell, your argument is complete, so why are you still here. Everything you know is written by men. Did that figure into your critical thinking, or are you incapable of critical thinking?

The God of the Bible exists, or the God of the Bible does not exist. There is no in between answer. If the God of the Bible exists, then the Bible is his word. Your opinion that he is evil, has to be based on the concept that he does exist. Otherwise, you are just another idiot who delights in insulting people you do not even know. Not a very nice personal characteristic.
The god of the bible does all kinds of despicable things, so yes, if it exists as per the bible, it's a very evil god. But the bible itself isn't proof of said god, nor does it provide any proof. So what else you got to prove this god?
I'm simply trying to understand why seemingly somewhat intelligent people believe in all the bullshit spewed out by the bible? I originally came here to see if believers had anything real to based their beliefs on, it turns out they don't, it's all just wishful thinking and fantasy. Now I'm more astonished that you folks so strongly believe these fairy tales that don't even make sense. The evil that I talk about is in the bible, I'm not ascribing anything to anyone on my own, that's done by the people who wrote the bible who said that god mass drowned on purpose everyone except Noah and his posse.

Is a lion evil? How about wolves and other predators? They kill without remorse, often in a very cruel way. Killing, even the killing of human beings, is only evil when the intent is evil. However, that is not really the question. Does the created have a right to question, or criticize, the motives of its creator?

Algebra doesn't make sense to a six year old, and neither ballet or opera make much sense to me. The Almighty God is so far beyond our feeble intelligence level that attempting to figure out why he does things is arrogant futility. One statement makes that clear to the most casual observer. "I am, I always have been, and I always will be." We are completely incapable of figuring out how that could possibly be.
God hasn't spoken to anyone, that's all written by men. You should up your critical thinking game.
You know this how?
God hasn't yet been proven to exist. Therefore it cannot be quoted.

False Logic. God has yet to be proven to not exist. And, since the God in question is the God of the Bible, it can certainly be quoted, not to prove his existence, but to indicate why we are here.
"God has yet to be proven to not exist" doesn't prove that what's written in the bible is the word of any god, since it hasn't been proven to exist either. Pure speculation is what that's called.
Wrong again, humanist. You do not know catholic belief. We aren't Protestant.

We don't know anyone's fate except the saints we know about.

I didn't read the rest because you started from a position of error.

Humanist? Is that a bad thing? Were you trying to put me down by calling me a humanist? Really? lol.. You value blind acceptance of dogma over rational thinking? Is that what you think is the better portion?


You catholics lie about the dumbest things. Of course you read the rest of the post. Now go to confession and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins.
Not at all. I am merely revealing what you are since you try so hard to disguise it.

No idoltry here, humanist.

Catholics love rational thought. It is humanists like yourself that are overly emotional.

The better portion leads to peace through storms.
Catholics love rational thought? lol...

How rational is it to go to confession in front of a priest to ask God to forgive you for having impure thoughts about sister mary elizabeth and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins?

How rational is it to say you worship one God in three persons?

How rational is it to seek spiritual life from God by eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands?

How rational is it for you to claim to love rational thought?

Take your time.....
I don't need to take my time. There is a practical application of confessing one's sins out loud to another person. It releases the power that sin holds over us.

Perfectly logical.

Additionally, confessing one's sins is the first step in progressing as a human being. One cannot fix what one does not admit is broken.

Perfectly logical.

Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?

So are you a Jew? or should I say was raised in a jewish family and/or practice Judaism?
Not hardly, but nice try anyway. Here is the $64,000 question. Why would you, and other obnoxious atheists, feel that it is somehow your duty to ascribe evil attributes to an entity that you do not believe exists?
I'm simply trying to understand why seemingly somewhat intelligent people believe in all the bullshit spewed out by the bible? I originally came here to see if believers had anything real to based their beliefs on, it turns out they don't, it's all just wishful thinking and fantasy. Now I'm more astonished that you folks so strongly believe these fairy tales that don't even make sense. The evil that I talk about is in the bible, I'm not ascribing anything to anyone on my own, that's done by the people who wrote the bible who said that god mass drowned on purpose everyone except Noah and his posse.

Is a lion evil? How about wolves and other predators? They kill without remorse, often in a very cruel way. Killing, even the killing of human beings, is only evil when the intent is evil. However, that is not really the question. Does the created have a right to question, or criticize, the motives of its creator?

Algebra doesn't make sense to a six year old, and neither ballet or opera make much sense to me. The Almighty God is so far beyond our feeble intelligence level that attempting to figure out why he does things is arrogant futility. One statement makes that clear to the most casual observer. "I am, I always have been, and I always will be." We are completely incapable of figuring out how that could possibly be.
God hasn't spoken to anyone, that's all written by men. You should up your critical thinking game.

Wow! You know that for certain? Someone just made it all up. Well, hell, your argument is complete, so why are you still here. Everything you know is written by men. Did that figure into your critical thinking, or are you incapable of critical thinking?

The God of the Bible exists, or the God of the Bible does not exist. There is no in between answer. If the God of the Bible exists, then the Bible is his word. Your opinion that he is evil, has to be based on the concept that he does exist. Otherwise, you are just another idiot who delights in insulting people you do not even know. Not a very nice personal characteristic.
The god of the bible does all kinds of despicable things, so yes, if it exists as per the bible, it's a very evil god. But the bible itself isn't proof of said god, nor does it provide any proof. So what else you got to prove this god?

I never claimed to prove this God. I doubt it can be done any more than disproving this God can be done. You either believe in this God on faith, or you disbelieve in this God on faith.

The God of the Bible did, and does, things that you consider despicable. However, since that God does not exist, in your opinion, your point is moot. A non existent entity can not be evil, and cannot do despicable things.

Consequently, in order to determine whether or not the God of the Bible is evil and does despicable things, one has to assume that this God not only exists, but that the Bible has recorded his actions fairly accurately.

Can the created judge his/her creator? Can the created consider his/her creator to be evil and deserving of contempt? Evil is a moral term, and requires intent to be evil. No evil intent, no evil.
I'm simply trying to understand why seemingly somewhat intelligent people believe in all the bullshit spewed out by the bible? I originally came here to see if believers had anything real to based their beliefs on, it turns out they don't, it's all just wishful thinking and fantasy. Now I'm more astonished that you folks so strongly believe these fairy tales that don't even make sense. The evil that I talk about is in the bible, I'm not ascribing anything to anyone on my own, that's done by the people who wrote the bible who said that god mass drowned on purpose everyone except Noah and his posse.

Is a lion evil? How about wolves and other predators? They kill without remorse, often in a very cruel way. Killing, even the killing of human beings, is only evil when the intent is evil. However, that is not really the question. Does the created have a right to question, or criticize, the motives of its creator?

Algebra doesn't make sense to a six year old, and neither ballet or opera make much sense to me. The Almighty God is so far beyond our feeble intelligence level that attempting to figure out why he does things is arrogant futility. One statement makes that clear to the most casual observer. "I am, I always have been, and I always will be." We are completely incapable of figuring out how that could possibly be.
God hasn't spoken to anyone, that's all written by men. You should up your critical thinking game.

Wow! You know that for certain? Someone just made it all up. Well, hell, your argument is complete, so why are you still here. Everything you know is written by men. Did that figure into your critical thinking, or are you incapable of critical thinking?

The God of the Bible exists, or the God of the Bible does not exist. There is no in between answer. If the God of the Bible exists, then the Bible is his word. Your opinion that he is evil, has to be based on the concept that he does exist. Otherwise, you are just another idiot who delights in insulting people you do not even know. Not a very nice personal characteristic.
The god of the bible does all kinds of despicable things, so yes, if it exists as per the bible, it's a very evil god. But the bible itself isn't proof of said god, nor does it provide any proof. So what else you got to prove this god?

I never claimed to prove this God. I doubt it can be done any more than disproving this God can be done. You either believe in this God on faith, or you disbelieve in this God on faith.

The God of the Bible did, and does, things that you consider despicable. However, since that God does not exist, in your opinion, your point is moot. A non existent entity can not be evil, and cannot do despicable things.

Consequently, in order to determine whether or not the God of the Bible is evil and does despicable things, one has to assume that this God not only exists, but that the Bible has recorded his actions fairly accurately.

Can the created judge his/her creator? Can the created consider his/her creator to be evil and deserving of contempt? Evil is a moral term, and requires intent to be evil. No evil intent, no evil.
god intended to drown nearly everyone in his flood. so it is evil. thanks for clearing that up.
Humanist? Is that a bad thing? Were you trying to put me down by calling me a humanist? Really? lol.. You value blind acceptance of dogma over rational thinking? Is that what you think is the better portion?


You catholics lie about the dumbest things. Of course you read the rest of the post. Now go to confession and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins.
Not at all. I am merely revealing what you are since you try so hard to disguise it.

No idoltry here, humanist.

Catholics love rational thought. It is humanists like yourself that are overly emotional.

The better portion leads to peace through storms.
Catholics love rational thought? lol...

How rational is it to go to confession in front of a priest to ask God to forgive you for having impure thoughts about sister mary elizabeth and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins?

How rational is it to say you worship one God in three persons?

How rational is it to seek spiritual life from God by eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands?

How rational is it for you to claim to love rational thought?

Take your time.....
I don't need to take my time. There is a practical application of confessing one's sins out loud to another person. It releases the power that sin holds over us.

Perfectly logical.

Additionally, confessing one's sins is the first step in progressing as a human being. One cannot fix what one does not admit is broken.

Perfectly logical.

Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?

So are you a Jew? or should I say was raised in a jewish family and/or practice Judaism?
If you are trying to figure out where I am coming from you need to ask better questions.

Why not respond to what was said?
Not at all. I am merely revealing what you are since you try so hard to disguise it.

No idoltry here, humanist.

Catholics love rational thought. It is humanists like yourself that are overly emotional.

The better portion leads to peace through storms.
Catholics love rational thought? lol...

How rational is it to go to confession in front of a priest to ask God to forgive you for having impure thoughts about sister mary elizabeth and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins?

How rational is it to say you worship one God in three persons?

How rational is it to seek spiritual life from God by eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands?

How rational is it for you to claim to love rational thought?

Take your time.....
I don't need to take my time. There is a practical application of confessing one's sins out loud to another person. It releases the power that sin holds over us.

Perfectly logical.

Additionally, confessing one's sins is the first step in progressing as a human being. One cannot fix what one does not admit is broken.

Perfectly logical.

Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?

So are you a Jew? or should I say was raised in a jewish family and/or practice Judaism?
If you are trying to figure out where I am coming from you need to ask better questions.

Why not respond to what was said?
hob is coming from fantasy land. And yes, a Jew.
Not at all. I am merely revealing what you are since you try so hard to disguise it.

No idoltry here, humanist.

Catholics love rational thought. It is humanists like yourself that are overly emotional.

The better portion leads to peace through storms.
Catholics love rational thought? lol...

How rational is it to go to confession in front of a priest to ask God to forgive you for having impure thoughts about sister mary elizabeth and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins?

How rational is it to say you worship one God in three persons?

How rational is it to seek spiritual life from God by eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands?

How rational is it for you to claim to love rational thought?

Take your time.....
I don't need to take my time. There is a practical application of confessing one's sins out loud to another person. It releases the power that sin holds over us.

Perfectly logical.

Additionally, confessing one's sins is the first step in progressing as a human being. One cannot fix what one does not admit is broken.

Perfectly logical.

Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?

So are you a Jew? or should I say was raised in a jewish family and/or practice Judaism?
If you are trying to figure out where I am coming from you need to ask better questions.

Why not respond to what was said?

Practicing idolatry and blasting confession the Catholic church tells me you are an anti religious, Prot, Jew, or bible only Christian with no affiliation. Kneeling is not idolatry.
Catholics love rational thought? lol...

How rational is it to go to confession in front of a priest to ask God to forgive you for having impure thoughts about sister mary elizabeth and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins?

How rational is it to say you worship one God in three persons?

How rational is it to seek spiritual life from God by eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands?

How rational is it for you to claim to love rational thought?

Take your time.....
I don't need to take my time. There is a practical application of confessing one's sins out loud to another person. It releases the power that sin holds over us.

Perfectly logical.

Additionally, confessing one's sins is the first step in progressing as a human being. One cannot fix what one does not admit is broken.

Perfectly logical.

Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?

So are you a Jew? or should I say was raised in a jewish family and/or practice Judaism?
If you are trying to figure out where I am coming from you need to ask better questions.

Why not respond to what was said?

Practicing idolatry and blasting confession the Catholic church tells me you are an anti religious, Prot, Jew, or bible only Christian with no affiliation. Kneeling is not idolatry.
Don't be coy penelope.

When you go to mass after confession the priest says in plain language that the eucharist, made by human hands, will become the body of Christ, the flesh of God himself. Then he goes abracadabra! presto alakazam! holds it up and says "This is the body of Christ", and you all fall to your knees in some sort of deranged adoration.

That is the very definition of idolatry. Worshiping the work of human hands as if it was a god that could give eternal life to those who worship and eat it.

Thats is how the church of Rome uses the power of death consequent to defying the law of God to subjugate gullible numbskulls into a life of captivity, for a nominal service charge, without any hope of help from God for free..

The more you proceed towards God in your unrestrained imagination by willingly practicing idolatry at mass, the more you recede from God in actual reality. The more you recede from God in actual reality the more you proceed, like sheep on their way to the slaughter, into the depths of hell.

This is the truth, the very truth. Hear if you have ears to hear.
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To do the right thing.

I always make sure my soup isn't too hot, taz.
So you've NEVER done something wrong? EVER? Or does god cherry-pick what he wants you to get right and sometimes lets you do the wrong thing?
Don't be silly. We aren't expected to do perfect things only to be perfect. But since you don't read the good book for wisdom you never got that from it. I did.
So what has god told you to do exactly? "Be good"? That's it?
It depends on the situation, taz.
Why do you always says stuff then can't back it up? You're a punk.
That's pretty ironic, taz.
Wrong again, humanist. You do not know catholic belief. We aren't Protestant.

We don't know anyone's fate except the saints we know about.

I didn't read the rest because you started from a position of error.

Humanist? Is that a bad thing? Were you trying to put me down by calling me a humanist? Really? lol.. You value blind acceptance of dogma over rational thinking? Is that what you think is the better portion?


You catholics lie about the dumbest things. Of course you read the rest of the post. Now go to confession and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins.
Not at all. I am merely revealing what you are since you try so hard to disguise it.

No idoltry here, humanist.

Catholics love rational thought. It is humanists like yourself that are overly emotional.

The better portion leads to peace through storms.
Catholics love rational thought? lol...

How rational is it to go to confession in front of a priest to ask God to forgive you for having impure thoughts about sister mary elizabeth and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins?

How rational is it to say you worship one God in three persons?

How rational is it to seek spiritual life from God by eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands?

How rational is it for you to claim to love rational thought?

Take your time.....
I don't need to take my time. There is a practical application of confessing one's sins out loud to another person. It releases the power that sin holds over us.

Perfectly logical.

Additionally, confessing one's sins is the first step in progressing as a human being. One cannot fix what one does not admit is broken.

Perfectly logical.

Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?
Don't be silly. Anything which distances you from God is sin. Confessing your sins brings you closer to God. Perfect sense.

I don't believe I said anyone deliberately sins. You are getting desperate.
Catholics love rational thought? lol...

How rational is it to go to confession in front of a priest to ask God to forgive you for having impure thoughts about sister mary elizabeth and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins?

How rational is it to say you worship one God in three persons?

How rational is it to seek spiritual life from God by eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands?

How rational is it for you to claim to love rational thought?

Take your time.....
I don't need to take my time. There is a practical application of confessing one's sins out loud to another person. It releases the power that sin holds over us.

Perfectly logical.

Additionally, confessing one's sins is the first step in progressing as a human being. One cannot fix what one does not admit is broken.

Perfectly logical.

Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?

So are you a Jew? or should I say was raised in a jewish family and/or practice Judaism?
If you are trying to figure out where I am coming from you need to ask better questions.

Why not respond to what was said?
hob is coming from fantasy land. And yes, a Jew.
No, he's not. He is an atheist like you.
Not at all. I am merely revealing what you are since you try so hard to disguise it.

No idoltry here, humanist.

Catholics love rational thought. It is humanists like yourself that are overly emotional.

The better portion leads to peace through storms.
Catholics love rational thought? lol...

How rational is it to go to confession in front of a priest to ask God to forgive you for having impure thoughts about sister mary elizabeth and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins?

How rational is it to say you worship one God in three persons?

How rational is it to seek spiritual life from God by eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands?

How rational is it for you to claim to love rational thought?

Take your time.....
I don't need to take my time. There is a practical application of confessing one's sins out loud to another person. It releases the power that sin holds over us.

Perfectly logical.

Additionally, confessing one's sins is the first step in progressing as a human being. One cannot fix what one does not admit is broken.

Perfectly logical.

Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?

So are you a Jew? or should I say was raised in a jewish family and/or practice Judaism?
If you are trying to figure out where I am coming from you need to ask better questions.

Why not respond to what was said?
It wouldn't help because you intentionally deny examination. You practice deceit.
I don't need to take my time. There is a practical application of confessing one's sins out loud to another person. It releases the power that sin holds over us.

Perfectly logical.

Additionally, confessing one's sins is the first step in progressing as a human being. One cannot fix what one does not admit is broken.

Perfectly logical.

Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?

So are you a Jew? or should I say was raised in a jewish family and/or practice Judaism?
If you are trying to figure out where I am coming from you need to ask better questions.

Why not respond to what was said?
hob is coming from fantasy land. And yes, a Jew.
No, he's not. He is an atheist like you.
He's more like a fool. Like you.
Humanist? Is that a bad thing? Were you trying to put me down by calling me a humanist? Really? lol.. You value blind acceptance of dogma over rational thinking? Is that what you think is the better portion?


You catholics lie about the dumbest things. Of course you read the rest of the post. Now go to confession and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins.
Not at all. I am merely revealing what you are since you try so hard to disguise it.

No idoltry here, humanist.

Catholics love rational thought. It is humanists like yourself that are overly emotional.

The better portion leads to peace through storms.
Catholics love rational thought? lol...

How rational is it to go to confession in front of a priest to ask God to forgive you for having impure thoughts about sister mary elizabeth and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins?

How rational is it to say you worship one God in three persons?

How rational is it to seek spiritual life from God by eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands?

How rational is it for you to claim to love rational thought?

Take your time.....
I don't need to take my time. There is a practical application of confessing one's sins out loud to another person. It releases the power that sin holds over us.

Perfectly logical.

Additionally, confessing one's sins is the first step in progressing as a human being. One cannot fix what one does not admit is broken.

Perfectly logical.

Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?
Don't be silly. Anything which distances you from God is sin. Confessing your sins brings you closer to God. Perfect sense.

I don't believe I said anyone deliberately sins. You are getting desperate.
So no priests deliberately jam their hard rod into a little boy's starfish?
I don't need to take my time. There is a practical application of confessing one's sins out loud to another person. It releases the power that sin holds over us.

Perfectly logical.

Additionally, confessing one's sins is the first step in progressing as a human being. One cannot fix what one does not admit is broken.

Perfectly logical.

Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?

So are you a Jew? or should I say was raised in a jewish family and/or practice Judaism?
If you are trying to figure out where I am coming from you need to ask better questions.

Why not respond to what was said?

Practicing idolatry and blasting confession the Catholic church tells me you are an anti religious, Prot, Jew, or bible only Christian with no affiliation. Kneeling is not idolatry.
Don't be coy penelope.

When you go to mass after confession the priest says in plain language that the eucharist, made by human hands, will become the body of Christ, the flesh of God himself. Then he goes abracadabra! presto alakazam! holds it up and says "This is the body of Christ", and you all fall to your knees in some sort of deranged adoration.

That is the very definition of idolatry. Worshiping the work of human hands as if it was a god that could give eternal life to those who worship and eat it.

Thats is how the church of Rome uses the power of death consequent to defying the law of God to subjugate gullible numbskulls into a life of captivity, for a nominal service charge, without any hope of help from God for free..

The more you proceed towards God in your unrestrained imagination by willingly practicing idolatry at mass, the more you recede from God in actual reality. The more you recede from God in actual reality the more you proceed, like sheep on their way to the slaughter, into the depths of hell.

This is the truth, the very truth. Hear if you have ears to hear.
The hob hath spoken. It makes no sense, but he hath spoken.
Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?

So are you a Jew? or should I say was raised in a jewish family and/or practice Judaism?
If you are trying to figure out where I am coming from you need to ask better questions.

Why not respond to what was said?
hob is coming from fantasy land. And yes, a Jew.
No, he's not. He is an atheist like you.
He's more like a fool. Like you.
I've been called worse. It's not so bad.
Not at all. I am merely revealing what you are since you try so hard to disguise it.

No idoltry here, humanist.

Catholics love rational thought. It is humanists like yourself that are overly emotional.

The better portion leads to peace through storms.
Catholics love rational thought? lol...

How rational is it to go to confession in front of a priest to ask God to forgive you for having impure thoughts about sister mary elizabeth and then immediately get down on your knees and practice idolatry to show God just how sorry you are for your sins?

How rational is it to say you worship one God in three persons?

How rational is it to seek spiritual life from God by eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands?

How rational is it for you to claim to love rational thought?

Take your time.....
I don't need to take my time. There is a practical application of confessing one's sins out loud to another person. It releases the power that sin holds over us.

Perfectly logical.

Additionally, confessing one's sins is the first step in progressing as a human being. One cannot fix what one does not admit is broken.

Perfectly logical.

Sure, confessing your mistakes openly is perfectly logical, even a good thing, but thats not what I said was irrational.

The irrational part of seeking forgiveness from God by confessing your sins is getting down on your knees and practicing idolatry immediately after you went blubbering to a priest about how sorry you are for your sins.

In other words you deliberately sin to show God just how sorry you are for your sins and expect to be forgiven.

Thats like telling God fuck you and expecting something wonderful in return..

How rational is that?
Don't be silly. Anything which distances you from God is sin. Confessing your sins brings you closer to God. Perfect sense.

I don't believe I said anyone deliberately sins. You are getting desperate.
So no priests deliberately jam their hard rod into a little boy's starfish?
I think there were about 200 of them but they are in jail now.

Do you feel better yet, taz?

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