Is Karl Rove mistaken when he says Obama has no strategy?

Just because Obama hasn't chosen a strategy - YET - doesn't mean he doesn't have several to choose from. ISIS is a very tricky problem. I applaud Obama's honesty on the matter.
Obama’s takeover of the American People's freedom to make their own medical and health care decisions and choices; his money laundering green energy scam which has plundered $ billions from the American Taxpayer's pocket and its redistribution into the pockets of his inner circle crowd; his open border policy creating an uncontrolled invasion of U.S. borders by the poverty stricken populations of foreign countries who now feed from America's public trough while our own nation’s poor and needy go without; and his fundamental transformation of America into a lawless and iron fisted federal government not bound by the rule of law, nor subject to punishment for transgressions against our written Constitution.

Why are so many ashamed to take credit for their Messiah's handy work? Eh?


The actual question is how did you and others on the right become so reprehensible as to contrive and seek to propagate such lies.
Is Karl Rove mistaken when he says Obama has no strategy?


Of course, Rove is as reprehensible as anyone else on the right seeking to contrive this into a partisan issue.

Obama himself said he had no strategy. Just stop your damn lying and get some self respect.


I heard it straight from the horse's mouth...Hussein said it himself! then he said you can not put the cart before the horse ....or words to that effect.

He did say that!
The actual question is how did you and others on the right become so reprehensible as to contrive and seek to propagate such lies.

On the right? I know there is a constant and uncontrollable urge among those who blindly carry water for their messiah to switch the subject when anyone wants to talk about what Obama has done, and is doing to our country. But, don't you think its about time to be concerned about our country's general welfare as other people are rather than protecting the flimflam artist who has conned you?

Perhaps you should listen to what Chicago residents, Obama’s home town, ARE SAYING ABOUT HIM

The bottom line is, the American People are tired of Obama living large on their dime, especially the shocking estimated $ 18 MILLION he has already spent on “vacations” to such places as Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard, Spain, Colorado, Florida, and Africa while hard working taxpaying citizens in our nation’s inner cities are having their paychecks taxed to pay for his extravagances, in addition to his robbing and then spreading their paychecks among his inner circle thugs through a clever “green energy” money laundering operation.


"To lay with one hand the power of the government on the property of the citizen [a working person’s earned wage] and with the other to bestow upon favored individuals, to aid private enterprises and build up private fortunes [Obama’s Solyndra, Chevy Volt, Fisker, Exelon swindling deals] is none the less a robbery because it is done under forms of law and called taxation."____ Savings and Loan Assc. v. Topeka,(1875).
Apparently this liberal hack thinks a bunch of cut and paste blathering is going to cover up for what came right out of Obama's own mouth. I mean Bush didn't say it. Karl Rove didn't say it. OBAMA SAID IT.

Keep on sputtering liberals. It just makes it more and more clear that you are trying desperately to cover for Obama. But you can't cover up what comes out of his own mouth.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I think forming a coalition seems to be the initial strategy. Wasn't that same strategy George HW and "W" started up with?
U.S. to push for coalition to fight 'cancer' of Islamic State: Kerry
Then once they get their coalition together, they can come up with a more complete plan? I don't know, I'm asking? :confused-84:
Ah yes, the lead from behind strategy. It worked really well i Syria and Libya. Oops.
Apparently this liberal hack thinks a bunch of cut and paste blathering is going to cover up for what came right out of Obama's own mouth. I mean Bush didn't say it. Karl Rove didn't say it. OBAMA SAID IT.

Keep on sputtering liberals. It just makes it more and more clear that you are trying desperately to cover for Obama. But you can't cover up what comes out of his own mouth.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Let us not forget that Obama’s political career began in the living room of Bernardine Dohrn, the wife of Bill Ayres, both of whom were members of the terrorist organization known as the Weather Underground which declared war on the United States during the Vietnam War. And then there is Valerie Jarret, who has “served as the godmother of Barack Obama’s political and personal life”, who now has her own Secret Service detail to protect her, and whose family has long been a prominent part of Chicago’s Communist Party!.

One does not have these kinds of relationships early in life and keeps those relationships going unless there is a common agenda in mind!


The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47

Apparently this liberal hack thinks a bunch of cut and paste blathering is going to cover up for what came right out of Obama's own mouth. I mean Bush didn't say it. Karl Rove didn't say it. OBAMA SAID IT.

Keep on sputtering liberals. It just makes it more and more clear that you are trying desperately to cover for Obama. But you can't cover up what comes out of his own mouth.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Let us not forget that Obama’s political career began in the living room of Bernardine Dohrn, the wife of Bill Ayres, both of whom were members of the terrorist organization known as the Weather Underground which declared war on the United States during the Vietnam War. And then there is Valerie Jarret, who has “served as the godmother of Barack Obama’s political and personal life”, who now has her own Secret Service detail to protect her, and whose family has long been a prominent part of Chicago’s Communist Party!.

One does not have these kinds of relationships early in life and keeps those relationships going unless there is a common agenda in mind!


The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47

Yeah, but the STUPID believed all the excuses Obama made about hardly knowing Bill Ayers, blah blah blah. Same thing with pastor, "America's chickens are coming home to roost."
Obama's strategy has always been designed to destroy America!

Seems that Obama’s strategy has always been designed to destroy America from within and embolden the rise of Islamic terrorist groups, including ISIS. We are now learning Obama skipped most of his Presidential Daily Briefings and/or ignored daily written intelligence reports which specifically warned about the growing threat of ISIS which were given him over a year ago! In fact, long after Obama had been warned that ISIS was more than just a formidable threat, he asserted ISIS was comparable to nothing more than a Junior Varsity team.
When will Obama supporters realize Obama’s long range plan has always been to weaken and destroy America? Will they finally come to their senses when car bombings begin in our southern border states which Obama has intentionally left unprotected to invited terrorists to cross? See: Judicial Watch: Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern Border

"Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat."

If the American People do not immediately rid themselves of our terrorist enablers in the Whitehouse __plural is intentional__ they will have no one to blame but themselves when the terrorist attacks begin on America soil! Forewarned is forearmed!


We are here today and gone tomorrow, but what is most important is what we do in between, and is what our children will inherit and remember us by.
Karl Rove, the mastermind behind George Bush's entire political career
Bush was a two term governor of Texas and a two term governor of the United States. And you?

I disagree with Rove, Obama's strategy has never changed the slightest. He tries to blame Republicans for everything and the media largely let's him get away with it and the retards on the left can't see it because it's not something they can see or touch.

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