Is Linux as good as many people say??

If people had to install an OS - any OS - they would choose Linux because the install takes 1/4th the time.

That sounds nice but is utterly false. When people have to install an OS they chose windows the VAST majority of the time. That is a stone cold fact.
You didn't read what he said........ Ya missed the "if"........ Try again.........
No, I didn't miss anything at all.

IF someone must install an OS, they chose windows almost every time. That is a FACT. Period.

What are you talking about?
Average users never install an OS...ever. They don't even know what an OS is.
I understand you are playing with don't understand that we recognize that immediately.

Installing Windows takes flipping forever, last count I believe I did was 3 reboots and after ALL of the updates it was well over an hour. Of course, like many complain about, the first attempt failed because I was stuck in the infamous "update failed" loop...which I had to Google around and figure out how to get past that....gee...what would the average user do then???...yep...take it to Geek squad and pay them $75 so they can type in a 5 second command to fix it.
So by the time I figured it out to get past the failed update...was a good 3 hours.
Installing Linux takes about 15 minutes initially, and then the updates will take about another 15-20 minutes. reboot once.
Again, irrelevant. YOU had a rough time, most people do not. Further, most people will install an OS at one time or another. I have installed windows many times on some pretty shit internet connections for the updates - never has taken me over 30 minuets. I have no idea why you think that I am playing with words. Everything that I have stated is pretty direct and simple.

You sound EXACTLY like those trashing Linux complaining about how it didn't work or was garbage. You are saying the same shit just against windows and yet calling them fanboys. Your posts bleed fanboy - just for Linux. I have no idea why it seems so hard to understand that one OS works better for some users and another works better for other users.

Once again you guys show your ignorance.
Failed Windows updates with Windows 8 is a well known problem, it puts people in a never ending reboot loop. The fact you don't know about it shows you don't know what you are talking about.
If people had to install an OS - any OS - they would choose Linux because the install takes 1/4th the time.

That sounds nice but is utterly false. When people have to install an OS they chose windows the VAST majority of the time. That is a stone cold fact.
You didn't read what he said........ Ya missed the "if"........ Try again.........
No, I didn't miss anything at all.

IF someone must install an OS, they chose windows almost every time. That is a FACT. Period.
Then you're missing the obvious so I'll make it easy for you. How many people have or eve know how to install their own OS.......? If you say more than 10% you're either lying to me or yourself. How many people even know what an OS is? again.........
His worship of M$ won't let him see anything but what the Imam of M$ tells him to see............ :eusa_whistle:

Aye...and I could care less to argue these things with him other than this thread was started by someone who genuinely wanted to know about Linux...and in came the M$ minions telling him how hard and painful and terrible it is, which as we know is an absolute lie when using Ubuntu or Mint.

I've tried both Ubuntu and Mint. Ditched both, went back to Windows 7.
I love open source software (except Gimp - that one sucks) I often use Audacity and, and VLC is my default media player, but Linux distros are a big pile of WTF. It's always the same, you install it, the desktop looks nice, but 10 minutes later you're searching the internet for a guide on how to install programs or how to get YouTube working or how to install some bit of hardware or a peripheral. It's NOT easy, it's bloody hard. And tedious. And frustrating. The last time I installed Linux Mint I spent a total of about 8 hours trying to learn how to extract a program to the programs folder. I never did figure it out.

8 hours.. I must have been crazy. Windows 7, installing a program is seldom complicated, you double-click on the exe. file and that's about it, job done. I wonder how many millions of people installed Linux imagining that the process was exactly the same in Linux.

Honestly, it's because you're clueless, that's why it was so hard for you.
Honestly, the vast majority of users are also clueless. Mostly because they don't need to know anything - these days it all simply works. Why spend any time learning how to use something or how to set up a particular OS build when you can shove a disk in and be done with it.
Then you answered your own how many post.......... Good boy........
If people had to install an OS - any OS - they would choose Linux because the install takes 1/4th the time.

That sounds nice but is utterly false. When people have to install an OS they chose windows the VAST majority of the time. That is a stone cold fact.
You didn't read what he said........ Ya missed the "if"........ Try again.........
No, I didn't miss anything at all.

IF someone must install an OS, they chose windows almost every time. That is a FACT. Period.

What are you talking about?
Average users never install an OS...ever. They don't even know what an OS is.
I understand you are playing with don't understand that we recognize that immediately.

Installing Windows takes flipping forever, last count I believe I did was 3 reboots and after ALL of the updates it was well over an hour. Of course, like many complain about, the first attempt failed because I was stuck in the infamous "update failed" loop...which I had to Google around and figure out how to get past that....gee...what would the average user do then???...yep...take it to Geek squad and pay them $75 so they can type in a 5 second command to fix it.
So by the time I figured it out to get past the failed update...was a good 3 hours.
Installing Linux takes about 15 minutes initially, and then the updates will take about another 15-20 minutes. reboot once.
Again, irrelevant. YOU had a rough time, most people do not. Further, most people will install an OS at one time or another. I have installed windows many times on some pretty shit internet connections for the updates - never has taken me over 30 minuets. I have no idea why you think that I am playing with words. Everything that I have stated is pretty direct and simple.

You sound EXACTLY like those trashing Linux complaining about how it didn't work or was garbage. You are saying the same shit just against windows and yet calling them fanboys. Your posts bleed fanboy - just for Linux. I have no idea why it seems so hard to understand that one OS works better for some users and another works better for other users.
Wrong. Most people will NEVER install an OS.
People, don't get me wrong, I liked Win 7 a lot, despite a few issues with it freezing and needing a hard boot on occasion. Win 8 I absolutely hated, despised with a passion I don't care how good some people claim it was, I'm not a tablet or phone user so tiles don't work for me. Win 10 (from a functionality standpoint) could be as good if not better than Win 7 but is still buggy as all hell and filled with M$ bloatware, Win 10 is what I'm currently using on all my Windows machines.

Now with all the Linux machines I've owned, the learning curve was minimal and not one, nope, nary a one ever froze up on me requiring a hard boot. Installation Windows vs Linux........? Give me Linux any day for ease and speed of installation, and I've installed about 60 Windows and Linux operating systems at a minimum (probably closer to 100).
Attaching peripherals (specifically using Ubuntu/Mint) takes maybe as long as 3 seconds for the computer to recognize and install the drivers so the device is ready to be used almost the second it's hooked up.
Oh and Linux doesn't have bloatware.........

Again don't get me wrong, I like Windows and Linux but I wish Windows was as good as Linux in many ways just as I wish Linux had some of the better Windows qualities.
Linux is for web servers.
Based on your making money programing Microsoft programs.
I cook for web servers, but I use a windows PC.
I don't have a web server and I use Linux so that makes you wrong.
I said linux is for web servers. If you use it for your PC, that's ok, but it's also silly. It's for web servers.
You work on/with servers........ With the PC OS applications you're definitely out of your league.......... Especially making a know nothing comment like you just did. :thup:
Linux is for web servers.
Based on your making money programing Microsoft programs.
I cook for web servers, but I use a windows PC.
I don't have a web server and I use Linux so that makes you wrong.
I said linux is for web servers. If you use it for your PC, that's ok, but it's also silly. It's for web servers.
Linux is for web servers.
Based on your making money programing Microsoft programs.
I cook for web servers, but I use a windows PC.
I don't have a web server and I use Linux so that makes you wrong.
I said linux is for web servers. If you use it for your PC, that's ok, but it's also silly. It's for web servers.
You work on/with servers........ With the PC OS applications you're definitely out of your league.......... Especially making a know nothing comment like you just did. :thup:
Yes, I work, hence a PC running linux is useless. Worse yet for play. There's no software... still... since the 90s. Again, only a few nerds and a tiny sales department at Oracle are willing to say Ubuntu is a PC OS. I might know nothing on the matter, but my advice for anyone who has to ask is that they should use Linux for their web server, not a PC.

If it makes you feel better, I think the same thing about windows servers.
Based on your making money programing Microsoft programs.
I cook for web servers, but I use a windows PC.
I don't have a web server and I use Linux so that makes you wrong.
I said linux is for web servers. If you use it for your PC, that's ok, but it's also silly. It's for web servers.
You work on/with servers........ With the PC OS applications you're definitely out of your league.......... Especially making a know nothing comment like you just did. :thup:
Yes, I work, hence a PC running linux is useless. Worse yet for play. There's no software... still... since the 90s. Again, only a few nerds and a tiny sales department at Oracle are willing to say Ubuntu is a PC OS. I might know nothing on the matter, but my advice for anyone who has to ask is that they should use Linux for their web server, not a PC.

If it makes you feel better, I think the same thing about windows servers.
Based on what you just posted you're clueless, simple as that. When was the last time you even looked at Ubuntu/Mint?
Oh and for those of us who use Linux, with the huge PC application growth it's seeing outside of the US you can be sure it will become a bigger target for hackers and viruses. If you haven't already you may want to install ClamAV at minimum.
Linux is for web servers.
Based on your making money programing Microsoft programs.
I cook for web servers, but I use a windows PC.
I don't have a web server and I use Linux so that makes you wrong.
I said linux is for web servers. If you use it for your PC, that's ok, but it's also silly. It's for web servers.
This is what people who run Ubuntu PCs say about everyone who goes on with their lives instead of being living protest votes. It's ok. I have one of you people working for me. Every once and a while, he'll be over at my desktop doing work he can't on a perfectly capable machine running linux.
Based on your making money programing Microsoft programs.
I cook for web servers, but I use a windows PC.
I don't have a web server and I use Linux so that makes you wrong.
I said linux is for web servers. If you use it for your PC, that's ok, but it's also silly. It's for web servers.
This is what people who run Ubuntu PCs say about everyone who goes on with their lives instead of being living protest votes. It's ok. I have one of you people working for me. Every once and a while, he'll be over at my desktop doing work he can't on a perfectly capable machine running linux.
You are an idiot and a liar. One of you people? You've got a toggle switch for a brain. Most people don't care what you run but when stupid assholes like you tell them to forgo their reality in favor of your ill informed opinion then people chime in.
I cook for web servers, but I use a windows PC.
I don't have a web server and I use Linux so that makes you wrong.
I said linux is for web servers. If you use it for your PC, that's ok, but it's also silly. It's for web servers.
You work on/with servers........ With the PC OS applications you're definitely out of your league.......... Especially making a know nothing comment like you just did. :thup:
Yes, I work, hence a PC running linux is useless. Worse yet for play. There's no software... still... since the 90s. Again, only a few nerds and a tiny sales department at Oracle are willing to say Ubuntu is a PC OS. I might know nothing on the matter, but my advice for anyone who has to ask is that they should use Linux for their web server, not a PC.

If it makes you feel better, I think the same thing about windows servers.
Based on what you just posted you're clueless, simple as that. When was the last time you even looked at Ubuntu/Mint?
What are you talking about? I have 14.04 on a VM on this computer I'm on right now.
I cook for web servers, but I use a windows PC.
I don't have a web server and I use Linux so that makes you wrong.
I said linux is for web servers. If you use it for your PC, that's ok, but it's also silly. It's for web servers.
This is what people who run Ubuntu PCs say about everyone who goes on with their lives instead of being living protest votes. It's ok. I have one of you people working for me. Every once and a while, he'll be over at my desktop doing work he can't on a perfectly capable machine running linux.
You are an idiot and a liar. One of you people? You've got a toggle switch for a brain. Most people don't care what you run but when stupid assholes like you tell them to forgo their reality in favor of your ill informed opinion then people chime in.
I shouldn't lump you in with my linux-luvvin dev. He's got a sense of humor about it. He only needs to walk 10-15 feet to run Adobe Suite on a non-linux machine.
Based on your making money programing Microsoft programs.
I cook for web servers, but I use a windows PC.
I don't have a web server and I use Linux so that makes you wrong.
I said linux is for web servers. If you use it for your PC, that's ok, but it's also silly. It's for web servers.
You work on/with servers........ With the PC OS applications you're definitely out of your league.......... Especially making a know nothing comment like you just did. :thup:
Yes, I work, hence a PC running linux is useless. Worse yet for play. There's no software... still... since the 90s. Again, only a few nerds and a tiny sales department at Oracle are willing to say Ubuntu is a PC OS. I might know nothing on the matter, but my advice for anyone who has to ask is that they should use Linux for their web server, not a PC.

If it makes you feel better, I think the same thing about windows servers.

Out of the top 500 supercomputers in the world...all but 16 run Linux.
Only good for web servers...too funny.
Pixar movies - all Linux
International Space Station....Linux
Military satellite and recon systems - Linux
Traffic control systems (Airline) - Linux
Android - Built on Linux

Only good for webservers.... YOU ---> :spinner:

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