Is Mexico Just Stupid?

It's a rather empty threat because only Congress, not Trump can impose duties on imports.
Agreed. Let's not forget all those corporations donating money to Congressional elections who will lose money if trade is cut or a trade war is initiated.
True, Republicans in congress have supported free trade initiates for years. The fact is NAFTA was negotiated by Republicans and supported by both parties. So Donald can forget any legislation from congress that puts duties on imports from Mexico and he can forget any support from Democrats in congress for any of his proposals.

Trump has ignored congress in his plan for a Wall and most everything else, attempting to convince supporters that he will snap his fingers and a wall will appear. Mexico will pay for it, congress is out the picture, and it's going to be fast and easy. This illustrates so well how he is either misleading his supporters or just doesn't grasp how government works.
It's hilarious how El Presidente made an immediate issue about not paying for the wall when in fact the wall is a very small issue compared to the economic impact of Ford, Carrier, Nabisco, and so many other companies no longer being able to operate in Mexico. It's almost like El Presidente is a little child distracted by shiny objects while elephants scurry by. Are they stupid? You tell me. It seems like a smart president wouldn't even bring up the wall, being there are far more pressing concerns.
Why can't Ford, Carrier, and Nabisco operate in Mexico?
They can. They can also pay the price to get goods back to America.
What a brilliant idea. The US puts a duty on Fords manufactured in Mexico and Mexico puts duties on agricultural exports to the US. The result being Americans pay more for cars and lot more for produce because of the duty and lack of cheap Mexican agricultural workers.

However, we really don't have to worry about Trump starting a trade war with Mexico because Trump can't put duties on Mexican imports, only congress can do that and congress is not about to start a trade war with Mexico so Trump can build his wall.
The trade war will never happen. The threat of a trade war will accomplish marvels, though. You seem to miss the fact that Mexico has far more to lose and we are in a strong bargaining position.
It's a rather empty threat because only Congress, not Trump can impose duties on imports.
And Congress will. Trump literally wrote the book on deal making. It's what he does. All these conflicts you leftists conjure in your short sighted and frightened imaginations won't come to pass. Trump has a history of great, unbelievable feats by making a team out of competing interests and unifying them with a single vision.

You seem to have Trump confused with the negro you elected who rules by blunt force and royal edict. This country has been starving for real leadership so long that our expectations have been lowered to cynical levels. Donald Trump is a proven leader, team builder, and deal maker and he will continue to astound dim sighted fools in both parties.
Why can't Ford, Carrier, and Nabisco operate in Mexico?
They can. They can also pay the price to get goods back to America.
What a brilliant idea. The US puts a duty on Fords manufactured in Mexico and Mexico puts duties on agricultural exports to the US. The result being Americans pay more for cars and lot more for produce because of the duty and lack of cheap Mexican agricultural workers.

However, we really don't have to worry about Trump starting a trade war with Mexico because Trump can't put duties on Mexican imports, only congress can do that and congress is not about to start a trade war with Mexico so Trump can build his wall.
The trade war will never happen. The threat of a trade war will accomplish marvels, though. You seem to miss the fact that Mexico has far more to lose and we are in a strong bargaining position.
It's a rather empty threat because only Congress, not Trump can impose duties on imports.
And Congress will. Trump literally wrote the book on deal making. It's what he does. All these conflicts you leftists conjure in your short sighted and frightened imaginations won't come to pass. Trump has a history of great, unbelievable feats by making a team out of competing interests and unifying them with a single vision.

You seem to have Trump confused with the negro you elected who rules by blunt force and royal edict. This country has been starving for real leadership so long that our expectations have been lowered to cynical levels. Donald Trump is a proven leader, team builder, and deal maker and he will continue to astound dim sighted fools in both parties.
A trade agreement such as NAFTA is not a deal, it is thousands of deals made by negotiators, legislators, and other interested parties. It is nothing even close to Trump's financial deals.

First, off the president has to get permission from congress to negotiate and agreement such as NAFTA. The governments of Mexico and Canada likewise must get approval according to their laws. Preliminary meetings decide on the scope and each government has to approve it. Following that, separate committees are set up to negotiate each area. Meanwhile congress with one or more subcommittees will track negotiations meeting with interested groups in the US, exporters, importers, and dozens of others representatives of various parties. These committees in each country will supply lists of request to negotiators. Through the process, Congressional committees discuss and approve or disprove of various articles. This happens in each country.

Trade treaty negotiations takes years due to the number of parties involved. For example, Reagan got permission from congress to negotiate a free trade agreement, NAFTA with Mexico and Canada in 1984. The treaty did not get final approval and go into effect until 1994, 11 years after the process began. The Transpacific Partnership, TPP was fast tracked which means it did not have to have full approval of the Senate. It went into effect in 2016, 8 years after negotiations.

Presidents do not negotiate trade treaties but are responsible for the end product which means they share their view of the goals with the head negotiator, they lobby congress, handle the media and of course have final approval of the the agreement. However, much of what goes into the negotiations comes from congress which reflects the views of constituents and lobbyists.

The major difference in a trade treaty and a Trump deal is that a Trump deal effects only a few parties and is a private financial agreement whereas a trade agreement is a political agreement between nations effecting millions of people and hundreds of thousands of businesses. The skills a president needs are political skills, not negotiation skills. Few people seem to understand that.
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They can. They can also pay the price to get goods back to America.
What a brilliant idea. The US puts a duty on Fords manufactured in Mexico and Mexico puts duties on agricultural exports to the US. The result being Americans pay more for cars and lot more for produce because of the duty and lack of cheap Mexican agricultural workers.

However, we really don't have to worry about Trump starting a trade war with Mexico because Trump can't put duties on Mexican imports, only congress can do that and congress is not about to start a trade war with Mexico so Trump can build his wall.
The trade war will never happen. The threat of a trade war will accomplish marvels, though. You seem to miss the fact that Mexico has far more to lose and we are in a strong bargaining position.
It's a rather empty threat because only Congress, not Trump can impose duties on imports.
And Congress will. Trump literally wrote the book on deal making. It's what he does. All these conflicts you leftists conjure in your short sighted and frightened imaginations won't come to pass. Trump has a history of great, unbelievable feats by making a team out of competing interests and unifying them with a single vision.

You seem to have Trump confused with the negro you elected who rules by blunt force and royal edict. This country has been starving for real leadership so long that our expectations have been lowered to cynical levels. Donald Trump is a proven leader, team builder, and deal maker and he will continue to astound dim sighted fools in both parties.
A trade agreement such as NAFTA is not a deal, it is thousands of deals made by negotiators, legislators, and other interested parties. It is nothing even close to Trump's financial deals.

First, off the president has to get permission from congress to negotiate and agreement such as NAFTA. The governments of Mexico and Canada likewise must get approval according to their laws. Preliminary meetings decide on the scope and each government has to approve it. Following that, separate committees are set up to negotiate each area. Meanwhile congress with one or more subcommittees will track negotiations meeting with interested groups in the US, exporters, importers, and dozens of others representatives of various parties. These committees in each country will supply lists of request to negotiators. Through the process, Congressional committees discuss and approve or disprove of various articles. This happens in each country.

Trade treaty negotiations takes years due to the number of parties involved. For example, Reagan got permission from congress to negotiate a free trade agreement, NAFTA with Mexico and Canada in 1984. The treaty did not get final approval and go into effect until 1994, 11 years after the process began. The Transpacific Partnership, TPP was fast tracked which means it did not have to have full approval of the Senate. It went into effect in 2016, 8 years after negotiations.

Presidents do not negotiate trade treaties but are responsible for the end product which means they share their view of the goals with the head negotiator, they lobby congress, handle the media and of course have final approval of the the agreement. However, much of what goes into the negotiations comes from congress which reflects the views of constituents and lobbyists.

The major difference in a trade treaty and a Trump deal is that a Trump deal effects only a few parties and is a private financial agreement whereas a trade agreement is a political agreement between nations effecting millions of people and hundreds of thousands of businesses. The skills a president needs are political skills, not negotiation skills. Few people seem to understand that.
Those are one and the same. It seems YOU don't understand that. Trump is a break from politics as usual where the establishment in both parties foisted this horrible deal on us that caused a steady exsanguination of manufacturing jobs that were the staple of the American middle class. He is in a singular position of expertise to understand the impact NAFTA has had on the American workforce and the ability to buy a home and raise a family working for a single company with great pay and benefits, something Democrats USED to champion.

And you think Congress is going to be an issue? Pul-leeze! The same Republican Congress that gave Obama EVERYTHING he asked for and approved every budget will do the same for Trump. Or did you really imagine that the same Congress that didn't oppose the Iran deal will suddenly grow a spine under Trump?

So yes, NAFTA will be renegotiated. Yes, the wall will be built. And yes, Mexico will pay for it.

Yes, we can!
...Yes, the wall will be built. And yes, Mexico will pay for it....
$100 says, no, a physical wall won't be built from Brownsville to San Diego nor will Mexico pay for any sections that are built.

Your juvenile "betting" shtick is getting tiresome, not to mention that it is always filled with some picayune conditions, such as exact time, placement, materials, etc. Do you really think that Trump would not act to complete a physical barrier between the U.S. and Mexico (natural barriers included)?

I didn't think so...
Your juvenile "betting" shtick is getting tiresome, not to mention that it is always filled with some picayune conditions, such as exact time, placement, materials, etc. Do you really think that Trump would not act to complete a physical barrier between the U.S. and Mexico (natural barriers included)?

I didn't think so...
So what conditions do you want? I don't want some lying sack of shit take the bet then claim that a satellite in space watching the border constitutes a "fence". I've bet plenty of people on the internet and far too many are weasels when it comes to paying up.

Natural barriers? A river is a natural barrier, but that doesn't stop people from swimming across. Mountains are natural barriers but drug dealers simply use them to mask themselves from radar.
Your juvenile "betting" shtick is getting tiresome, not to mention that it is always filled with some picayune conditions, such as exact time, placement, materials, etc. Do you really think that Trump would not act to complete a physical barrier between the U.S. and Mexico (natural barriers included)?

I didn't think so...
So what conditions do you want? I don't want some lying sack of shit take the bet then claim that a satellite in space watching the border constitutes a "fence". I've bet plenty of people on the internet and far too many are weasels when it comes to paying up.
Go to Las Vegas if you want to gamble. This is a discussion board.
Silly Mexicans, thinking it's up to them to decide.

Hopefully they resist US imperialism and intimidation with a dying breath.

Mexico has ZERO SAY in whether or not they pay for the wall that keeps wetbacks out. They will pay for it, and then some.

Or what?

A hypothetical Trump administration would provoke a war that would cost more money and lives than the >1% illegal immigration each year?

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