Is Mexico Just Stupid?

Silly Mexicans, thinking it's up to them to decide.

Hopefully they resist US imperialism and intimidation with a dying breath.

Mexico has ZERO SAY in whether or not they pay for the wall that keeps wetbacks out. They will pay for it, and then some.

Or what?

A hypothetical Trump administration would provoke a war that would cost more money and lives than the >1% illegal immigration each year?
Imperialism? You hippies have been using that for the last 50 years. It's old and has never been true.
...A hypothetical Trump administration would provoke a war that would cost more money and lives than the >1% illegal immigration each year?
It won't be war. The Mexicans will just laugh. President Trump would declare an embargo or some other such nonsense and Congress will laugh too. Nothing will happen. The status quo will be maintained.

The solution isn't a white elephant wall. It's removing the reason(s) why illegals come here or, more often, why they overstay their visas.
Imperialism? You hippies have been using that for the last 50 years. It's old and has never been true.

It has always been true.

We just have bitches like you worshiping the throne and absolving the evil actions of the state.
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The solution isn't a white elephant wall. It's removing the reason(s) why illegals come here or, more often, why they overstay their visas.

The golden wall is a scam to begin with. It is a shell project to force more Americans on government payroll.

Most of these dumbasses do not understand that the majority of illegal immigration consists of people getting off a plane and never returning. That is actually cheaper than paying smugglers to guide you through a drainage tunnel. Boats anyone?

If a border wall would serve any purpose, it would not be to keep Mexican out, but rather Americans in. It isn't that crazy of a theory, considering the tens of millions the pentagon is paying for littoral combat ships that are useless against naval vessels, but great for massacring fishing boats.
The solution isn't a white elephant wall. It's removing the reason(s) why illegals come here or, more often, why they overstay their visas.

The golden wall is a scam to begin with. It is a shell project.

Most of these dumbasses do not understand that the majority of illegal immigration consists of people getting off a plane and never returning. That is actually cheaper than paying smugglers to guide you through a drainage tunnel. Boats anyone?

If a border wall would serve any purpose, it would not be to keep Mexican out, but rather Americans in. It isn't that crazy of a theory, considering the tens of millions the pentagon is paying for littoral combat shits that are useless against naval vessels.
At 45 feet tall, the wall will be awesome....

It should keep people like you out no problem....
At 45 feet tall, the wall will be awesome....

It should keep people like you out no problem....

And bitches like you in for when the police state robs you of all your dignity.

Could you stop sucking state cock for a moment and wake the fuck up, tool?
That's called gambling, you poor, dumb, son of a bitch.
It's not gambling when I know I'd win the bet. Name-call all you like, but you're the wimpy coward who is all talk and zero spine. You rant and rave about this fucking wall but you won't put down $50 to put money where your mouth is.
And we will put you on the other side of the wall....

That sounds like something your fascist ass would attempt to do.

Not only are you a tool, but you are also an anti-american scumbag.
And we will put you on the other side of the wall....
So first you're going to build and maintain a multi-billion dollar monument to stupidity on the backs of the taxpayers then you are going to forcibly deport American citizens? That's a violation of not only the Constitution but international law.
Thanks for demonstrating why we would put you on the other side of the wall....

If anti-american scumbags like you take charge, I would consider myself lucky.

Why would I want to be living in Fortress Fascism?
And we will put you on the other side of the wall....
So first you're going to build and maintain a multi-billion dollar monument to stupidity on the backs of the taxpayers then you are going to forcibly deport American citizens? That's a violation of not only the Constitution but international law.
Why the fuck do I care about the Mexican taxpayers again?
So first you're going to build and maintain a multi-billion dollar monument to stupidity on the backs of the taxpayers then you are going to forcibly deport American citizens? That's a violation of not only the Constitution but international law.

He does not actually mean it.

He masks his utter incompetence by trying to get under your skin. He is a worthless and pathetic human being.
And we will put you on the other side of the wall....
So first you're going to build and maintain a multi-billion dollar monument to stupidity on the backs of the taxpayers then you are going to forcibly deport American citizens? That's a violation of not only the Constitution but international law.
Why the fuck do I care about the Mexican taxpayers again?
I don't give a fuck about them either. The intelligent and educated knew I was obviously referring to American taxpayers.
What the fuck do the American taxpayers have to do with this?
You are a fascist...which is why we are putting you on the other side of the wall..:lol:


Also this tool always calls me a fascist whenever I advocate for more liberty and less taxation

The idiocy of this loser is overwhelming.
You are a fascist...which is why we are putting you on the other side of the wall..:lol:


Also this tool always calls me a fascist whenever I advocate for more liberty and less taxation

The idiocy of this loser is overwhelming.
No child, I call you fascist for spouting your indoctrinated propaganda.....I don't blame you for hiding from the truth.....that must suck.....
He does not actually mean it.

He masks his utter incompetence by trying to get under your skin. He is a worthless and pathetic human being.
I'm sure you're correct, but where I come from, a person who habitually lies or bullshits is not to be trusted.

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