Is Mexico Just Stupid?

I'm not making money bets online, so quit asking. If you can't construct a plausible argument why a lifelong builder won't build a wall, then there's nothing left to discuss. If you want to gamble, drive out to Las Vegas and gamble.
Not even a gentleman's bet? Interesting.

He never built a fucking thing. He paid others to build it, usually with other people's money. In this case it's the taxpayers money and guess who controls the purse strings?

All the gibberish about making Mexico pay for it or we'll stop trading with them is highly enriched, weapons grade bullshit. We'd effectively be cutting off the nose of our own economy if we stopped trading with Mexico. We'd have a lot of businesses and employees both suffering and highly pissed off. Something they'd remember at the mid-terms.

Mexico | United States Trade Representative
U.S. goods and services trade with Mexico totaled an estimated $583.6 billion in 2015. Exports were $267.2 billion; imports were $316.4 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with Mexico was -$49.2 billion in 2015.

Mexico is currently our 3rd largest goods trading partner with $531 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2015. Goods exports totaled $236 billion; goods imports totaled $295 billion. The U.S. goods trade deficit with Mexico was $58 billion in 2015.

Trade in services with Mexico (exports and imports) totaled an estimated $52.4 billion in 2015. Services exports were $30.8 billion; services imports were $21.6 billion. The U.S. services trade surplus with Mexico was $9.2 billion in 2015.

According to the Department of Commerce, U.S. exports of goods and services to Mexico supported an estimated 1.1 million jobs in 2014 (latest data available) (953 thousand supported by goods exports and 193 thousand supported by services exports).
I'm not making money bets online, so quit asking. If you can't construct a plausible argument why a lifelong builder won't build a wall, then there's nothing left to discuss. If you want to gamble, drive out to Las Vegas and gamble.
Not even a gentleman's bet? Interesting.

He never built a fucking thing. He paid others to build it, usually with other people's money. In this case it's the taxpayers money and guess who controls the purse strings?

All the gibberish about making Mexico pay for it or we'll stop trading with them is highly enriched, weapons grade bullshit. We'd effectively be cutting off the nose of our own economy if we stopped trading with Mexico. We'd have a lot of businesses and employees both suffering and highly pissed off. Something they'd remember at the mid-terms.

Mexico | United States Trade Representative
U.S. goods and services trade with Mexico totaled an estimated $583.6 billion in 2015. Exports were $267.2 billion; imports were $316.4 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with Mexico was -$49.2 billion in 2015.

Mexico is currently our 3rd largest goods trading partner with $531 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2015. Goods exports totaled $236 billion; goods imports totaled $295 billion. The U.S. goods trade deficit with Mexico was $58 billion in 2015.

Trade in services with Mexico (exports and imports) totaled an estimated $52.4 billion in 2015. Services exports were $30.8 billion; services imports were $21.6 billion. The U.S. services trade surplus with Mexico was $9.2 billion in 2015.

According to the Department of Commerce, U.S. exports of goods and services to Mexico supported an estimated 1.1 million jobs in 2014 (latest data available) (953 thousand supported by goods exports and 193 thousand supported by services exports).
Never built a thing? We're done here. That took stupid to a whole new level.
It seems that something was lost when the Mexican president tweeted that he made clear to Donald Trump during his visit that Mexico would not pay for the wall.

Silly Mexicans, thinking it's up to them to decide.

It's almost like Mexico, like the American Left, is so incredibly dumb, they think Donald Trump is going to submit an invoice and expect a check to be written. Donald Trump said repeatedly during his campaign that Mexico would pay by a confluence of the withholding of aid, dumping TPP, and correcting the trade imbalance.

Mexico will also pay by having to take care of its own citizens instead of dumping them on us. The hidden costs of illegal immigration on our schools, jails, and social entitlement structure is in the $$$ billions and that will be rapidly reduced as they are rounded up in bean bags and dumped back in their own POS country.

Mexico has ZERO SAY in whether or not they pay for the wall that keeps wetbacks out. They will pay for it, and then some.

Apparently you haven't any better grasp of the problem than your leader.

Cutting TPP, will have little effect on Mexico at the present time. Yes, it will hurt them in the future but it will generate little income today to build a wall.

Foreign aid to Mexico has dwindle to 146 million a year and can not be touch by Trump without Congressional approval which has about a zero chance of approval. The problem is that most of that foreign aid is used for programs developed in cooperation with the US to lower drug and human trafficking and maintain and anti-terrorist task force which works with Homeland Security.

For the US to restrict imports from Mexico would require Trump to violate the terms of NAFTA which he could do. However, since most of the imports from Mexico are items used in the manufacturing of US goods, there would be a significant financial hit in the US. Also, a violation of NAFTA, an agreement approved by congress would cast doubts on all US agreements. Congress would simply not allow it.

Lastly, assuming that Mexico would do nothing is pretty silly. With the violation of NAFTA by the US, it is very likely that Mexico would put import duties on much of the 136 billion dollar exports from the US.

Thinking that there is nothing Mexico can do might be comforting but it is simply not true. If the US were to do what you have listed, Mexico would certainly put duties on US exports to recoup any lost revenue. Currently Mexico makes it very easy for US to deport illegal immigrants but that could change overnight as could cooperation between the US customs and the Mexican government, support for the US in UN and the OAS.

Turning Mexico, our third largest trading partner from an ally to an adversary would
not benefit the US.
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It seems that something was lost when the Mexican president tweeted that he made clear to Donald Trump during his visit that Mexico would not pay for the wall.

Silly Mexicans, thinking it's up to them to decide.

It's almost like Mexico, like the American Left, is so incredibly dumb, they think Donald Trump is going to submit an invoice and expect a check to be written. Donald Trump said repeatedly during his campaign that Mexico would pay by a confluence of the withholding of aid, dumping TPP, and correcting the trade imbalance.

Mexico will also pay by having to take care of its own citizens instead of dumping them on us. The hidden costs of illegal immigration on our schools, jails, and social entitlement structure is in the $$$ billions and that will be rapidly reduced as they are rounded up in bean bags and dumped back in their own POS country.

Mexico has ZERO SAY in whether or not they pay for the wall that keeps wetbacks out. They will pay for it, and then some.

Apparently you haven't any better grasp of the problem than your leader.

Cutting TPP, will have little effect on Mexico at the present time. Yes, it will hurt them in the future but it will generate little income today to build a wall.

Foreign aid to Mexico has dwindle to 146 million a year and can not be touch by Trump without Congressional approval which has about a zero chance of approval. The problem is that most of that foreign aid is used is for programs developed in cooperation with the US to lower drug and human trafficking and maintain and anti-terrorist task force which works with Homeland Security.

For the US to restrict imports from Mexico would require Trump to violate the terms of NAFTA which he could do. However, since most of the imports from Mexico are items used in the manufacturing of US goods, there would be a significant financial hit in the US. Also, a violation NAFA and agreement approved by congress would cast doubts on all US agreements. Congress would simply not allow it.

Lastly, assuming that Mexico would do nothing is pretty silly. With the violation of NAFTA by the US, it is very likely that Mexico would put import duties on much of the 136 billion dollar exports from the US.

Thinking that there is nothing Mexico can do might be comforting but it is simply not true. If the US were to do what you have listed, Mexico would certainly put duties on US exports to recoup any lost revenue. Currently Mexico makes it very easy for US to deport illegal immigrants but that could change overnight as could cooperation between the US customs and the Mexican government.

Turning Mexico, our third largest trading partner from an ally to an adversary would
not benefit the US.
Having a wall to radically sequester the flow of drugs across the border will greatly reduce the need for foreign aid you Leftists love so much. Besides, the CIA hates working in Mexico because they don't allow our agents to carry guns; another example of weak foreign policy.
It seems that something was lost when the Mexican president tweeted that he made clear to Donald Trump during his visit that Mexico would not pay for the wall.

Silly Mexicans, thinking it's up to them to decide.

It's almost like Mexico, like the American Left, is so incredibly dumb, they think Donald Trump is going to submit an invoice and expect a check to be written. Donald Trump said repeatedly during his campaign that Mexico would pay by a confluence of the withholding of aid, dumping TPP, and correcting the trade imbalance.

Mexico will also pay by having to take care of its own citizens instead of dumping them on us. The hidden costs of illegal immigration on our schools, jails, and social entitlement structure is in the $$$ billions and that will be rapidly reduced as they are rounded up in bean bags and dumped back in their own POS country.

Mexico has ZERO SAY in whether or not they pay for the wall that keeps wetbacks out. They will pay for it, and then some.

Apparently you haven't any better grasp of the problem than your leader.

Cutting TPP, will have little effect on Mexico at the present time. Yes, it will hurt them in the future but it will generate little income today to build a wall.

Foreign aid to Mexico has dwindle to 146 million a year and can not be touch by Trump without Congressional approval which has about a zero chance of approval. The problem is that most of that foreign aid is used is for programs developed in cooperation with the US to lower drug and human trafficking and maintain and anti-terrorist task force which works with Homeland Security.

For the US to restrict imports from Mexico would require Trump to violate the terms of NAFTA which he could do. However, since most of the imports from Mexico are items used in the manufacturing of US goods, there would be a significant financial hit in the US. Also, a violation NAFA and agreement approved by congress would cast doubts on all US agreements. Congress would simply not allow it.

Lastly, assuming that Mexico would do nothing is pretty silly. With the violation of NAFTA by the US, it is very likely that Mexico would put import duties on much of the 136 billion dollar exports from the US.

Thinking that there is nothing Mexico can do might be comforting but it is simply not true. If the US were to do what you have listed, Mexico would certainly put duties on US exports to recoup any lost revenue. Currently Mexico makes it very easy for US to deport illegal immigrants but that could change overnight as could cooperation between the US customs and the Mexican government.

Turning Mexico, our third largest trading partner from an ally to an adversary would
not benefit the US.
Having a wall to radically sequester the flow of drugs across the border will greatly reduce the need for foreign aid you Leftists love so much. Besides, the CIA hates working in Mexico because they don't allow our agents to carry guns; another example of weak foreign policy.
You ignore the biggest problem. Mexico would put duties on exports to recoup any revenue. This would hurt both US and Mexico, but feelings in Mexico is that it would be worth it. Mexico is really pissed off at Trump because what he said was seen as an attack on the Mexican people, not just the government. However, since the US congress would certainly not let Trump do something this stupid, I think it will be mute point. All Trump will need to get out of the his promise to build a wall is congress to say no, which it will.
You ignore the biggest problem. Mexico would put duties on exports to recoup any revenue. This would hurt both US and Mexico, but feelings in Mexico is that it would be worth it. Mexico is really pissed off at Trump because what he said was seen as an attack on the Mexican people, not just the government. However, since the US congress would certainly not let Trump do something this stupid, I think it will be mute point. All Trump will need to get out of the his promise to build a wall is congress to say no, which it will.

Americans are sick of taking shit off Mexico we WILL plant a giant boot in their ass. Sick of their drugs, sick of worthless illegals pouring across our border costing us billions of dollars. Sick of their filth coming over here killing our citizens, raping, assaulting, robbing. We just sentenced another one of those fuckers to 53 years in prison for kidnapping and raping two women. The wall will be built, this is coming to a stop, and Mexico can eat shit and die!
We don't need a wall. We simply need to take away their incentive to sneak in. Of course, we need a lot more security to keep out terrorists, drug cartels, human traffickers and other scum. No automatic citizenship for babies if their parents are here illegally. No welfare for non-citizens. No jobs, no benefits, and that means no more remittances sent to Mexico. Nothing except a trip back to the border.

Also, Mexico should have to take back their citizens who are criminals. They've already refused and act like the illegals who murder and commit other violent crimes belong to us once they get through the border.

Obama has ordered ICE to release criminals back onto our streets. Every single one who murdered, raped or harmed people in any way is totally the fault of those who knowingly kept them here and allowed them to roam free. Sanctuary cities are responsible for the harm to citizens by those they shield from ICE.
It seems that something was lost when the Mexican president tweeted that he made clear to Donald Trump during his visit that Mexico would not pay for the wall.

Silly Mexicans, thinking it's up to them to decide.

It's almost like Mexico, like the American Left, is so incredibly dumb, they think Donald Trump is going to submit an invoice and expect a check to be written. Donald Trump said repeatedly during his campaign that Mexico would pay by a confluence of the withholding of aid, dumping TPP, and correcting the trade imbalance.

Mexico will also pay by having to take care of its own citizens instead of dumping them on us. The hidden costs of illegal immigration on our schools, jails, and social entitlement structure is in the $$$ billions and that will be rapidly reduced as they are rounded up in bean bags and dumped back in their own POS country.

Mexico has ZERO SAY in whether or not they pay for the wall that keeps wetbacks out. They will pay for it, and then some.

Apparently you haven't any better grasp of the problem than your leader.

Cutting TPP, will have little effect on Mexico at the present time. Yes, it will hurt them in the future but it will generate little income today to build a wall.

Foreign aid to Mexico has dwindle to 146 million a year and can not be touch by Trump without Congressional approval which has about a zero chance of approval. The problem is that most of that foreign aid is used is for programs developed in cooperation with the US to lower drug and human trafficking and maintain and anti-terrorist task force which works with Homeland Security.

For the US to restrict imports from Mexico would require Trump to violate the terms of NAFTA which he could do. However, since most of the imports from Mexico are items used in the manufacturing of US goods, there would be a significant financial hit in the US. Also, a violation NAFA and agreement approved by congress would cast doubts on all US agreements. Congress would simply not allow it.

Lastly, assuming that Mexico would do nothing is pretty silly. With the violation of NAFTA by the US, it is very likely that Mexico would put import duties on much of the 136 billion dollar exports from the US.

Thinking that there is nothing Mexico can do might be comforting but it is simply not true. If the US were to do what you have listed, Mexico would certainly put duties on US exports to recoup any lost revenue. Currently Mexico makes it very easy for US to deport illegal immigrants but that could change overnight as could cooperation between the US customs and the Mexican government.

Turning Mexico, our third largest trading partner from an ally to an adversary would
not benefit the US.
Having a wall to radically sequester the flow of drugs across the border will greatly reduce the need for foreign aid you Leftists love so much. Besides, the CIA hates working in Mexico because they don't allow our agents to carry guns; another example of weak foreign policy.
You ignore the biggest problem. Mexico would put duties on exports to recoup any revenue. This would hurt both US and Mexico, but feelings in Mexico is that it would be worth it. Mexico is really pissed off at Trump because what he said was seen as an attack on the Mexican people, not just the government. However, since the US congress would certainly not let Trump do something this stupid, I think it will be mute point. All Trump will need to get out of the his promise to build a wall is congress to say no, which it will.
Static thinking. You're anticipating a hostile relationship with Mexico, but Trump doesn't do hostile relationships. He will make a deal with them, one that will be as good for us as it is for them. Mexico needs the United States a whole lot more than we need them, so no, there will be no duties on U.S. goods. And the only thing that Mexico is pissed off at is that the gravy train is over and we're not going to let them take advantage of us anymore.
We don't need a wall. We simply need to take away their incentive to sneak in. Of course, we need a lot more security to keep out terrorists, drug cartels, human traffickers and other scum. No automatic citizenship for babies if their parents are here illegally. No welfare for non-citizens. No jobs, no benefits, and that means no more remittances sent to Mexico. Nothing except a trip back to the border.

Also, Mexico should have to take back their citizens who are criminals. They've already refused and act like the illegals who murder and commit other violent crimes belong to us once they get through the border.

Obama has ordered ICE to release criminals back onto our streets. Every single one who murdered, raped or harmed people in any way is totally the fault of those who knowingly kept them here and allowed them to roam free. Sanctuary cities are responsible for the harm to citizens by those they shield from ICE.
The drugs alone are good enough reason for a wall. While many people can claim, "they'll find a way to get drugs in" the truth is, a well fortified wall will drop shipments immediately by 90% or more. People are so focused on the illegal immigration issue that few focus on the equally human issue of heroine and crack cocaine pouring into our country and destroying lives. That needs to stop and a wall will do that.

And Mexico will pay for it.
It seems that something was lost when the Mexican president tweeted that he made clear to Donald Trump during his visit that Mexico would not pay for the wall.

Silly Mexicans, thinking it's up to them to decide.

It's almost like Mexico, like the American Left, is so incredibly dumb, they think Donald Trump is going to submit an invoice and expect a check to be written. Donald Trump said repeatedly during his campaign that Mexico would pay by a confluence of the withholding of aid, dumping TPP, and correcting the trade imbalance.

Mexico will also pay by having to take care of its own citizens instead of dumping them on us. The hidden costs of illegal immigration on our schools, jails, and social entitlement structure is in the $$$ billions and that will be rapidly reduced as they are rounded up in bean bags and dumped back in their own POS country.

Mexico has ZERO SAY in whether or not they pay for the wall that keeps wetbacks out. They will pay for it, and then some.

Apparently you haven't any better grasp of the problem than your leader.

Cutting TPP, will have little effect on Mexico at the present time. Yes, it will hurt them in the future but it will generate little income today to build a wall.

Foreign aid to Mexico has dwindle to 146 million a year and can not be touch by Trump without Congressional approval which has about a zero chance of approval. The problem is that most of that foreign aid is used is for programs developed in cooperation with the US to lower drug and human trafficking and maintain and anti-terrorist task force which works with Homeland Security.

For the US to restrict imports from Mexico would require Trump to violate the terms of NAFTA which he could do. However, since most of the imports from Mexico are items used in the manufacturing of US goods, there would be a significant financial hit in the US. Also, a violation NAFA and agreement approved by congress would cast doubts on all US agreements. Congress would simply not allow it.

Lastly, assuming that Mexico would do nothing is pretty silly. With the violation of NAFTA by the US, it is very likely that Mexico would put import duties on much of the 136 billion dollar exports from the US.

Thinking that there is nothing Mexico can do might be comforting but it is simply not true. If the US were to do what you have listed, Mexico would certainly put duties on US exports to recoup any lost revenue. Currently Mexico makes it very easy for US to deport illegal immigrants but that could change overnight as could cooperation between the US customs and the Mexican government.

Turning Mexico, our third largest trading partner from an ally to an adversary would
not benefit the US.
Having a wall to radically sequester the flow of drugs across the border will greatly reduce the need for foreign aid you Leftists love so much. Besides, the CIA hates working in Mexico because they don't allow our agents to carry guns; another example of weak foreign policy.
You ignore the biggest problem. Mexico would put duties on exports to recoup any revenue. This would hurt both US and Mexico, but feelings in Mexico is that it would be worth it. Mexico is really pissed off at Trump because what he said was seen as an attack on the Mexican people, not just the government. However, since the US congress would certainly not let Trump do something this stupid, I think it will be mute point. All Trump will need to get out of the his promise to build a wall is congress to say no, which it will.
Static thinking. You're anticipating a hostile relationship with Mexico, but Trump doesn't do hostile relationships. He will make a deal with them, one that will be as good for us as it is for them. Mexico needs the United States a whole lot more than we need them, so no, there will be no duties on U.S. goods. And the only thing that Mexico is pissed off at is that the gravy train is over and we're not going to let them take advantage of us anymore.
People in Mexico don't see this as their problem. It is not their responsible to protect the US boarder. 40% of the illegal immigrants are not even Mexican and 96% of the Mexican people do not violate our boarders.

Blaming the Mexican people for the US's inability to control their own boarder and then expecting Mexico to pay the cost is just plain wrong and a stupid knee jerk reaction.
It seems that something was lost when the Mexican president tweeted that he made clear to Donald Trump during his visit that Mexico would not pay for the wall.

Silly Mexicans, thinking it's up to them to decide.

It's almost like Mexico, like the American Left, is so incredibly dumb, they think Donald Trump is going to submit an invoice and expect a check to be written. Donald Trump said repeatedly during his campaign that Mexico would pay by a confluence of the withholding of aid, dumping TPP, and correcting the trade imbalance.

Mexico will also pay by having to take care of its own citizens instead of dumping them on us. The hidden costs of illegal immigration on our schools, jails, and social entitlement structure is in the $$$ billions and that will be rapidly reduced as they are rounded up in bean bags and dumped back in their own POS country.

Mexico has ZERO SAY in whether or not they pay for the wall that keeps wetbacks out. They will pay for it, and then some.

Apparently you haven't any better grasp of the problem than your leader.

Cutting TPP, will have little effect on Mexico at the present time. Yes, it will hurt them in the future but it will generate little income today to build a wall.

Foreign aid to Mexico has dwindle to 146 million a year and can not be touch by Trump without Congressional approval which has about a zero chance of approval. The problem is that most of that foreign aid is used is for programs developed in cooperation with the US to lower drug and human trafficking and maintain and anti-terrorist task force which works with Homeland Security.

For the US to restrict imports from Mexico would require Trump to violate the terms of NAFTA which he could do. However, since most of the imports from Mexico are items used in the manufacturing of US goods, there would be a significant financial hit in the US. Also, a violation NAFA and agreement approved by congress would cast doubts on all US agreements. Congress would simply not allow it.

Lastly, assuming that Mexico would do nothing is pretty silly. With the violation of NAFTA by the US, it is very likely that Mexico would put import duties on much of the 136 billion dollar exports from the US.

Thinking that there is nothing Mexico can do might be comforting but it is simply not true. If the US were to do what you have listed, Mexico would certainly put duties on US exports to recoup any lost revenue. Currently Mexico makes it very easy for US to deport illegal immigrants but that could change overnight as could cooperation between the US customs and the Mexican government.

Turning Mexico, our third largest trading partner from an ally to an adversary would
not benefit the US.
Having a wall to radically sequester the flow of drugs across the border will greatly reduce the need for foreign aid you Leftists love so much. Besides, the CIA hates working in Mexico because they don't allow our agents to carry guns; another example of weak foreign policy.
You ignore the biggest problem. Mexico would put duties on exports to recoup any revenue. This would hurt both US and Mexico, but feelings in Mexico is that it would be worth it. Mexico is really pissed off at Trump because what he said was seen as an attack on the Mexican people, not just the government. However, since the US congress would certainly not let Trump do something this stupid, I think it will be mute point. All Trump will need to get out of the his promise to build a wall is congress to say no, which it will.
Static thinking. You're anticipating a hostile relationship with Mexico, but Trump doesn't do hostile relationships. He will make a deal with them, one that will be as good for us as it is for them. Mexico needs the United States a whole lot more than we need them, so no, there will be no duties on U.S. goods. And the only thing that Mexico is pissed off at is that the gravy train is over and we're not going to let them take advantage of us anymore.
People in Mexico don't see this as their problem. It is not their responsible to protect the US boarder. 40% of the illegal immigrants are not even Mexican and 96% of the Mexican people do not violate our boarders.

Blaming the Mexican people for the US's inability to control their own boarder and then expecting Mexico to pay the cost is just plain wrong and a stupid knee jerk reaction.
When did I do that?

What the Mexican GOVERNMENT has done is encourage illegal immigration, even publishing brochures on how to do it successfully. So yes, the Mexican government will end up paying for this wall, whether they like it or not.
The wall is never going to happen, there's your stupidity.

Oh, the irony...

Watch, there will be no wall.
Probably not a physical wall of concrete or steel. But a technological wall with radar and ground sensors and patrols. We can deploy the same technology we deploy for foreign countries when we defend their borders ( while refusing to defend our own so far ).

We have the technology, including stationary satellites, to deploy and protect our border just about as well as a physical wall. We probably do also need a physical wall for several miles each side of every road that crosses the border, but for most of the distance a technology wall with patrols would probably do the job.
The wall is never going to happen, there's your stupidity.

Oh, the irony...

Watch, there will be no wall.
Probably not a physical wall of concrete or steel. But a technological wall with radar and ground sensors and patrols. We can deploy the same technology we deploy for foreign countries when we defend their borders ( while refusing to defend our own so far ).

We have the technology, including stationary satellites, to deploy and protect our border just about as well as a physical wall. We probably do also need a physical wall for several miles each side of every road that crosses the border, but for most of the distance a technology wall with patrols would probably do the job.

I'm saying Trump's wall will not happen. But hey, perhaps your wall will also inhibit the flow of guns to Mexico and drugs into the US. We all espouse hating the cartels, but we are the market for the goods.
We don't need a wall. We simply need to take away their incentive to sneak in. Of course, we need a lot more security to keep out terrorists, drug cartels, human traffickers and other scum. No automatic citizenship for babies if their parents are here illegally. No welfare for non-citizens. No jobs, no benefits, and that means no more remittances sent to Mexico. Nothing except a trip back to the border.

Also, Mexico should have to take back their citizens who are criminals. They've already refused and act like the illegals who murder and commit other violent crimes belong to us once they get through the border.

Obama has ordered ICE to release criminals back onto our streets. Every single one who murdered, raped or harmed people in any way is totally the fault of those who knowingly kept them here and allowed them to roam free. Sanctuary cities are responsible for the harm to citizens by those they shield from ICE.
The drugs alone are good enough reason for a wall. While many people can claim, "they'll find a way to get drugs in" the truth is, a well fortified wall will drop shipments immediately by 90% or more. People are so focused on the illegal immigration issue that few focus on the equally human issue of heroine and crack cocaine pouring into our country and destroying lives. That needs to stop and a wall will do that.

And Mexico will pay for it.

Drugs? We, the US, is the market, we are the customers.
It seems that something was lost when the Mexican president tweeted that he made clear to Donald Trump during his visit that Mexico would not pay for the wall.

Silly Mexicans, thinking it's up to them to decide.

It's almost like Mexico, like the American Left, is so incredibly dumb, they think Donald Trump is going to submit an invoice and expect a check to be written. Donald Trump said repeatedly during his campaign that Mexico would pay by a confluence of the withholding of aid, dumping TPP, and correcting the trade imbalance.

Mexico will also pay by having to take care of its own citizens instead of dumping them on us. The hidden costs of illegal immigration on our schools, jails, and social entitlement structure is in the $$$ billions and that will be rapidly reduced as they are rounded up in bean bags and dumped back in their own POS country.

Mexico has ZERO SAY in whether or not they pay for the wall that keeps wetbacks out. They will pay for it, and then some.

Apparently you haven't any better grasp of the problem than your leader.

Cutting TPP, will have little effect on Mexico at the present time. Yes, it will hurt them in the future but it will generate little income today to build a wall.

Foreign aid to Mexico has dwindle to 146 million a year and can not be touch by Trump without Congressional approval which has about a zero chance of approval. The problem is that most of that foreign aid is used is for programs developed in cooperation with the US to lower drug and human trafficking and maintain and anti-terrorist task force which works with Homeland Security.

For the US to restrict imports from Mexico would require Trump to violate the terms of NAFTA which he could do. However, since most of the imports from Mexico are items used in the manufacturing of US goods, there would be a significant financial hit in the US. Also, a violation NAFA and agreement approved by congress would cast doubts on all US agreements. Congress would simply not allow it.

Lastly, assuming that Mexico would do nothing is pretty silly. With the violation of NAFTA by the US, it is very likely that Mexico would put import duties on much of the 136 billion dollar exports from the US.

Thinking that there is nothing Mexico can do might be comforting but it is simply not true. If the US were to do what you have listed, Mexico would certainly put duties on US exports to recoup any lost revenue. Currently Mexico makes it very easy for US to deport illegal immigrants but that could change overnight as could cooperation between the US customs and the Mexican government.

Turning Mexico, our third largest trading partner from an ally to an adversary would
not benefit the US.
Having a wall to radically sequester the flow of drugs across the border will greatly reduce the need for foreign aid you Leftists love so much. Besides, the CIA hates working in Mexico because they don't allow our agents to carry guns; another example of weak foreign policy.
You ignore the biggest problem. Mexico would put duties on exports to recoup any revenue. This would hurt both US and Mexico, but feelings in Mexico is that it would be worth it. Mexico is really pissed off at Trump because what he said was seen as an attack on the Mexican people, not just the government. However, since the US congress would certainly not let Trump do something this stupid, I think it will be mute point. All Trump will need to get out of the his promise to build a wall is congress to say no, which it will.
Static thinking. You're anticipating a hostile relationship with Mexico, but Trump doesn't do hostile relationships. He will make a deal with them, one that will be as good for us as it is for them. Mexico needs the United States a whole lot more than we need them, so no, there will be no duties on U.S. goods. And the only thing that Mexico is pissed off at is that the gravy train is over and we're not going to let them take advantage of us anymore.
People in Mexico don't see this as their problem. It is not their responsible to protect the US boarder. 40% of the illegal immigrants are not even Mexican and 96% of the Mexican people do not violate our boarders.

Blaming the Mexican people for the US's inability to control their own boarder and then expecting Mexico to pay the cost is just plain wrong and a stupid knee jerk reaction.

The power structure always seeks to keep the masses focused upon some fearful threat, imagined works just as well as real.
The wall is never going to happen, there's your stupidity.

Oh, the irony...

Watch, there will be no wall.
Probably not a physical wall of concrete or steel. But a technological wall with radar and ground sensors and patrols. We can deploy the same technology we deploy for foreign countries when we defend their borders ( while refusing to defend our own so far ).

We have the technology, including stationary satellites, to deploy and protect our border just about as well as a physical wall. We probably do also need a physical wall for several miles each side of every road that crosses the border, but for most of the distance a technology wall with patrols would probably do the job.

I'm saying Trump's wall will not happen. But hey, perhaps your wall will also inhibit the flow of guns to Mexico and drugs into the US. We all espouse hating the cartels, but we are the market for the goods.
We don't need a wall. We simply need to take away their incentive to sneak in. Of course, we need a lot more security to keep out terrorists, drug cartels, human traffickers and other scum. No automatic citizenship for babies if their parents are here illegally. No welfare for non-citizens. No jobs, no benefits, and that means no more remittances sent to Mexico. Nothing except a trip back to the border.

Also, Mexico should have to take back their citizens who are criminals. They've already refused and act like the illegals who murder and commit other violent crimes belong to us once they get through the border.

Obama has ordered ICE to release criminals back onto our streets. Every single one who murdered, raped or harmed people in any way is totally the fault of those who knowingly kept them here and allowed them to roam free. Sanctuary cities are responsible for the harm to citizens by those they shield from ICE.
The drugs alone are good enough reason for a wall. While many people can claim, "they'll find a way to get drugs in" the truth is, a well fortified wall will drop shipments immediately by 90% or more. People are so focused on the illegal immigration issue that few focus on the equally human issue of heroine and crack cocaine pouring into our country and destroying lives. That needs to stop and a wall will do that.

And Mexico will pay for it.

Drugs? We, the US, is the market, we are the customers.
When the Mexican president was talking about guns coming into the U.S. he was making a direct accusation of Obama for Fast and Furious. Everyone knows that the narrative of guns sold in U.S. gun shops ending up in the hands of Mexican cartels is a Leftist myth, hence Fast and Furious.
Static thinking. You're anticipating a hostile relationship with Mexico, but Trump doesn't do hostile relationships. He will make a deal with them, one that will be as good for us as it is for them. Mexico needs the United States a whole lot more than we need them, so no, there will be no duties on U.S. goods. And the only thing that Mexico is pissed off at is that the gravy train is over and we're not going to let them take advantage of us anymore.
When a person threatens your economy and desires to shove an annual multi-billion dollar bill down your throat, that's not the act of a friend nor an ally. It's a hostile act.
The power structure always seeks to keep the masses focused upon some fearful threat, imagined works just as well as real.
They can try that strategy but it only works on the stupid and ignorant. I think most Americans are smart enough not to fall for it.
Probably not a physical wall of concrete or steel. But a technological wall with radar and ground sensors and patrols. We can deploy the same technology we deploy for foreign countries when we defend their borders ( while refusing to defend our own so far ).

We have the technology, including stationary satellites, to deploy and protect our border just about as well as a physical wall. We probably do also need a physical wall for several miles each side of every road that crosses the border, but for most of the distance a technology wall with patrols would probably do the job.
That would be a much smarter defense system which should surround the entire United States, but that's not what the "Wall" people are thinking.

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