Is Obama a Christian!


VIP Member
Jul 16, 2013
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

[ame=]Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube[/ame]

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?
There shall be no religious test for the election of a candidate to the office of the President of the United States of America.

Article 6 of the Constitution..
While many politicians, including Obama, might play up that angle, I believe that he is a Christian. I don't think being married in a church and having his daughters baptized was done just to pacify Michelle. I also love that their faith burns rdean's ass.:D
While many politicians, including Obama, might play up that angle, I believe that he is a Christian. I don't think being married in a church and having his daughters baptized was done just to pacify Michelle. I also love that their faith burns rdean's ass.:D


Had McCain become president, I could just as easily asked the question about him.
There shall be no religious test for the election of a candidate to the office of the President of the United States of America.

Article 6 of the Constitution..

The test is to win the election. At one time it would had probably impossible to get the votes to be elected president of the US without claiming to be a Christian. During today's times, not so much.
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

The Bible says that "ye shall know them by their fruits." In other words, his actions define him. So ... if race-baiting is a Christian action then perhaps he's a Christian. If stealing from successful Americans is a Christian act then perhaps he's a Christian.

But let's allow him to speak for himself:

[ame=]Obama Admits He Is A Muslim - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Barack Obama attacks religion - YouTube[/ame]
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

It would be more comforting to think that the president of the USA didn't believe anything so obviously fraudulent.
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

The Bible says that "ye shall know them by their fruits." In other words, his actions define him. So ... if race-baiting is a Christian action then perhaps he's a Christian. If stealing from successful Americans is a Christian act then perhaps he's a Christian.

But let's allow him to speak for himself:

[ame=]Obama Admits He Is A Muslim - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Barack Obama attacks religion - YouTube[/ame]

It's interesting that he says "Holly Quran"!
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

Why aren't you asking the same thing about rightwing pols who want to take food away from children but subsidize Michele Bachman and Exxon/Mobil
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

Are you a Christian and did his answer satisfy you? To me it doesn't matter one way or another. Although as a non-believer I think it's unfortunate that this is still a litmus test for eligibility to the Office. It was a big deal when a Catholic was first elected President. It will be an even bigger deal if an avowed atheist is ever elected. Might surprise me even more than the election of a black man.
Yep, I believe pres is a Christian. He is not of the evangelical or fundamentalist brand, I think.

And, yes, the electorate prefers a professed Christian.
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

It would be more comforting to think that the president of the USA didn't believe anything so obviously fraudulent.

Perhaps you would be conforted in believing that he said that he is a Christian for political purposes and not because he truly beleives. Some politicians would be happy members of the church of the Giant Pasta Monster if it would mean winning an election.
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

Why aren't you asking the same thing about rightwing pols who want to take food away from children but subsidize Michele Bachman and Exxon/Mobil

See post number 4! Also, in the above quote I refer to politians on " Both sides of the isle". Obama just happens to be our one and only current president.
If a midget gay atheist was running on a platform of fiscal conservatism that would restructure social security and Medicare, force men to feed and clothe and house all their kids and put an end to the growth of the moocher class he would be my candidate.
Politicians that wear the big "C" on their forehead SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME.
Rural southerners can spot those bull shitters from a mile away.
It's interesting that he says "Holly Quran"!

That video was an eye-opener for me when I first watched it a few years ago. It's my opinion that Obama is whatever you want him to be at any particular time (depending on the audience at that moment). In other words, he's a politician's politician. He's a chameleon. In the end, his policies, ideology, and actions define him. He's also the company he keeps.

2 Corinthians 6:14-15, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?"
Of course he's not a Christian. Real Christians don't act like he does.

Too universally empathetic? Too much "I am my brothers keeper" nonsense? Too much love thy neighbory rhetoric?

I think you really mean he is not enough an eye for an eye smite their first-born Old Testament Deuteronomic leaning type leader;

"The LORD will cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them; and you shall become troublesome to all the kingdoms of the earth. Your carcasses shall be food for all the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and no one shall frighten them away. The LORD will strike you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors, with the scab, and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed. The LORD will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of heart."

That's just a guess.
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

Are you a Christian and did his answer satisfy you? To me it doesn't matter one way or another. Although as a non-believer I think it's unfortunate that this is still a litmus test for eligibility to the Office. It was a big deal when a Catholic was first elected President. It will be an even bigger deal if an avowed atheist is ever elected. Might surprise me even more than the election of a black man.

I am a Christain. However, I can understand how someone can be an agnostic or an atheist.
It's interesting that he says "Holly Quran"!

That video was an eye-opener for me when I first watched it a few years ago. It's my opinion that Obama is whatever you want him to be at any particular time (depending on the audience at that moment). In other words, he's a politician's politician. He's a chameleon. In the end, his policies, ideology, and actions define him. He's also the company he keeps.

2 Corinthians 6:14-15, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?"

I think many politicians are just that -- a politician's politician.
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

It would be more comforting to think that the president of the USA didn't believe anything so obviously fraudulent.

Perhaps you would be conforted in believing that he said that he is a Christian for political purposes and not because he truly beleives. Some politicians would be happy members of the church of the Giant Pasta Monster if it would mean winning an election.

Unfortunately the president has to placate a lot of stupid people. I wish it were not so. More than I wish the president didn't have to prostitute himself for the Christians... that people in general were not so willfully ignorant and force all politicians that don't believe the tripe to lie to get elected.

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