is Obama going to take us over the cliff?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Does he figure he has no worries about reelection so America be damned as long as he gets his way? Brinkmanship is going to cost us dearly. Transform America indeed
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
Nope, Boehner will cave, ACA will be fully enacted and become the living embryo for a total socialism takeover of America and everyone will be happy!
His goal has always been to bring the USA down to punish it for its success and its wealth. This is all part of the plan.

If the GOP caves, the USA will have been fundamentally changed-----into a poor copy of failed european marxist socialism.

When you elect a president that hates the country, this is what you get.

I hope you libtards and the state controlled media are happy. You elected tha asshole and now he is ramming it up yours-----with sand filled vaseline.
No one ever claimed he loved America. Our only defense is to convince the masses that Obama does not have the best interest of the people in his heart and to vote against his party in the next election.

Obama is a scary man.
No one ever claimed he loved America. Our only defense is to convince the masses that Obama does not have the best interest of the people in his heart and to vote against his party in the next election.

Obama is a scary man.

If the media had done its job, the country would have known that in 2008.

I'm sure as hell no expert on congressional parlimentary procedure, but wouldn't it make sense to take regular votes on a clear CR and THEN "negotiate" if it didn't pass?

It's up to the House. All it needs to do is pass the Senate's CR without strings.
It's up to Boehner if we go over the cliff.


Wrong, Boehner has put several workable compromises on the table, its reid and obama who are refusing to do their jobs.

BTW, obama is not a fucking dictator. His job is to find common ground and keep the country moving.

Correction - Boehner was pressured by tea party stupids to tie demands on ACA to funding the government. He initially was opposed to tying ACA to funding the government.

Wrong, Boehner has put several workable compromises on the table, its reid and obama who are refusing to do their jobs.

BTW, obama is not a fucking dictator. His job is to find common ground and keep the country moving.

Correction - Boehner was pressured by tea party stupids to tie demands on ACA to funding the government. He initially was opposed to tying ACA to funding the government.

ACA is terrible law, if this it what it takes to get it delayed or changed, then so be it.

why do you think obama and reid are fighting it so hard? because they know that when the american people find out what it will do to them, they will reject it completely.

they are determined to ram it home before the people are aware of what it really is.

I'm sure as hell no expert on congressional parlimentary procedure, but wouldn't it make sense to take regular votes on a clear CR and THEN "negotiate" if it didn't pass?


They are putting forth the bills that their electorate hired them to put forth. They were not elected to bow to the opposition
For Republicans:

[ame=]I'm Just a Bill - YouTube[/ame]
Does he figure he has no worries about reelection so America be damned as long as he gets his way? Brinkmanship is going to cost us dearly. Transform America indeed
The premise of your subject line reminds me of something I think I first heard back in the 1980s. It was an argument put forth by many a man who had beaten his girlfriend. He would imply (if he didn't come right out and say it, of course) that what happened was her fault. Here is what they usually said:
"You just made me so mad."
The inference was clear. The man blamed the woman for the violence in their relationship because in his view she made him so mad that he started smacking her around because she pushed him to do it. The sad fact is that many women bought into this argument. They actually blamed themselves for the beating they received at the hands of the men they loved.

Is this what our politics have come to? A small cadre of tea party Republicans can now hold the entire country (and possibly the whole financial world) hostage to their demands? Because what I see is this:

A bill was passed by both legislative bodies, the president signed it in to law, the Supreme Court upheld it, and in an election where the law was front and center as a core issue where the GOP repeatedly stated that repealing the law was their ultimate goal, the Republican standard beared also repeatedly railed against Obamacare, and despite all that, Romney ended up losing the election by some 5 million votes. And after all that, the Republicans think they can get away with what is essentially an attempt at blackmailing the president (and the rest of the country) in to caving to their demands or they'll destroy America's credit rating if he doesn't acquiesce, and then they'll blame him for whatever happens to boot?

People who are this strident in their views and this unreasonable in their tactics deserve to be slapped down hard by the electorate because these tea party Republicans have neither the temperment nor the good judgement to lead this country unless, of course, our collective goal is to go off a cliff and we're merely looking for someone crazy enough to get behind the wheel and punch the gas in order to get as much air time as possible when the car goes flying over the edge like in "Thelma and Louise." Unfortunately, in such a case, I have this funny feeling that there would be no shortage of tea party Republicans willing to take on that job.
Does he figure he has no worries about reelection so America be damned as long as he gets his way? Brinkmanship is going to cost us dearly. Transform America indeed

Do you really believe the stupidity you're spewing, or do you know that it's stupidity and you're just doing it to troll?

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